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University Grants Commission – Code of Professional Ethics

National Medical Commission / Medical Council of India – Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics

Indian Nursing Council – Professional Code of Ethics

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct shall apply to all kinds of conduct of students that occurs on the premises of Chettinad Academy of Research and Education and constituent colleges including in University-sponsored activities, functions hosted and may have serious consequences or adverse impact on the Institute’s interests or reputation. All Students are requested to be well conversant with this Code

Dress code does not necessarily mean college uniform. A decent, smart and formal dress is what is expected in a formal place like college. It is a place where students from different backgrounds and cultures come to learn. Hence, homogeneity is imperative. A dress code brings about unity and eliminates discrimination. Chettinad Academy of Research and Education has prescribed a Dress Code for all students of various branches of study for strict adherence.

Dress Code:

CoursesDress Code
For 1st year MBBS students

For Boys:

Purple Shirt, Grey Pant, White Coat, Belt, Adidas Shoe

For Girls:

Purple Top, Grey Bottom, GreyDupatta, White Coat, Adidas Shoe
For 2nd year MBBS students

For Boys:

Blue Shirt, Brown Pant, White Coat, Belt, Adidas Shoe

For Girls:

Blue Top, Brown Bottom, Brown Dupatta, White Coat, Adidas Shoe
For 1st year B.Sc. AHS & B.Sc. 3 year students

For Boys:

Aqua Blue Shirt, Grey Pant, White Coat, Belt, Adidas Shoe

For Girls:

Aqua Blue Top, Grey Bottom, Grey Dupatta, White Coat, Adidas Shoe
For 2nd year to Final year B.Sc. AHS, B.Sc. 3 year students

For Boys:

Green Shirt, Grey Pant, White Coat, Belt, Adidas Shoe

For Girls:

Green Top, Grey Bottom, Grey Dupatta, White Coat, Adidas Shoe
For B.Sc. Nursing students

For Boys:

White Shirt, White Pant, Belt, Adidas Shoe

For Girls:

White Top, White Bottom, Grey Dupatta, Adidas Shoe
For B.Pharm students

For Boys:

Blue Shirt, Grey Pant, White Coat, Belt, Adidas Shoe

For Girls:

Blue Top, Grey Pant, White Coat, Adidas Shoe
For B.Arch. students

For Boys:

Pant –Denim, Coat – Nehru, Belt, Adidas Shoe

For Girls:

Pant –Denim, Coat -Nehru, Adidas Shoe
For B.P.T students

For Boys:

White Shirt, Kaki Pant, White Coat, Belt, Adidas Shoe

For Girls:

White Shirt, Kaki Pant, White Coat, Adidas Shoe
For Law studentsWhite full sleeve shirts, Black trousers, Black coat, Black tie (optional), Black socks and black shoes
For M.D./M.S., D.M./M.Ch. & PG Diploma in Clinical Embryology studentsFormal dress code with a white coat.


  • Students are to produce their Identity Card at the entrance and record their name and department in the register provided and also record their entry and exit on the biometric attendance in the library.
  • Students should be dressed in formal wear while using the library.
  • Library users are to maintain silence and appropriate behaviour to ensure a conducive learning environment.
  • Smoking, refreshments and cell phones are strictly prohibited inside the library.
  • Personal books are allowed on the II floor: Time: to 4.30pm. Photocopied and printed loose papers are not allowed to bring for study inside the library.
  • Bags and personal belongings should be kept in the cubicles at the entrance.
  • Do not rearrange the furniture.
  • Students are requested to take the initiative of notifying the librarian regarding defects found in books and bound volumes.


The students appearing for the University theory examinations shall be under the direct disciplinary control of the Chief Superintendent. Possession of cell phone or any electronic/digital device, wrist watches, time pieces, clocks or incriminating materials by a candidate or copying from any such device/bits of paper in the examination hall, is strictly prohibited. Non-compliance in this regard will be reckoned as using unfair means / malpractice in the University Examinations and the examinee will be liable to be punished as per the examination Rules of the University. Once the incriminating material including electronic digital devices etc., items is detected during the examination hours it will be confiscated. Disciplinary action will be initiated if any candidate indulges in any malpractice (unfair means) as enumerated in the University Examination Manual.


  • No student should possess or consume narcotic drugs (controlled substances) or liquor in the hostel or on the campus. Smoking is strictly prohibited on the entire campus. If anyone is found violating this rule, he / she will be expelled.
  • Gambling in the hostel premises is strictly prohibited.
  • No hosteller is permitted to collect money from other hostellers on any account for any purpose without the prior permission from the higher authority.
  • No one should convene/arrange/participate in any unauthorized meetings in the hostel or campus.
  • Exhibition or distribution of posters, pamphlets and notices in the hostel without permission is prohibited.
  • Vandalism and damage to hostel property in any manner is prohibited and strict disciplinary action will be taken on those found guilty.
  • Any student found without the identity card will not be allowed to stay in the hostel.
  • No student shall get into an altercation with any employees / staff for any reason. In case of any complaint, the matter should be brought to the notice of the Warden for necessary action.
  • Those who go on vacation should inform in advance in writing to the Warden the time and date of departure and the destination. They should hand over the room key to the Warden when they leave for vacation.
  • Hostellers who wish to spend the night out with their relatives or friends must produce in advance a letter of authorization from their parents / guardians permitting them to do so. On no account should they leave the hostel before they are permitted to do so.
  • The inmates who would like to stay with their local Guardians should submit a letter of request duly signed by their parents to be sent through either post or fax (no emails please) and obtain permission from the hostel warden and concerned authorities, duly furnishing the Name, Address, Telephone Numbers of the Guardian, no. of days they intend to stay out (not more than 2 days).
  • Forging of parents’ signature, untruthfulness about their whereabouts, receiving unauthorized visitors will be considered as serious offence and the student is liable for suspension / expulsion. The University/Institution will not be held responsible for any mishaps that occur under these circumstances.
  • No hosteller will employ any servant either in the room or the mess/kitchen on any account.
  • No personal servant will be allowed in the campus.


A teacher is constantly under the scrutiny of his students and the society at large. CARE expects the following code of conduct from the Faculty.

Teachers should treat colleagues in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated and consider non-teaching staff as equal partners.

Teachers to be in regular touch with the parents of the students and meet whenever necessary to discuss their performance and growth.

Teachers are to respect the right and dignity of the student in expressing his/her opinion, deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political, economic, social and physical characteristics, recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their individual needs.

Teachers try to see through teachers’ bodies and organizations, that institutions maintain contact with the guardians, their students, send reports of their performance to the guardians whenever necessary and meet them in meetings convened for the purpose of for mutual exchange of ideas and for the benefit of the institution.

Teachers to respect the right and dignity of the student in expressing his/her opinion, deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political, economic, social and physical characteristics, recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their individual needs.

Teachers should also refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues or administration.

To strengthen the community’s moral and intellectual life, take part in activities conducive to the progress of society, participate in community activities and shoulder responsibilities of public offices and refrain from any activity which promotes differences in the name of caste, faith, language etc.


Any act of misconduct or breach of discipline or misbehaviour, negligence of duty, dishonesty, indiscipline, disobedience and other similar deficiencies shall render the employee liable for disciplinary action and punishment as follows:

  • a. Warning
  • b. Fine
  • c. Stoppage of increment
  • d. Demotion to lower grade
  • e. Suspension
  • f. Discharge from service

The order of suspension shall be in writing and shall take effect immediately. On communication thereof the suspended employee shall not during the period of suspension enter the university /college /hospital premises except with special written permission of the authorities of the institution. The order of suspension shall be reviewed pending an enquiry by the competent authority.

Prohibited activities: The institute prohibits tobacco, alcohol, drug abuse and gambling in any form inside the premises. The institute strictly prohibits employees and visitors from bringing any firearm into the institute premises.

Code of Ethics

The following Code of Ethics must be read, clearly understood and has to be strictly followed by all employees and students associated with the Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE).

CARE is dedicated to excellence in the following areas:

  1. Patient care as its top priority
  2. Transformative education and training on par with international standards
  3. Research and Innovation for global acceptance

Both the faculty and its students are required to follow this Code of Ethics in their interactions with patients, faculty members, students, trainees, other staff members and the general public in order to make CARE an incredible and inspiring Institution.

The Code applies to all CARE employees who are active in clinical, teaching, research, or administrative activities. Certain sections of the Code would be more specifically applicable to certain fields than others due to its wide scope. The clinicians for example are aimed primarily with patients. Similarly, Academic and research ethics shall apply to all professionals engaged in teaching and research regardless of discipline or level of training. The student ethics are applicable to trainees at all levels irrespective of their course or school under CARE. General ethics means confidentiality, conflicts of interest, interpersonal relations and professional ideals apply to all members. When ethics and law appear to be in conflict, one should seek counsel through proper channel, one’s own professional organizations, or individually. This Code given below does not replace or supersede the policies and procedures of CARE.

Care of Patients

  • Maintain the patient’s best interests as the top priority at all times.
  • If you take over care of a patient, you are responsible for them until the health issue is resolved.
  • You have to hand over the patient to another physician if you are committed to other work.
  • When you’re not on duty or on leave, make sure your patients are well taken care of by another doctor.
  • Obtain information from the patient for all kinds of procedures, treatment protocols and diagnostic tests.
  • Follow up on laboratory studies that have been requested.
  • Complete medical information reporting in a timely and thorough manner.
  • To present a cohesive and clear care plan, coordinate with your team the timing of information exchange with patients and their families.
  • Fairly and reasonably charge patients or their insurers.
  • Don’t drink alcohol or use medications that may impair the quality of patient care.
  • Building romantic relationships with patients is not permitted.
  • Do not leave a patient alone.
  • If you are unable or unable to continue caring for the patient, you must assist in referring the patient to another qualified doctor who is willing to do so.
  • Do not withhold any treatment to a patient under any circumstances.

Respect for Humans

  • Treat patients, co-workers, other health practitioners, other employees, students, and teachers with the same level of respect that you would expect from them.
  • Kindness, gentleness, integrity, humanity, and fairness should be shown to patients.
  • Patients’ dignity and modesty should be respected.
  • When talking to patients, do not use derogatory words, either verbally or in writing.
  • Do not harass others physically, verbally, psychologically, or sexually.
  • Do not discriminate on the basis of sex, religion, race, disability, age, or sexual orientation.

Maintain Confidentiality

  • Do not share the medical or personal specifics of a patient’s history, diagnostic or therapeutic regimen, or prognosis with others
  • Do not discuss patients or their illnesses in public places where the conversation may be overheard.
  • Without sufficient reason and the patients’ permission, do not publicly recognize specific patients in words or in writing.
  • Unauthorized individuals should not be invited or allowed into the institution’s patient care areas.
  • Do not give out your personal clinic passwords to someone else.
  • If you don’t have a professional reason to know, don’t look up sensitive patient information.
  • Do not photograph or videotape a patient without the patient’s written authorization.

Trust in Patient Well-being

  • Be honest in both verbal and written correspondence.
  • Acknowledge your omissions and commissions to your coworkers and patients.
  • Clinical decisions should not be affected by psychological, institutional, or financial factors at the cost of providing the best possible medical care. Do not knowingly mislead others.
  • Do not lie, plagiarize, or behave dishonestly in any way.
  • Do not take advantage of benefits, such as charging personal expenses to the CARE.

Professional Progress

  • Be mindful of your own personal shortcomings and skills and ability gaps.
  • Know when to seek supervision, help, or consultation, and from whom.
  • Recognize when and for whom adequate supervision is needed.
  • Both patient workups and instructions should be countersigned by adequate supervision for students and other trainees.
  • When you’re sick, distraught, or overwhelmed by personal issues, stay away from patients.
  • Do not participate in unsupervised activities in areas or circumstances where you have not received enough training.

Departmental Activities

  • To patients and nurses, clearly define yourself and your professional level. When you’re in the patient room, wear your nametag.
  • Dress neatly, cleanly, and appropriately for the job.
  • Under the stresses of exhaustion, career demands, or personal issues, maintain a professional demeanour.
  • Do not introduce medical students as “Doctors”
  • Do not make any disrespectful or judgmental remarks in the patient’s chart.
  • In the presence of patients or in inappropriate environments, do not question colleagues’ medical decisions.
  • When presenting adult patients, avoid using first names without permission.

Manage Conflicts

  • When making clinical decisions, keep the patient’s best interests in mind.
  • Accept no gifts of value from drug makers, medical equipment manufacturers, or suppliers that are not educational.
  • Person reward schemes funded by drug and/or instrument firms should be avoided.
  • Do not refer patients to laboratories or other organizations with which you have a direct financial relationship.
  • Do not accept a kickback for any patient referral.

Respectful Behavior

  • Take the initiative to recognize and support disabled students, doctors, nurses, and other staff in rehabilitating themselves using all available services.
  • Notify the right person about serious violations of the Code of Ethics.
  • If you notice less serious violations, express your disapproval or seek effective intervention.

Ethics in Clinical Practice

  • You are not obligated to conduct procedures (e.g., elective abortions, medical care termination) that you feel are immoral, unlawful, or potentially harmful to patients.
  • However, you have a responsibility to advise patients and their families of all available treatment choices that are compatible with appropriate medical care standards.

Follow by Laws

  • Adhere to the regulations and policies of CARE
  • Observe all relevant laws and regulations at the local and state level.

Honesty in Research

  • Observe the institutional rules that regulate research involving human subjects and animals, and do not conduct research that jeopardizes the health, welfare, or longevity of human subjects unnecessarily.
  • In science and academic presentations accurately report research findings.
  • Offer due credit and obligation to colleagues and those who participated in the study when publishing and presenting papers.
  • Individuals that do not contribute meaningfully to the project should not be given co-authorship.
  • Report research results to the public and media in a truthful and non-exaggerated manner.
  • In science, avoid possible conflicts of interest.
  • In written and oral research presentations, disclose funding sources, company ownership, and other possible conflicts of interest.

Strengths in Clinical Practice

  • Attempt to foster and put into practise recognized therapeutic values like compassion, empathy, fortitude, righteousness, honesty, and self-effacement.


  • Complete your duties to the best of your ability.
  • If something interferes with the ability to perform clinical duties efficiently, notify the responsible supervisor.
  • Learn from your mistakes and grow from the wisdom you acquire by acknowledging them and not repeating them. Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning and self-improvement by implementing a personal program of continuing education and continuous quality improvement.
  • All assignments should be completed correctly, thoroughly, legibly, and on time by students and trainees.
  • Except for justified absences, students and trainees can attend scheduled lectures, labs, workshops, and conferences.

Collective Responsibility

  • In clinical activities, collaborate with other members of the health care team, and in research activities, collaborate with other members of the research team.
  • At all stages of education and training, teach others.
  • Give freely of your time to answer trainees’, patients’, and patients’ family members’ questions.
  • Shoulder a fair share of the institutional administrative burden.
  • Adopt a spirit of altruism and volunteerism while educating and caring for patients.

Personal Well-being

  • Establish a life style of disease prevention, exercise, and outside interests to improve physical and emotional wellbeing and maximize professional success to the extent possible in the current sense of your personal and professional life.

Public Well-being

  • Avoid spending money on health insurance that isn’t appropriate for the patient or the community.
  • Never restrict individual patient treatment in some way to save money.
  • Regardless of their willingness to pay, provide care to all patients.
  • Speak out on all social or public health problems where medical expertise is important, within the limits of your personal competence and interests.

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