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Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Institution’s Innovation Council – Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (IIC-CARE) nurtures a culture of giving wings to innovative ideas that can solve community and individual problems. CARE’s sustainable campus with interdisciplinary programmes in medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, physiotherapy, pharmacy, law, and architecture, has always encouraged ideas and innovations. Experiential learning with multiple student projects, webinars, seminars, clubs, field visits, internships, and guest lectures by industry experts brings about in learners’ creative thinking and analytical skills—a breeding ground for new ideas. IIC-CARE aims to support startups at various stages of their entrepreneurial journey through mentorship, infrastructure, and funding. It helps technological and medical ventures to carve a place and thrive in competitive markets. Proposals with strong social and significant influence are given the most preference.

Awarness program on IPR

Awarness program on IPR

Star Rating of IIC for 2021-2022

Star Rating of IIC for 2022-2023

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)


  • To establish a thriving local innovation ecosystem
  • To encourage the students and faculty members of CARE to take part in entrepreneurial journey
  • To address the societal problems and improve the livelihood of people
  • To support the national and state innovation ecosystem to create more startups from India


The primary objectives of the IIC-CARE are

  • To establish and stabilize innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem at CARE, by providing various pre-organized activities to the students and faculty members.
  • To address the underutilization of young creative minds and divert them to innovation and entrepreneurship journey.

IIC-CARE members list

Sl. No IIC designation Name Affiliation
1 Head of the Institution Dr. Sridhar R Vice Chancellor, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education
2 President Dr. Ahamed Basha Abdul Bari Professor, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, CARE
3 Vice President Dr. Hikku G S Assistant Prof., Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE
4 Convener Ms. Gayathri K C Assistant Prof., School of Physiotherapy, CARE
5 Startup Activity Coordinator Dr. Senthil P Dean and Professor, School of Physiotherapy, CARE
6 Innovation Activity Coordinator Dr. Britoraj S Associate Prof., School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CARE
7 IPR Activity Coordinator Dr. Ankush Chauhan Assistant Prof., Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE
8 Internship Activity Coordinator Dr. Lakshmi K Dean and Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CARE
9 Social Media Coordinator Ms. Ranjani T Manager – Digital Marketing, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education
10 ARIIA Coordinator Dr. Madhan K Assistant Prof., Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE
11 NIRF Coordinator Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam Head and Professor, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, CARE
12 Yukti Coordinator Ms. Manisha S Assistant Prof., School of Law, CARE
13 Member faculty Dr. Subbulakshmi S Professor & Vice Principal, Chettinad College of Nursing, CARE
14 Member faculty Dr. Saravanan R Associate Prof., Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE
15 Member faculty Dr. Haemanath P Assistant Prof., Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, CARE
16 Member faculty Dr. Namasivaya Navin R B Assistant Prof., Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, CARE
17 Member faculty Mr. Vaidyanathan G Assistant Prof., Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, CARE
18 Member faculty Mrs. Sowmiya B Assistant Prof., Chettinad College of Nursing, CARE
18 Member faculty Ar. Saravanan R Assistant Prof., Chettinad School of Architecture, CARE

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

IPR Policy of CARE

1. Aim of IPR policy of CARE

  1. To cultivate and protect academic freedom by providing a setting conducive to the pursuit of knowledge via rigorous study and investigation
  2. To encourage the development and productivity of intellectual property by promoting an inventive work environment.
  3. To develop clear policies and guidelines for the management of intellectual property that enable the Institute to leverage its knowledge for prosperity.
  4. To eliminate any ambiguity regarding the rights and duties of faculty, staff, and students, thereby securing the Institute’s members.
  5. To enable the Institute to make effective use of its intellectual property in terms of quality and performance for the benefit of both the inventors and the Institute as a whole.
  6. To disseminate the Institute’s intellectual property purposefully in order to establish a world-class academic research and teaching institution that embodies the principles of scholarship, teaching, and public service.

The IPR Policy of CARE is aimed at providing a framework that promotes innovation and creativity, ensures compliance with the relevant rules and regulations, and guides the Institute’s members on the management and protection of intellectual property. The Policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its continued effectiveness and compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.

The IPR Policy of the CARE aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To create opportunities for revenue generation by enabling the preservation and utilization of intellectual property developed by its faculty, staff, and students during their association with the Institute.
  2. To foster a culture of intellectual property rights (IPR) by implementing effective IP management approaches within the Institute that encourage its faculty and students to recognize and respect IPR.
  3. To establish a single framework for all IPR-related matters, and to create a research and innovation environment that aligns with the Institute’s educational mission.

The IPR Policy of the Institute is designed to promote an environment that supports the development of intellectual property and encourages the utilization of IPR for revenue generation. The Policy seeks to foster a culture that recognizes the importance of intellectual property and provides a framework for managing and protecting it effectively. The Institute will review the Policy periodically to ensure its continued effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

2. Scope

This policy extends to all intellectual property developed by the Institute’s faculty and staff, research scholars, students, individuals hired for sponsored research and consultancy projects, and visiting professors/scientists who engage in research and teaching on a full-time or part-time basis. Examples of intellectual property (IP) resulting from academic research include patents, designs, copyright, know-how, and other proprietary information. This policy ensures that all such IP is protected and managed in accordance with the Institute’s guidelines and procedures. The Institute reserves the right to claim ownership of any IP developed using Institute resources or during the course of employment or engagement with the Institute, subject to any agreements to the contrary. The Institute shall take appropriate measures to protect its ownership of such IP and to manage it in a manner that is consistent with its educational and research mission.

3. IPR Policy Statement

The Institute is committed to promoting, protecting, managing, and commercializing intellectual property, understanding that its fundamental objectives include teaching, research, and meeting society’s needs. To generate substantial revenue for the Institute, it may enable its employees and students to benefit from their intellectual property. Nevertheless, the Institute acknowledges and respects academic traditions and expectations.

4. Description

  1. Intellectual Property (IP) is a broad term used to describe a diverse range of knowledge-based products, including ideas, inventions, concepts, research findings, data, and methodologies, among others. It also encompasses design features, software applications, genetically modified organisms, marketing strategies, and publishable works. All of these products may be developed as a result of Institute-supported or sponsored research, industrial consultancy, or other forms of collaborative research and development. Therefore, IP represents the outcome of these endeavors.
  2. Intellectual property rights (IPR) refer to the rights associated with intellectual property (IP), such as patents, registered designs, and copy rights.
  3. The background of the study, as per the Indian Patent Act 1970, pertains to the technical knowledge and know-how that the partners of a joint Research and Development programme possess or control prior to the initiation of the programme in the same field as the program’s subject matter or in related disciplines that are essential for executing the program.

5. IP Ownership

  1. The Institute would identify the inventors or creators who have directly contributed to the intellectual property.
  2. Institute funded Research- The Institute will retain full ownership of all intellectual property rights resulting from research conducted using its resources, except in cases where such research is carried out in collaboration with other institutions/agencies or sponsored by an external agency.
  3. Any intellectual property rights arising from research projects conducted on behalf of a sponsoring agency and wholly funded by them must be registered jointly in the names of both the Institute and the sponsoring agency if the sponsoring agency shares equally in the costs of securing and maintaining the IPR registration. If the sponsoring agency declines to submit a joint IPR application, the Institute may file the application with sole ownership and assume all related expenses. When the sponsoring agency pays just a part of the research activities or when many sponsors contribute to the same project, the pooling of intellectual property rights will be determined via mutual negotiations and appropriate agreements.
  4. In case the funding agency is an industry the industry may opt the given options for sharing the IPR with CARE:
    1. As per the agreement between the Institute and the sponsoring industry, the ownership of the intellectual property rights will be retained by the industry, but they must make an initial lump sum payment and pay reasonable yearly royalties to the Institute for a predetermined time in exchange for their involvement in the project. The conditions of IPR ownership will be governed by a prior agreement between the Institute and the sponsoring industry. The sponsoring industry may choose to retain either exclusive or non-exclusive ownership of the IPR. If the industrial sponsor fails to utilize the IPR within a mutually agreed time frame, the Institute reserves the right to authorize third-party exploitation.
    2. When the Institute retains ownership of the intellectual property rights (IPR), the industrial sponsor may still retain exploitation rights, either exclusively or non-exclusively, in exchange for an initial lump sum payment and recurring yearly royalties for a predetermined time or other advantages to the Institute. However, if the industrial sponsor fails to utilize the IPR within a mutually agreed time limit, third-party exploitation may be authorized. The Institute will also maintain the right to utilize the data for additional research and development purposes.
  5. Joint Research- If the intellectual property is the result of collaborative research conducted by Institute workers with other organizations/agencies/individuals, the Institute and the collaborators will jointly own the IP. The Institute and partners shall split the costs of filing and maintaining the IPR, as well as the money earned by its commercial use, according to an agreed formula. If the partners are unwilling or unable to split the expense, the Institute may choose to file and maintain the IPR on its own. In this situation, the Institute shall choose the income sharing arrangement for commercial use of the IPR.
  6. Technology Transfer
    1. The Institute shall utilize reasonable efforts to commercialize the intellectual property rights acquired in its name or in partnership with other agencies, to the fullest extent feasible and without undue delay. The intellectual property will be sold through agreements that involve technology transfer, exclusive or non-exclusive licensing, and income sharing.
    2. The Institute will make reasonable approach to identify potential licensees for the commercial use of intellectual property (IP) in which it is the only owner. If joint ownership is established, the Institute will retain the first right to commercialize the joint intellectual property, regardless of whether it is legally protected by a patent (s). Licensing in this case would require the payment of a one-time technology transfer fee and royalty payments beginning on the first day of commercial exploitation and continuing for a mutually determined period of time. If the partner chooses not to use this option, the Institute will commercialize the IP in any manner it deems fit.
    3. The Institute may licence the intellectual property to a third party if the other organisation or company does not commence commercial exploitation of the technology within two years of its original production.
    4. The costs that the assignee must pay to the Institute include all patenting and licensing expenditures, as well as an appropriate percentage of royalties, equity, or other value earned by the inventor(s) or creator (s).
    5. The Institute’s goal would be to profit from its employees’ intellectual property (IP) creations, either by doing it on its own or by hiring a Technology Management Agency. After a certain holding time, the inventor(s)/creator(s) may request that the Institute award the rights to them.

6. Conflict of Interest

The inventor(s) must disclose any possible conflict of interest if they and/or their close family members own shares in a licensee or potential licensee firm.

A licensing or assignment of patent rights to a corporation in which the inventor(s) own a share must be approved by the IPR Cell.

7. Dispute Resolution

In the event of a disagreement between the Institute and the inventors about the Institute’s enforcement of the IP policy, the offended party may appeal to the Institute’s Chancellor. Efforts will be established to solve the offended party’s concerns. In this case, the Chancellor’s opinion would be ultimate and irrefutable.

8. IPR Policy Application

This policy must be considered a component of the terms and conditions of employment for all Institute employees and distinct from the terms and conditions of enrollment and attendance for Institute students, students in the process of enrolling, as well as all present staff and students. In addition, the Institute reserves the right to make changes to the IPR Policy when deemed necessary or appropriate. All prospective creators who engage in sponsored research and/or use Institute-supported resources must adhere to this policy and embrace the Institute’s stated principles of intellectual property ownership, unless the Institute gives a written exemption.

9. Right to IP Policy Regulation

Policy interpretation, dispute resolution, policy enforcement, and periodic policy revision recommendations to the Chancellor by way of the Registrar and Vice Chancellor shall be the purview of the IPR Cell. The Chancellor will evaluate these amendments and suggestions before making any final decisions. Every three years or sooner if there is a major shift in national policy, the IPR policy may be updated.

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami
, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, received Yukthi grant assistance from AICTE/MIC for the year 2023.

YUKTI Innovation Challenge 2023
List of Innovations eligible for grant assistance from AICTE/MIC
Sr.No Innovation ID Innovation title Team Leader Name State Recommended Amount (in Rs)
1 IR2023-861773 Flow Technologies Bokka sai mouryan reddy Telangana Rs. 6,00,000.00
2 IR2023-858233 Narpawin herbal hairoil Charulatha V.K Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,50,000.00
3 IR2022-822048 Smart Wearable Band DR. A.SIVASANGARI Tamil Nadu Rs. 4,00,000.00
4 IR2023-835200 Development of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems of Iron Using Natural Skin Permeation Enhancers Dr. Avinash R. Tekade Maharashtra Rs. 3,00,000.00
5 IR2022-779116 Cuff less BP Measurement Dr. Dhananjay Eknath Upasani Maharashtra Rs. 5,00,000.00
6 IR2022-807792 Automated level detector and alert system for IV Drip FREDIKSHA S WILSON Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
8 IR2022-786549 All-in-one Diagnostic Medical Device capable of measuring Spo2, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate , Respiratory Rate and Body Temperature. Hardik Lal Delhi Rs. 3,00,000.00
9 IR2022-810756 Bio Sim L.Dhiviyalakshmi Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
10 IR2022-797023 Cold Plasma Device for Chronic and Acute Wound healing Rajesh Kumar Gandhirajan Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
11 IR2022-814626 Lowcost Hearing Aid – Backyard Creators SAKTHI KIRUTHIKA B Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
12 IR2023-832488 Design and development of garments for post- surgery breast cancer patients Shruti Dilip Porwal Maharashtra Rs. 5,00,000.00
13 IR2022-784221 Independent Adjustable Self lifters for Elders Vishnupriya B Tamil Nadu Rs. 3,00,000.00
14 IR2023-830608 MEND Chirag Shah Maharashtra Rs. 5,00,000.00
15 IR2024-897411 Smart Saline Level Monitoring System JEEVEEKA K Tamil Nadu Rs. 4,00,000.00
16 IR2023-853846 Kadam- Drink spiking detection kit Kavya Mistry Gujarat Rs. 4,50,000.00
17 IR2023-864616 G.R.A.C.E. (Gesture Robust Arduino Controller Equipment) Panem Chaitanya Pavan Kumar Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,50,000.00
18 IR2022-787398 Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis by using low-cost colorimetric(dual) paper nano- biochip SONIA JOSEPH Karnataka Rs. 4,00,000.00
19 IR2023-856491 AIR(Asthmatics In Rescue) Suchandrahas Medamalli Andhra Pradesh Rs. 3,00,000.00
20 IR2022-787150 Rapidly Disintegrating Patches for Oral Cavity Disorders Vivek Ghate M Karnataka Rs. 4,00,000.00
21 IR2023-862328 KRISHI AYUDH-the smart weed remover arm Aasritha Telangana Rs. 2,00,000.00
22 IR2022-770453 Peanut Qualifier for Price Fixation B. Ganapathy Ram Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
23 IR2022-782877 CART-TECH BALLA SAI MRUDULA Telangana Rs. 8,00,000.00
24 IR2022-773024 Matsya The Surface Vehicle Divyang Kumar P Karnataka Rs. 5,00,000.00
25 IR2023-862491 Avapro: An ecofriendly probiotic formulation for discouraging the use of antibiotics and chemical growth hormones in poultry feed Dr. Manisha Vishal Junnarkar Maharashtra Rs. 3,00,000.00
26 IR2022-808854 SOLAR POWERED SEED SOWING MACHINE Dr.B.Karthikeyan Tamil Nadu Rs. 6,00,000.00
27 IR2022-791548 Power Research Consulting Er Navneet Sharma Himachal Pradesh Rs. 2,00,000.00
28 IR2022-807677 Plant leaf detection and classification using ANN K Sindhuja Telangana Rs. 2,00,000.00
29 IR2022-771379 FABRICATION OF ADJUSTABLE DRUM SEEDER K. Ajay Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,00,000.00
31 IR2022-782028 Shini Unicorns MATHESWARAN MM Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
32 IR2022-794946 Essential Oil Nanoemulsion encapsulated Biopolymer as an effective delivery system towards stored pest control “” N. Chandrasekaran Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,00,000.00
33 IR2023-861972 OZZE-SENSING THE FLOW pragada satwik Telangana Rs. 2,00,000.00
34 IR2023-861321 Kamadhenuvu-Hay and Water dispenser for Cattle Pundra Sudhensh Reddy Telangana Rs. 3,00,000.00
35 IR2023-861381 Terra-Smart-Compost Ratnala Sai Ganesh Telangana Rs. 2,00,000.00
36 IR2023-835995 BANAFIB – Edible Cutlery From Agricultural Bio-waste Shinduja Vetriselvan Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,00,000.00
37 IR2023-854100 Bharat Godam -Agriculture Warehouse Management and Monitoring System Shruti Mehata Gujarat Rs. 5,00,000.00
38 IR2023-861547 Ecofriendly anti-tick Phyto formulation SNEHA.E Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,00,000.00
39 IR2022-767646 AGRI CONNECT VINISH S Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,00,000.00
40 IR2024-897034 Synthesis of a cost-effective novel biopolymer stabilizer for drinking water pipelines to inhibit the corrosion Abhishek Tyagi Rajasthan Rs. 1,00,000.00
41 IR2023-835831 Manually operated Briquetting machine AJAY KUMAR CHOUBEY Delhi Rs. 5,00,000.00
42 IR2022-774980 HydroGravitiricity Anik Panja Andhra Pradesh Rs. 1,00,000.00
43 IR2022-799264 Cardamom Cleaning Machine Ansan P Sam Kerala Rs. 3,00,000.00
44 IR2022-766198 RuBisCO Nanohydrogel for CO2 sequestration Balasubramanian Velramar Chhattisgarh Rs. 2,00,000.00
45 IR2023-865114 Desert Soilification Technology DIKSHA KUMARI Rajasthan Rs. 4,00,000.00
46 IR2023-837213 Glove easy – coffee bean harvester Divagar S Assam Rs. 2,00,000.00
47 IR2022-774772 Development of Microalgal Fortified Food Products and Food Supplements Dr. Md. Akhlaqur Rahman Uttar Pradesh Rs. 3,00,000.00
48 IR2022-808334 Sustainable Sandwich Composite Circular Manhole Cover Designed for Pedestrian Networks Dr. Shilpa Pankaj Kewate Maharashtra Rs. 4,00,000.00
50 IR2023-857770 FishCrop Shivam Kumar Madhya Pradesh Rs. 3,00,000.00
51 IR2023-861018 AUTOSAP: Automated Preparation Of Seedlings Before Harvesting Suyog Patil Maharashtra Rs. 3,00,000.00
52 IR2023-885095 Hydro Energy Powered and Water Conservative Pump (HEP WaCo Pump) Wahengbam Manimatum Meitei Manipur Rs. 2,00,000.00
53 IR2023-833452 Kraftr Global lyfstyle Abhay singh solanki Karnataka Rs. 4,00,000.00
54 IR2022-818042 Oxy power filter Chinmay Patel Maharashtra Rs. 5,00,000.00
55 IR2023-856215 Bringing a Smile to Women’s faces in India with Medicated Bindis Chirantan Tanaji Sonawane Maharashtra Rs. 3,00,000.00
56 IR2023-856379 GRINDER 2.0 Devaprasath Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
57 IR2022-821626 PCM ASSISTED COLD STORAGE FLASK FOR MOTHER’S MILK Dr.N.Vasudevan Tamil Nadu Rs. 6,00,000.00
59 IR2023-865460 Portable Decoction of (Kashaya) making Machine MADHUSIVASANKARI M Tamil Nadu Rs. 4,00,000.00
60 IR2022-794465 electronic cylinder for mechanical jacquard machine nishanth Tamil Nadu Rs. 4,00,000.00
61 IR2022-771500 Spicabites S. Evangelien priyadharshini Tamil Nadu Rs. 3,00,000.00
62 IR2023-864028 INTELLIGENT AUTOMATIC ROOM FRESHNER S.Vidhya Tamil Nadu Rs. 4,00,000.00
63 IR2023-862654 Panipuri Piercing Machine Sagar Manjhi Pradesh Rs. 4,00,000.00
64 IR2023-865475 Advanced driving simulator for immersive training and safety assessment Allwin Joseph Karnataka Rs. 4,00,000.00
65 IR2022-828178 Fuel FlowMeter Ayush joshi Chhattisgarh Rs. 3,00,000.00
66 IR2022-784207 Automatic Non-Contact Sanitation for Urinals Dr Aswin Kumer S V Andhra Pradesh Rs. 5,00,000.00

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)


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About Us

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Institution’s Innovation Council – Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (IIC-CARE) nurtures a culture of giving wings to innovative ideas that can solve community and individual problems. CARE’s sustainable campus with interdisciplinary programmes in medicine, nursing, allied health sciences, physiotherapy, pharmacy, law, and architecture, has always encouraged ideas and innovations. Experiential learning with multiple student projects, webinars, seminars, clubs, field visits, internships, and guest lectures by industry experts brings about in learners’ creative thinking and analytical skills—a breeding ground for new ideas. IIC-CARE aims to support startups at various stages of their entrepreneurial journey through mentorship, infrastructure, and funding. It helps technological and medical ventures to carve a place and thrive in competitive markets. Proposals with strong social and significant influence are given the most preference.

Awarness program on IPR

Awarness program on IPR

Star Rating of IIC for 2021-2022

Star Rating of IIC for 2022-2023

Vision, Mission and Functions

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)


  • To establish a thriving local innovation ecosystem
  • To encourage the students and faculty members of CARE to take part in entrepreneurial journey
  • To address the societal problems and improve the livelihood of people
  • To support the national and state innovation ecosystem to create more startups from India


The primary objectives of the IIC-CARE are

  • To establish and stabilize innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem at CARE, by providing various pre-organized activities to the students and faculty members.
  • To address the underutilization of young creative minds and divert them to innovation and entrepreneurship journey.

IIC - CARE Constitution

IIC-CARE members list

Sl. No IIC designation Name Affiliation
1 Head of the Institution Dr. Sridhar R Vice Chancellor, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education
2 President Dr. Ahamed Basha Abdul Bari Professor, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, CARE
3 Vice President Dr. Hikku G S Assistant Prof., Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE
4 Convener Ms. Gayathri K C Assistant Prof., School of Physiotherapy, CARE
5 Startup Activity Coordinator Dr. Senthil P Dean and Professor, School of Physiotherapy, CARE
6 Innovation Activity Coordinator Dr. Britoraj S Associate Prof., School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CARE
7 IPR Activity Coordinator Dr. Ankush Chauhan Assistant Prof., Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE
8 Internship Activity Coordinator Dr. Lakshmi K Dean and Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CARE
9 Social Media Coordinator Ms. Ranjani T Manager – Digital Marketing, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education
10 ARIIA Coordinator Dr. Madhan K Assistant Prof., Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE
11 NIRF Coordinator Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam Head and Professor, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, CARE
12 Yukti Coordinator Ms. Manisha S Assistant Prof., School of Law, CARE
13 Member faculty Dr. Subbulakshmi S Professor & Vice Principal, Chettinad College of Nursing, CARE
14 Member faculty Dr. Saravanan R Associate Prof., Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE
15 Member faculty Dr. Haemanath P Assistant Prof., Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, CARE
16 Member faculty Dr. Namasivaya Navin R B Assistant Prof., Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, CARE
17 Member faculty Mr. Vaidyanathan G Assistant Prof., Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, CARE
18 Member faculty Mrs. Sowmiya B Assistant Prof., Chettinad College of Nursing, CARE
18 Member faculty Ar. Saravanan R Assistant Prof., Chettinad School of Architecture, CARE

Chettinad Innovation Centre

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Start up and Incubation Centre

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Entrepreneurship Development Cell

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Chettinad Instrumentation Facility

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

IPR Cell

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

IPR Policy of CARE

1. Aim of IPR policy of CARE

  1. To cultivate and protect academic freedom by providing a setting conducive to the pursuit of knowledge via rigorous study and investigation
  2. To encourage the development and productivity of intellectual property by promoting an inventive work environment.
  3. To develop clear policies and guidelines for the management of intellectual property that enable the Institute to leverage its knowledge for prosperity.
  4. To eliminate any ambiguity regarding the rights and duties of faculty, staff, and students, thereby securing the Institute’s members.
  5. To enable the Institute to make effective use of its intellectual property in terms of quality and performance for the benefit of both the inventors and the Institute as a whole.
  6. To disseminate the Institute’s intellectual property purposefully in order to establish a world-class academic research and teaching institution that embodies the principles of scholarship, teaching, and public service.

The IPR Policy of CARE is aimed at providing a framework that promotes innovation and creativity, ensures compliance with the relevant rules and regulations, and guides the Institute’s members on the management and protection of intellectual property. The Policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its continued effectiveness and compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.

The IPR Policy of the CARE aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To create opportunities for revenue generation by enabling the preservation and utilization of intellectual property developed by its faculty, staff, and students during their association with the Institute.
  2. To foster a culture of intellectual property rights (IPR) by implementing effective IP management approaches within the Institute that encourage its faculty and students to recognize and respect IPR.
  3. To establish a single framework for all IPR-related matters, and to create a research and innovation environment that aligns with the Institute’s educational mission.

The IPR Policy of the Institute is designed to promote an environment that supports the development of intellectual property and encourages the utilization of IPR for revenue generation. The Policy seeks to foster a culture that recognizes the importance of intellectual property and provides a framework for managing and protecting it effectively. The Institute will review the Policy periodically to ensure its continued effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

2. Scope

This policy extends to all intellectual property developed by the Institute’s faculty and staff, research scholars, students, individuals hired for sponsored research and consultancy projects, and visiting professors/scientists who engage in research and teaching on a full-time or part-time basis. Examples of intellectual property (IP) resulting from academic research include patents, designs, copyright, know-how, and other proprietary information. This policy ensures that all such IP is protected and managed in accordance with the Institute’s guidelines and procedures. The Institute reserves the right to claim ownership of any IP developed using Institute resources or during the course of employment or engagement with the Institute, subject to any agreements to the contrary. The Institute shall take appropriate measures to protect its ownership of such IP and to manage it in a manner that is consistent with its educational and research mission.

3. IPR Policy Statement

The Institute is committed to promoting, protecting, managing, and commercializing intellectual property, understanding that its fundamental objectives include teaching, research, and meeting society’s needs. To generate substantial revenue for the Institute, it may enable its employees and students to benefit from their intellectual property. Nevertheless, the Institute acknowledges and respects academic traditions and expectations.

4. Description

  1. Intellectual Property (IP) is a broad term used to describe a diverse range of knowledge-based products, including ideas, inventions, concepts, research findings, data, and methodologies, among others. It also encompasses design features, software applications, genetically modified organisms, marketing strategies, and publishable works. All of these products may be developed as a result of Institute-supported or sponsored research, industrial consultancy, or other forms of collaborative research and development. Therefore, IP represents the outcome of these endeavors.
  2. Intellectual property rights (IPR) refer to the rights associated with intellectual property (IP), such as patents, registered designs, and copy rights.
  3. The background of the study, as per the Indian Patent Act 1970, pertains to the technical knowledge and know-how that the partners of a joint Research and Development programme possess or control prior to the initiation of the programme in the same field as the program’s subject matter or in related disciplines that are essential for executing the program.

5. IP Ownership

  1. The Institute would identify the inventors or creators who have directly contributed to the intellectual property.
  2. Institute funded Research- The Institute will retain full ownership of all intellectual property rights resulting from research conducted using its resources, except in cases where such research is carried out in collaboration with other institutions/agencies or sponsored by an external agency.
  3. Any intellectual property rights arising from research projects conducted on behalf of a sponsoring agency and wholly funded by them must be registered jointly in the names of both the Institute and the sponsoring agency if the sponsoring agency shares equally in the costs of securing and maintaining the IPR registration. If the sponsoring agency declines to submit a joint IPR application, the Institute may file the application with sole ownership and assume all related expenses. When the sponsoring agency pays just a part of the research activities or when many sponsors contribute to the same project, the pooling of intellectual property rights will be determined via mutual negotiations and appropriate agreements.
  4. In case the funding agency is an industry the industry may opt the given options for sharing the IPR with CARE:
    1. As per the agreement between the Institute and the sponsoring industry, the ownership of the intellectual property rights will be retained by the industry, but they must make an initial lump sum payment and pay reasonable yearly royalties to the Institute for a predetermined time in exchange for their involvement in the project. The conditions of IPR ownership will be governed by a prior agreement between the Institute and the sponsoring industry. The sponsoring industry may choose to retain either exclusive or non-exclusive ownership of the IPR. If the industrial sponsor fails to utilize the IPR within a mutually agreed time frame, the Institute reserves the right to authorize third-party exploitation.
    2. When the Institute retains ownership of the intellectual property rights (IPR), the industrial sponsor may still retain exploitation rights, either exclusively or non-exclusively, in exchange for an initial lump sum payment and recurring yearly royalties for a predetermined time or other advantages to the Institute. However, if the industrial sponsor fails to utilize the IPR within a mutually agreed time limit, third-party exploitation may be authorized. The Institute will also maintain the right to utilize the data for additional research and development purposes.
  5. Joint Research- If the intellectual property is the result of collaborative research conducted by Institute workers with other organizations/agencies/individuals, the Institute and the collaborators will jointly own the IP. The Institute and partners shall split the costs of filing and maintaining the IPR, as well as the money earned by its commercial use, according to an agreed formula. If the partners are unwilling or unable to split the expense, the Institute may choose to file and maintain the IPR on its own. In this situation, the Institute shall choose the income sharing arrangement for commercial use of the IPR.
  6. Technology Transfer
    1. The Institute shall utilize reasonable efforts to commercialize the intellectual property rights acquired in its name or in partnership with other agencies, to the fullest extent feasible and without undue delay. The intellectual property will be sold through agreements that involve technology transfer, exclusive or non-exclusive licensing, and income sharing.
    2. The Institute will make reasonable approach to identify potential licensees for the commercial use of intellectual property (IP) in which it is the only owner. If joint ownership is established, the Institute will retain the first right to commercialize the joint intellectual property, regardless of whether it is legally protected by a patent (s). Licensing in this case would require the payment of a one-time technology transfer fee and royalty payments beginning on the first day of commercial exploitation and continuing for a mutually determined period of time. If the partner chooses not to use this option, the Institute will commercialize the IP in any manner it deems fit.
    3. The Institute may licence the intellectual property to a third party if the other organisation or company does not commence commercial exploitation of the technology within two years of its original production.
    4. The costs that the assignee must pay to the Institute include all patenting and licensing expenditures, as well as an appropriate percentage of royalties, equity, or other value earned by the inventor(s) or creator (s).
    5. The Institute’s goal would be to profit from its employees’ intellectual property (IP) creations, either by doing it on its own or by hiring a Technology Management Agency. After a certain holding time, the inventor(s)/creator(s) may request that the Institute award the rights to them.

6. Conflict of Interest

The inventor(s) must disclose any possible conflict of interest if they and/or their close family members own shares in a licensee or potential licensee firm.

A licensing or assignment of patent rights to a corporation in which the inventor(s) own a share must be approved by the IPR Cell.

7. Dispute Resolution

In the event of a disagreement between the Institute and the inventors about the Institute’s enforcement of the IP policy, the offended party may appeal to the Institute’s Chancellor. Efforts will be established to solve the offended party’s concerns. In this case, the Chancellor’s opinion would be ultimate and irrefutable.

8. IPR Policy Application

This policy must be considered a component of the terms and conditions of employment for all Institute employees and distinct from the terms and conditions of enrollment and attendance for Institute students, students in the process of enrolling, as well as all present staff and students. In addition, the Institute reserves the right to make changes to the IPR Policy when deemed necessary or appropriate. All prospective creators who engage in sponsored research and/or use Institute-supported resources must adhere to this policy and embrace the Institute’s stated principles of intellectual property ownership, unless the Institute gives a written exemption.

9. Right to IP Policy Regulation

Policy interpretation, dispute resolution, policy enforcement, and periodic policy revision recommendations to the Chancellor by way of the Registrar and Vice Chancellor shall be the purview of the IPR Cell. The Chancellor will evaluate these amendments and suggestions before making any final decisions. Every three years or sooner if there is a major shift in national policy, the IPR policy may be updated.

YUKTI Innovation Challenge 2023

Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami
, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, received Yukthi grant assistance from AICTE/MIC for the year 2023.

YUKTI Innovation Challenge 2023
List of Innovations eligible for grant assistance from AICTE/MIC
Sr.No Innovation ID Innovation title Team Leader Name State Recommended Amount (in Rs)
1 IR2023-861773 Flow Technologies Bokka sai mouryan reddy Telangana Rs. 6,00,000.00
2 IR2023-858233 Narpawin herbal hairoil Charulatha V.K Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,50,000.00
3 IR2022-822048 Smart Wearable Band DR. A.SIVASANGARI Tamil Nadu Rs. 4,00,000.00
4 IR2023-835200 Development of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems of Iron Using Natural Skin Permeation Enhancers Dr. Avinash R. Tekade Maharashtra Rs. 3,00,000.00
5 IR2022-779116 Cuff less BP Measurement Dr. Dhananjay Eknath Upasani Maharashtra Rs. 5,00,000.00
6 IR2022-807792 Automated level detector and alert system for IV Drip FREDIKSHA S WILSON Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
8 IR2022-786549 All-in-one Diagnostic Medical Device capable of measuring Spo2, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate , Respiratory Rate and Body Temperature. Hardik Lal Delhi Rs. 3,00,000.00
9 IR2022-810756 Bio Sim L.Dhiviyalakshmi Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
10 IR2022-797023 Cold Plasma Device for Chronic and Acute Wound healing Rajesh Kumar Gandhirajan Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
11 IR2022-814626 Lowcost Hearing Aid – Backyard Creators SAKTHI KIRUTHIKA B Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
12 IR2023-832488 Design and development of garments for post- surgery breast cancer patients Shruti Dilip Porwal Maharashtra Rs. 5,00,000.00
13 IR2022-784221 Independent Adjustable Self lifters for Elders Vishnupriya B Tamil Nadu Rs. 3,00,000.00
14 IR2023-830608 MEND Chirag Shah Maharashtra Rs. 5,00,000.00
15 IR2024-897411 Smart Saline Level Monitoring System JEEVEEKA K Tamil Nadu Rs. 4,00,000.00
16 IR2023-853846 Kadam- Drink spiking detection kit Kavya Mistry Gujarat Rs. 4,50,000.00
17 IR2023-864616 G.R.A.C.E. (Gesture Robust Arduino Controller Equipment) Panem Chaitanya Pavan Kumar Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,50,000.00
18 IR2022-787398 Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis by using low-cost colorimetric(dual) paper nano- biochip SONIA JOSEPH Karnataka Rs. 4,00,000.00
19 IR2023-856491 AIR(Asthmatics In Rescue) Suchandrahas Medamalli Andhra Pradesh Rs. 3,00,000.00
20 IR2022-787150 Rapidly Disintegrating Patches for Oral Cavity Disorders Vivek Ghate M Karnataka Rs. 4,00,000.00
21 IR2023-862328 KRISHI AYUDH-the smart weed remover arm Aasritha Telangana Rs. 2,00,000.00
22 IR2022-770453 Peanut Qualifier for Price Fixation B. Ganapathy Ram Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
23 IR2022-782877 CART-TECH BALLA SAI MRUDULA Telangana Rs. 8,00,000.00
24 IR2022-773024 Matsya The Surface Vehicle Divyang Kumar P Karnataka Rs. 5,00,000.00
25 IR2023-862491 Avapro: An ecofriendly probiotic formulation for discouraging the use of antibiotics and chemical growth hormones in poultry feed Dr. Manisha Vishal Junnarkar Maharashtra Rs. 3,00,000.00
26 IR2022-808854 SOLAR POWERED SEED SOWING MACHINE Dr.B.Karthikeyan Tamil Nadu Rs. 6,00,000.00
27 IR2022-791548 Power Research Consulting Er Navneet Sharma Himachal Pradesh Rs. 2,00,000.00
28 IR2022-807677 Plant leaf detection and classification using ANN K Sindhuja Telangana Rs. 2,00,000.00
29 IR2022-771379 FABRICATION OF ADJUSTABLE DRUM SEEDER K. Ajay Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,00,000.00
31 IR2022-782028 Shini Unicorns MATHESWARAN MM Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
32 IR2022-794946 Essential Oil Nanoemulsion encapsulated Biopolymer as an effective delivery system towards stored pest control “” N. Chandrasekaran Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,00,000.00
33 IR2023-861972 OZZE-SENSING THE FLOW pragada satwik Telangana Rs. 2,00,000.00
34 IR2023-861321 Kamadhenuvu-Hay and Water dispenser for Cattle Pundra Sudhensh Reddy Telangana Rs. 3,00,000.00
35 IR2023-861381 Terra-Smart-Compost Ratnala Sai Ganesh Telangana Rs. 2,00,000.00
36 IR2023-835995 BANAFIB – Edible Cutlery From Agricultural Bio-waste Shinduja Vetriselvan Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,00,000.00
37 IR2023-854100 Bharat Godam -Agriculture Warehouse Management and Monitoring System Shruti Mehata Gujarat Rs. 5,00,000.00
38 IR2023-861547 Ecofriendly anti-tick Phyto formulation SNEHA.E Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,00,000.00
39 IR2022-767646 AGRI CONNECT VINISH S Tamil Nadu Rs. 2,00,000.00
40 IR2024-897034 Synthesis of a cost-effective novel biopolymer stabilizer for drinking water pipelines to inhibit the corrosion Abhishek Tyagi Rajasthan Rs. 1,00,000.00
41 IR2023-835831 Manually operated Briquetting machine AJAY KUMAR CHOUBEY Delhi Rs. 5,00,000.00
42 IR2022-774980 HydroGravitiricity Anik Panja Andhra Pradesh Rs. 1,00,000.00
43 IR2022-799264 Cardamom Cleaning Machine Ansan P Sam Kerala Rs. 3,00,000.00
44 IR2022-766198 RuBisCO Nanohydrogel for CO2 sequestration Balasubramanian Velramar Chhattisgarh Rs. 2,00,000.00
45 IR2023-865114 Desert Soilification Technology DIKSHA KUMARI Rajasthan Rs. 4,00,000.00
46 IR2023-837213 Glove easy – coffee bean harvester Divagar S Assam Rs. 2,00,000.00
47 IR2022-774772 Development of Microalgal Fortified Food Products and Food Supplements Dr. Md. Akhlaqur Rahman Uttar Pradesh Rs. 3,00,000.00
48 IR2022-808334 Sustainable Sandwich Composite Circular Manhole Cover Designed for Pedestrian Networks Dr. Shilpa Pankaj Kewate Maharashtra Rs. 4,00,000.00
50 IR2023-857770 FishCrop Shivam Kumar Madhya Pradesh Rs. 3,00,000.00
51 IR2023-861018 AUTOSAP: Automated Preparation Of Seedlings Before Harvesting Suyog Patil Maharashtra Rs. 3,00,000.00
52 IR2023-885095 Hydro Energy Powered and Water Conservative Pump (HEP WaCo Pump) Wahengbam Manimatum Meitei Manipur Rs. 2,00,000.00
53 IR2023-833452 Kraftr Global lyfstyle Abhay singh solanki Karnataka Rs. 4,00,000.00
54 IR2022-818042 Oxy power filter Chinmay Patel Maharashtra Rs. 5,00,000.00
55 IR2023-856215 Bringing a Smile to Women’s faces in India with Medicated Bindis Chirantan Tanaji Sonawane Maharashtra Rs. 3,00,000.00
56 IR2023-856379 GRINDER 2.0 Devaprasath Tamil Nadu Rs. 5,00,000.00
57 IR2022-821626 PCM ASSISTED COLD STORAGE FLASK FOR MOTHER’S MILK Dr.N.Vasudevan Tamil Nadu Rs. 6,00,000.00
59 IR2023-865460 Portable Decoction of (Kashaya) making Machine MADHUSIVASANKARI M Tamil Nadu Rs. 4,00,000.00
60 IR2022-794465 electronic cylinder for mechanical jacquard machine nishanth Tamil Nadu Rs. 4,00,000.00
61 IR2022-771500 Spicabites S. Evangelien priyadharshini Tamil Nadu Rs. 3,00,000.00
62 IR2023-864028 INTELLIGENT AUTOMATIC ROOM FRESHNER S.Vidhya Tamil Nadu Rs. 4,00,000.00
63 IR2023-862654 Panipuri Piercing Machine Sagar Manjhi Pradesh Rs. 4,00,000.00
64 IR2023-865475 Advanced driving simulator for immersive training and safety assessment Allwin Joseph Karnataka Rs. 4,00,000.00
65 IR2022-828178 Fuel FlowMeter Ayush joshi Chhattisgarh Rs. 3,00,000.00
66 IR2022-784207 Automatic Non-Contact Sanitation for Urinals Dr Aswin Kumer S V Andhra Pradesh Rs. 5,00,000.00


Chettinad Academy of Research and Education

Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

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