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Faculty of Allied Health Sciences - Student Life
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences - Student Life

  • 30 Acre eco-friendly campus, wifi enabled and fully secure 24×7 with access control
  • Orientation Program including campus and Industrial visits
  • Chettinad Learning Management System (LMS), a Networked Learning Environment (NLE)
  • Learning using latest AV technology including animation and gaming 
  • Library with 30000+ titles and 6000+ e-Journals 
  • Food Court, Bank counters, ATM & Beauty parlour
  • Indoor stadium, swimming pool, football and cricket grounds, tennis and basket ball courts, 400m synthetic track and gymnasium
  • 2 State-of–the-art auditoria accommodate 1200 & 500 seaters
  • Student fest “Fusion Chettinad ” an annual event 
  • “CARE KONNECT” an internal student community e-Newsletter 
  • Celebrations of important dates such as National Science day, World students’ day Teacher’s day etc. 

Sr.No. Name Programme Award Institution Particulars
1 M. Sarubala PhD Best e- Poster Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai International Conference on Stem Cell and Cancer Therapy
2 P. Sharmila Devi PhD Best e- Poster Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai International Conference on Stem Cell and Cancer Therapy
3 K. Harini MSc MBNT Best e- Poster Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai International Conference on Stem Cell and Cancer Therapy
4 B. Jayavardhini MSc MBNT TNSCT Project Scheme Award TNSCT Project Scheme Award Fabrication of sericin based nanocomposites with angiogenic property for
treating ischemic diseases
1 B. Jayavardhini MSc MBNT Summer Research Intern Fellowship IIT Madras Internship
2 Anushka Banerjee BSc MBT Summer Research Intern Fellowship International Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology,
New Delhi
3 P Sharmila Devi PhD Poster VISTAS
4 Athira Anirundhan PhD Beat Oral Presentation B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent institute of science and technology Sepsis Diagnosis
1 Manigandan. V PhD Second Prize in Oral presentation Sathyabama University National conference on recent advances in zebrafish immunology
2 Rathi Usha II M Sc MBNT Best Scientific Paper Saveetha University Paper presentation, 2nd International Conference on Novel Approaches in
Cancer Research & Therapy (NACRAT -2017)
3 Geeva PhD Best Scientific Paper Saveetha University Paper presentation, 2nd International Conference on Novel Approaches in
Cancer Research &
Therapy (NACRAT -2017)
4 Subitha P PhD Best Scientific E- poster Saveetha University Poster presentation, 2nd International Conference onNovel Approaches in Cancer
Research & Therapy (NACRAT -2017)
5 Ganesan J II MSc MBT Best Scientific E- poster Saveetha University Poster presentation, 2nd International Conference onNovel Approaches in Cancer
Research & Therapy (NACRAT -2017)
6 Manigandan V PhD CSIR,SRF Fellowship CSIR Government of India
7 Sai Nivethitha MSc. TERM Best Oral presentation Hindustan University Best Oral presentation in National Seminar on Advanced Biomaterials and
1 Madhumala G &Sushmitha S PhD & MSc MBT- 2015-17 Batch First prize Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Bharath University,
Poster presentation- International Conference on „Recent Advances in
Modern Medicine: molecular signaling scenarios in tissues and diseases‟
2 Najim Akhtar M.Sc.(MBNT) 2014-16 Batch First Prize- Dr.

MGR Centenary Award

Dr. MGR Janaki College of Arts and Science for Women,


International Conference on “Modern Diagnostic Tools in Health
3 Gnanakumar P PhD First Prize- Dr. MGR Centenary Award Dr. MGR Janaki College of Arts and Science for Women, Chennai Poster presentation – International Conference on “Modern Diagnostic
Tools in Health Sciences‟
4 Manigandan V PhD Best Poster


Sathyabama University, Chennai National Conference on New Trends in Biomedical and Pharmaceuticals
of Marine Natural Products
5 Sai Nivedita, M.Sc. Tissue Culture PG Indira Gandhi Scholarship

forsingle girl child

20 Sanjay KisanMetkar, PhD National Fellowship UGC For higher education (NFHE) of ST students to pursue


23 P. Gnanakkumaar PhD First Prize Avidadham‟16- International

Conference on Recent

Poster presentation, “Association of Lipid Metabolism
24 Pragyan Paramita and S. Dinesh Kumar, M.Sc. (2014- 16 Batch) Second Prize Avidadham‟16- International Conference on Recent Advances in Diagnosis
and Treatment of Metabolic Disorders, Anna University
Poster presentation – Inhibition of Colorectal Cancer Cell line
Proliferation Through Induction of Apoptosis via Caspase-3 Activation Using Cationic Liposome
22 Vasanthi M PhD Second Prize BS Abdur Rahman University, Chennai International Conference on Recent Discoveries of Diabetic Biomarkers
and Challenges Ahead (ICDB‟15),
23 Mr. Gnanakkumaar P Ph.D. Rajiv Gandhi National


UGC, Govt. of India Students with Disabilities to pursue M.Phil / Ph.D. Degree
24 R Ashwini BSc AHS Excellence Award- II Prize Society of Dialysis Technologists and Paramedicals
25 R. Karthick PhD Poster presentation International conference on Frontiers and Challenges in Healthcare,
Biotechnology and Food Processing Technology,
Anna university,Chennai
Structural Characterization and Avian Anti – microbial Activity of
Posterior Salivary Gland Toxin from Sepia Pharaonis Ehrenberg 1831 (Poster)


Student Life

  • 30 Acre eco-friendly campus, wifi enabled and fully secure 24×7 with access control
  • Orientation Program including campus and Industrial visits
  • Chettinad Learning Management System (LMS), a Networked Learning Environment (NLE)
  • Learning using latest AV technology including animation and gaming 
  • Library with 30000+ titles and 6000+ e-Journals 
  • Food Court, Bank counters, ATM & Beauty parlour
  • Indoor stadium, swimming pool, football and cricket grounds, tennis and basket ball courts, 400m synthetic track and gymnasium
  • 2 State-of–the-art auditoria accommodate 1200 & 500 seaters
  • Student fest “Fusion Chettinad ” an annual event 
  • “CARE KONNECT” an internal student community e-Newsletter 
  • Celebrations of important dates such as National Science day, World students’ day Teacher’s day etc. 

Student Achievements

Sr.No. Name Programme Award Institution Particulars
1 M. Sarubala PhD Best e- Poster Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai International Conference on Stem Cell and Cancer Therapy
2 P. Sharmila Devi PhD Best e- Poster Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai International Conference on Stem Cell and Cancer Therapy
3 K. Harini MSc MBNT Best e- Poster Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai International Conference on Stem Cell and Cancer Therapy
4 B. Jayavardhini MSc MBNT TNSCT Project Scheme Award TNSCT Project Scheme Award Fabrication of sericin based nanocomposites with angiogenic property for
treating ischemic diseases
1 B. Jayavardhini MSc MBNT Summer Research Intern Fellowship IIT Madras Internship
2 Anushka Banerjee BSc MBT Summer Research Intern Fellowship International Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology,
New Delhi
3 P Sharmila Devi PhD Poster VISTAS
4 Athira Anirundhan PhD Beat Oral Presentation B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent institute of science and technology Sepsis Diagnosis
1 Manigandan. V PhD Second Prize in Oral presentation Sathyabama University National conference on recent advances in zebrafish immunology
2 Rathi Usha II M Sc MBNT Best Scientific Paper Saveetha University Paper presentation, 2nd International Conference on Novel Approaches in
Cancer Research & Therapy (NACRAT -2017)
3 Geeva PhD Best Scientific Paper Saveetha University Paper presentation, 2nd International Conference on Novel Approaches in
Cancer Research &
Therapy (NACRAT -2017)
4 Subitha P PhD Best Scientific E- poster Saveetha University Poster presentation, 2nd International Conference onNovel Approaches in Cancer
Research & Therapy (NACRAT -2017)
5 Ganesan J II MSc MBT Best Scientific E- poster Saveetha University Poster presentation, 2nd International Conference onNovel Approaches in Cancer
Research & Therapy (NACRAT -2017)
6 Manigandan V PhD CSIR,SRF Fellowship CSIR Government of India
7 Sai Nivethitha MSc. TERM Best Oral presentation Hindustan University Best Oral presentation in National Seminar on Advanced Biomaterials and
1 Madhumala G &Sushmitha S PhD & MSc MBT- 2015-17 Batch First prize Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Bharath University,
Poster presentation- International Conference on „Recent Advances in
Modern Medicine: molecular signaling scenarios in tissues and diseases‟
2 Najim Akhtar M.Sc.(MBNT) 2014-16 Batch First Prize- Dr.

MGR Centenary Award

Dr. MGR Janaki College of Arts and Science for Women,


International Conference on “Modern Diagnostic Tools in Health
3 Gnanakumar P PhD First Prize- Dr. MGR Centenary Award Dr. MGR Janaki College of Arts and Science for Women, Chennai Poster presentation – International Conference on “Modern Diagnostic
Tools in Health Sciences‟
4 Manigandan V PhD Best Poster


Sathyabama University, Chennai National Conference on New Trends in Biomedical and Pharmaceuticals
of Marine Natural Products
5 Sai Nivedita, M.Sc. Tissue Culture PG Indira Gandhi Scholarship

forsingle girl child

20 Sanjay KisanMetkar, PhD National Fellowship UGC For higher education (NFHE) of ST students to pursue


23 P. Gnanakkumaar PhD First Prize Avidadham‟16- International

Conference on Recent

Poster presentation, “Association of Lipid Metabolism
24 Pragyan Paramita and S. Dinesh Kumar, M.Sc. (2014- 16 Batch) Second Prize Avidadham‟16- International Conference on Recent Advances in Diagnosis
and Treatment of Metabolic Disorders, Anna University
Poster presentation – Inhibition of Colorectal Cancer Cell line
Proliferation Through Induction of Apoptosis via Caspase-3 Activation Using Cationic Liposome
22 Vasanthi M PhD Second Prize BS Abdur Rahman University, Chennai International Conference on Recent Discoveries of Diabetic Biomarkers
and Challenges Ahead (ICDB‟15),
23 Mr. Gnanakkumaar P Ph.D. Rajiv Gandhi National


UGC, Govt. of India Students with Disabilities to pursue M.Phil / Ph.D. Degree
24 R Ashwini BSc AHS Excellence Award- II Prize Society of Dialysis Technologists and Paramedicals
25 R. Karthick PhD Poster presentation International conference on Frontiers and Challenges in Healthcare,
Biotechnology and Food Processing Technology,
Anna university,Chennai
Structural Characterization and Avian Anti – microbial Activity of
Posterior Salivary Gland Toxin from Sepia Pharaonis Ehrenberg 1831 (Poster)



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