844 789 2022
844 789 2022
The Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (FAHS) is a constituent unit of Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute. It has grown from a strength of 33 students in 2008 to 773 students in 2019. FAHS specifically contributes to Teaching, Learning, Research and Development and Biomedical sciences of CARE and their extension activities. This department offers B.Sc. & M.Sc. programs that are innovative and address the emerging areas in biomedical sciences. Well-designed multidisciplinary programs together with the advantage of diverse faculty members and state-of-the-art facilities graduate highly skilled experts for the healthcare industry and society. Students of FAHS are imparted critical thinking ability through passionate faculty members and live projects. In addition, students are trained to acquire interpersonal and professional communication skills and to gain awareness of professional, ethical and social responsibilities. Most interestingly, students gain first-hand research experience through a highly innovative project as a part of the curriculum that often leads to scientific publications and patents.

Principal Speak
Chettinad has a rich tradition in education that is carried forward in Allied Health Sciences. I find myself transported back to a sense of fresh beginning and infinite possibility that I had experienced. The eagerness of young but high talented minds of this generation forces us to unlearn, learn, relearn and teach. We will be together at Faculty of Allied Health Sciences in this journey.
The days where treating patients based on textbook wisdom or years of experience in treating similar symptoms are slowly being replaced with research based diagnosis and treatment. We are in an era where mankind is finding newer forms of diseases and antibiotic resistant viruses and bacteria. Doctors have to push the frontiers of knowledge, deepening our understanding of the human body and understanding the molecular mechanisms of disease from the basics. This requires technologists who can assist with the emerging technology driven solutions.
It is here that the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences comes into picture. We take clues from the challenges that a common man and the medical practitioner experience. We work in unravelling the mystery of a disease and work with you on a possible cure, whether it is through biotechnology interventions or that based on advances in Nanomedicine.
Chettinad welcomes you all to pursue that part of your learning which is research intensive, encourages innovation in you. Most importantly I thank all those who have come from various places, far and near in India and other countries to study at this University. I see many unprecedented opportunities in doctors working together with scientists bringing in opportunities for our teaching, for our research, and for a global connection and reach. You will be exposed to emerging, innovative and interdisciplinary environment. Our university is about broadening vistas and a gateway to possibilities may it be in Science and Technology or entrepreneurship. Having enrolled in this institution, make use of this unique opportunity to hone your talent in becoming a great citizen of this country. It is my great privilege to welcome you to work with FAHS – now and forever. Thank you very much.
– DR.SARAVANAN.R (Principal I/C)
500+ Graduates
100% Placement
Industry Standard Recognition