1. Central Research Laboratory / Central Research Facility
CARE provides multidisciplinary research facility in the field of biotechnology, nanotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry, and genetics. Central research facilities, which are centralized, shared research resources that give access to the researcher to utilize the instruments and technologies available in the university. It also provides high quality service and technical support to enhance the knowledge about the facility. The availability of the resources, make it possible to do a good quality research. Instrumentation facility of university provides sample processing, storage, qualitative and quantitative analysis. The clear guidance will be given to the students/scholars, who engaged in research work. The good research facility will break the barrier and gives freedom to expertise and empower the knowledge.
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Click here for Additional Information: Instrumentation Facility
2. Animal House
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) caters to the educational needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students of medical, dental and allied health specialties. It provides immense opportunity for the research scholars to pursue their research.
To encourage the preclinical research, animal house facility was established in the year 2006 and is registered with CPCSEA (944/Po/Re/S/06/CPCSEA/ JUNE30,2006). The building is centrally airconditioned and is fitted with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to control the spread of aeroallergens to adjacent spaces and to provide biocontainment. Animal house contains all facilities for maintenance of and experimentation on laboratory animals. Facility is well maintained by a fulltime veterinary doctor and trained technician and is upgraded from time to time according to the CPCSEA guidelines.
The following facilities are available in the animal house to facilitate animal research:
- Quarantine rooms for animals
- Autoclave room with wall mounted autoclave
- Separate rooms for housing rats, mice and rabbits
- Experiment room (Blood collection, injections, surgery and necropsy)
- Biosafety level III cabinet
- Deep freezer (-20°C)
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3. Medicinal Plant Garden
A medicinal plants garden with a total area of 7788 sq.ft. has been developed in the year 2017 at the university campus. The garden houses a live collection of over 100 species of different foliage and flowering medicinal plants. The garden maintains variety of herbs, shrubs and trees in a well-defined space. The garden has descriptive label for the plants containing botanical name, vernacular name, family, parts used, medicinal use and mode of propagation.
The plants grown are useful in training the undergraduate and postgraduates of medicine and pharmacy programs. It provides a stimulus for herbal drug and natural product related research by postgraduate and doctoral students.
Diverse collection of plant species in the garden gives a serene atmosphere and a visual retreat to the visitors.
Some of the foliage medicinal plants available at the garden:
S.No. | Botanical name |
1. | Wedeliatrilobata |
2. | Dracaena pinguicula |
3. | Mimosa pudica |
4. | Datura stramonium |
5. | Vitex negundo |
6. | Cassia auriculata |
7. | Aloe barbadensis |
8. | Solanum torvum |
9. | Achyranthes aspera |
10. | Andrographis paniculata |
11. | Cymbopogon citratus |
12. | Jatropha curcas |
13. | Asparagus officinalis |
14. | Alternanthera sessilis |
15. | Pisonia grandis |
16. | Ocimumbasilicum |
17. | Hemidesmus indicus |
18. | Ixora coccinea |
19. | Abutilon indicum |
20. | Solanum trilobatum |
21. | Aervalanata |
22. | Coleus scutellarioides |
23. | Solanum nigrum |
24. | Catharanthus roseus |
25. | Clitoriaternatea |
26. | Hibiscus rosa-sinensis |
27. | Ipomoea batatas |
28. | Chamaecostuscuspidatus |
29. | Cynodondactylon |
Some of the flowering medicinal plants available at the garden:
S.No. | Botanical name |
1. | Nerium oleander |
2. | Portulaca grandiflora |
3. | Gomphrena globosa |
4. | Cosmos bipinnatus |
5. | Eclipta Alba |
6. | Jasminum auriculatum |
7. | Rosa rubiginosa |
8. | Tabernaemontanadivaricata |
9. | Passiflora foetida |
10. | Nyctanthesarbor-tristis |
11. | Allamanda cathartica |
12. | Jasminum grandiflorum |
13. | Jasminum Sambac |
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4. Museum
CARE under the faculty of medicine houses five museums namely Anatomy, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology and Forensic museums. These museums are basically established to impart knowledge to the students of medicine, dental, pharmacy, physiotherapy and allied health sciences programs. In addition, it is well utilized by the school and college students of Chennai city. All these museums have individual bays for self study and regularly used for small group teaching. These museums are wonderful learning tools and a depository of knowledge maintained meticulously by the respective departments.
Anatomy Museum
It houses a good collection of wet and dry mounted gross anatomy specimens segregated regionally. In addition, it contains osteology, embryology, neuroanatomy sections and special section on cross-sectional anatomy and comparative anatomy. This museum has regular visitor from the schools and colleges nearby to view the healthy human body parts and internal organs. The facility is well maintained and new specimens are added every year to make visit to this museum worthwhile to every student.
Seating capacity: 50
The highlights of Anatomy museum are:
- Mounted specimens – 389
- Models – 59
- Articulated skeleton – 10
- Disarticulated skeleton – 45
- MRI and CT films – 20
Pathology museum
The museum has good collection of diseased organs and tissues from all regions of the body with their complete history. This museum is used routinely for regular study and for practical examinations of medical and other allied health science programs. The museum is regularly updated to reflect the changing of disease pattern in our society.
Seating capacity: 100
The highlights of Pathology museum are:
- Mounted specimens – 300
- Other specimens – 500
- Catalogues – 25
Microbiology museum
Microbiology museum has specimens and charts pertaining to mycology, parasitology, virology, bacteriology, immunology and biomedical waste segregation and disposal.
Seating capacity: 80
The highlights of Microbiology museum are:
- Mounted specimens – 40
- Charts – 95
- Models – 88
- Catalogues – 35
Pharmacology museum
Museum contains a section on history of medicine with the photograph of eminent scientists and their contribution. The drug specimens are arranged system wise. In addition, there is a section on medicinal plants contains photographs of herbs with description of their medicinal properties.
Seating capacity: 80
The highlights of Pharmacology museum are:
- Specimens – 500
- Charts – 45
- Models – 10
- Catalogues – 30
Forensic medicine museum
Museum is well organized into different sections of skeletons, weapons, toxicology specimens, medico-legal photographs, and histo-pathological specimens. In addition, various types of poisonous and non-poisonous snakes, scorpions are mounted as wet specimens aiding in their identification. The specimens and exhibits are systematically catalogued for better understanding.
Seating capacity: 50
The highlights of Forensic medicine museum are:
- Medicolegal specimens – 136
- Dry specimen – 34
- Weapons & Prototype fire arms – 29
- Charts – 36
- Photographs – 47
- Wax models – 20
- Catalogues – 25
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5. Media laboratory / Business Lab / e-resource Studios
CARE envisaging the importance of information technology in the teaching-learning process has established an e-resource studio in the year 2017. This is to facilitate the creation of high-quality e-learning resources for academic purpose. The studio is equipped with all pre-production, production and post-production facilities. The studio has latest high-quality audio-visual recording equipment, special light panels and required furniture. For post-production the studio is equipped with computers and necessary editing software. It is manned by qualified technicians and software engineers.
This studio is a useful resource centre for production of lecture videos, MOOC lessons, and uploading of learning materials on social media platforms and improving the teaching practices of faculty.
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6. Research / Statistical Databases / Health Informatics
Health informatics is one of the rapid developing fields, which utilizes the modern technology to enhance the health care system and to solve medical issues. In Global perspective, it comprises of computer science, informatics, and health care. Health care system has facing issues due to increased population, complex health care services, resources availability. Health informatics plays a major role to improve the data acquisition, retrieval, storage, and make use of the resources. To provide good medical services to larger group of population is still challenging, which needs innovative methods to rectify the issues. Advanced software application of CARE enhances the quality of research.
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7. Clinical Trial Centre
Clinical trials are type of clinical studies where human participants are employed to test the safety and effectiveness of medical interventions, devices and diagnostic methods. These studies are carried out following the ethical guidelines issued by the competent authority.
India has become a desirable destination for conduct of Global clinical research owing to the diversified gene pool of the participants, availability of skilled professionals and affordable cost. Clinical Trial Centre has been established at Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) in the year 2009 to involve physicians in scientific and evidence-based medicine. Since its inception, numerous clinical research projects including several randomized clinical trials are currently in progress. Institutional Human Ethics Committee constituted with reputed scientists is in place to scrutinize the clinical studies proposals and the same is duly registered with Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO). In addition, CARE Institutional review board (IRB) is registered with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In order to carry out laboratory tests as a part of clinical research projects at international standards, CARE is equipped with NABL accredited diagnostic labs.
Clinical Trial Centre has conducted clinical trials in the following areas: Diabetes mellitus, Asthma, Pulmonary fibrosis, Acne vulgaris, Rh-incompatibility, Osteoarthritis, vaccines trials and SARS-COVID19.
Clinical Trial Centre works in collaboration with the following top pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations: MedRegen, Daewoong Pharmaceuticals, Mankind, Clear Creek Bio,Vicore, Ampio, Lifecell, Catawba research India, AzurRx BioPharma, Lambda, Evergreen Therapeutics, Sandoz, Bharat serums and vaccines, and Biological E.
The list of clinical trials conducted at CARE are given below:
1. | A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel group, phase 2/3, multicenter trial investigating the efficacy and safety of C21 as add on to standard of care in adult subjects with COVID-19 | Vicore | |
2. | A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo Controlled Phase II Study to Evaluate theSafety and Efficacy of Inhaled Ampion in Adults with Respiratory Distress due to COVID-19 | Ampio | |
3. | Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Human Umbilical Cord DerivedMesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) in Patients with Moderate toSevere SARS-CoV-2 Infection (SpO2 ≤94% and Respiratory Rate≥ 24 per minute): An Adaptive, Seamless Phase-1/Phase-2,Prospective, Open-labelled, Multi-center Study | LifeCell international pvt Ltd. | |
4. | Dr.Arunkumar Radhakrishnan | A Randomized, Open label, Prospective, Three Arm, Parallel, Multicenter study toEvaluate Efficacy and Safety of Metformin with / without Concomitant Administration ofThymoquinone in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. | Lambda |
5. | A Phase IIa, Adaptive, Double Blind,Randomized, Placebo Controlled, Multi-Center Study in Hospitalized Patients Infected with Severe and Critical SARS-CoV-2 to Assess the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Efficacy of MRG-001 | MedRegen | |
6. | An Open label, Multi-center, Single arm, Phase I Study to Evaluate theSafety, Tolerability, Pharmacodynamics (PD) and Efficacy ofDWRX2003 (Niclosamide IM Depot Injection) following IntramuscularAdministration in COVID-19 Patients | Daewoong Pharmaceutical (India) Pvt. Ltd. Mankind Pharma Limited, India |
7. | A Multi-center, Observer-blind, Randomized, Controlled, Cross-over Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Immunogenicity and Safety of Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Trimeric S-proteinSubunit Vaccine (IP), Administered as a Booster Dose to Adults, who Previously Received primary series of a COVID-19 Vaccine | ||
8. | India DISulfiram for COvid-19 (I-DISCO) Trial | MU2SF University of California, San Francisco |
The CCB-CRISIS-04 Study: A phase II, randomized, assessor-blind, multicenter,multi-dose, placebo-controlled study assessing the safety and anti-coronavirusresponse of brequinar combined with dipyridamole in patients with mild to moderateSARS-CoV-2 infection.Clear Creek Bio, Inc.10.
A prospective, pilot, clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of COLchicineforimprovement of clinical outcomes during COronaVirus (COVID-19) disease treatment in high-risk Indian patients
11.Dr.Durga KrishnanA Randomized, Multi-Center, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Ivermectin 400mcg/kg for the Treatment of Non-Hospitalized Patients with Mild to Moderate Symptoms of SARS‐CoV‐2(COVID-19)Catawba research india PVT.12.
A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Parallel group, Multicentric,Phase-III clinical trial to the evaluate efficacy and safety of 0.1% Nasal Spray in Patients withmild1 COVID-19 infection.
RESERVOIR: A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-ControlledStudy on the Safety and Efficacy of Niclosamide in Patients with COVID-19 withGastrointestinal InfectionAzurRx BioPharma, Inc.14.
A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Two-armStudy to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of HydroxyprogesteroneCaproate Intramuscular Injection Plus Dexamethasone Compared toDexamethasone Alone in Patients with Moderate/Severe (Non-intubated, Non-mechanical Ventilation) COVID-19 PneumoniaEvergreen Therapeutics, Inc.15.
A multi-centric, phase-II, randomized, open label clinicalstudy to evaluate efficacy, safety and tolerability ofNIclosamide for the treatment of hospitalized COronaVirusDisease (Covid-19) patients.Insignia Clinical Services Pvt. Ltd.16.
Efficacy and safety of ES16001 in patients with COVID-19: a phase II/III,multinational, randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlledstudy
Clinical Equivalence Study of Budesonide/Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate from Test &Reference Metered Dose Inhaler in Patients with AsthmaSandoz, a Novartis Division
18.Dr.Meenakshi NA Phase 2, Multi-Centre, Open-Label, Single-Arm Trial Investigating the Safety, Efficacyand Pharmacokinetics of C21 in Subjects with Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisVicore Pharma AB
19.Dr.JayakarThomasAcne vulgarisCatawba research india PVT.20.Dr.Sherry AngelA Prospective, Multi-centre, Phase IV study for Post-Marketing SafetyEvaluation of Recombinant Anti-Rho(D) immunoglobulin in the prevention ofMaternal Rh-isoimmunizationBharat serums and vaccines LTD21.
A Prospective, Randomised,Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled, Phase-II by III Study to Evaluate Safety, Reactogenicity,Tolerability and Immunogenicity of Corbevax Vaccine in Children and AdolescentsBiological E Limited22.Dr.AlexanderMannuA single blind randomised active-controlled Phase-III study to evaluateimmunogenicity, safety, tolerability of a candidate 14-valent pneumococcalpolysaccharide conjugate vaccine administered to 6-8 weeks old healthy IndianInfants in 6-10-14 weeks dosing schedule.Biological E Limited23.Dr.Subramaniam M.HA Randomized, Double-Blind, Multicenter, Phase III Trial to Evaluatethe Efficacy and Safety of XXX Compared with XXX and Placebo forPatients with Osteoarthritis.
24.Dr.JaishreeVasudevanA Randomized, Controlled, Dose-finding, Observer-Blind, Phase 2/3 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Reactogenicity and Immunogenicity of CpG/Alum-adjuvanted Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Trimeric S-protein Subunit Vaccines (IP) in Children < 18 years of age
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List of Instrument Details
S. No. | Instrument Name | Model & Company |
1 | ELISA Plate Analyser | Robonik (Readwell Touch, RT0181218RBK) |
2 | Weighing Balance | Wensar (PGB 200) |
3 | -20 Degree Single Door Deep Freezer 200 Litre | Blue Star (CF4-225DSW) |
4 | Vortex Mixer | Remi (CM 101) |
5 | Vertical Electrophoresis Unit | Medox |
6 | Binocular Microscope | ESAW (TM-01) |
7 | Portable Small Distilled Water Unit | |
8 | Double Door Refrigerator | Whirlpool (NEO DF278PRM) |
9 | Microwave | Electrolux |
10 | Table top Centrifuge | Tarsons (Spinwin MC-01) |
11 | pH Meter | Susima (MP-1 Plus) |
12 | -20 Degree Deep Freezer | Blue Star (CHF425) |
13 | Centrifuge | Remi (R-8C) |
14 | Water Bath | Remi (RSB-12) |
15 | Liquid Nitrogen Cylinder | Cryocan (BA-20) |
16 | Biosafety Cabinet (cell culture) | Biobase (BSC-1300 II B2-X) |
17 | Binocular Microscope | Olympus (CKX41) |
18 | Centrifuge | Remi (R-8M-PLUS) |
19 | CO2 Incubator | New Brunswick (CO170S) |
20 | Dell workstation | |
21 | Dell desktop system | |
22 | Microcentrifuge | REMI, RM 03 plus |
23 | Egg Incubator, (50 egg capacity) | Jeevan Egg Incubator -fully automatic |
24 | FREEZE DRYER; Lark Innovative Fine Teknowledge | [Penguin Classic] |
26 | ESPIN NANO; PICO Instruments [V1-VH] | |
27 | EZspin-A1 | Apex Instruments |
28 | Bio safety cabinet (GENLAF BSA-1200) – CLG/ME/0350 | |
29 | HERAcell CO2 Incubator (HERAcell Vios160i) | Thermo Scientific – CLG/ME/0351 |
30 | Accuscope | Inverted Microscope – CLG/ME/0353 |
31 | Magnetic stirrer | REMI – 1MLH |
32 | Table top centrifuge | REMI – CLG/ME/0352 |
33 | Mini Submarine Gel Electrophoresis | MEDOX |
34 | Live GEL viewer Mini Visualization system | MEDOX |
35 | Egg Incubator | BRAMA |
36 | MICROFUGE small (D1008U) | DILAB |
37 | Magnetic Stirrer | Remi 2MLH |
38 | Magnetic Stirrer | TarsonsMC 02 |
39 | Heating Mantel CAP 500 ml | |
40 | Lyophilizer SSLPL LTP 046 | |
41 | Rotary Evaporator | LabQuest |
42 | Hot Air Oven | Ausco |
43 | Weighing Balance | |
44 | Distillation Unit | BST 007 |
45 | Western Blot | Medox |
46 | Power pack | Medox |
47 | Electrophoresis Unit | Medox |
48 | Homegenizer | Remi RQ 124 A |
49 | Magnetic Stirrer | Labquest Borosil, HLS200 |
50 | Refrigerator | Whirlpool, |
51 | Spin Coater | Harrier Enterprises, HSC-9999 |
52 | Hot air oven, Thermostat Yorco hot air sterilization, IS:3119 | |
53 | Uv- Spectroscopy – Labman, LMSP-UV1000B, Pc monitor | Lenovo I5 |
54 | Photochemical Reactor- water chiller | Harrier enterprises |
55 | Orbital Shaking Incubator | Remi |
56 | Rotary Evaporator – Water chiller, Being | |
57 | Muffle Furnace | SISCON |
58 | Hydrothermal | Harrier Enterprises |
59 | Centrifuge | Remi, R-8C |
60 | Cooling centrifuge | (Eppendorf) |
61 | Thermomixer | (Eppendorf) |
62 | Smart blocks (24*1.5ml),(8*5ml) (96*0.1ml) | (Eppendorf) |
63 | Bacteriological incubator | (Rivotek) |
64 | Weighing balance | (Shimadzu) |
65 | pH meter | (Susima) |
66 | Tabletop centrifuge | (REMI) |
67 | Vortex Mixer | (REMI) |
68 | Ice machine | (King lab) |
69 | Electrophoresis unit (Horizontal ) | (BioRad) |
70 | Western Blotting apparatus | (BioRad) |
71 | UV Transilluminator | (Medox) |
72 | Probe type Ultra-sonicator | (Sonics) |
73 | Bio- Safety cabinet class II B2 type | |
74 | Fume Hood | |
75 | Opaque viscometer (LAMY Rheology) | |
76 | Digital water bath | (REMI) |
77 | Digital hot plate with magnetic stirrer | (REMI) |
78 | Digital Incubator | |
79 | Samsung front load washing machine | (Samsung) |
80 | Labomed DNT prima basic model floor stand/ max optical instruments/ 9018 | |
81 | Woodpecker RVG sensor size-1/ surident | |
82 | Carestream RVG sensorsize@1/ surident | |
83 | Spinwin MC-006 place rotor for 1.5 mL tub 2 place rotor for 8*200 µL tube strips/ tarsons/ 1010 | |
84 | Spinton – digital magnetic stirrer hot plate, top plate size: 18*18 cm, top plate material ceramic/ tarsons/ 6040 | |
85 | Rotorspin – Rotary mixer spare bar for 50*1.5 mL tube/ tarsons/ 3090X | |
86 | Spinix – Vortex shaker MC-01 with speed control and oval magnetic stirrer each 1 pack/ tarsons/ 3020 | |
87 | pH Meter | Deep vision |
88 | Water Bath | Technico |
89 | Magnetic Stirrer with hot plate | SPINOT |
90 | Incubator | Technico |
91 | Laminar air flow | Clean air |
92 | Orbital Shaking Incubator | Remi |
93 | Rotary Pump Rockyvac 600 | Tarsons |
94 | Distillation Unit steel type | |
95 | Desiccator | |
96 | Refrigerator (steel type custom made) 2 door | |
97 | Water Bath RSB-12 | Remi |
98 | Binocular Microscope Magnus | Magnus |
99 | Vortex CM101 | Remi |
100 | -80 Deep Freezer – New brunswick U410 premium | Eppendorf |
101 | Microwave Oven | Electrolux |
102 | Electrophoresis power supply (0-500v) (0-250v) (0-250v) | Medox |
103 | Water Bath | Technico |
104 | Multispin | Tarsons |
105 | Hot Air Oven | Technico |
106 | Cyclo mixer CM101 | Remi |
107 | Table top Centrifuge | Spinwin |
108 | Incubator | The ILE.Co. |
109 | Binocular Microscope | Magnus |
110 | Colony Counter Digital | Medica Instrument |
111 | Biosafety Cabinet | Biobase 1300 2B2X |
112 | Mini Centrifuge | Spinwin |
113 | Incubator | technico |
114 | Fluorescent Microscope with Computer | BX-51 Olympus |
115 | Laminar air flow | Clean air |
116 | Students Microscope | Olympus |
117 | Mastercycler gradient | Eppendorf |
118 | PCR | Applied biosystems |
119 | UV-Vis Spectrometer with computer | UV-1800 Shimadzu |
120 | Gel Imaging System | Genei |
121 | Zetasizer with computer | Nano-ZS90 Malvern |
122 | Gradient PCR | Applied Biosystems |
123 | FTIR with computer | alpha Bruker |
124 | Hydraulic Pellet Press | |
125 | Cooling centrifuge | Remi |
126 | Egg Candler Incubator | |
127 | Egg Incubator | Powersol |
128 | Autoclave | Technico |
129 | Water Bath with Shaker | RSB-12 Remi |
130 | Biosafety Cabinet | Biocrest |
131 | Refrigerator Single door | Godrej |
132 | Animal Imaging System with Computer | IVIS Lumina LT PerkinElmer |
133 | Spectrofluorometer with computer | Jasco |
134 | Refrigerator (double door) Iceberg | Whirlpool |
135 | Magnetic Stirrer with hot plate | SPINOT |
136 | Hot Air Oven | Yarco |
137 | Distillation Unit | Borosil |
138 | Gel Electrophoresis | Medox |
139 | pH Meter | Deep vision |
140 | Cooling Centrifuges | Eppendorf |
141 | Rotary Shaker RS-12 | Remi |
142 | Mini Centrifuge | Spinwin |
143 | Electronic weighing balance | wensar |
144 | 8M plus centrifuge(50 ml) | Remi R |
145 | Cuscompade 4 door fridge | |
146 | Multispin | |
147 | Vortex CM101 | |
148 | Microscope Olympus CH20i | |
149 | Induction Stove | Prestige |
150 | Hydrothermal Furnace | Harrier |
151 | Weighing Balance | Scaltech |
152 | Microvave | LG |
153 | Microvave oven | IFB |
154 | Prob Sonicator | |
155 | UV Transilluminator | Bioglow |
156 | Viscometer | LAMY |
157 | Real time PCR | Applied Biosystems |
158 | Nanodrop Lite | Applied Biosystems |
Research @ CARE
Research @ CARE – The mission of CARE is to assemble talented faculty and students to address key and emerging biomedical problems with implications in human health. CARE supports cohesive research through its research advisory committee, IPR Cell and earnest attempt at further improving research by appointing faculty of international repute.
Translational research focus on the following thrust areas:
- – Nanotechnology & Bio-technology in diagnostics, targeted drug delivery & vaccination
- – Human genomics and genetic epidemiology in infectious & lifestyle diseases
- – Native medicine, marine pharmacology, drug discovery, environment, pollution & infection surveillance
- – Bioinformatics & systems biology, pathway analysis in diseases, innovation, import substitutions & diagnostics
- – Stem Cell Biology / Regenerative Medicine
- – Tele Medicine
- – Point of Care diagnostics
CARE has established State of art instrumentation facility for its biomedical research incorporating genomics, nanotechnology laboratories, tissue culture facility, bioinformatics & computational biology labs, in-vitro fertilization lab, high throughput computing facility for drug discovery, in vivo small animal imaging and CPCSEA-approved animal facility.
CARE is accorded SIRO status by DSIR and has linkages with 29 academic institutions and industries for enhancing teaching, training and research. CARE has hosted many conferences with eminent speakers invited from across the country and abroad. In addition CARE has a host of luminaries as Visiting faculty to foster quality research and also act as mentors.
CARE has started to attract extramural funding from Government agencies like DST, DBT, CSIR, etc. We have recently been successful in securing the Indo-Italy project through DST initiative. In the pursuit to promote quality research CARE offers, JRF for full time PhD scholars, Postdoctoral fellowship and seed money for faculty research. The benefit of translational research of CARE to the society is widened through our extension activities that provide greater interface with society through, extension and field service related programs. CARE has over 1100 publications with an overall citation of 3194 and an H index of 20.
Committees to strengthen Research at CARE
– Dr. Padmapriyadarsini Chandrasekaran took up charge as the Chairman of the Research Advisory Committee of CARE recently. Based on the advice of the Research advisory committee a subcommittee was formed. This committee would meet at frequent intervals in an academic year to give course correction and suggestions to strengthen research. With the inputs of the RAC, new thrust areas have been added to the existing thrust areas; Stem Cell Biology/ Regenerative Medicine, Telemedicine and Point of care diagnostics.
– Quality of research at CARE has been up kept by the monthly Internal Review Board which reviewed all the PhD and Post Doctoral Research work. In addition this committee has also been reviewing all the research proposals that are being submitted to external funding. With the valuable inputs from the committee members few of the submitted proposals have been successful and a few more are under various stages of consideration.
– To strengthen post graduate and undergraduate research as well as PG and UG Research Review committee have been formed. With the inputs from the UG review committee 8 ICMR STS projects have been cleared and sanctioned.
– The human and animal ethics committees have been reconstituted and meet periodically to clear the research proposals.
– In addition plagiarism standing committee and IPR cell are also active and add to the quality of research and convert them to patent as well.
– PhD regulations and guidelines intune with UGC are discussed and updated by the Board of Research Studies. To upload the theses in to the Shodhganga set up by the INFLIBNET centre, a INFLIBNET committee have been constituted.
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Dr. Mohan Rao V R Director – Research Chettinad Academy of Research & Education Email: directorresearch@care.edu.in |
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Dr. Antara Banerjee Research Co-ordinator Chettinad Academy of Research & Education |
List of Scientists / Guides
Name | Designation | Department |
Dr. Sharmila A | Professor & HoD | Anatomy |
Dr. Balaji T K | Professor | Anatomy |
Dr. Sudakshina Chakrabarti | Professor | Anatomy |
Dr. Hannah Sugirthabai Rajila R | Professor | Anatomy |
Dr. Karpagavel L | Professor & HoD | Biochemistry |
Dr. Santhini Gopalakrishnan | Professor | Biochemistry |
Dr. Anuradha G | Professor | Biochemistry |
Dr. Ahamed Basha A | Professor | Physiology |
Dr. Sanjay Andrew R | Professor | Physiology |
Dr. Rajam Krishna | Professor | Physiology |
Dr. Vijayashree R | Professor & HoD | Pathology |
Dr. Arunkumar R | Professor & HoD | Pharmacology |
Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam | Professor & HoD | Microbiology |
Dr. Alice Peace Selvabai R | Professor | Microbiology |
Dr. Ambujavalli B T | Associate Professor | Microbiology |
Dr. Vedapriya D R | Professor & HoD | Community Medicine |
Dr. Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D | Professor | Community Medicine |
Dr. Meenakshi N | Professor & HoD | Respiratory Medicine |
Dr. Sridhar R | Professor | Respiratory Medicine |
Dr. Muthukumaran L | Associate Professor | Respiratory Medicine |
Dr. Alex Daniel Prabhu A | Professor & HoD | Radio-Diagnosis |
Dr. Einstien A | Professor | Radio-Diagnosis |
Dr. Rajamani Anand | Professor | Radio-Diagnosis |
Dr. Kailash S | Professor & HoD | Psychiatry |
Dr. Jaishree Vasudevan | Professor & HoD | Paediatrics |
Dr. Rajkumar G | Professor | Paediatrics |
Dr. Alexander M | Professor | Paediatrics |
Dr. Nalli R Uvaraj | Professor & HoD | Orthopaedics |
Dr. Vijayashankar M | Professor | Orthopaedics |
Dr. Vijayalakshmi K | Professor & HoD | Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Dr. Shery Angel R | Professor | Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Dr. Sailatha R | Professor | Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Dr. Rohini G | Professor | Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Dr. Anantha Ramakrishnan R | Professor & HoD | General Surgery |
Dr. Kishore Babu E P | Professor | General Surgery |
Dr. Mohan Rao V R | Professor & HoD | General Medicine |
Dr. Mayilananthi K | Professor | General Medicine |
Dr. Durga Krishnan | Professor | General Medicine |
Dr. Ashok G | Professor | Cardiology |
Dr. Sanjay Theodore | Associate Professor | Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery |
Dr. ArunKumar A | Professor | Anesthesiology |
Dr. Agnishwar Girigoswami | Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Surajit Pathak | Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Antara Banerjee | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Gowtham Kumar S | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Ramakrishnan V | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Saravanan R | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Shiek Fareeth Ahmed SSJ | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Shoba Narayan | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Weslen Vedakumari S | Assistant Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Nivenitha P | Assistant Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Ankush Chauhan | Assistant Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Rajasekaran S | Assistant Professor | Research |
Dr. Hepsibah S | Principal | Nursing |
Dr. Subbulakshmi S | Vice Principal | Nursing |
Dr. Senthil P | Dean (i/c) | Physiotherapy |
Dr. Lakshmi K | Dean | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Devi T | Professor | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Mythreyi R | Professor | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Muralidharan P | Professor | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Priyanka Sinha | Professor | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Elphine Prabahar A | Professor | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Yogapriya G | Associate Professor | Architecture |
Dr. Rajeswari B | Dean | Law |
Chettinad Research Fellowship is available for pursuing full time research in the various departments of Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (NAAC accredited with ‘A’ Grade) as well as in the following thrust areas and related fields interfacing basic and clinical sciences.
The thrust areas are:
- Nanotechnology & Biotechnology in diagnostics, targeted drug delivery & vaccination
- Human genomics & genetic epidemiology in infectious and life style diseases.
- Native medicine, Marine Pharmacology & Drug Discovery
- Environment, Pollution & Infection Surveillance
- Systems Biology and pathway analysis in diseases status
- Innovations & Import substitutions in Diagnostics and point of Care Diagnostics
- Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine.
(For more details visit: https://care.edu.in/research/)
A Fellowship of Rs.16,000/- p.m., will be provided by CARE. The period of fellowship is initially for two years (However, it may be extended to a maximum of one more year with a stipend of Rs.16,000/- p.m. based on the progress of the scholar assessed by a committee) and within this period, the candidate is encouraged to obtain his/her own fellowship by passing UGC, CSIR and related examinations. Admission will be based on entrance test and interview. Allocation of research guides will be based on the background of the candidate, their aptitude, area of interest and the research priorities of CARE.
(INTERNAL Candidates) (a) Candidate possessing any one of the prescribed qualifications and having the following experience is eligible to conduct research on a part – time basis: A teacher working in the department of University with 2 years of teaching /* research experience can be permitted to register for part time Ph.D. after fulfilling basic eligibility requirements.
(EXTERNAL Candidates) (b) Candidates from other Institutions/Industries can be enrolled for
Part-time Ph.D (as per UGC norms). The guide for such candidates shall be from the CARE and,
a Co-guide may be assigned from the respective Institutions/Industries.
Click here for online Application
Click here to Download Ph.D Regulations
044 – 4742 9049
(Applicable for June 2016 session onwards)
(Applicable for January 2019 session onwards)
(Applicable for June 2020 session onwards)
(Applicable for June 2021 session onwards)
(Applicable for June 2022 session onwards)
(Applicable for June 2023 session onwards)
- Extramural Funded Projects
- Extramural Fellowship for Ph.D
- CARE Seed Money
- Publications
- Books / Chapters / Monographs
- Patents
- Copyright
- Gene Bank sequence
Fulltime teachers for recognition as Ph.D guides as per the eligibility criteria stipulated by the Universities | ||
Year | Name of full-time teachers with Ph.D./D.Sc./D.Lit./DM/M Ch/DNB in super specialities /other PG degrees in Health Sciences for recognition as Ph.D guides as per the eligibility criteria stipulated by the Regulatory Councils / Universities | Year of obtaining Ph.D./D.Sc./D.Lit./DM/M Ch/DNB in super specialities /other PG degrees in Health Sciences for recognition as Ph.D guides as per the eligibility criteria stipulated by the Regulatory Councils/ Universities |
2019-20 | Dr.Indumathi S MBBS, MD | 2005 |
2019-20 | Dr.Balaji.T.K M.Sc, Ph.D | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Hannah Sugirthabai Rajila MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sowjanya Bandlamudi MBBS, MD | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Manickam.S M.Sc, Ph.D | 2019 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arathi.M.S MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Janani.Y MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sanjay Andrew Rajaratnam MBBS, MD | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prince Johnson Samuel MBBS, MD | 2004 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shiv Bhushan Sharma MBBS, Ph.D | 2001 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ahamed Basha.A M.Sc, Ph.D | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Remya.K.J MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Latha.S MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anithu.C MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sumathy.S MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Karpagavel.L MBBS, MD | 2005 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anuradha.G MBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pitchai Ansar Khalifullah MBBS, MD | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Venkat Siddarth.CH M.Sc, Ph.D | 2019 |
2019-20 | Dr.Santhini Gopalakrishnan.S MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vijayashree.R MBBS, MD | 2000 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sushma Nayar MBBS, MD | 1993 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajesh Kanna.N.R MBBS, MD | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Femela.M MBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Aarthi.K MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Devi.S MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Chidambharam C. MBBS, MD, DNB | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Bhuvaneeshwarri.T MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajeswari Thivya MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sudha.S MBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Navya MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ruckmani.A MBBS, MD | 1993 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arunkumar.R MBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ilamathi.K.R MBBS, MD | 1995 |
2019-20 | Dr.Venu Gopala Rao Konda M.Sc, Ph.D | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Maignana Kumar.R MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Saradha.S MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Duraivel.M MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anu.M MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Priyadarshini shanmugam MBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vasanthi Rompicherla MBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Jayanthi.S MBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Nirupa.S MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Alice Peace Selvabai.R M.Sc, Ph.D | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kumaran.G M.Sc, Ph.D | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Preethi.V MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shifa Meharaj.S.H MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Manohar.C MBBS, MD | 1994 |
2019-20 | Dr.Santhakumar.B MBBS, MD | 1994 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sayed Khader Nawaz Ahmed MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sreenivasan.M MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ravivarman.G MBBS, MD | 1999 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vedapriya.D.R MBBS, MD | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.Suruliraman.S.M. MBBS, MD | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sowmiya.KR MBBS, MD | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Raja.D MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajesh Kannan.S MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Buvnesh Kumar M. MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Raja T.K. MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Suganthi.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Aravind MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajasekaran.DMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mohan Rao V.RMBBS, MD | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mayilananthi.KMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Durga KrishnanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vigneshwaran.JMBBS, DNB | 2003 |
2019-20 | Dr.Somasundaram SMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Chinnaiyan PMBBS, MD | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramakrishnan.CMBBS, MD | 1988 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kavitha SMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2019-20 | Dr.Selvamani.SMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dilip Kumar SingarajuMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Senthilnathan.PMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ananthakumar.P.KMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sugitha.D.R.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramprasath AnbazhaganMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vinu.BMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Nirmala Devi.CMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Nagajothi MMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Indrani NMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2019-20 | Dr.Gorgya Sampath KumarMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vrinda.VMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Gaurav Narayan.V SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sunil DattuMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Jagadeesh KumarMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pavan KumarMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Nirmal Raj FrancisMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Thuvaragah.PMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anitha.RMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rama Phaneendra JastiMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Nishaanth.M.KMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dhivya.EMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Umamaheswara R GolamariMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Uma Devi.LMBBS, MD | 1984 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kathir Subramanian.TMBBS, DCH, MD | 1983 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rathinasamy.MMBBS, MD, D.Ch | 1990 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sujatha SridharanMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2019-20 | Dr.Antony Jenifer.JMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Suresh.PMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2019-20 | Dr.Alexander.MMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.ArulparithiMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shah Rini AbhishekMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sugha Priya.V.CMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajendran Ranju RaJMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Revathi.AMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dhivyasree.V.SMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sunitha.RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arun Ganesh.CMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Archana.KMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Meenakshi.NMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1998 |
2019-20 | Dr.Aruna ShanmuganathanMBBS, MD, DNB | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ragulan.RMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Muthukumaran.LMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Uma Ganesh.SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Fathima Zehra Razuin.HMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Srinivasan.M.SMBBS, DD, MD | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Elangovan P.MBBS, MD | 1990 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ashok Kumar.NMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Srinivasan.GMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Abarna Muthulakshmi M.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kandaswamy MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shankari.JMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Selva Sudha MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Srinivasan.BMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sabari Sridhar.O.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kailash.SMBBS, MD, DNB | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shabeeba.ZMBBS, DPM, DNB | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ragumani.PMBBS, MS | 1988 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anantharamakrishnan.RMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2019-20 | Dr.Loganathan.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Karunanithi.RMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2019-20 | Dr.Senthil Kumar.KMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.PremalathaMBBS, MS | 1983 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramasubramanian.KMBBS, MS | 1989 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prabakar.AMBBS, MS | 1999 |
2019-20 | Dr.Affee Asma.AMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Muralidhar.VMBBS, MS | 1986 |
2019-20 | Dr.Varadaraju.PMBBS, MS | 1995 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vivekananda Subramanianathan.KMBBS, MS | 2000 |
2019-20 | Dr.Thinagaran.KMBBS, MS | 1986 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sandeep.UMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Natarajan.RMBBS, DNB | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kishore Babu.E.PMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Imran Thariq AMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Krishnan.DMBBS, MS | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Abhilash.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Amrithraj ThiyagarajanMBBS, MS | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mohamed Zakkariya.A.R.MBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prashaanth M.KMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Harishwaran P.MBBS, MS | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.JayaKumarMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vikram.GMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kaliraj.A.MMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Peta Pavan KumarMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ezhil.PMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Lenifa PriyadarshiniMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Uday Kumar.NMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kishore.DMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Paari vallalMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mathiyalagan.M.BMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.KMBBS, D.Ortho, MS | 1992 |
2019-20 | Dr.Victor MoirangthemMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Chander S.GMBBS, MS | 1997 |
2019-20 | Dr.Venkatachalam.KMBBS, MS | 1993 |
2019-20 | Dr.Venkataraman.MMBBS, MS | 2001 |
2019-20 | Dr.Malick Batcha Sathik BabuMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Jamal Mohamed.AMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arun Kumar.K.VMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pradeep.EMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prem Kumar.R.N.MBBS, MS | 1996 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dinesh.LMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sivaraman.BMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2019-20 | Dr.Subramaniam.M.HMBBS, DNB | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Premkumar.KMBBS, MS | 1996 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prashant Madan MohanMBBS, DNB | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arunkumar.CMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Aravindan Tharakad SatchidanandanMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Stephen SudhakarMBBS, MS, DNB | 2005 |
2019-20 | Dr.Siddharam.S.JMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shankar.CMBBS, MS | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajakumari.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Premnath.GMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Adnan Mohamed MatheenMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shinisha.D.PMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kiruthika.SMBBS, DNB | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajasekaran.SMBBS, MS, DLO | 1991 |
2019-20 | Dr.Priya.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prabakaran.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Paventhan.KMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Amrita Priscilla NaliniMBBS, MD, DGO | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vijayalakshmi.KMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prabha SwaminathanMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sailatha.RMBBS, MD – OBG | 2001 |
2019-20 | Dr.Famida.A.MMBBS, MD, DGO | 1993 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ganitha.GMBBS, MS | 1999 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anuradha.C.RMBBS, MD | 1981 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mangal Subhash PuriMBBS, MD, DGO | 1980 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kavitha.RMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sathiya.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Raja Kumar Shery AngelMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Renuka.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shalini.GMBBS, DGO, MD | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prema JayaprasadMBBS, MS | 1995 |
2019-20 | Dr.Poornima ShankarMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Binu.PMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prithi.DMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Puvithra TMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.NeerajvalliMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Jenniferbritto JMBBS, DNB | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Chokkalingam M MBBS, MD, DNB | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ashok G MBBS, MD, DM | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.DurgadeviMBBS, MD, DM | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Bala VigneshMBBS, MD, DM | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sama AkberMBBS, DNB | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sankar RajanMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Gnanaguru DMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ganesh SMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sanjay Theodare MBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ajay Kumar TMBBS, MS | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.TMBBS, MD, DM | 1997 |
2019-20 | Dr.Babu Kumar SMBBS, MD, DM | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sibi ThooranMBBS, MD, DM | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Bukka Bala Kasi NaikMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sulthan ShahMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Srinivasan KMBBS, MD, Diploma (Neonatology) | 1989 |
2019-20 | Dr.Giridhar.SMBBS, DM | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vignesh Kumar.SMBBS, MD, D.Ch, DM | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Bhavadeepti PerumalaMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Krishnamoorthi.AMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.N.R.JagannathanM.Sc, Ph.D | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Alex Daniel PrabhuMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Einstien.AMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Parthasarathy E.A.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arunkumar.NMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajamani AnandMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vijay Prabhu RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anupchakravarthy.JMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajkumar.GMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramya.KMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Lavanya.GMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Lailu MathewsMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anand.SMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ashok KulasekarMBBS, DA, MD | 1995 |
2019-20 | Dr.Balamurugan.BMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ravindran.KMBBS, MD | 1988 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arun Kumar.AMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Karthic Babu.NMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Merlin Shalini RuthMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mohanarangan.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Siva Kumar.RMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Maria Francis RochMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Hamsenandinie.CMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Suriya GowthamiMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Adhilakshmi.RMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vijayakumar DMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Smyrna.GMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Swaminathan Veerasamy.RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.SivanesanMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramesh.CMBBS, MD, DNB, Ph.D | 2001 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dobson DominicMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.Suman Kumar.TMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Subramaniyan KMBBS, DM | 2001 |
2019-20 | Dr.Devaprasad M MBBS, DNB, DM | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Setti Palli Sarava PramodhMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramesh V GMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 1988 |
2019-20 | Dr.Karthikeyan K.VMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 2003 |
2019-20 | Dr.Deepak M MBBS, MD, M.Ch | 1994 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dev Krishna Bharathi.CMBBS, M.Ch | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prashanth.NMBBS, M.Ch | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sepuri Bala Ravi TejaMBBS, MS | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arun Kumar ShirshettyMBBS, MS | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.R.MurugesanM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2019-20 | Dr.N.SrinivasanM.Sc., Ph.D | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Agnishwar GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2019-20 | Dr.C N Ram GopalM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,DCP.,PG Dip in IRPM | 1998 |
2019-20 | Dr.K.Kumar EbenezarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2019-20 | Dr.Surajit PathakM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.V.RamakrishnanM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Koyeli GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.S.Gowtham KumarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shoba NarayanM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.SSJ.Shiek Fareeth AhmedM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.R.SaravananM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.R.KarunanithiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.A.MoorthiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Weslen VedakumariM.Sc., Ph.D | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.A.S.PrincyMBA.,Ph.D | 2019 |
2019-20 | Dr.Antara BanerjeeM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sripathi KandulaM.Sc., Ph.D | 1982 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pandian SokkarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Hikku G SB.E., M.Tech., Ph.D | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kirti KulshreshthaM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D., UGC NET English Honours | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.S MeenakshiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2017 |
2019-20 | Prof.Dr.Veena M Joseph.M.Sc (N) Ph.D | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Indumathi S.MBBS, MS | 2005 |
2018-19 | Dr.Balaji.T.KM.Sc, Ph.D | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Hannah Sugirthabai RajilaMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sowjanya BandlamudiMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arathi.M.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Janani.YMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sanjay Andrew RajaratnamMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mathangi.D.CM.Sc., Ph.D | 1998 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prince Johnson SamuelMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shiv Bhushan SharmaMBBS, Ph.D | 2001 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ahamed Basha.AM.Sc, Ph.D | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Remya.K.JMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vidya Karpagam.KMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Latha.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Anithu.CMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Malligai.EMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2018-19 | Dr.Surapaneni Krishna MohanM.Sc, Ph.D | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Anuradha.GMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Pitchai Ansar KhalifullahMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Santhini Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vijayashree.RMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2018-19 | Dr.Balamurugan.SMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sushma NayarMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajesh Kanna.N.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Femela.MMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Aarthi.KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Devi.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Bhuvaneeshwarri.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Chidambharam C.MBBS, MD, DNB | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajeswari ThivyaMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Fathima Nifra.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ruckmani.AMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arunkumar.RMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Venu Gopala Rao KondaM.Sc, Ph.D | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ilamathi.K.RMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2018-19 | Dr.Eerike MadhaviMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vinayak MetiM.Sc, Ph.D | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Saradha.SMBBS, DLO, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Maignana Kumar.RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Duraivel.MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Anu.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Priyadarshini shanmugamMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vasanthi RompicherlaMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Jayanthi.SMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Nirupa.SMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Alice Peace Selvabai.RM.Sc, Ph.D | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kumaran.GM.Sc, Ph.D | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Preethi.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shifa Meharaj.S.HMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Manohar.CMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sayed Khader Nawaz AhmedMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sreenivasan.MMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Paramaguru VMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ravivarman.GMBBS, MD | 1999 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vedapriya.D.RMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sowmiya.KRMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Murali Mohan Reddy GMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Raja.DMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Suruliraman.S.M.MBBS, MD | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajesh Kannan.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Raja T.K.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Buvnesh Kumar M.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Suganthi.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Aravind MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajasekaran.DMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1985 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mayilananthi.KMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Durga KrishnanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Udayashankar.DMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2018-19 | Dr.Lanord Stanley Jawahar MMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sabaratnavel.RMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vigneshwaran.JMBBS, DNB | 2003 |
2018-19 | Dr.RamaiyahMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Nagajothi.MMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Indrani.NMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2018-19 | Dr.Gorgya Sampath KumarMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2018-19 | Dr.Balaji RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ananthakumar.P.KMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Suresh Kumar.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sugitha.D.R.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.SakthevelMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramprasath AnbazhaganMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vinu.BMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Nirmala Devi.CMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vrinda.VMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramadoss.RMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Dilip KumarMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sunil DattuMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Thuvaragah.PMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.AnithaMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prakash.SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Uthra Kumaresan N.K.MBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Lakshmanan.SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rama Phaneendra JastiMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Nishaanth.M.KMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Gaurav Narayan.V SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Dhivya.EMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Uma Devi.LMBBS, MD | 1984 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kathir Subramanian.TMBBS, D.Ch, MD | 1983 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sujatha SridharanMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2018-19 | Dr.Suresh.PMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2018-19 | Dr.Antony Jenifer.JMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Alexander.MMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ashvind.LMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sujitha.PMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Balakumaran D.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Deepti PanditMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramyaa.RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Revathi.AMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Archana.KMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shah Rini AbhishekMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sugha Priya.V.CMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Haritha S KumarMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Meenakshi.NMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1998 |
2018-19 | Dr.Aruna ShanmuganathanMBBS, MD, DNB | 2002 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ragulan.RMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Muthukumaran.LMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.GangaiamaranMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Uma Ganesh.SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Srinivasan.M.SMBBS, DD, MD | 1985 |
2018-19 | Dr.Elangovan P.MBBS, MD | 1990 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ashok Kumar.NMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Abarna Muthulakshmi M.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kandaswamy MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Selva Sudha MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shankari.JMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vaaruni RavishankarMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Srinivasan.BMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sabari Sridhar.O.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kailash.SMBBS, MD, DNB | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shabeeba.ZMBBS, DPM, DNB | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Nagarajan.DMBBS, MS | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Anantharamakrishnan.RMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Loganathan.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2018-19 | Dr.Karunanithi.RMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sivarajan.NMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Senthil Kumar.KMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.PremalathaMBBS, MS | 1983 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramasubramanian.KMBBS, MS | 1989 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kishore Babu.E.PMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sandeep UMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Krishnan DMBBS, MS | 1985 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prabakar.AMBBS, MS | 1999 |
2018-19 | Dr.Natarajan.RMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Dinesh Kumar.TMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Harishwaran P.MBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Imran Thariq AMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Abhilash KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shajee Ganesh TMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prashaanth M.KMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Aravind BMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shanmugam.MMBBS, MS | 1993 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mohamed Zakkariya A RMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Amirtharaj ThiyagarajanMBBS, MS | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mathan Sankar.SMBBS, MS | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vikram.GMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vijaya Raghavan.PMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kaliraj.A.MMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Peta Pavan KumarMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.AnuradthaMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Preethi MirnaliniMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ezhil.PMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.MaheshMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Narayana Reddy.MMBBS, MS, DNB, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2018-19 | Dr.Chander.S.GMBBS, MS | 1997 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mathiyalagan.M.BMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.KMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2018-19 | Dr.Venkataraman.MMBBS, MS | 2001 |
2018-19 | Dr.Victor MoirangthemMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Malick Batcha Sathik BabuMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Dinesh LMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arun Kumar.K.VMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Subramani.RMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Pradeep.EMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prem Kumar.R.N.MBBS, MS | 1996 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sivaraman BMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prashant Madan MohanMBBS, DNB | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arunkumar.CMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Stephen SudhakarMBBS, MS | 2005 |
2018-19 | Dr.Radhakrishnan MMBBS, MS | 1981 |
2018-19 | Dr.Siddharam.S.JMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Premnath.GMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shankar.CMBBS, MS | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Adnan Mohamed MatheenMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shinisha.D.PMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kiruthika.SMBBS, DNB | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Thirunavukarasu.PMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Priya.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prabakaran.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Paventhan.KMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Amrita Priscilla NaliniMBBS, DGO, MD | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vijayalakshmi.KMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sailatha.RMBBS, MD – OBG | 2001 |
2018-19 | Dr.Famida.A.MMBBS, DGO, MD | 1993 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prabha SwaminathanMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sathiya.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kavitha.RMBBS, MD, DNB | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Raja Kumar Shery AngelMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Renuka.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Poornima ShankarMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Binu PMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kavitha.LMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Puvithra TMBBS, DNB | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prithi.DMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prema Jayaprasad`MBBS, MS | 1995 |
2018-19 | Dr.Batchu NagajothiMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.VinutanaMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Jenniferbritto JMBBS, DNB | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Krishnamoorthi.AMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Alex Daniel PrabhuMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Einstien.AMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ashraf Ahmed.BMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arunkumar.NMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajamani AnandMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Parthasarathy E.A.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vijay Prabhu RMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajkumar.GMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramya.KMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Lavanya.GMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Lailu MathewsMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2018-19 | Dr.Anand.SMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ashok KulasekarMBBS, DA, MD | 1995 |
2018-19 | Dr.Balamurugan.BMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Karthic Babu.NMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Merlin Shalini RuthMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mohanarangam TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sanjeev Kumar.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arun Kumar.AMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sivakumar R MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.HamsenandinieMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vijayakumar DMBBS, DNB | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Maria Francis Roch YMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Karthick RamMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shri Vidhya.NMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Naveen Ramji.NMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.SivanaesanMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Muthuvenkadesh.KMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Chokkalingam M MBBS, MD, DNB | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arumugam.CMBBS, MD, DM | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ashok G MBBS, MD, DM | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.DurgadeviMBBS, MD, DM | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sama AkberMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sankar RajanMBBS, MD, | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sanjay Theodare MBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.TMBBS, DM | 1997 |
2018-19 | Dr.Babu Kumar SMBBS, MD, DM | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vadivel Kumaran.SMBBS, M.Ch | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Bukka Bala Kasi NaikMBBS MS | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Srinivasan KMBBS, MD, Diploma (Neonatology) | 1989 |
2018-19 | Dr.Giridhar.SMBBS, DM | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vignesh Kumar.SMBBS, MD, D.Ch, DM | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Bhavadeepti PerumalaMBBS MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Natarajan.VMBBS, DM | 1982 |
2018-19 | Dr.Subramaniyan KMBBS, DM | 2001 |
2018-19 | Dr.Devaprasad M MBBS, DNB, DM | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramesh V GMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 1988 |
2018-19 | Dr.Karthikeyan K.VMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 2003 |
2018-19 | Dr.Deepak M MBBS, MD, M.Ch | 1994 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shekar.M.GMBBS, M.Ch | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sepuri Bala Ravi TejaMBBS MS | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Murugesan.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2018-19 | Dr.Srinivasan.NM.Sc., Ph.D | 1985 |
2018-19 | Dr.Agnishwar GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ram Gopal.C.NM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,DCP.,PG Dip in IRPM | 1998 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kumar Ebenezar.KM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Surajit PathakM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramakrishnan.VM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Koyeli GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Gowtham Kumar.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shoba NarayanM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shiek Fareeth Ahmed.S.S.JM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Saravanan.RM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Karunanithi.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Moorthi.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Weslen VedakumariM.Sc., Ph.D | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Govindaraju.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2018-19 | Dr.Thangavel MuthusamyM.Sc., Ph.D | 2002 |
2018-19 | Dr.Naveen.G.HM.Sc., Ph.D | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Antara BanerjeeM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sripathi KandulaM.Sc., Ph.D | 1982 |
2018-19 | Dr.Raghavan SampathkumarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Pandian Sokkar M.Sc., Ph.D | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Hikku.G.S B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D | 2018 |
2018-19 | Prof.Dr.Veena M JosephM.Sc (N) Ph.D | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Indumathi S.MBBS, MS | 2005 |
2017-18 | Dr.Hannah Sugirthabai RajilaMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balaji.T.KM.Sc, Ph.D | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sowjanya BandlamudiMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Arathi.M.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Janani.YMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sanjay Andrew RajaratnamMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mathangi.D.CM.Sc., Ph.D | 1998 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prince Johnson SamuelMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shiv Bhushan SharmaMBBS, Ph.D | 2001 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ahamed Basha.AM.Sc, Ph.D | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Remya.K.JMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vidya Karpagam.KMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Latha.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Anithu.CMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Malligai.EMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2017-18 | Dr.Uma Maheswari KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.B.LaxmikanthMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Pitchai Ansar KhalifullahMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Santhini Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijayashree.RMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ramesh RaoMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balamurugan.SMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sushma NayarMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajesh Kanna.N.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Femela.MMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aarthi.KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Devi.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Bhuvaneeshwarri.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Chidambharam C.MBBS, MD, DNB | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajeswari ThivyaMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Fathima Nifra.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ruckmani.AMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2017-18 | Dr.Arunkumar.RMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Venu Gopala Rao KondaM.Sc, Ph.D | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Eerike MadhaviMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Chandrashekar.KMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vinayak MetiM.Sc, Ph.D | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Saradha.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Maignana Kumar.RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Duraivel.MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Anu.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shameem Banu.A.SMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2017-18 | Dr.Priyadarshini shanmugamMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vasanthi RompicherlaMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2005 |
2017-18 | Dr.Jayanthi.SMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Nirupa.SMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kumaran.GM.Sc Ph.D | 2017 |
2017-18 | Dr.Preethi.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shifa Meharaj.S.HMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Manohar.CMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sayed Khader Nawaz AhmedMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sreenivasan.MMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Paramaguru VMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Murali.RMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ravivarman.GMBBS, MD | 1999 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vedapriya.D.RMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Suruliraman.S.MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Murali Mohan Reddy GMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Loganathan.SMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajesh Kannan.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Raja T.K.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Buvnesh Kumar M.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Suganthi.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aravind MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajasekaran.DMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1985 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mayilananthi.KMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sakuntala.S.RMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2017-18 | Dr.Durga KrishnanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Somasundaram SMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Lanord Stanley Jawahar MMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2017-18 | Dr.Noorul Ameen.SMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Udayashankar.DMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vigneshwaran.JMBBS, DNB | 2003 |
2017-18 | Dr.Nagajothi.MMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Indrani.NMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2017-18 | Dr.Gorgya Sampath KumarMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sarah Subhashini PremrajMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ananthakumar.P.KMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.FarookMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Meenakshi SundaramMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.VithyatharanMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ganesan.SMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Magudeeswaran RMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sugitha D R SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Irania Ravanan S VMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sravan ReddyMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Thuvaragah.PMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Anitha MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balaji RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Smit Vinod BhongadeMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ratansing Shamshaha JugneMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ramprasath AnbazhaganMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aravind.C.S.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Suresh Kumar SMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vinu.BMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Uma Devi.LMBBS, MD | 1984 |
2017-18 | Dr.Suresh.PMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kathir Subramanian.TMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sujatha SridharanMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2017-18 | Dr.Jaishree VasudevanMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ganavi.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Antony Jenifer.JMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ashvind.LMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Alexander.MMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sujitha.PMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balakumaran D.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Deepti PanditMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajaguru.GMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ramyaa.RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Archana.KMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aneesh Mohammed.AMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Revathi.AMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Meenakshi.NMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1998 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aruna ShanmuganathanMBBS, MD, DNB | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Viswambhar.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ragulan.RMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Muthukumaran.LMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.GangaiamaranMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Srinivasan.M.SMBBS, DD, MD | 1985 |
2017-18 | Dr.Elangovan P.MBBS, MD | 1990 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ashok Kumar.NMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.YaminiMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Abarna Muthulakshmi M.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kandaswamy MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Selva Sudha MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.ShankariMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Srinivasan.BMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sabari Sridhar.O.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kailash.SMBBS, MD, DNB | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shabeeba.ZMBBS, DPM, DNB | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balakrishnan.VMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Anantharamakrishnan.RMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Loganathan.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Karunanithi.RMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sivarajan.NMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.PremalathaMBBS, MS | 1983 |
2017-18 | Dr.V.ChitraMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Habeeb Mohammed.SMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.R.GanesanMBBS, MS | 1984 |
2017-18 | Dr.Senthil Kumar.KMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Krishnan.DMBBS, MS | 1985 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sandeep.UMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Natarajan.RMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Dinesh Kumar.TMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Harishwaran P.MBBS, MS | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Imran Thariq AMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Abhilash.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aravind BMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prashaanth M.K.MBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Benedicta Seeli S.MBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mayuresan PMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shanmugam.MMBBS, MS | 1993 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajesh GandhiMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shaji GaneshMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mohamed Zakkariya.A.R.MBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Amrithraj ThiyagarajanMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijaya Raghavan.PMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mathan Sankar.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vikram.GMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Narayana Reddy.MMBBS, MS, DNB, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Chander.S.GMBBS, MS | 1997 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mathiyalagan.M.BMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.KMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Venkataraman.MMBBS, MS | 2001 |
2017-18 | Dr.Saseendar S.MBBS, MS, DNB | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Victor MoirangthemMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Yogesh Kumar BMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Dinesh LMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Subramani.RMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Arun Kumar.K.VMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Pradeep.EMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prem Kumar.R.N.MBBS, MS | 1996 |
2017-18 | Dr.Selvin Prabhakar.VMBBS, MS | 2000 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajesh Babu.A.K.MBBS, MS | 2000 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prashant Madan MohanMBBS, DNB | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shriram.S.KMBBS, DNB | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Stephen SudhakarMBBS, MS | 2005 |
2017-18 | Dr.Radhakrishnan MMBBS, MS | 1981 |
2017-18 | Dr.Siddharam.S.JMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shankar.CMBBS, MS | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Premnath.GMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Adnan Mohamed MatheenMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shinisha.D.PMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kiruthika.SMBBS, DNB | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajasekaran.SMBBS, MS, DLO | 1991 |
2017-18 | Dr.Thirunavukarasu.PMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Priya.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prabakaran.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shymala RMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Preethi.PMBBS, DLO, DNB | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vasantha N SubbiahMBBS, DGO, MD | 1986 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijayalakshmi.KMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2017-18 | Dr.Amrita Priscilla NaliniMBBS, DGO, MD | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Famida.A.MMBBS, DGO, MD | 1993 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prabha SwaminathanMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Swarnapriya KMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sailatha.RMBBS, MD – OBG | 2001 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sathiya.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kavitha.RMBBS, MD, DNB | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Raja Kumar Shery AngelMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Renuka.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.RijaphinMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Poornima ShankarMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.BinuMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Nanthini DeepakMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kavitha.LMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ragavi MMBBS, DNB | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Jenniferbritto JMBBS, DNB | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.PuvithraMBBS, DNB | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Krishnamoorthi.AMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Abubacker Sulaiman.FMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Alex Daniel PrabhuMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Einstien.AMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ashraf Ahmed.BMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajamani AnandMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Parthasarathy E.A.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.PraveenMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijay Prabhu RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Jeffrey Skaria JosephMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Lailu MathewsMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2017-18 | Dr.Anand.SMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ashok KulasekarMBBS, DA, MD | 1995 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balamurugan.BMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Raja Manoharan.AMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Amarnath MoniMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Karthic Babu.NMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sanjeev Kumar.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Arun Kumar.AMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mohanarangam TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajaganesh.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.SivakumarMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Tamil Selvi EMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijayakumar MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.PugalhvendanMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Maria Francis Roch YMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vetriselvan.PMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Muthuvenkadesh.KMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Pradeep G NayarMBBS, MD, DNB | 1998 |
2017-18 | Dr.V.ChockalingamMBBS, MD, DM | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Arumugam CMBBS, MD, DM | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Chokkalingam MMBBS, MD, DNB | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ganesh NMBBS, MD, DM | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ashok G MBBS, MD, DM | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sanjay Theodare MBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.B.RamathilakamMBBS, MD, DM | 1995 |
2017-18 | Dr.B.MahadevanMBBS, MD, DM | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.S.Babu kumarMBBS, MD, DM | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.TMBBS, MD, DM | 1997 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vadivel Kumaran.SMBBS, M.Ch | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Srinivasan.K MBBS, MD, Diploma (Neonatology) | 1989 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rathinasamy.MMBBS, MD, D.Ch | 1990 |
2017-18 | Dr.Giridhar.SMBBS, DM | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mani KumarMBBS, D.Ch, DM, DNB | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vignesh Kumar.SMBBS, MD, D.Ch, DM | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Natarajan.VMBBS, DM | 1982 |
2017-18 | Dr.Subramaniyan KMBBS, DM | 2001 |
2017-18 | Dr.Devaprasad M MBBS, DNB, DM | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ramesh V GMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 1988 |
2017-18 | Dr.Karthikeyan K.VMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Soundappan.VMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1999 |
2017-18 | Dr.Govindharaaju SMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1997 |
2017-18 | Dr.Deepak M MBBS, MD, M.Ch | 1994 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ranganathan PMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shekar.M.GMBBS, M.Ch | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rafiq Anwar.AMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1986 |
2017-18 | Dr.T.SrinivasanMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Murugesan.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2017-18 | Dr.Srinivasan.NM.Sc., Ph.D | 1985 |
2017-18 | Dr.Agnishwar GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ram Gopal.C.NM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,DCP.,PG Dip in IRPM | 1998 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kumar Ebenezar.KM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Surajit PathakM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ramakrishnan.VM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Koyeli GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Gowtham Kumar.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shoba NarayanM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shiek Fareeth Ahmed.S.S.JM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Saravanan.RM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Karunanithi.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Moorthi.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Weslen VedakumariM.Sc., Ph.D | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Govindaraju.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2017-18 | Dr.Thamaraichelvan.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2017-18 | Dr.Thangavel MuthusamyM.Sc., Ph.D | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Naveen.G.HM.Sc., Ph.D | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijayabanu UdayasankarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Antara BanerjeeM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sripathi KandulaM.Sc., Ph.D | 1982 |
2017-18 | Prof.Dr.Lakshmi.L M.Sc (N) Ph.D | 2016 |
2017-18 | Prof.Dr.Veena M JosephM.Sc (N) Ph.D | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Indumathi S.MBBS, MS | 2005 |
2016-17 | Dr.Hannah Sugirthabai RajilaMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balaji.T.KM.Sc, Ph.D | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sowjanya BandlamudiMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Arathi.M.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Janani.YMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sanjay Andrew RajaratnamMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mathangi.D.CM.Sc., Ph.D | 1998 |
2016-17 | Dr.Prince Johnson SamuelMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shiv Bhushan SharmaMBBS, Ph.D | 2001 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ahamed Basha.AM.Sc, Ph.D | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Remya.K.JMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vidya Karpagam.KMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Latha.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Anithu.CMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Malligai.EMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Uma Maheshwari.KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Bachu.LaxmikanthMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Pitchai Ansar KhalifullahMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Asothai RajuMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Santhini Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijayashree.RMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ramesh RaoMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sushma NayarMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2016-17 | Dr.Subbiah.SPMBBS, MD | 1979 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balamurugan.SMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajesh Kanna.N.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Femela.MMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Aarthi.KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Devi.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Bhuvaneeshwarri.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Chidambharam C.MBBS, MD, DNB | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajeswari ThivyaMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Fathima Nifra.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ruckmani.AMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2016-17 | Dr.Arunkumar.RMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Venu Gopala Rao KondaM.Sc, Ph.D | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Eerike MadhaviMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Chandrashekar.KMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vinayak MetiM.Sc, Ph.D | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Maignana Kumar.RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Saradha.SMBBS, DLO, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Duraivel.MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Anu.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shameem Banu.A.SMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2016-17 | Dr.Priyadarshini shanmugamMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vasanthi RompicherlaMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jayanthi.SMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Nirupa.SMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Preethi.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shifa Meharaj.S.HMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Manohar.CMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sayed Khader Nawaz AhmedMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sreenivasan.MMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Paramaguru VMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Murali.RMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ravivarman.GMBBS, MD | 1999 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vedapriya.D.RMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Suruliraman.S.MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Murali Mohan Reddy GMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajesh Kannan.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Loganathan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Raja T.K.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Buvnesh Kumar M.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Suganthi.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Aravind MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajasekaran.DMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1985 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sakuntala.S.RMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2016-17 | Dr.Dhandapani.GMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2016-17 | Dr.Somasundaram SMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijaya Ragavan PMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2016-17 | Dr.Lanord Stanley Jawahar MMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2016-17 | Dr.J.VigneshwaranMBBS, DNB | 2003 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mayilananthi.KMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Durga KrishnanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Udayashankar.DMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sankar AMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Nagajothi.MMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Indrani.NMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2016-17 | Dr.Gorgya Sampath KumarMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sarah Subhashini PremrajMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Noorul Ameen.SMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Meenakshi SundaramMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.VithyatharanMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ganesan.SMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Magudeeswaran RMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sugitha D R SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Irania Ravanan S VMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sravan ReddyMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ananthakumar.P.KMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Thuvaragah.PMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Anitha MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ram Charan Reddy DMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Praveen Immanuvel SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balaji RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.JayakanthMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Smit Vinod BhongadeMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Suresh Kumar SMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Uma Devi.LMBBS, MD | 1984 |
2016-17 | Dr.Suresh.PMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jaishree VasudevanMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kathir Subramanian.TMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sujatha SridharanMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2016-17 | Dr.Antony Jenifer.JMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ganavi.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ashvind.LMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Alexander.MMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balakumaran D.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sujitha.PMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Deepti PanditMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajaguru.GMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jayendra SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ramyaa.RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Archana.KMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Aneesh Mohammed.AMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Revathi.AMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Meenakshi.NMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1998 |
2016-17 | Dr.Subramanian.SMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Aruna ShanmuganathanMBBS, MD, DNB | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Viswambhar.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ragulan.RMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Muthukumaran.LMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.GangaiamaranMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Srinivasan.M.SMBBS, DD, MD | 1985 |
2016-17 | Dr.Elangovan P.MBBS, MD | 1990 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ashok Kumar.NMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Abarna Muthulakshmi M.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kandaswamy MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Selva Sudha MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.ShankariMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Preeti PMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Srinivasan.BMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2016-17 | Dr.M.ShahjahanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sabari Sridhar.O.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kailash.SMBBS, MD, DNB | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shabeeba.ZMBBS, DPM, DNB | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ganesan RMBBS, MS | 1984 |
2016-17 | Dr.Anantharamakrishnan.RMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Karunanithi.RMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.Habeeb Mohammed.SMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sivarajan.NMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.PremalathaMBBS, MS | 1983 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balakrishnan.VMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.V.ChitraMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Loganathan.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Senthil Kumar.KMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sandeep.UMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Natarajan.RMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kishore Babu.E.PMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Dinesh Kumar.TMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Harishwaran P.MBBS, MS | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Imran Thariq AMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mayuresan PMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Abhilash.KMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shajee Ganesh.TMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Namasivayam.TMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Aravind B.MBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Prashaanth M.KMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Benedicta Seeli S.MBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mohamed Zakkariya.A.R.MBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Amrithraj ThiyagarajanMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijaya Raghavan.PMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mathan Sankar.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vikram.GMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Narayana Reddy.MMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.Chander.S.GMBBS, MS | 1997 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mathiyalagan.M.BMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.KMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.Venkataraman.MMBBS, MS | 2001 |
2016-17 | Dr.Victor MoirangthemMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Bharat Kumar.R.JMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sathyadharan.PMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Subramaniam.M.HMBBS, DNB | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.R BharaniMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Saseendar S.MBBS, MS, DNB | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Yogesh Kumar BMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Arun Kumar.K.VMBBS, MS | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajesh Babu.A.K.MBBS, MS | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Dinesh LMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Krishna GMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Prashant Madan MohanMBBS, DNB | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shriram.S.KMBBS, DNB | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Stephen SudhakarMBBS, MS, DNB | 2005 |
2016-17 | Dr.Radhakrishnan MMBBS, MS | 1981 |
2016-17 | Dr.Manoj VasudevanMBBS, MS | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Siddharam.S.JMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shankar.CMBBS, MS | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Premnath.GMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Adnan Mohamed MatheenMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Stephen Jebakumar SMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jothi Ramalingam S BMBBS, MS, DLO | 1985 |
2016-17 | Dr.Thirunavukarasu.PMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Priya.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jagadeesh Marthandam L MBBS, DLO, DNB | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Prabakaran.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Preethi.PMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vasantha N SubbiahMBBS, DGO, MD | 1986 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijayalakshmi.KMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2016-17 | Dr.Amrita Priscilla NaliniMBBS, DGO, MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Famida.A.MMBBS, DGO, MD | 1993 |
2016-17 | Dr.Prabha SwaminathanMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.Swarnapriya.KMBBS, MS, DGO, DNB | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sailatha.RMBBS, MD – OBG | 2001 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sathiya.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kavitha.RMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Raja Kumar Shery AngelMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Renuka.SMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.RijaphinMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Binu.PMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Raghavi MMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Poornima ShankarMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Annie.TMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jenniferbritto JMBBS, DNB | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Krishnamoorthi.AMBBS,MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Abubacker Sulaiman.FMBBS,MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.K.Srinivasa MudaliMBBS,MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Alex Daniel PrabhuMBBS,MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Einstien.AMBBS,MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.N.Arun KumarMBBS,MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.ParthasarathyMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.PraveenMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijay Prabhu RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS,MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajamani AnandMBBS,MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.PraveenMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jeffrey Skaria JosephMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Lailu MathewsMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2016-17 | Dr.Anand.SMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ashok KulasekarMBBS, DA, MD | 1995 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balamurugan.BMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajamanoharan AMBBS, MD, DA | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Amarnath MoniMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Karthic Babu NMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ramkumar R.PMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Thilaka MuthiahMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Siva Sailam R.MBBS, MD | 2001 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balaji.MMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.MuthuKumar.MMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Arun Kumar.AMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Selvakumaran PMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mohanarangam TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sivakumar RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijayakumar DMBBS, DNB | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Maria Francis Roch YMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Tamil SelviMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vetriselvan PMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Muthuvenkatesh KMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Pradeep G NayarMBBS, MD, DNB | 1998 |
2016-17 | Dr.V.ChockalingamMBBS, MD, Diploma | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Arumugam CMBBS, MD, DM | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Chokkalingam MMBBS, MD, DNB | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ganesh NMBBS, MD, DM | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ashok G MBBS, MD, DM | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sanjay Theodare MBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.B.RamathilakamMBBS, MD, DM | 1995 |
2016-17 | Dr.B.MahadevanMBBS, MD, DM | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.S.Babu kumarMBBS, MD, DM | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Srinivasan.K MBBS, MD, Diploma (Neonatology) | 1989 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rathinasamy.MMBBS, MD, D.Ch | 1990 |
2016-17 | Dr.Giridhar.SMBBS, DM | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mani KumarMBBS, D.Ch, DM, DNB | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Natarajan.VMBBS, DM | 1982 |
2016-17 | Dr.Subramaniyan KMBBS, DM | 2001 |
2016-17 | Dr.Devaprasad M MBBS, DNB, DM | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ramesh V GMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 1988 |
2016-17 | Dr.Karthikeyan K.VMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Soundappan.VMBBS, M.Ch | 1999 |
2016-17 | Dr.Govindharaaju SMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1997 |
2016-17 | Dr.Deepak M MBBS, MD, M.Ch | 1994 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ranganathan PMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rafiq Anwar.AMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1986 |
2016-17 | Dr.T.SrinivasanMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Murugesan.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2016-17 | Dr.Srinivasan.NM.Sc., Ph.D | 1985 |
2016-17 | Dr.Agnishwar GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ram Gopal.C.NM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,DCP.,PG Dip in IRPM | 1998 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kumar Ebenezar.KM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Surajit PathakM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ramakrishnan.VM.Sc M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Koyeli GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Gowtham Kumar.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shoba NarayanM.Sc M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shiek Fareeth Ahmed.S.S.JM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Saravanan.RM.Sc M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Karunanithi.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Moorthi.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Weslen VedakumariM.Sc., Ph.D | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Govindaraju.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2016-17 | Dr.Thamaraichelvan.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2016-17 | Dr.Thangavel MuthusamyM.Sc., Ph.D | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Satish RamalingamM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Naveen.G.HM.Sc., Ph.D | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijayabanu UdayasankarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Antara BanerjeeM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2016-17 | Prof.Lakshmi.L M.Sc Ph.D | 2016 |
2016-17 | Prof.Veena M JosephM.Sc Ph.D | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Malathi.VM.Sc Ph.D | 2016 |
2015-16 | Dr.Indumathi S MBBS, MS | 2005 |
2015-16 | Dr.Hannah Sugirthabai Rajila MBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balaji.T.K M.Sc, Ph.D | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sowjanya Bandlamudi MBBS, MD | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Arathi.M.S MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Janani.Y MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sanjay Andrew Rajaratnam MBBS, MD | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Mathangi.D.C M.Sc, Ph.D | 1998 |
2015-16 | Dr.Prince Johnson Samuel MBBS, MD | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shiv Bhushan Sharma MBBS, Ph.D | 2001 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ahamed Basha.A M.Sc, Ph.D | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Remya.K.J MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Anithu.C MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vidya Karpagam.K MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Malligai.E MBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Uma Maheshwari.K MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Bachu.Laxmikanth MBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Asothai Raju MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Pitchai Ansar Khalifullah MBBS, MD | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Santhini Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vijayashree.RMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ramesh RaoMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balamurugan.SMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sushma NayarMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2015-16 | Dr.Subbiah.SPMBBS, MD | 1979 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rajesh Kanna.N.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Femela.MMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Aarthi.KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Devi.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Bhuvaneeshwarri.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Chidambharam C.MBBS, MD, DNB | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ruckmani.AMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2015-16 | Dr.Arunkumar.RMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Eerike MadhaviMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Chandrashekar.KMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Venu Gopala Rao KondaM.Sc, Ph.D | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vinayak MetiM.Sc, Ph.D | 2016 |
2015-16 | Dr.Maignana Kumar.RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Saradha.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Duraivel.MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shameem Banu.A.SMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2015-16 | Dr.Priyadarshini shanmugamMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vasanthi RompicherlaMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2015-16 | Dr.Jayanthi.SMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Nirupa.SMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Preethi.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shifa Meharaj.S.HMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Manohar.CMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sayed Khader Nawaz AhmedMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sreenivasan.MMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Murali.RMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ravivarman.GMBBS, MD | 1999 |
2015-16 | Dr.Suruliraman.S.MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rajesh Kannan.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Loganathan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Raja T.K.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2015-16 | Dr.Buvnesh Kumar M.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2015-16 | Dr.Suganthi.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Aravind MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rajasekaran.DMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1985 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sakuntala.S.RMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2015-16 | Dr.Dhandapani.GMBBS, MD | 1991 |
2015-16 | Dr.J.VigneshwaranMBBS, DNB | 2003 |
2015-16 | Dr.Mayilananthi.KMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Durga KrishnanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Udayashankar.DMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2015-16 | Dr.Nagajothi.MMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Indrani.NMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2015-16 | Dr.Noorul Ameen.SMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Gorgya Sampath KumarMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sarah Subhashini PremrajMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.E.SukanyaMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Thuvaragah.PMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Anitha.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ram Charan Reddy DMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Uma Devi.LMBBS, MD | 1984 |
2015-16 | Dr.Suresh.PMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2015-16 | Dr.Jaishree VasudevanMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kathir Subramanian.TMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sujatha SridharanMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2015-16 | Dr.Antony Jenifer.JMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ganavi.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ashvind.LMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Alexander.MMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balakumaran D.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sujitha.PMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Deepti PanditMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rajaguru.GMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Jayendra SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Meenakshi.NMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1998 |
2015-16 | Dr.Aruna ShanmuganathanMBBS, MD, DNB | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Subramanian.SMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Viswambhar.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ragulan.RMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Srinivasan.M.SMBBS, DD, MD | 1985 |
2015-16 | Dr.Elangovan P.MBBS, MD | 1990 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ashok Kumar.NMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Abarna Muthulakshmi M.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kandaswamy MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Selva Sudha MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2015-16 | Dr.ShankariMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Preeti PMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Srinivasan.BMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2015-16 | Dr.M.ShahjahanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sabari Sridhar.O.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kailash.SMBBS, MD, DNB | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shabeeba.ZMBBS, DPM, DNB | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ganesan RMBBS, MS | 1984 |
2015-16 | Dr.Anantharamakrishnan.RMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Karunanithi.RMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.PremalathaMBBS, MS | 1983 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balakrishnan.VMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.V.ChitraMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Loganathan.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Habeeb Mohammed.SMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sivarajan.NMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Senthil Kumar.KMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Natarajan.RMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kishore Babu.E.PMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Dinesh Kumar.TMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Harishwaran P.MBBS, MS | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Imran Thariq AMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Narayana Reddy.MMBBS, MS, D Ortho, DNB | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.Mathiyalagan.M.BMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.KMBBS, MS, D.Ortho, | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.Venkataraman.MMBBS, MS | 2001 |
2015-16 | Dr.Chander.S.GMBBS, MS | 1997 |
2015-16 | Dr.Victor MoirangthemMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Bharat Kumar.R.JMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.P.SaravananMBBS, MS | 2003 |
2015-16 | Dr.K.KanagasarathyMBBS, MS | 2003 |
2015-16 | Dr.Barani RMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.SaraswatI VishwanathanMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ranjith kumarMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sathyadharan.PMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Subramaniam.M.HMBBS, DNB | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Saseendar S.MBBS, MS, DNB | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Stephen SudhakarMBBS, MS, DNB | 2005 |
2015-16 | Dr.Pandurangan RMBBS, MS, DO | 1993 |
2015-16 | Dr.Manoj VasudevanMBBS, MS | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Siddharam.S.JMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shankar.CMBBS, MS | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.Premnath.GMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Adnan Mohamed MatheenMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Stephen Jebakumar SMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Jothi Ramalingam S BMBBS, MS, DLO | 1985 |
2015-16 | Dr.Thirunavukarasu.PMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Priya.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Preethi.PMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vasantha N SubbiahMBBS, DGO, MD | 1986 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vijayalakshmi.KMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2015-16 | Dr.Anoop SreevalsanMBBS, DGO, DNB | 1997 |
2015-16 | Dr.Amrita Priscilla NaliniMBBS, DGO, MD | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Famida.A.MMBBS, DGO, MD | 1993 |
2015-16 | Dr.Prabha SwaminathanMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.Swarnapriya.KMBBS, MS, DGO, DNB | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sailatha.RMBBS, MD – OBG | 2001 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sathiya.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kavitha.RMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Raja Kumar Shery AngelMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Lalitha.SMBBS, MS | 2005 |
2015-16 | Dr.Renuka.SMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.RijaphinMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Raghavi MMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Poornima ShankarMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Krishnamoorthi.AMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Abubacker Sulaiman.FMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.K.Srinivasa MudaliMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Alex Daniel PrabhuMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Einstien.AMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ashraf Ahmed.BMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.N.Arun KumarMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.ParthasarathyMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rajamani AnandMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.PraveenMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vijay Prabhu RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Jeffrey Skaria JosephMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Lailu MathewsMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2015-16 | Dr.Anand.SMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ashok KulasekarMBBS, DA, MD | 1995 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balamurugan.BMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sivashankar.K.R.MBBS, MD | 1983 |
2015-16 | Dr.Amarnath MoniMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ramkumar R.PMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Thilaka MuthiahMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Siva Sailam R.MBBS, MD | 2001 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balaji.MMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.MuthuKumar.MMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Arun Kumar.AMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Selvakumaran PMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Mohanarangam TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sivakumar RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Tamil SelviMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Pradeep G NayarMBBS, MD, DNB | 1998 |
2015-16 | Dr.V.ChockalingamMBBS, MD, Diploma | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Arumugam CMBBS, MD, DM | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Chokkalingam MMBBS, MD, DNB | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ganesh NMBBS, MD, DM | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sanjay Theodare MBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.B.RamathilakamMBBS, MD, DM | 1995 |
2015-16 | Dr.B.MahadevanMBBS, MD, DM | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.S.Babu kumarMBBS, MD, DM | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Srinivasan.K MBBS, MD, Diploma (Neonatology) | 1989 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rathinasamy.MMBBS, MD, D.Ch. | 1990 |
2015-16 | Dr.Giridhar.SMBBS, DM | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Mani KumarMBBS, D.Ch, DM, DNB | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Natarajan.VMBBS, DM | 1982 |
2015-16 | Dr.Subramaniyan KMBBS, DM | 2001 |
2015-16 | Dr.Devaprasad M MBBS, DNB, DM | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ramesh V GMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 1988 |
2015-16 | Dr.Karthikeyan K.VMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Soundappan.VMBBS, M.Ch | 1999 |
2015-16 | Dr.Govindharaaju SMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1997 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ranganathan PMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rafiq Anwar.AMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1986 |
2015-16 | Dr.T.SrinivasanMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Murugesan.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2015-16 | Dr.Srinivasan.NM.Sc., Ph.D | 1985 |
2015-16 | Dr.Agnishwar GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ram Gopal.C.NM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,DCP.,PG Dip in IRPM | 1998 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kumar Ebenezar.KM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Surajit PathakM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ramakrishnan.VM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Koyeli GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.Gowtham Kumar.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shoba NarayanM.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shiek Fareeth Ahmed.S.S.JM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Saravanan.RM.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Karunanithi.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Moorthi.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Weslen VedakumariM.Sc., Ph.D | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Govindaraju.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2015-16 | Dr.Thamaraichelvan.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2015-16 | Dr.Thangavel MuthusamyM.Sc., Ph.D | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Satish RamalingamM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Naveen.G.HM.Sc., Ph.D | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ashok PalaniappanM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vijayabanu UdayasankarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
Number of Ph.D/ DM/ M Ch/ PG Degrees awarded per eligible recognized PG teacher | |||||
Name of the PhD/DM/M.Ch scholar | Name of the Department | Name of the guide | Title of the thesis | Year of registration of the scholar | Year of award of PhD/DM/M.Ch |
Manickam S | Anatomy | Dr. Balaji. T.K. | Effect of naringin(4′,5,7-trihydroxy flavanone 7-rhamnoglucoside) on the expression of pdx-1 and foxm1 transcription factors in beta cells of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats | 2013-14 | 2019-20 |
Ganesan Vivek | Anesthesiology | Dr. Balamurugan B | Comparing The Efficacy Of Isobaric Levobupiv Acaine (0.5%) Versus Hyperbaric Bupivacaine (0.5%) With Fentanyl 25ug For Subarachnoid Block In Patients Undergoing Urological Procedures | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Prathibha Nair P U | Comparison Of The Effects Of Intravenous Dexmedetomidine Versus Dexmedetomidine With Ketamine On Hemodynamic Stability And Block Characteristics Following Spinal Anesthesia | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Smyrna G | Comparison Of Caudal Dexmedetomidine And Dexamethasone With Ropivacaine For Post-Operative Analgesia In Paediatric Circumcision: A Randomized Control Study | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Swaminathan Veerasamy R | Study Of Two Different Doses Of Ketamine As Pre-Emptive Analgesia In Laproscopic Surgeries | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Venkat Siddarth Ch | Biochemistry | Dr. Malligai E | Studies on the effect of indole-3-carbinol in regulating hif-1 alpha expression and apoptosis in mcf-7 breast cancer cells | 2008-09 | 2019-20 |
Anand Manjunath K | Cardiology | Dr. Chockalingam V | Assessment of left ventricular global longitudinal strain in metabolic syndrome | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Raghav J | Serum copeptin level and troponin i in acute myocardial infarction for early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Fasna L | Community Medicine | Dr. Ravivarman G | A Study On Feeding Practices Among Rural Mothers Of Children Aged Less Than Two Years In Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Jasmine M | A Cross – Sectional Study On Musculoskeletal Problems Among Software Engineers In A Private Firm, Chennai | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Kaveri P | A Study On Prevalence Of Good Menstrual Hygiene Practices Among Adolescent Girls In A Rural Area Kancheepuram District | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Manju N V | Study Of Social And Psychological Status Among Infertile Couples Attending Tertiary Care Hospital | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Pragadeesh Raja V | Prevalence Of Gestational Diabetes And Its Related Risk Factors Among Rural Pregnant Women In Kancheepurm District, Tamilnadu | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Prem Kumar M | Dermatology, Venereology And Leprosy | Dr. Srinivasan M S | A Study Of Efficacy Of Dermaroller Vs Dermaroller With Copper Peptides In Acne Scars | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Soundarya S | A Comparative Study Of The Efficacy And Safety Of Topical 3% Tranexamic Acid Gel Vs 35% Glycolic Acid Peel In The Treatment Of Melasma Over Face | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Balamurugan M | General Medicine | Dr. Rajasekaran D | A Comparative Study Of Serum Ferritin, Procalcitonin And Crp As A Prognostic Marker In Sepsis | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Guruboo Balaji R | Study Of Cardiac Dysfunction In Connective Tissue Disorders | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Juhi R | Analysis Of Sleep Pattern In Systemic Diseases At Tertiary Hospital | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Krishna Teja Kandula | Study Of Relationship Between Non Hdl Cholesterol, Lipoprotein (A) Levels And Severity Of Stroke And Short Term Outcomes | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Sooraj Kumar K | Variation Of Hba1c Level In Relation To Red Cell Distribution Width In Diabetes | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Ajay Kumar T | General Surgery | Dr. Balakrishnan V | Study On Postoperative Complications Of Mesh Repair In Ventral Hernia In Obese And Non-Obese Individuals | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Arul Kumaran K | A Study On Topical Use Of Phenytoin Sodium In Grade I And Grade Ii Diabetic Foot Ulcers | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Mohanavelu S | Clinical Research and Experimental Medicine | Dr. Arunkumar R | Bioequivalence study of Acitretin | 2016-17 | 2019-20 |
Aneesha Patnaik | Bioequivalence study of sitagliplin | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Ankita Suman | A comparative clinical and hematological study to assess the efficacy of alitazones and gliptines as third line of add on drug in patients having typeII diabetes melitus | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Bushraa Khanum B | Protocal specified activites in the administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy along with standard of care versus new investigational product for early breast carcinoma patients | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Manjubhargavi E | Bioequivalence study of Erythromycin study | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Nandhini D | Bioequivalence study of Nicorandid | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Pavithra V | Bioequivalence study of mebeverine hydrochloride | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sneha K M | Bioavailability study of lacosamide (FED) | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Suryalakshmi A R | Bioavailability study of erlotinib hydrochloride | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Suvarsha S | Bioavailability study of lacosamide (fasting) | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Swathi I | Bioequivalence study of Triamterene | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Akshaya Subbramani | Counselling Psychology | Dr. Ramgopal C N | Work-life balance, social support and mental health among women undergoing fertility treatments | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Beulah Valarmathi C | Anxiety among higher secondary students on NEET exam. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Deepika V | A study on perceived social isolation and self esteem in relation to psychological well being of hearing impaired individuals | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Durga C | A study on relationship between stress, quality of sleep and anger among NLC employees doing general and shift basis work | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Eldhose K Joy | A study on effect of perceived social support and apiritualwell being on self esteem among institutionalized physically challenged adolescense | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Esha A | Psychosocial predictors of eating patterns among young adults | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Mithila Lakshmi V | Shyness, locus of control and psychological well-being as predictors of internet addiction | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Mithra Devi R | A comparative study among spouses of social drinkers and alcoholic addicts on stress and psychological well-being. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Monisha | Self-concept, assertiveness and emotional intelligence among young dancer and non dancers | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Ranjith Gnanaselvam A | Role of self esteem and peer pressure in influencing alcohol dependence among young adults in rural areas | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sagayaraj K | Development of sexual orientation scale | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Shwetha G Kumar | A study on quality of life of aged people living in old age home and with families | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sujatha S | A comparative study on self-esteem, job satisfaction, burnout, among special educators and regular teachers. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Pragya Pallavi | Medical Bionanotechnology | Dr. Agnishwar Girigoswami | Rhodamine conjugated gold nanoparticles for targeted photodynamic inactivation of cancer cells | 2016-17 | 2019-20 |
Antinate Shilpa S | Study on size-dependent efficacy and toxicity of nanoparticles used in cosmetic products | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Jayavardhini B | Effect of Sericin scaffold functionalized with Human Placenta derived Extracellular Matrix for Wound Dressing Application | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Samant Kumar | Nano Encapsulated probiotics for the EnhancedTherapeutic utility | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sivakami M | Release of Hydrogen sulphide by Nanoformulation for healing gastric ulcer | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Annie Babu | Medical Biotechnology | Dr. Antara Banerjee | Role of bioactive phytomarine Rhodiola-sbf with lf-trachurus compound Against oxidative stress and aging In bacteria |
2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Bankole Opeyemi Oluyomi | Molecular methods for detecting biofilm producing multi drug resistant clinical isolates. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Delan Rongpipi | Preliminary isolation & characterization of magneto tactic bacteria from coastal area of Chennai,tamilnadu | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Gomathy V | A comparative study of anti-inflammatory effect of sulphated chitosan from marine wastes | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Hemalatha S | Development of polymer conjugated coumarin based homocysteine sensing marker | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Janani G | Study of anti-inflammatory property of Rhodiola SBF+LF-T in induced COPD in mice | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Janani Priya V | In-vivo anti-inflammatory activity of enriched proteins from spirulina | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Jasmin Sultana | Levels of Salivary biomarkers biomarkers AKT1 and hsCRP in patients with cardiovascular diseases | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Jeneesha George | Evaluation of anti-skin cancer property of formulated agar from brown seaweed (Laminariadigitate)- female mice-DMBA | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Kamal Raj N | Assessment of metabolomics approach using gold nano particle in stimulated human whole blood | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Nasima Begum Laskar | Levels of system biologically identified biomarkers AKT1 and hsCRP in patients with cardiovascular diseases | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Naziya Gulnaaz A S | Estimation of level of the cardiac biomarker for type II Diabetes patients with and without coronary artery disease. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Susmita Roy | A study on effects of Acetyl-11-Keto-β- boswellicacid against dextran sodium sulphate induced chronic toxicity in mice. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Vishal Kumar C | Influence of silver nano particle in human whole blood using metabolomics approach | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Keerthana S | Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics | Dr. Ramakrishnan V | Association of MTHFR gene polymorphisms in Preeclampsia and Recurrent abortion- A case/control study | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Malarkodi M | Positive selection site analysis in HIV1 and its accessory proteins | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Vivedharani R | Identification of positive selection sites and its potential immunological relevance in HIV-1 protease | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Amit Dey | Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine | Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami | Formulation and antibacterial activity of cu-nbgc for Bone Tissue Engineering | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Naveen Kumar P G | Formulation and antibacterial activity of cu-nbgc for Bone Tissue Engineering | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Praveen Kumar Rowlo | Role of Wnt Signaling in Trans-differentiation Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Towards Neuronal Lineage |
2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sasikumar V | Construction of modified topographic 3D typhographic scaffold using polymer Zinc Doped Bioglass for In Vitro osteogenesis | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Shibormi Rymbai | Silk Sericin/Gelatin scaffold incorporated with Quercetin for Wound Dressing and Tissue Regeneration | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Eswari S S | Echocardiography & Cardiovascular Imaging Technology | Dr. Durgadevi K | Correlation between myocardial performance(TEI) index using pulse wave doppler with left ventricular function by Simpson’s method in patients with ejection fraction 30% | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Keerthana M P | Prevalence of subclinical left ventricular dysfunction by global longitudinal strain echocardiography in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Poonthendral V | Assessment of left ventricular function using global longitudinal Strain echocardiography in patients with diabetes mellitus | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sam Deva Irakkam J | Prevalence of thinned out inter atrial septum/ inter atrial septal aneurysm in normal patients | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Yamini B | Evaluation of right ventricular dysfunction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Akhil Sudhan V S | Radiology and Imaging Sciences Technology | Dr. Krishnamoorthi A | Correlation of anterior posterior diameter of abdomen with CT dose index (CTDI) and dose length product (DLP) in abdomen CT scan-A Retrospective study | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Niranjana K | Usefulness of metal artifact reduction technique in patients with metallic objects in computed tomography (CT)- A Prospective study | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Punitha P | Analysis of data obtained from susceptibility weighted imaging and gradient echo sequence in the evaluation of hemorrhage in MRI brain-A Prospective study | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Eswari S | Medical Surgical Nursing (CVTN) | Ms. Pushpakala K J | A study to Assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on pulmonary rehabilitation among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a selected tertiary hospital, Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, India | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Nandhini Devi M | A study to assess the effect of structured computer based education programme to develop and enhance knowledge on coronary artery disease among patients with hypertension at selected community area, Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, India | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Akram Husain R S | Medical Biotechnology | Dr. Shiek Fareeth Ahmed S S J | Molecular analysis of human papillomavirus high risk genotypes and it’s association with selected oncogenes of cervical cancer | 2014-15 | 2019-20 |
Alexandar V | Studies on the association of systems biology-identified biomarkers with cardiovascular risk factors in patients with documented coronary heart disease | 2012-13 | 2019-20 | ||
Gnanakkumaar P | Identification of diagnostic biomarkers for multiple sclerosis: a systems biological approach | 2011-12 | 2019-20 | ||
Joy Sebastian Prakash J | Development of bimodal medical imaging probe using cadmium zinc selenium (cd/znse) quantum dots | 2014-15 | 2019-20 | ||
Manigandan V | Effect of sulfated polysaccharides from cuttlebone of sepia pharaonis on rotenone induced parkinson’s disease in zebrafish | 2014-15 | 2019-20 | ||
Sanjay Kisan Metkar | Studies on denaturing of amyloid aggregates | 2014-15 | 2019-20 | ||
Sandeep Jindal | Medical Gastroenterology | Dr. Pugalendhi T | Assessment of left ventricular function in patients with chronic liver disease using tissue doppler imaging (tdi) and speckle tracking echocardiography (ste) | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Elayarani A | Microbiology | Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam | Phenotypic & Genotypic Characterisation Of Erythromycin Resistant Group A B Haemolytic Streptococci Causing Acute Tonsillopharyngitis In A Tertiary Care Hospital | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Jaison Jayakaran J | Phenotypic And Genotypic Characterisation Of Multidrug Resistant Isolates From Patients With Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (Cauti) In A Tertiary Care Hospital | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Saranya A | Evaluation Of Second Generation Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Antibodies With Rheumatoid Factor Isotype In Diagnosis Of Rheumatoid Arthritis | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Sunjay Pradhep R L | Neurology | Dr. Subramaniyan K | A study of retinal vascular changes in person with cerebral small vessel disease | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Sindhura M | Obstetrics And Gynecology | Dr. Famida A M | Assessment Of Cerebroplacental Ratio By Doppler Ultrasound Between 37-40 Weeks In Uncomplicated Pregnancies And Its Correlation With Outcome In The Newborn | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Sruthi G | Ophthalmology | Dr. Stephen Sudhakar K | Specular Microscopic Analysis Of Corneal Endothelium In Type-2 Diabetic And Non Diabetic Patients Before And After Phacoemulsification | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Archit Saxena | Orthopedics | Dr. Narayana Reddy M | Assessment Of Functional Outcome Of Selective Nerve Root Block In Management Of Lumbar Radiculopathy | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Soma Sundar S | Assessing The Functional Outcome Of Cemented Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty For Fracture Neck Of Femur In The Elderly By Harris Hip Score | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Venkata Kasyapi V | Otorhinolaryngology | Dr. Rajasekaran | Descriptive Study Of Sensorineural Hearing Loss Of Patients At A Tertiary Health Care Centre | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Abhiram I | Paediatrics | Dr. Umadevi L | Study Of The Clinical Profile And Aetiology Of Global Developmental Delay In Children Attending A Tertiary Care Centre | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Dushyanth Subramaniam N | Demographic And Clinical Profile Of Children Presenting To A Tertiary Care Centre With Seizures | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Dinu Varghese | Pharmacology | Dr. Ruckmani A | Urinary Bisphenol A (Bpa) Level And Consumption Of Water / Soft Drinks / Food From Plastic Containers | 2015 – 16 | 2019-20 |
Gayathri V | Anticancer Activity Of Ethanolic Extract Of Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus) Skin | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Lavanya K | Effects Of Non Caloric Artificial Sweeteners (Nas) On Glycaemic Status In Male Swiss Albino Mice | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Neevedha K | Neurological, Haematological And Histological Effects Of Chronic Exposure To Nitrous Oxide In Wistar Albino Rats | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Vivek V | Evaluation Of Ige And Histamine Levels In Patients With And Without Drug Allergy | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Jawahar George G | Physiology | Dr. Sanjay Andrew R | Diurnal Variation Of Pulmonary Ventilatory Function In Healthy South Indian Population | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Prathyusha Mikkilineni | Psychiatry | Dr. Srinivasan B | A Study On The Prevalence Of Early Depression Among Acute Stroke Patients | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Rakesh B | Study Of Insight And Neuropsychological Frontal Lobe Function In Patients With Schizophrenia | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Amritha A | Radio – Diagnosis | Dr. Krishnamoorthi A | Diffusion Tensor Imaging Of The Brain In The Evaluation Of Children With Developmental Delay | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Anusha V | Diagnostic Efficacy Of Ultrasound In Comparison To Computed Tomography In Neck Soft Tissue Lesions | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Divya Y | Mri In The Evaluation Of Fistula In Ano With Surgical Correlation | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Farooque M C | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) Evaluation Of Non-Traumatic Low Back Ache By Adding 3d Fiesta Sequence | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Mithun Joy Karot | Respiratory Medicine | Dr. Meenakshi N | Correlation Of Clinico-Radiological, Cardio-Pulmonary And Microbiological Profile Of Patients With Bronchiectasis In A Tertiary Care Hospital | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Pukazhenthi K | To Study The Prevalance Of Metabolic Syndrome In Copd And Its Association With The Severity Of Copd | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Cipai Keerthy Sagar Reddy | Urology | Dr. Deepak M | Comparative study between tamsulosin and alfuzosin in expulsion of distal ureteric stones | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Consultancy Services @ CARE
- Spectroscopy and imaging
- Natural medicine and therapeutics in animal model, oxidative stress related parameters
- Western blot and real time PCR and RNA sequencing
- MR Imaging (Clinical/Animal sample), Matlab Programming, Medical Image (DICOM) Analysis, Statistical Analysis (Huge Data)
- Cell culture, synthesis, and characterization of nanoparticles-hydrodynamic diameter (DLS) and stability (zeta potential), UV visible spectroscopy, zebrafish embryo studies
- Karyotyping, Genetic Polymorphisms
- Nanoparticle synthesis and characterisation using – DLS, FT IR, UV-Vis Spec, fluorescence spectroscopy (whichever technique applicable), Use of Imaging instrument
- Primary Stem Cell Culture, Cell culture, Western blotting, Immunocytochemistry
- Angiogenesis and cancer microenvironment evaluation on CAM model, Microbial Culture and typing, Anticancer agents testing in rats
- Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Biomarkers Predication
- Marine Pharmacology & Zebrafish toxicity
- Synthesis of Angiogenic Nanocomposites, Chick embryo angiogenic assay, Wound Healing Experiments
- Cognitive Behaviour therapy, Psychological Assessment, Human resource management
- Self-cleaning hydrophilic and hydrophobic coating, Biomaterials, Anti-bacterial activity, Nanofunctionalized hygienic fabrics, Super-capacitors, Photo-catalysis, Nanofertilizer for Hydroponics Agriculture
- Molecular cloning, microbial gene expression studies, protein purification and assessment of anti-microbial properties
Please send your query to : consultancy@care.edu.in
Measures of interdisciplinary research success
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education has in its mandate itself conceived the concept of interdisciplinary research. The organization has practised the principle of collaborations grown organically from the ground as against a top-down approach.
As CARE has various departments ranging from medicine to physiotherapy to allied health sciences, and nursing, the organizational role has been to create opportunities to bring these faculty in these departments together.
Interdisciplinary research involves the collaboration of scholars from different disciplines in the pursuit of a common research goal. The success of interdisciplinary research at CARE is measured in following ways, including:
Publication output: The number and quality of publications resulting from interdisciplinary research projects can be used as a measure of success. This includes publications in interdisciplinary journals and those in traditional disciplinary journals. Total no. of publications more than 100
Funding: The amount of funding secured for interdisciplinary research can also be used as a measure of success. This includes funding from government agencies, private foundations, and industry partners. Grants received in 2020-21 INR 29,22,20,000.
Citation impact: This reflects the influence of the research in the wider academic community. Citation 6274.
Collaboration: Collaboration is promoted by way of incentives. Incentives are provided to researchers who have co-authors drawn from other institutions and coming with expertise that strengthens the quality of publication.
Research Promotion Policy: CARE has a strong research policy which promotes interdisciplinary research in its policy development.
Training and education: Constant training and education to researchers and students of all schools and constituent colleges of CARE.
Measures of interdisciplinary research success amongst science disciplines
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education being a health science university offering courses in Medical, Para Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy allow its researchers to bring together different perspectives and areas of expertise to solve complex problems. Measuring the success of interdisciplinary research can be challenging, as it involves assessing the impact of research across multiple fields.
Publication output: The number and quality of publications resulting from interdisciplinary research projects can be used as a measure of success. This includes publications in interdisciplinary journals and those in traditional disciplinary journals. Total no. of publications more than 100
Funding: The amount of funding secured for interdisciplinary research can also be used as a measure of success. This includes funding from government agencies, private foundations, and industry partners. Grants received in 2020-21 INR 29,22,20,000.
Citation impact: This reflects the influence of the research in the wider academic community. Citation 6274.
Collaboration: Collaboration is promoted by way of incentives. Incentives are provided to researchers who have co-authors drawn from other institutions and coming with expertise that strengthens the quality of publication.
Research Promotion Policy: CARE has a strong research policy which promotes interdisciplinary research in its policy development.
Training and education: Constant training and education to researchers and students of all schools and constituent colleges of CARE.
Specific physical facilities for interdisciplinary research teams
The following physical facilities at Chettinad Academy of Research and Education allow researchers to carry out interdisciplinary research with other departments / institution.
- Central Research Laboratory
- Animal House
- Medicinal Plant Garden
- Museum
- Media Laboratory
- Clinical trial centre
- Data Analysis and Computing facilities
- Meeting Room
- Specialized Equipments
- Animal House Medicinal Plant Garden Museum
- Central Research Laboratory Central Research Facility
- Clinical Trial Center
- e-Resource-Studio
- Research Statistical Databases Health Informatics
Specific physical facilities for interdisciplinary research teams amongst science disciplines
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education being a health science university offering courses in Medical, Para Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy allow its researchers to use the following physical facilities at Chettinad Academy of Research and Education to carry out interdisciplinary research with other departments / institution.
- Central Research Laboratory
- Animal House
- Medicinal Plant Garden
- Museum
- Media Laboratory
- Clinical trial centre
- Data Analysis and Computing facilities
- Meeting Room
- Specialized Equipments
Specific administrative support for interdisciplinary research teams
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) provides specific administrative support that enable researchers to focus on their core research activities.
CARE provides administrative support to interdisciplinary research teams by facilitating communication and collaboration among team members. The institution provides access to online collaboration tools and software that enable team members to share research data, communicate, and collaborate effectively.
Research Grants: CARE provides various research grants to interdisciplinary research teams to support their research activities. The grants cover research-related expenses such as laboratory equipment, travel, and publication costs. CARE also assists interdisciplinary research teams in identifying and applying for external funding opportunities.
Research Facilities: CARE has state-of-the-art research facilities that are equipped with modern equipment and technologies to support interdisciplinary research. These facilities are managed by trained technicians and staff who provide technical support to interdisciplinary research teams.
Research Ethics: CARE has a Research Ethics Committee that ensures that all research activities conducted by interdisciplinary research teams comply with ethical guidelines and standards. The committee provides guidance and support to interdisciplinary research teams in obtaining ethical clearance for their research projects.
Mentorship: CARE provides mentorship to interdisciplinary research teams by assigning experienced faculty members as mentors to guide and support them in their research activities. The mentors provide feedback, advice, and support to interdisciplinary research teams, which helps them to achieve their research goals.
Communication: Interdisciplinary teams may have members with different disciplinary backgrounds, and therefore different ways of communicating. Administrative support can help to facilitate communication among team members and ensure everyone is on the same page.
Data management: Interdisciplinary research teams may collect and analyze data from various sources, which can be difficult to manage. Administrative support can assist in organizing, storing, and analyzing data, ensuring that it is easily accessible to all team members.
Collaboration: Interdisciplinary research often requires collaboration across different disciplines, which can be challenging. Administrative support can facilitate collaboration by creating opportunities for team members to work together and encouraging cross-disciplinary communication.
The institution’s commitment to promoting interdisciplinary research is reflected in its research grants, research facilities, research ethics committee, administrative support, and mentorship programs. These initiatives enable interdisciplinary research teams to focus on their core research activities and achieve their research goals.
Specific administrative support for interdisciplinary research teams amongst science disciplines
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) being a health science university offering courses in Medical, Para Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy provides specific administrative support that enable researchers to focus on their core research activities.
CARE provides administrative support to interdisciplinary research teams by facilitating communication and collaboration among team members. The institution provides access to online collaboration tools and software that enable team members to share research data, communicate, and collaborate effectively.
Research Grants: CARE provides various research grants to interdisciplinary research teams to support their research activities. The grants cover research-related expenses such as laboratory equipment, travel, and publication costs. CARE also assists interdisciplinary research teams in identifying and applying for external funding opportunities.
Research Facilities: CARE has state-of-the-art research facilities that are equipped with modern equipment and technologies to support interdisciplinary research. These facilities are managed by trained technicians and staff who provide technical support to interdisciplinary research teams.
Research Ethics: CARE has a Research Ethics Committee that ensures that all research activities conducted by interdisciplinary research teams comply with ethical guidelines and standards. The committee provides guidance and support to interdisciplinary research teams in obtaining ethical clearance for their research projects.
Mentorship: CARE provides mentorship to interdisciplinary research teams by assigning experienced faculty members as mentors to guide and support them in their research activities. The mentors provide feedback, advice, and support to interdisciplinary research teams, which helps them to achieve their research goals.
Communication: Interdisciplinary teams may have members with different disciplinary backgrounds, and therefore different ways of communicating. Administrative support can help to facilitate communication among team members and ensure everyone is on the same page.
Data management: Interdisciplinary research teams may collect and analyze data from various sources, which can be difficult to manage. Administrative support can assist in organizing, storing, and analyzing data, ensuring that it is easily accessible to all team members.
Collaboration: Interdisciplinary research often requires collaboration across different disciplines, which can be challenging. Administrative support can facilitate collaboration by creating opportunities for team members to work together and encouraging cross-disciplinary communication.
The institution’s commitment to promoting interdisciplinary research is reflected in its research grants, research facilities, research ethics committee, administrative support, and mentorship programs. These initiatives enable interdisciplinary research teams to focus on their core research activities and achieve their research goals.
Centre for Herbal Pharmacology and Environmental Sustainability (CHPES)
The Centre for Herbal Pharmacology and Environmental Sustainability (CHPES) was established in December 2022, and it stands as a beacon of excellence in multidisciplinary research. This cutting-edge research lab is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the field of Applied Sciences. Through its innovative approaches and holistic perspectives, CHPES is driving progress towards a more sustainable and harmonious coexistence of humanity and the environment.
Mission and Vision
CHPES is on a mission to revolutionize the way we approach healthcare, environmental conservation, and sustainable living. Our vision is to create a future where the benefits of nature are harnessed through advanced scientific methodologies, leading to the development of eco-friendly pharmaceuticals, materials, and technologies. Through this, they aim to promote a healthier planet and enhance the well-being of individuals and communities worldwide.
Research Areas
- Herbal Pharmacology
- Nanotechnology
- Materials Science
- Environmental Sciences
- Biotechnology
Scientific Advisors
Dr. R. Sridhar
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Dr. T. Balasubramanian
Former Vice-Chancellor
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Director Head
Professor Dr. R. Arunkumar Radhakrishnan
Vice Principal, HOD (Pharmacology),
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Dr. Ankush Chauhan
Patent Officer
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Research Faculty
Dr. Van-Huy Nguyen
Professor, Nanotechnology,
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Dr. Abinaya Elango
Assistant Professor, Pharmacology,
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Dr. Rajasekaran Subbrayan
Assistant Professor, Cell Therapy and Molecular Biology,
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Visiting Faculty
Dr. Pugazhendhi. A
Associate Professor, Environmental Biotechnology,
Van Lang University, Vietnam
Dr. Kuan Shiong Khoo
Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering and Material Science,
Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Dr. Yasser Vasseghian
Professor, Chemical Engineering,
Soongsil University, South Korea
Dr. Suresh Sagadevan
Associate Professor, Nanotechnology,
University of Malaya, Malaysia
Dr. Suresh Ghoektar
Assistant Professor, Chemistry,
Smt. Devkiba Mohansinhji Chauhan College, India
Dr. Yugal Kishore Mohanta
Assistant Professor, Nanobiotechnology,
University of Science & Technology Meghalaya
Research Associates
Research Assistant,
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Research Assistant,
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
1. Central Research Laboratory / Central Research Facility
CARE provides multidisciplinary research facility in the field of biotechnology, nanotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry, and genetics. Central research facilities, which are centralized, shared research resources that give access to the researcher to utilize the instruments and technologies available in the university. It also provides high quality service and technical support to enhance the knowledge about the facility. The availability of the resources, make it possible to do a good quality research. Instrumentation facility of university provides sample processing, storage, qualitative and quantitative analysis. The clear guidance will be given to the students/scholars, who engaged in research work. The good research facility will break the barrier and gives freedom to expertise and empower the knowledge.
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Click here for Additional Information: Instrumentation Facility
2. Animal House
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) caters to the educational needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students of medical, dental and allied health specialties. It provides immense opportunity for the research scholars to pursue their research.
To encourage the preclinical research, animal house facility was established in the year 2006 and is registered with CPCSEA (944/Po/Re/S/06/CPCSEA/ JUNE30,2006). The building is centrally airconditioned and is fitted with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to control the spread of aeroallergens to adjacent spaces and to provide biocontainment. Animal house contains all facilities for maintenance of and experimentation on laboratory animals. Facility is well maintained by a fulltime veterinary doctor and trained technician and is upgraded from time to time according to the CPCSEA guidelines.
The following facilities are available in the animal house to facilitate animal research:
- Quarantine rooms for animals
- Autoclave room with wall mounted autoclave
- Separate rooms for housing rats, mice and rabbits
- Experiment room (Blood collection, injections, surgery and necropsy)
- Biosafety level III cabinet
- Deep freezer (-20°C)
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3. Medicinal Plant Garden
A medicinal plants garden with a total area of 7788 sq.ft. has been developed in the year 2017 at the university campus. The garden houses a live collection of over 100 species of different foliage and flowering medicinal plants. The garden maintains variety of herbs, shrubs and trees in a well-defined space. The garden has descriptive label for the plants containing botanical name, vernacular name, family, parts used, medicinal use and mode of propagation.
The plants grown are useful in training the undergraduate and postgraduates of medicine and pharmacy programs. It provides a stimulus for herbal drug and natural product related research by postgraduate and doctoral students.
Diverse collection of plant species in the garden gives a serene atmosphere and a visual retreat to the visitors.
Some of the foliage medicinal plants available at the garden:
S.No. | Botanical name |
1. | Wedeliatrilobata |
2. | Dracaena pinguicula |
3. | Mimosa pudica |
4. | Datura stramonium |
5. | Vitex negundo |
6. | Cassia auriculata |
7. | Aloe barbadensis |
8. | Solanum torvum |
9. | Achyranthes aspera |
10. | Andrographis paniculata |
11. | Cymbopogon citratus |
12. | Jatropha curcas |
13. | Asparagus officinalis |
14. | Alternanthera sessilis |
15. | Pisonia grandis |
16. | Ocimumbasilicum |
17. | Hemidesmus indicus |
18. | Ixora coccinea |
19. | Abutilon indicum |
20. | Solanum trilobatum |
21. | Aervalanata |
22. | Coleus scutellarioides |
23. | Solanum nigrum |
24. | Catharanthus roseus |
25. | Clitoriaternatea |
26. | Hibiscus rosa-sinensis |
27. | Ipomoea batatas |
28. | Chamaecostuscuspidatus |
29. | Cynodondactylon |
Some of the flowering medicinal plants available at the garden:
S.No. | Botanical name |
1. | Nerium oleander |
2. | Portulaca grandiflora |
3. | Gomphrena globosa |
4. | Cosmos bipinnatus |
5. | Eclipta Alba |
6. | Jasminum auriculatum |
7. | Rosa rubiginosa |
8. | Tabernaemontanadivaricata |
9. | Passiflora foetida |
10. | Nyctanthesarbor-tristis |
11. | Allamanda cathartica |
12. | Jasminum grandiflorum |
13. | Jasminum Sambac |
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4. Museum
CARE under the faculty of medicine houses five museums namely Anatomy, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology and Forensic museums. These museums are basically established to impart knowledge to the students of medicine, dental, pharmacy, physiotherapy and allied health sciences programs. In addition, it is well utilized by the school and college students of Chennai city. All these museums have individual bays for self study and regularly used for small group teaching. These museums are wonderful learning tools and a depository of knowledge maintained meticulously by the respective departments.
Anatomy Museum
It houses a good collection of wet and dry mounted gross anatomy specimens segregated regionally. In addition, it contains osteology, embryology, neuroanatomy sections and special section on cross-sectional anatomy and comparative anatomy. This museum has regular visitor from the schools and colleges nearby to view the healthy human body parts and internal organs. The facility is well maintained and new specimens are added every year to make visit to this museum worthwhile to every student.
Seating capacity: 50
The highlights of Anatomy museum are:
- Mounted specimens – 389
- Models – 59
- Articulated skeleton – 10
- Disarticulated skeleton – 45
- MRI and CT films – 20
Pathology museum
The museum has good collection of diseased organs and tissues from all regions of the body with their complete history. This museum is used routinely for regular study and for practical examinations of medical and other allied health science programs. The museum is regularly updated to reflect the changing of disease pattern in our society.
Seating capacity: 100
The highlights of Pathology museum are:
- Mounted specimens – 300
- Other specimens – 500
- Catalogues – 25
Microbiology museum
Microbiology museum has specimens and charts pertaining to mycology, parasitology, virology, bacteriology, immunology and biomedical waste segregation and disposal.
Seating capacity: 80
The highlights of Microbiology museum are:
- Mounted specimens – 40
- Charts – 95
- Models – 88
- Catalogues – 35
Pharmacology museum
Museum contains a section on history of medicine with the photograph of eminent scientists and their contribution. The drug specimens are arranged system wise. In addition, there is a section on medicinal plants contains photographs of herbs with description of their medicinal properties.
Seating capacity: 80
The highlights of Pharmacology museum are:
- Specimens – 500
- Charts – 45
- Models – 10
- Catalogues – 30
Forensic medicine museum
Museum is well organized into different sections of skeletons, weapons, toxicology specimens, medico-legal photographs, and histo-pathological specimens. In addition, various types of poisonous and non-poisonous snakes, scorpions are mounted as wet specimens aiding in their identification. The specimens and exhibits are systematically catalogued for better understanding.
Seating capacity: 50
The highlights of Forensic medicine museum are:
- Medicolegal specimens – 136
- Dry specimen – 34
- Weapons & Prototype fire arms – 29
- Charts – 36
- Photographs – 47
- Wax models – 20
- Catalogues – 25
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5. Media laboratory / Business Lab / e-resource Studios
CARE envisaging the importance of information technology in the teaching-learning process has established an e-resource studio in the year 2017. This is to facilitate the creation of high-quality e-learning resources for academic purpose. The studio is equipped with all pre-production, production and post-production facilities. The studio has latest high-quality audio-visual recording equipment, special light panels and required furniture. For post-production the studio is equipped with computers and necessary editing software. It is manned by qualified technicians and software engineers.
This studio is a useful resource centre for production of lecture videos, MOOC lessons, and uploading of learning materials on social media platforms and improving the teaching practices of faculty.
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6. Research / Statistical Databases / Health Informatics
Health informatics is one of the rapid developing fields, which utilizes the modern technology to enhance the health care system and to solve medical issues. In Global perspective, it comprises of computer science, informatics, and health care. Health care system has facing issues due to increased population, complex health care services, resources availability. Health informatics plays a major role to improve the data acquisition, retrieval, storage, and make use of the resources. To provide good medical services to larger group of population is still challenging, which needs innovative methods to rectify the issues. Advanced software application of CARE enhances the quality of research.
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7. Clinical Trial Centre
Clinical trials are type of clinical studies where human participants are employed to test the safety and effectiveness of medical interventions, devices and diagnostic methods. These studies are carried out following the ethical guidelines issued by the competent authority.
India has become a desirable destination for conduct of Global clinical research owing to the diversified gene pool of the participants, availability of skilled professionals and affordable cost. Clinical Trial Centre has been established at Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) in the year 2009 to involve physicians in scientific and evidence-based medicine. Since its inception, numerous clinical research projects including several randomized clinical trials are currently in progress. Institutional Human Ethics Committee constituted with reputed scientists is in place to scrutinize the clinical studies proposals and the same is duly registered with Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO). In addition, CARE Institutional review board (IRB) is registered with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In order to carry out laboratory tests as a part of clinical research projects at international standards, CARE is equipped with NABL accredited diagnostic labs.
Clinical Trial Centre has conducted clinical trials in the following areas: Diabetes mellitus, Asthma, Pulmonary fibrosis, Acne vulgaris, Rh-incompatibility, Osteoarthritis, vaccines trials and SARS-COVID19.
Clinical Trial Centre works in collaboration with the following top pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations: MedRegen, Daewoong Pharmaceuticals, Mankind, Clear Creek Bio,Vicore, Ampio, Lifecell, Catawba research India, AzurRx BioPharma, Lambda, Evergreen Therapeutics, Sandoz, Bharat serums and vaccines, and Biological E.
The list of clinical trials conducted at CARE are given below:
1. | A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel group, phase 2/3, multicenter trial investigating the efficacy and safety of C21 as add on to standard of care in adult subjects with COVID-19 | Vicore | |
2. | A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo Controlled Phase II Study to Evaluate theSafety and Efficacy of Inhaled Ampion in Adults with Respiratory Distress due to COVID-19 | Ampio | |
3. | Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Human Umbilical Cord DerivedMesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) in Patients with Moderate toSevere SARS-CoV-2 Infection (SpO2 ≤94% and Respiratory Rate≥ 24 per minute): An Adaptive, Seamless Phase-1/Phase-2,Prospective, Open-labelled, Multi-center Study | LifeCell international pvt Ltd. | |
4. | Dr.Arunkumar Radhakrishnan | A Randomized, Open label, Prospective, Three Arm, Parallel, Multicenter study toEvaluate Efficacy and Safety of Metformin with / without Concomitant Administration ofThymoquinone in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. | Lambda |
5. | A Phase IIa, Adaptive, Double Blind,Randomized, Placebo Controlled, Multi-Center Study in Hospitalized Patients Infected with Severe and Critical SARS-CoV-2 to Assess the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Efficacy of MRG-001 | MedRegen | |
6. | An Open label, Multi-center, Single arm, Phase I Study to Evaluate theSafety, Tolerability, Pharmacodynamics (PD) and Efficacy ofDWRX2003 (Niclosamide IM Depot Injection) following IntramuscularAdministration in COVID-19 Patients | Daewoong Pharmaceutical (India) Pvt. Ltd. Mankind Pharma Limited, India |
7. | A Multi-center, Observer-blind, Randomized, Controlled, Cross-over Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Immunogenicity and Safety of Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Trimeric S-proteinSubunit Vaccine (IP), Administered as a Booster Dose to Adults, who Previously Received primary series of a COVID-19 Vaccine | ||
8. | India DISulfiram for COvid-19 (I-DISCO) Trial | MU2SF University of California, San Francisco |
The CCB-CRISIS-04 Study: A phase II, randomized, assessor-blind, multicenter,multi-dose, placebo-controlled study assessing the safety and anti-coronavirusresponse of brequinar combined with dipyridamole in patients with mild to moderateSARS-CoV-2 infection.Clear Creek Bio, Inc.10.
A prospective, pilot, clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of COLchicineforimprovement of clinical outcomes during COronaVirus (COVID-19) disease treatment in high-risk Indian patients
11.Dr.Durga KrishnanA Randomized, Multi-Center, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Ivermectin 400mcg/kg for the Treatment of Non-Hospitalized Patients with Mild to Moderate Symptoms of SARS‐CoV‐2(COVID-19)Catawba research india PVT.12.
A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Parallel group, Multicentric,Phase-III clinical trial to the evaluate efficacy and safety of 0.1% Nasal Spray in Patients withmild1 COVID-19 infection.
RESERVOIR: A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-ControlledStudy on the Safety and Efficacy of Niclosamide in Patients with COVID-19 withGastrointestinal InfectionAzurRx BioPharma, Inc.14.
A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Two-armStudy to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of HydroxyprogesteroneCaproate Intramuscular Injection Plus Dexamethasone Compared toDexamethasone Alone in Patients with Moderate/Severe (Non-intubated, Non-mechanical Ventilation) COVID-19 PneumoniaEvergreen Therapeutics, Inc.15.
A multi-centric, phase-II, randomized, open label clinicalstudy to evaluate efficacy, safety and tolerability ofNIclosamide for the treatment of hospitalized COronaVirusDisease (Covid-19) patients.Insignia Clinical Services Pvt. Ltd.16.
Efficacy and safety of ES16001 in patients with COVID-19: a phase II/III,multinational, randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlledstudy
Clinical Equivalence Study of Budesonide/Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate from Test &Reference Metered Dose Inhaler in Patients with AsthmaSandoz, a Novartis Division
18.Dr.Meenakshi NA Phase 2, Multi-Centre, Open-Label, Single-Arm Trial Investigating the Safety, Efficacyand Pharmacokinetics of C21 in Subjects with Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisVicore Pharma AB
19.Dr.JayakarThomasAcne vulgarisCatawba research india PVT.20.Dr.Sherry AngelA Prospective, Multi-centre, Phase IV study for Post-Marketing SafetyEvaluation of Recombinant Anti-Rho(D) immunoglobulin in the prevention ofMaternal Rh-isoimmunizationBharat serums and vaccines LTD21.
A Prospective, Randomised,Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled, Phase-II by III Study to Evaluate Safety, Reactogenicity,Tolerability and Immunogenicity of Corbevax Vaccine in Children and AdolescentsBiological E Limited22.Dr.AlexanderMannuA single blind randomised active-controlled Phase-III study to evaluateimmunogenicity, safety, tolerability of a candidate 14-valent pneumococcalpolysaccharide conjugate vaccine administered to 6-8 weeks old healthy IndianInfants in 6-10-14 weeks dosing schedule.Biological E Limited23.Dr.Subramaniam M.HA Randomized, Double-Blind, Multicenter, Phase III Trial to Evaluatethe Efficacy and Safety of XXX Compared with XXX and Placebo forPatients with Osteoarthritis.
24.Dr.JaishreeVasudevanA Randomized, Controlled, Dose-finding, Observer-Blind, Phase 2/3 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Reactogenicity and Immunogenicity of CpG/Alum-adjuvanted Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Trimeric S-protein Subunit Vaccines (IP) in Children < 18 years of age
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List of Instrument Details
S. No. | Instrument Name | Model & Company |
1 | ELISA Plate Analyser | Robonik (Readwell Touch, RT0181218RBK) |
2 | Weighing Balance | Wensar (PGB 200) |
3 | -20 Degree Single Door Deep Freezer 200 Litre | Blue Star (CF4-225DSW) |
4 | Vortex Mixer | Remi (CM 101) |
5 | Vertical Electrophoresis Unit | Medox |
6 | Binocular Microscope | ESAW (TM-01) |
7 | Portable Small Distilled Water Unit | |
8 | Double Door Refrigerator | Whirlpool (NEO DF278PRM) |
9 | Microwave | Electrolux |
10 | Table top Centrifuge | Tarsons (Spinwin MC-01) |
11 | pH Meter | Susima (MP-1 Plus) |
12 | -20 Degree Deep Freezer | Blue Star (CHF425) |
13 | Centrifuge | Remi (R-8C) |
14 | Water Bath | Remi (RSB-12) |
15 | Liquid Nitrogen Cylinder | Cryocan (BA-20) |
16 | Biosafety Cabinet (cell culture) | Biobase (BSC-1300 II B2-X) |
17 | Binocular Microscope | Olympus (CKX41) |
18 | Centrifuge | Remi (R-8M-PLUS) |
19 | CO2 Incubator | New Brunswick (CO170S) |
20 | Dell workstation | |
21 | Dell desktop system | |
22 | Microcentrifuge | REMI, RM 03 plus |
23 | Egg Incubator, (50 egg capacity) | Jeevan Egg Incubator -fully automatic |
24 | FREEZE DRYER; Lark Innovative Fine Teknowledge | [Penguin Classic] |
26 | ESPIN NANO; PICO Instruments [V1-VH] | |
27 | EZspin-A1 | Apex Instruments |
28 | Bio safety cabinet (GENLAF BSA-1200) – CLG/ME/0350 | |
29 | HERAcell CO2 Incubator (HERAcell Vios160i) | Thermo Scientific – CLG/ME/0351 |
30 | Accuscope | Inverted Microscope – CLG/ME/0353 |
31 | Magnetic stirrer | REMI – 1MLH |
32 | Table top centrifuge | REMI – CLG/ME/0352 |
33 | Mini Submarine Gel Electrophoresis | MEDOX |
34 | Live GEL viewer Mini Visualization system | MEDOX |
35 | Egg Incubator | BRAMA |
36 | MICROFUGE small (D1008U) | DILAB |
37 | Magnetic Stirrer | Remi 2MLH |
38 | Magnetic Stirrer | TarsonsMC 02 |
39 | Heating Mantel CAP 500 ml | |
40 | Lyophilizer SSLPL LTP 046 | |
41 | Rotary Evaporator | LabQuest |
42 | Hot Air Oven | Ausco |
43 | Weighing Balance | |
44 | Distillation Unit | BST 007 |
45 | Western Blot | Medox |
46 | Power pack | Medox |
47 | Electrophoresis Unit | Medox |
48 | Homegenizer | Remi RQ 124 A |
49 | Magnetic Stirrer | Labquest Borosil, HLS200 |
50 | Refrigerator | Whirlpool, |
51 | Spin Coater | Harrier Enterprises, HSC-9999 |
52 | Hot air oven, Thermostat Yorco hot air sterilization, IS:3119 | |
53 | Uv- Spectroscopy – Labman, LMSP-UV1000B, Pc monitor | Lenovo I5 |
54 | Photochemical Reactor- water chiller | Harrier enterprises |
55 | Orbital Shaking Incubator | Remi |
56 | Rotary Evaporator – Water chiller, Being | |
57 | Muffle Furnace | SISCON |
58 | Hydrothermal | Harrier Enterprises |
59 | Centrifuge | Remi, R-8C |
60 | Cooling centrifuge | (Eppendorf) |
61 | Thermomixer | (Eppendorf) |
62 | Smart blocks (24*1.5ml),(8*5ml) (96*0.1ml) | (Eppendorf) |
63 | Bacteriological incubator | (Rivotek) |
64 | Weighing balance | (Shimadzu) |
65 | pH meter | (Susima) |
66 | Tabletop centrifuge | (REMI) |
67 | Vortex Mixer | (REMI) |
68 | Ice machine | (King lab) |
69 | Electrophoresis unit (Horizontal ) | (BioRad) |
70 | Western Blotting apparatus | (BioRad) |
71 | UV Transilluminator | (Medox) |
72 | Probe type Ultra-sonicator | (Sonics) |
73 | Bio- Safety cabinet class II B2 type | |
74 | Fume Hood | |
75 | Opaque viscometer (LAMY Rheology) | |
76 | Digital water bath | (REMI) |
77 | Digital hot plate with magnetic stirrer | (REMI) |
78 | Digital Incubator | |
79 | Samsung front load washing machine | (Samsung) |
80 | Labomed DNT prima basic model floor stand/ max optical instruments/ 9018 | |
81 | Woodpecker RVG sensor size-1/ surident | |
82 | Carestream RVG sensorsize@1/ surident | |
83 | Spinwin MC-006 place rotor for 1.5 mL tub 2 place rotor for 8*200 µL tube strips/ tarsons/ 1010 | |
84 | Spinton – digital magnetic stirrer hot plate, top plate size: 18*18 cm, top plate material ceramic/ tarsons/ 6040 | |
85 | Rotorspin – Rotary mixer spare bar for 50*1.5 mL tube/ tarsons/ 3090X | |
86 | Spinix – Vortex shaker MC-01 with speed control and oval magnetic stirrer each 1 pack/ tarsons/ 3020 | |
87 | pH Meter | Deep vision |
88 | Water Bath | Technico |
89 | Magnetic Stirrer with hot plate | SPINOT |
90 | Incubator | Technico |
91 | Laminar air flow | Clean air |
92 | Orbital Shaking Incubator | Remi |
93 | Rotary Pump Rockyvac 600 | Tarsons |
94 | Distillation Unit steel type | |
95 | Desiccator | |
96 | Refrigerator (steel type custom made) 2 door | |
97 | Water Bath RSB-12 | Remi |
98 | Binocular Microscope Magnus | Magnus |
99 | Vortex CM101 | Remi |
100 | -80 Deep Freezer – New brunswick U410 premium | Eppendorf |
101 | Microwave Oven | Electrolux |
102 | Electrophoresis power supply (0-500v) (0-250v) (0-250v) | Medox |
103 | Water Bath | Technico |
104 | Multispin | Tarsons |
105 | Hot Air Oven | Technico |
106 | Cyclo mixer CM101 | Remi |
107 | Table top Centrifuge | Spinwin |
108 | Incubator | The ILE.Co. |
109 | Binocular Microscope | Magnus |
110 | Colony Counter Digital | Medica Instrument |
111 | Biosafety Cabinet | Biobase 1300 2B2X |
112 | Mini Centrifuge | Spinwin |
113 | Incubator | technico |
114 | Fluorescent Microscope with Computer | BX-51 Olympus |
115 | Laminar air flow | Clean air |
116 | Students Microscope | Olympus |
117 | Mastercycler gradient | Eppendorf |
118 | PCR | Applied biosystems |
119 | UV-Vis Spectrometer with computer | UV-1800 Shimadzu |
120 | Gel Imaging System | Genei |
121 | Zetasizer with computer | Nano-ZS90 Malvern |
122 | Gradient PCR | Applied Biosystems |
123 | FTIR with computer | alpha Bruker |
124 | Hydraulic Pellet Press | |
125 | Cooling centrifuge | Remi |
126 | Egg Candler Incubator | |
127 | Egg Incubator | Powersol |
128 | Autoclave | Technico |
129 | Water Bath with Shaker | RSB-12 Remi |
130 | Biosafety Cabinet | Biocrest |
131 | Refrigerator Single door | Godrej |
132 | Animal Imaging System with Computer | IVIS Lumina LT PerkinElmer |
133 | Spectrofluorometer with computer | Jasco |
134 | Refrigerator (double door) Iceberg | Whirlpool |
135 | Magnetic Stirrer with hot plate | SPINOT |
136 | Hot Air Oven | Yarco |
137 | Distillation Unit | Borosil |
138 | Gel Electrophoresis | Medox |
139 | pH Meter | Deep vision |
140 | Cooling Centrifuges | Eppendorf |
141 | Rotary Shaker RS-12 | Remi |
142 | Mini Centrifuge | Spinwin |
143 | Electronic weighing balance | wensar |
144 | 8M plus centrifuge(50 ml) | Remi R |
145 | Cuscompade 4 door fridge | |
146 | Multispin | |
147 | Vortex CM101 | |
148 | Microscope Olympus CH20i | |
149 | Induction Stove | Prestige |
150 | Hydrothermal Furnace | Harrier |
151 | Weighing Balance | Scaltech |
152 | Microvave | LG |
153 | Microvave oven | IFB |
154 | Prob Sonicator | |
155 | UV Transilluminator | Bioglow |
156 | Viscometer | LAMY |
157 | Real time PCR | Applied Biosystems |
158 | Nanodrop Lite | Applied Biosystems |
Research @ CARE
Research @ CARE – The mission of CARE is to assemble talented faculty and students to address key and emerging biomedical problems with implications in human health. CARE supports cohesive research through its research advisory committee, IPR Cell and earnest attempt at further improving research by appointing faculty of international repute.
Translational research focus on the following thrust areas:
- – Nanotechnology & Bio-technology in diagnostics, targeted drug delivery & vaccination
- – Human genomics and genetic epidemiology in infectious & lifestyle diseases
- – Native medicine, marine pharmacology, drug discovery, environment, pollution & infection surveillance
- – Bioinformatics & systems biology, pathway analysis in diseases, innovation, import substitutions & diagnostics
- – Stem Cell Biology / Regenerative Medicine
- – Tele Medicine
- – Point of Care diagnostics
CARE has established State of art instrumentation facility for its biomedical research incorporating genomics, nanotechnology laboratories, tissue culture facility, bioinformatics & computational biology labs, in-vitro fertilization lab, high throughput computing facility for drug discovery, in vivo small animal imaging and CPCSEA-approved animal facility.
CARE is accorded SIRO status by DSIR and has linkages with 29 academic institutions and industries for enhancing teaching, training and research. CARE has hosted many conferences with eminent speakers invited from across the country and abroad. In addition CARE has a host of luminaries as Visiting faculty to foster quality research and also act as mentors.
CARE has started to attract extramural funding from Government agencies like DST, DBT, CSIR, etc. We have recently been successful in securing the Indo-Italy project through DST initiative. In the pursuit to promote quality research CARE offers, JRF for full time PhD scholars, Postdoctoral fellowship and seed money for faculty research. The benefit of translational research of CARE to the society is widened through our extension activities that provide greater interface with society through, extension and field service related programs. CARE has over 1100 publications with an overall citation of 3194 and an H index of 20.
Committees to strengthen Research at CARE
– Dr. Padmapriyadarsini Chandrasekaran took up charge as the Chairman of the Research Advisory Committee of CARE recently. Based on the advice of the Research advisory committee a subcommittee was formed. This committee would meet at frequent intervals in an academic year to give course correction and suggestions to strengthen research. With the inputs of the RAC, new thrust areas have been added to the existing thrust areas; Stem Cell Biology/ Regenerative Medicine, Telemedicine and Point of care diagnostics.
– Quality of research at CARE has been up kept by the monthly Internal Review Board which reviewed all the PhD and Post Doctoral Research work. In addition this committee has also been reviewing all the research proposals that are being submitted to external funding. With the valuable inputs from the committee members few of the submitted proposals have been successful and a few more are under various stages of consideration.
– To strengthen post graduate and undergraduate research as well as PG and UG Research Review committee have been formed. With the inputs from the UG review committee 8 ICMR STS projects have been cleared and sanctioned.
– The human and animal ethics committees have been reconstituted and meet periodically to clear the research proposals.
– In addition plagiarism standing committee and IPR cell are also active and add to the quality of research and convert them to patent as well.
– PhD regulations and guidelines intune with UGC are discussed and updated by the Board of Research Studies. To upload the theses in to the Shodhganga set up by the INFLIBNET centre, a INFLIBNET committee have been constituted.
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Dr. Mohan Rao V R Director – Research Chettinad Academy of Research & Education Email: directorresearch@care.edu.in |
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Dr. Antara Banerjee Research Co-ordinator Chettinad Academy of Research & Education |
List of Scientists / Guides
Name | Designation | Department |
Dr. Sharmila A | Professor & HoD | Anatomy |
Dr. Balaji T K | Professor | Anatomy |
Dr. Sudakshina Chakrabarti | Professor | Anatomy |
Dr. Hannah Sugirthabai Rajila R | Professor | Anatomy |
Dr. Karpagavel L | Professor & HoD | Biochemistry |
Dr. Santhini Gopalakrishnan | Professor | Biochemistry |
Dr. Anuradha G | Professor | Biochemistry |
Dr. Ahamed Basha A | Professor | Physiology |
Dr. Sanjay Andrew R | Professor | Physiology |
Dr. Rajam Krishna | Professor | Physiology |
Dr. Vijayashree R | Professor & HoD | Pathology |
Dr. Arunkumar R | Professor & HoD | Pharmacology |
Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam | Professor & HoD | Microbiology |
Dr. Alice Peace Selvabai R | Professor | Microbiology |
Dr. Ambujavalli B T | Associate Professor | Microbiology |
Dr. Vedapriya D R | Professor & HoD | Community Medicine |
Dr. Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D | Professor | Community Medicine |
Dr. Meenakshi N | Professor & HoD | Respiratory Medicine |
Dr. Sridhar R | Professor | Respiratory Medicine |
Dr. Muthukumaran L | Associate Professor | Respiratory Medicine |
Dr. Alex Daniel Prabhu A | Professor & HoD | Radio-Diagnosis |
Dr. Einstien A | Professor | Radio-Diagnosis |
Dr. Rajamani Anand | Professor | Radio-Diagnosis |
Dr. Kailash S | Professor & HoD | Psychiatry |
Dr. Jaishree Vasudevan | Professor & HoD | Paediatrics |
Dr. Rajkumar G | Professor | Paediatrics |
Dr. Alexander M | Professor | Paediatrics |
Dr. Nalli R Uvaraj | Professor & HoD | Orthopaedics |
Dr. Vijayashankar M | Professor | Orthopaedics |
Dr. Vijayalakshmi K | Professor & HoD | Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Dr. Shery Angel R | Professor | Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Dr. Sailatha R | Professor | Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Dr. Rohini G | Professor | Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Dr. Anantha Ramakrishnan R | Professor & HoD | General Surgery |
Dr. Kishore Babu E P | Professor | General Surgery |
Dr. Mohan Rao V R | Professor & HoD | General Medicine |
Dr. Mayilananthi K | Professor | General Medicine |
Dr. Durga Krishnan | Professor | General Medicine |
Dr. Ashok G | Professor | Cardiology |
Dr. Sanjay Theodore | Associate Professor | Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery |
Dr. ArunKumar A | Professor | Anesthesiology |
Dr. Agnishwar Girigoswami | Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Surajit Pathak | Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Antara Banerjee | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Gowtham Kumar S | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Ramakrishnan V | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Saravanan R | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Shiek Fareeth Ahmed SSJ | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Shoba Narayan | Associate Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Weslen Vedakumari S | Assistant Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Nivenitha P | Assistant Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Ankush Chauhan | Assistant Professor | Allied Health Sciences |
Dr. Rajasekaran S | Assistant Professor | Research |
Dr. Hepsibah S | Principal | Nursing |
Dr. Subbulakshmi S | Vice Principal | Nursing |
Dr. Senthil P | Dean (i/c) | Physiotherapy |
Dr. Lakshmi K | Dean | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Devi T | Professor | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Mythreyi R | Professor | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Muralidharan P | Professor | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Priyanka Sinha | Professor | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Elphine Prabahar A | Professor | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Dr. Yogapriya G | Associate Professor | Architecture |
Dr. Rajeswari B | Dean | Law |
Chettinad Research Fellowship is available for pursuing full time research in the various departments of Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (NAAC accredited with ‘A’ Grade) as well as in the following thrust areas and related fields interfacing basic and clinical sciences.
The thrust areas are:
- Nanotechnology & Biotechnology in diagnostics, targeted drug delivery & vaccination
- Human genomics & genetic epidemiology in infectious and life style diseases.
- Native medicine, Marine Pharmacology & Drug Discovery
- Environment, Pollution & Infection Surveillance
- Systems Biology and pathway analysis in diseases status
- Innovations & Import substitutions in Diagnostics and point of Care Diagnostics
- Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine.
(For more details visit: https://care.edu.in/research/)
A Fellowship of Rs.16,000/- p.m., will be provided by CARE. The period of fellowship is initially for two years (However, it may be extended to a maximum of one more year with a stipend of Rs.16,000/- p.m. based on the progress of the scholar assessed by a committee) and within this period, the candidate is encouraged to obtain his/her own fellowship by passing UGC, CSIR and related examinations. Admission will be based on entrance test and interview. Allocation of research guides will be based on the background of the candidate, their aptitude, area of interest and the research priorities of CARE.
(INTERNAL Candidates) (a) Candidate possessing any one of the prescribed qualifications and having the following experience is eligible to conduct research on a part – time basis: A teacher working in the department of University with 2 years of teaching /* research experience can be permitted to register for part time Ph.D. after fulfilling basic eligibility requirements.
(EXTERNAL Candidates) (b) Candidates from other Institutions/Industries can be enrolled for
Part-time Ph.D (as per UGC norms). The guide for such candidates shall be from the CARE and,
a Co-guide may be assigned from the respective Institutions/Industries.
Click here for online Application
Click here to Download Ph.D Regulations
044 – 4742 9049
(Applicable for June 2016 session onwards)
(Applicable for January 2019 session onwards)
(Applicable for June 2020 session onwards)
(Applicable for June 2021 session onwards)
(Applicable for June 2022 session onwards)
(Applicable for June 2023 session onwards)
Fulltime teachers for recognition as Ph.D guides as per the eligibility criteria stipulated by the Universities | ||
Year | Name of full-time teachers with Ph.D./D.Sc./D.Lit./DM/M Ch/DNB in super specialities /other PG degrees in Health Sciences for recognition as Ph.D guides as per the eligibility criteria stipulated by the Regulatory Councils / Universities | Year of obtaining Ph.D./D.Sc./D.Lit./DM/M Ch/DNB in super specialities /other PG degrees in Health Sciences for recognition as Ph.D guides as per the eligibility criteria stipulated by the Regulatory Councils/ Universities |
2019-20 | Dr.Indumathi S MBBS, MD | 2005 |
2019-20 | Dr.Balaji.T.K M.Sc, Ph.D | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Hannah Sugirthabai Rajila MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sowjanya Bandlamudi MBBS, MD | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Manickam.S M.Sc, Ph.D | 2019 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arathi.M.S MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Janani.Y MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sanjay Andrew Rajaratnam MBBS, MD | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prince Johnson Samuel MBBS, MD | 2004 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shiv Bhushan Sharma MBBS, Ph.D | 2001 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ahamed Basha.A M.Sc, Ph.D | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Remya.K.J MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Latha.S MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anithu.C MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sumathy.S MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Karpagavel.L MBBS, MD | 2005 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anuradha.G MBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pitchai Ansar Khalifullah MBBS, MD | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Venkat Siddarth.CH M.Sc, Ph.D | 2019 |
2019-20 | Dr.Santhini Gopalakrishnan.S MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vijayashree.R MBBS, MD | 2000 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sushma Nayar MBBS, MD | 1993 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajesh Kanna.N.R MBBS, MD | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Femela.M MBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Aarthi.K MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Devi.S MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Chidambharam C. MBBS, MD, DNB | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Bhuvaneeshwarri.T MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajeswari Thivya MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sudha.S MBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Navya MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ruckmani.A MBBS, MD | 1993 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arunkumar.R MBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ilamathi.K.R MBBS, MD | 1995 |
2019-20 | Dr.Venu Gopala Rao Konda M.Sc, Ph.D | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Maignana Kumar.R MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Saradha.S MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Duraivel.M MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anu.M MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Priyadarshini shanmugam MBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vasanthi Rompicherla MBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Jayanthi.S MBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Nirupa.S MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Alice Peace Selvabai.R M.Sc, Ph.D | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kumaran.G M.Sc, Ph.D | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Preethi.V MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shifa Meharaj.S.H MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Manohar.C MBBS, MD | 1994 |
2019-20 | Dr.Santhakumar.B MBBS, MD | 1994 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sayed Khader Nawaz Ahmed MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sreenivasan.M MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ravivarman.G MBBS, MD | 1999 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vedapriya.D.R MBBS, MD | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.Suruliraman.S.M. MBBS, MD | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sowmiya.KR MBBS, MD | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Raja.D MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajesh Kannan.S MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Buvnesh Kumar M. MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Raja T.K. MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Suganthi.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Aravind MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajasekaran.DMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mohan Rao V.RMBBS, MD | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mayilananthi.KMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Durga KrishnanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vigneshwaran.JMBBS, DNB | 2003 |
2019-20 | Dr.Somasundaram SMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Chinnaiyan PMBBS, MD | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramakrishnan.CMBBS, MD | 1988 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kavitha SMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2019-20 | Dr.Selvamani.SMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dilip Kumar SingarajuMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Senthilnathan.PMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ananthakumar.P.KMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sugitha.D.R.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramprasath AnbazhaganMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vinu.BMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Nirmala Devi.CMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Nagajothi MMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Indrani NMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2019-20 | Dr.Gorgya Sampath KumarMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vrinda.VMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Gaurav Narayan.V SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sunil DattuMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Jagadeesh KumarMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pavan KumarMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Nirmal Raj FrancisMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Thuvaragah.PMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anitha.RMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rama Phaneendra JastiMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Nishaanth.M.KMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dhivya.EMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Umamaheswara R GolamariMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Uma Devi.LMBBS, MD | 1984 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kathir Subramanian.TMBBS, DCH, MD | 1983 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rathinasamy.MMBBS, MD, D.Ch | 1990 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sujatha SridharanMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2019-20 | Dr.Antony Jenifer.JMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Suresh.PMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2019-20 | Dr.Alexander.MMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.ArulparithiMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shah Rini AbhishekMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sugha Priya.V.CMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajendran Ranju RaJMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Revathi.AMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dhivyasree.V.SMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sunitha.RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arun Ganesh.CMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Archana.KMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Meenakshi.NMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1998 |
2019-20 | Dr.Aruna ShanmuganathanMBBS, MD, DNB | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ragulan.RMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Muthukumaran.LMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Uma Ganesh.SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Fathima Zehra Razuin.HMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Srinivasan.M.SMBBS, DD, MD | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Elangovan P.MBBS, MD | 1990 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ashok Kumar.NMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Srinivasan.GMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Abarna Muthulakshmi M.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kandaswamy MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shankari.JMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Selva Sudha MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Srinivasan.BMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sabari Sridhar.O.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kailash.SMBBS, MD, DNB | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shabeeba.ZMBBS, DPM, DNB | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ragumani.PMBBS, MS | 1988 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anantharamakrishnan.RMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2019-20 | Dr.Loganathan.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Karunanithi.RMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2019-20 | Dr.Senthil Kumar.KMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.PremalathaMBBS, MS | 1983 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramasubramanian.KMBBS, MS | 1989 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prabakar.AMBBS, MS | 1999 |
2019-20 | Dr.Affee Asma.AMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Muralidhar.VMBBS, MS | 1986 |
2019-20 | Dr.Varadaraju.PMBBS, MS | 1995 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vivekananda Subramanianathan.KMBBS, MS | 2000 |
2019-20 | Dr.Thinagaran.KMBBS, MS | 1986 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sandeep.UMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Natarajan.RMBBS, DNB | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kishore Babu.E.PMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Imran Thariq AMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Krishnan.DMBBS, MS | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Abhilash.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Amrithraj ThiyagarajanMBBS, MS | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mohamed Zakkariya.A.R.MBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prashaanth M.KMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Harishwaran P.MBBS, MS | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.JayaKumarMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vikram.GMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kaliraj.A.MMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Peta Pavan KumarMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ezhil.PMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Lenifa PriyadarshiniMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Uday Kumar.NMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kishore.DMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Paari vallalMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mathiyalagan.M.BMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.KMBBS, D.Ortho, MS | 1992 |
2019-20 | Dr.Victor MoirangthemMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Chander S.GMBBS, MS | 1997 |
2019-20 | Dr.Venkatachalam.KMBBS, MS | 1993 |
2019-20 | Dr.Venkataraman.MMBBS, MS | 2001 |
2019-20 | Dr.Malick Batcha Sathik BabuMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Jamal Mohamed.AMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arun Kumar.K.VMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pradeep.EMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prem Kumar.R.N.MBBS, MS | 1996 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dinesh.LMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sivaraman.BMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2019-20 | Dr.Subramaniam.M.HMBBS, DNB | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Premkumar.KMBBS, MS | 1996 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prashant Madan MohanMBBS, DNB | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arunkumar.CMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Aravindan Tharakad SatchidanandanMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Stephen SudhakarMBBS, MS, DNB | 2005 |
2019-20 | Dr.Siddharam.S.JMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shankar.CMBBS, MS | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajakumari.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Premnath.GMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Adnan Mohamed MatheenMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shinisha.D.PMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kiruthika.SMBBS, DNB | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajasekaran.SMBBS, MS, DLO | 1991 |
2019-20 | Dr.Priya.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prabakaran.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Paventhan.KMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Amrita Priscilla NaliniMBBS, MD, DGO | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vijayalakshmi.KMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prabha SwaminathanMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sailatha.RMBBS, MD – OBG | 2001 |
2019-20 | Dr.Famida.A.MMBBS, MD, DGO | 1993 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ganitha.GMBBS, MS | 1999 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anuradha.C.RMBBS, MD | 1981 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mangal Subhash PuriMBBS, MD, DGO | 1980 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kavitha.RMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sathiya.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Raja Kumar Shery AngelMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Renuka.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shalini.GMBBS, DGO, MD | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prema JayaprasadMBBS, MS | 1995 |
2019-20 | Dr.Poornima ShankarMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Binu.PMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prithi.DMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Puvithra TMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.NeerajvalliMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Jenniferbritto JMBBS, DNB | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Chokkalingam M MBBS, MD, DNB | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ashok G MBBS, MD, DM | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.DurgadeviMBBS, MD, DM | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Bala VigneshMBBS, MD, DM | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sama AkberMBBS, DNB | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sankar RajanMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Gnanaguru DMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ganesh SMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sanjay Theodare MBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ajay Kumar TMBBS, MS | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.TMBBS, MD, DM | 1997 |
2019-20 | Dr.Babu Kumar SMBBS, MD, DM | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sibi ThooranMBBS, MD, DM | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Bukka Bala Kasi NaikMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sulthan ShahMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Srinivasan KMBBS, MD, Diploma (Neonatology) | 1989 |
2019-20 | Dr.Giridhar.SMBBS, DM | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vignesh Kumar.SMBBS, MD, D.Ch, DM | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Bhavadeepti PerumalaMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Krishnamoorthi.AMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2019-20 | Dr.N.R.JagannathanM.Sc, Ph.D | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Alex Daniel PrabhuMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Einstien.AMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Parthasarathy E.A.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arunkumar.NMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajamani AnandMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vijay Prabhu RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anupchakravarthy.JMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Rajkumar.GMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramya.KMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Lavanya.GMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Lailu MathewsMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2019-20 | Dr.Anand.SMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ashok KulasekarMBBS, DA, MD | 1995 |
2019-20 | Dr.Balamurugan.BMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ravindran.KMBBS, MD | 1988 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arun Kumar.AMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Karthic Babu.NMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Merlin Shalini RuthMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Mohanarangan.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Siva Kumar.RMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.Maria Francis RochMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Hamsenandinie.CMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.Suriya GowthamiMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Adhilakshmi.RMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.Vijayakumar DMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Smyrna.GMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.Swaminathan Veerasamy.RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.SivanesanMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramesh.CMBBS, MD, DNB, Ph.D | 2001 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dobson DominicMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.Suman Kumar.TMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Subramaniyan KMBBS, DM | 2001 |
2019-20 | Dr.Devaprasad M MBBS, DNB, DM | 2012 |
2019-20 | Dr.Setti Palli Sarava PramodhMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Ramesh V GMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 1988 |
2019-20 | Dr.Karthikeyan K.VMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 2003 |
2019-20 | Dr.Deepak M MBBS, MD, M.Ch | 1994 |
2019-20 | Dr.Dev Krishna Bharathi.CMBBS, M.Ch | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Prashanth.NMBBS, M.Ch | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sepuri Bala Ravi TejaMBBS, MS | 2017 |
2019-20 | Dr.Arun Kumar ShirshettyMBBS, MS | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.R.MurugesanM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2019-20 | Dr.N.SrinivasanM.Sc., Ph.D | 1985 |
2019-20 | Dr.Agnishwar GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2019-20 | Dr.C N Ram GopalM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,DCP.,PG Dip in IRPM | 1998 |
2019-20 | Dr.K.Kumar EbenezarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2019-20 | Dr.Surajit PathakM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2019-20 | Dr.V.RamakrishnanM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2009 |
2019-20 | Dr.Koyeli GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2006 |
2019-20 | Dr.S.Gowtham KumarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.Shoba NarayanM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.SSJ.Shiek Fareeth AhmedM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2019-20 | Dr.R.SaravananM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2010 |
2019-20 | Dr.R.KarunanithiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.A.MoorthiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2019-20 | Dr.Weslen VedakumariM.Sc., Ph.D | 2015 |
2019-20 | Dr.A.S.PrincyMBA.,Ph.D | 2019 |
2019-20 | Dr.Antara BanerjeeM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2019-20 | Dr.Sripathi KandulaM.Sc., Ph.D | 1982 |
2019-20 | Dr.Pandian SokkarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2013 |
2019-20 | Dr.Hikku G SB.E., M.Tech., Ph.D | 2018 |
2019-20 | Dr.Kirti KulshreshthaM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D., UGC NET English Honours | 2016 |
2019-20 | Dr.S MeenakshiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2017 |
2019-20 | Prof.Dr.Veena M Joseph.M.Sc (N) Ph.D | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Indumathi S.MBBS, MS | 2005 |
2018-19 | Dr.Balaji.T.KM.Sc, Ph.D | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Hannah Sugirthabai RajilaMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sowjanya BandlamudiMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arathi.M.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Janani.YMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sanjay Andrew RajaratnamMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mathangi.D.CM.Sc., Ph.D | 1998 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prince Johnson SamuelMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shiv Bhushan SharmaMBBS, Ph.D | 2001 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ahamed Basha.AM.Sc, Ph.D | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Remya.K.JMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vidya Karpagam.KMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Latha.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Anithu.CMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Malligai.EMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2018-19 | Dr.Surapaneni Krishna MohanM.Sc, Ph.D | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Anuradha.GMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Pitchai Ansar KhalifullahMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Santhini Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vijayashree.RMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2018-19 | Dr.Balamurugan.SMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sushma NayarMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajesh Kanna.N.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Femela.MMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Aarthi.KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Devi.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Bhuvaneeshwarri.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Chidambharam C.MBBS, MD, DNB | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajeswari ThivyaMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Fathima Nifra.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ruckmani.AMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arunkumar.RMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Venu Gopala Rao KondaM.Sc, Ph.D | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ilamathi.K.RMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2018-19 | Dr.Eerike MadhaviMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vinayak MetiM.Sc, Ph.D | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Saradha.SMBBS, DLO, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Maignana Kumar.RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Duraivel.MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Anu.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Priyadarshini shanmugamMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vasanthi RompicherlaMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Jayanthi.SMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Nirupa.SMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Alice Peace Selvabai.RM.Sc, Ph.D | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kumaran.GM.Sc, Ph.D | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Preethi.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shifa Meharaj.S.HMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Manohar.CMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sayed Khader Nawaz AhmedMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sreenivasan.MMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Paramaguru VMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ravivarman.GMBBS, MD | 1999 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vedapriya.D.RMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sowmiya.KRMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Murali Mohan Reddy GMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Raja.DMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Suruliraman.S.M.MBBS, MD | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajesh Kannan.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Raja T.K.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Buvnesh Kumar M.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Suganthi.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Aravind MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajasekaran.DMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1985 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mayilananthi.KMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Durga KrishnanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Udayashankar.DMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2018-19 | Dr.Lanord Stanley Jawahar MMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sabaratnavel.RMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vigneshwaran.JMBBS, DNB | 2003 |
2018-19 | Dr.RamaiyahMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Nagajothi.MMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Indrani.NMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2018-19 | Dr.Gorgya Sampath KumarMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2018-19 | Dr.Balaji RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ananthakumar.P.KMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Suresh Kumar.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sugitha.D.R.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.SakthevelMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramprasath AnbazhaganMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vinu.BMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Nirmala Devi.CMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vrinda.VMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramadoss.RMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Dilip KumarMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sunil DattuMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Thuvaragah.PMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.AnithaMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prakash.SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Uthra Kumaresan N.K.MBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Lakshmanan.SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rama Phaneendra JastiMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Nishaanth.M.KMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Gaurav Narayan.V SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Dhivya.EMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Uma Devi.LMBBS, MD | 1984 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kathir Subramanian.TMBBS, D.Ch, MD | 1983 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sujatha SridharanMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2018-19 | Dr.Suresh.PMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2018-19 | Dr.Antony Jenifer.JMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Alexander.MMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ashvind.LMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sujitha.PMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Balakumaran D.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Deepti PanditMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramyaa.RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Revathi.AMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Archana.KMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shah Rini AbhishekMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sugha Priya.V.CMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Haritha S KumarMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Meenakshi.NMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1998 |
2018-19 | Dr.Aruna ShanmuganathanMBBS, MD, DNB | 2002 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ragulan.RMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Muthukumaran.LMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.GangaiamaranMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Uma Ganesh.SMBBS, MD | 2018 |
2018-19 | Dr.Srinivasan.M.SMBBS, DD, MD | 1985 |
2018-19 | Dr.Elangovan P.MBBS, MD | 1990 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ashok Kumar.NMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Abarna Muthulakshmi M.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kandaswamy MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Selva Sudha MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shankari.JMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vaaruni RavishankarMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Srinivasan.BMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sabari Sridhar.O.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kailash.SMBBS, MD, DNB | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shabeeba.ZMBBS, DPM, DNB | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Nagarajan.DMBBS, MS | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Anantharamakrishnan.RMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Loganathan.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2018-19 | Dr.Karunanithi.RMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sivarajan.NMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Senthil Kumar.KMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.PremalathaMBBS, MS | 1983 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramasubramanian.KMBBS, MS | 1989 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kishore Babu.E.PMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sandeep UMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Krishnan DMBBS, MS | 1985 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prabakar.AMBBS, MS | 1999 |
2018-19 | Dr.Natarajan.RMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Dinesh Kumar.TMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Harishwaran P.MBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Imran Thariq AMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Abhilash KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shajee Ganesh TMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prashaanth M.KMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Aravind BMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shanmugam.MMBBS, MS | 1993 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mohamed Zakkariya A RMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Amirtharaj ThiyagarajanMBBS, MS | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mathan Sankar.SMBBS, MS | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vikram.GMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vijaya Raghavan.PMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kaliraj.A.MMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Peta Pavan KumarMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.AnuradthaMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Preethi MirnaliniMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ezhil.PMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.MaheshMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Narayana Reddy.MMBBS, MS, DNB, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2018-19 | Dr.Chander.S.GMBBS, MS | 1997 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mathiyalagan.M.BMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.KMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2018-19 | Dr.Venkataraman.MMBBS, MS | 2001 |
2018-19 | Dr.Victor MoirangthemMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Malick Batcha Sathik BabuMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Dinesh LMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arun Kumar.K.VMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Subramani.RMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Pradeep.EMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prem Kumar.R.N.MBBS, MS | 1996 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sivaraman BMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prashant Madan MohanMBBS, DNB | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arunkumar.CMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Stephen SudhakarMBBS, MS | 2005 |
2018-19 | Dr.Radhakrishnan MMBBS, MS | 1981 |
2018-19 | Dr.Siddharam.S.JMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Premnath.GMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shankar.CMBBS, MS | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Adnan Mohamed MatheenMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shinisha.D.PMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kiruthika.SMBBS, DNB | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Thirunavukarasu.PMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Priya.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prabakaran.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Paventhan.KMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Amrita Priscilla NaliniMBBS, DGO, MD | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vijayalakshmi.KMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sailatha.RMBBS, MD – OBG | 2001 |
2018-19 | Dr.Famida.A.MMBBS, DGO, MD | 1993 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prabha SwaminathanMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sathiya.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kavitha.RMBBS, MD, DNB | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Raja Kumar Shery AngelMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Renuka.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Poornima ShankarMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Binu PMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kavitha.LMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Puvithra TMBBS, DNB | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prithi.DMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Prema Jayaprasad`MBBS, MS | 1995 |
2018-19 | Dr.Batchu NagajothiMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.VinutanaMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Jenniferbritto JMBBS, DNB | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Krishnamoorthi.AMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2018-19 | Dr.Alex Daniel PrabhuMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Einstien.AMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ashraf Ahmed.BMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arunkumar.NMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajamani AnandMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Parthasarathy E.A.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vijay Prabhu RMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Rajkumar.GMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramya.KMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Lavanya.GMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Lailu MathewsMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2018-19 | Dr.Anand.SMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ashok KulasekarMBBS, DA, MD | 1995 |
2018-19 | Dr.Balamurugan.BMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Karthic Babu.NMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Merlin Shalini RuthMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Mohanarangam TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sanjeev Kumar.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arun Kumar.AMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sivakumar R MBBS, MD | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.HamsenandinieMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vijayakumar DMBBS, DNB | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Maria Francis Roch YMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Karthick RamMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shri Vidhya.NMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Naveen Ramji.NMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.SivanaesanMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Muthuvenkadesh.KMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Chokkalingam M MBBS, MD, DNB | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Arumugam.CMBBS, MD, DM | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ashok G MBBS, MD, DM | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.DurgadeviMBBS, MD, DM | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sama AkberMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sankar RajanMBBS, MD, | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sanjay Theodare MBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.TMBBS, DM | 1997 |
2018-19 | Dr.Babu Kumar SMBBS, MD, DM | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vadivel Kumaran.SMBBS, M.Ch | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Bukka Bala Kasi NaikMBBS MS | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Srinivasan KMBBS, MD, Diploma (Neonatology) | 1989 |
2018-19 | Dr.Giridhar.SMBBS, DM | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Vignesh Kumar.SMBBS, MD, D.Ch, DM | 2016 |
2018-19 | Dr.Bhavadeepti PerumalaMBBS MD | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Natarajan.VMBBS, DM | 1982 |
2018-19 | Dr.Subramaniyan KMBBS, DM | 2001 |
2018-19 | Dr.Devaprasad M MBBS, DNB, DM | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramesh V GMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 1988 |
2018-19 | Dr.Karthikeyan K.VMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 2003 |
2018-19 | Dr.Deepak M MBBS, MD, M.Ch | 1994 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shekar.M.GMBBS, M.Ch | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sepuri Bala Ravi TejaMBBS MS | 2017 |
2018-19 | Dr.Murugesan.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2018-19 | Dr.Srinivasan.NM.Sc., Ph.D | 1985 |
2018-19 | Dr.Agnishwar GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ram Gopal.C.NM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,DCP.,PG Dip in IRPM | 1998 |
2018-19 | Dr.Kumar Ebenezar.KM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2018-19 | Dr.Surajit PathakM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Ramakrishnan.VM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2009 |
2018-19 | Dr.Koyeli GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2006 |
2018-19 | Dr.Gowtham Kumar.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shoba NarayanM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Shiek Fareeth Ahmed.S.S.JM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2018-19 | Dr.Saravanan.RM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2010 |
2018-19 | Dr.Karunanithi.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Moorthi.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2018-19 | Dr.Weslen VedakumariM.Sc., Ph.D | 2015 |
2018-19 | Dr.Govindaraju.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2018-19 | Dr.Thangavel MuthusamyM.Sc., Ph.D | 2002 |
2018-19 | Dr.Naveen.G.HM.Sc., Ph.D | 2012 |
2018-19 | Dr.Antara BanerjeeM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2018-19 | Dr.Sripathi KandulaM.Sc., Ph.D | 1982 |
2018-19 | Dr.Raghavan SampathkumarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2018-19 | Dr.Pandian Sokkar M.Sc., Ph.D | 2013 |
2018-19 | Dr.Hikku.G.S B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D | 2018 |
2018-19 | Prof.Dr.Veena M JosephM.Sc (N) Ph.D | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Indumathi S.MBBS, MS | 2005 |
2017-18 | Dr.Hannah Sugirthabai RajilaMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balaji.T.KM.Sc, Ph.D | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sowjanya BandlamudiMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Arathi.M.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Janani.YMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sanjay Andrew RajaratnamMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mathangi.D.CM.Sc., Ph.D | 1998 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prince Johnson SamuelMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shiv Bhushan SharmaMBBS, Ph.D | 2001 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ahamed Basha.AM.Sc, Ph.D | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Remya.K.JMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vidya Karpagam.KMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Latha.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Anithu.CMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Malligai.EMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2017-18 | Dr.Uma Maheswari KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.B.LaxmikanthMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Pitchai Ansar KhalifullahMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Santhini Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijayashree.RMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ramesh RaoMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balamurugan.SMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sushma NayarMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajesh Kanna.N.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Femela.MMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aarthi.KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Devi.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Bhuvaneeshwarri.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Chidambharam C.MBBS, MD, DNB | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajeswari ThivyaMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Fathima Nifra.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ruckmani.AMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2017-18 | Dr.Arunkumar.RMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Venu Gopala Rao KondaM.Sc, Ph.D | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Eerike MadhaviMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Chandrashekar.KMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vinayak MetiM.Sc, Ph.D | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Saradha.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Maignana Kumar.RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Duraivel.MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Anu.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shameem Banu.A.SMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2017-18 | Dr.Priyadarshini shanmugamMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vasanthi RompicherlaMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2005 |
2017-18 | Dr.Jayanthi.SMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Nirupa.SMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kumaran.GM.Sc Ph.D | 2017 |
2017-18 | Dr.Preethi.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shifa Meharaj.S.HMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Manohar.CMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sayed Khader Nawaz AhmedMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sreenivasan.MMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Paramaguru VMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Murali.RMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ravivarman.GMBBS, MD | 1999 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vedapriya.D.RMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Suruliraman.S.MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Murali Mohan Reddy GMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Loganathan.SMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajesh Kannan.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Raja T.K.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Buvnesh Kumar M.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Suganthi.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aravind MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajasekaran.DMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1985 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mayilananthi.KMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sakuntala.S.RMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2017-18 | Dr.Durga KrishnanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Somasundaram SMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Lanord Stanley Jawahar MMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2017-18 | Dr.Noorul Ameen.SMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Udayashankar.DMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vigneshwaran.JMBBS, DNB | 2003 |
2017-18 | Dr.Nagajothi.MMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Indrani.NMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2017-18 | Dr.Gorgya Sampath KumarMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sarah Subhashini PremrajMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ananthakumar.P.KMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.FarookMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Meenakshi SundaramMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.VithyatharanMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ganesan.SMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Magudeeswaran RMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sugitha D R SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Irania Ravanan S VMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sravan ReddyMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Thuvaragah.PMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Anitha MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balaji RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Smit Vinod BhongadeMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ratansing Shamshaha JugneMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ramprasath AnbazhaganMBBS, MD | 2017 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aravind.C.S.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Suresh Kumar SMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vinu.BMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Uma Devi.LMBBS, MD | 1984 |
2017-18 | Dr.Suresh.PMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kathir Subramanian.TMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sujatha SridharanMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2017-18 | Dr.Jaishree VasudevanMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ganavi.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Antony Jenifer.JMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ashvind.LMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Alexander.MMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sujitha.PMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balakumaran D.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Deepti PanditMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajaguru.GMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ramyaa.RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Archana.KMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aneesh Mohammed.AMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Revathi.AMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Meenakshi.NMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1998 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aruna ShanmuganathanMBBS, MD, DNB | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Viswambhar.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ragulan.RMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Muthukumaran.LMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.GangaiamaranMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Srinivasan.M.SMBBS, DD, MD | 1985 |
2017-18 | Dr.Elangovan P.MBBS, MD | 1990 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ashok Kumar.NMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.YaminiMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Abarna Muthulakshmi M.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kandaswamy MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Selva Sudha MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.ShankariMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Srinivasan.BMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sabari Sridhar.O.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kailash.SMBBS, MD, DNB | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shabeeba.ZMBBS, DPM, DNB | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balakrishnan.VMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Anantharamakrishnan.RMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Loganathan.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Karunanithi.RMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sivarajan.NMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.PremalathaMBBS, MS | 1983 |
2017-18 | Dr.V.ChitraMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Habeeb Mohammed.SMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.R.GanesanMBBS, MS | 1984 |
2017-18 | Dr.Senthil Kumar.KMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Krishnan.DMBBS, MS | 1985 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sandeep.UMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Natarajan.RMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Dinesh Kumar.TMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Harishwaran P.MBBS, MS | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Imran Thariq AMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Abhilash.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Aravind BMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prashaanth M.K.MBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Benedicta Seeli S.MBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mayuresan PMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shanmugam.MMBBS, MS | 1993 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajesh GandhiMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shaji GaneshMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mohamed Zakkariya.A.R.MBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Amrithraj ThiyagarajanMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijaya Raghavan.PMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mathan Sankar.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vikram.GMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Narayana Reddy.MMBBS, MS, DNB, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Chander.S.GMBBS, MS | 1997 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mathiyalagan.M.BMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.KMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Venkataraman.MMBBS, MS | 2001 |
2017-18 | Dr.Saseendar S.MBBS, MS, DNB | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Victor MoirangthemMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Yogesh Kumar BMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Dinesh LMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Subramani.RMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Arun Kumar.K.VMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Pradeep.EMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prem Kumar.R.N.MBBS, MS | 1996 |
2017-18 | Dr.Selvin Prabhakar.VMBBS, MS | 2000 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajesh Babu.A.K.MBBS, MS | 2000 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prashant Madan MohanMBBS, DNB | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shriram.S.KMBBS, DNB | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Stephen SudhakarMBBS, MS | 2005 |
2017-18 | Dr.Radhakrishnan MMBBS, MS | 1981 |
2017-18 | Dr.Siddharam.S.JMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shankar.CMBBS, MS | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Premnath.GMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Adnan Mohamed MatheenMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shinisha.D.PMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kiruthika.SMBBS, DNB | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajasekaran.SMBBS, MS, DLO | 1991 |
2017-18 | Dr.Thirunavukarasu.PMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Priya.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prabakaran.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shymala RMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Preethi.PMBBS, DLO, DNB | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vasantha N SubbiahMBBS, DGO, MD | 1986 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijayalakshmi.KMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2017-18 | Dr.Amrita Priscilla NaliniMBBS, DGO, MD | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Famida.A.MMBBS, DGO, MD | 1993 |
2017-18 | Dr.Prabha SwaminathanMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2017-18 | Dr.Swarnapriya KMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sailatha.RMBBS, MD – OBG | 2001 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sathiya.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kavitha.RMBBS, MD, DNB | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Raja Kumar Shery AngelMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Renuka.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.RijaphinMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Poornima ShankarMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.BinuMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Nanthini DeepakMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kavitha.LMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ragavi MMBBS, DNB | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Jenniferbritto JMBBS, DNB | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.PuvithraMBBS, DNB | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Krishnamoorthi.AMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2017-18 | Dr.Abubacker Sulaiman.FMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Alex Daniel PrabhuMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Einstien.AMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ashraf Ahmed.BMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajamani AnandMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Parthasarathy E.A.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.PraveenMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijay Prabhu RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Jeffrey Skaria JosephMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Lailu MathewsMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2017-18 | Dr.Anand.SMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ashok KulasekarMBBS, DA, MD | 1995 |
2017-18 | Dr.Balamurugan.BMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Raja Manoharan.AMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Amarnath MoniMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Karthic Babu.NMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sanjeev Kumar.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Arun Kumar.AMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mohanarangam TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rajaganesh.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.SivakumarMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Tamil Selvi EMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijayakumar MBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.PugalhvendanMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Maria Francis Roch YMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vetriselvan.PMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Muthuvenkadesh.KMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Pradeep G NayarMBBS, MD, DNB | 1998 |
2017-18 | Dr.V.ChockalingamMBBS, MD, DM | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Arumugam CMBBS, MD, DM | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Chokkalingam MMBBS, MD, DNB | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ganesh NMBBS, MD, DM | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ashok G MBBS, MD, DM | 2016 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sanjay Theodare MBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.B.RamathilakamMBBS, MD, DM | 1995 |
2017-18 | Dr.B.MahadevanMBBS, MD, DM | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.S.Babu kumarMBBS, MD, DM | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.TMBBS, MD, DM | 1997 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vadivel Kumaran.SMBBS, M.Ch | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Srinivasan.K MBBS, MD, Diploma (Neonatology) | 1989 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rathinasamy.MMBBS, MD, D.Ch | 1990 |
2017-18 | Dr.Giridhar.SMBBS, DM | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Mani KumarMBBS, D.Ch, DM, DNB | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vignesh Kumar.SMBBS, MD, D.Ch, DM | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Natarajan.VMBBS, DM | 1982 |
2017-18 | Dr.Subramaniyan KMBBS, DM | 2001 |
2017-18 | Dr.Devaprasad M MBBS, DNB, DM | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ramesh V GMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 1988 |
2017-18 | Dr.Karthikeyan K.VMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Soundappan.VMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1999 |
2017-18 | Dr.Govindharaaju SMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1997 |
2017-18 | Dr.Deepak M MBBS, MD, M.Ch | 1994 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ranganathan PMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shekar.M.GMBBS, M.Ch | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Rafiq Anwar.AMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1986 |
2017-18 | Dr.T.SrinivasanMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Murugesan.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2017-18 | Dr.Srinivasan.NM.Sc., Ph.D | 1985 |
2017-18 | Dr.Agnishwar GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ram Gopal.C.NM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,DCP.,PG Dip in IRPM | 1998 |
2017-18 | Dr.Kumar Ebenezar.KM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2017-18 | Dr.Surajit PathakM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Ramakrishnan.VM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2009 |
2017-18 | Dr.Koyeli GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2006 |
2017-18 | Dr.Gowtham Kumar.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shoba NarayanM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Shiek Fareeth Ahmed.S.S.JM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2017-18 | Dr.Saravanan.RM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2010 |
2017-18 | Dr.Karunanithi.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Moorthi.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2017-18 | Dr.Weslen VedakumariM.Sc., Ph.D | 2015 |
2017-18 | Dr.Govindaraju.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2017-18 | Dr.Thamaraichelvan.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2017-18 | Dr.Thangavel MuthusamyM.Sc., Ph.D | 2002 |
2017-18 | Dr.Naveen.G.HM.Sc., Ph.D | 2012 |
2017-18 | Dr.Vijayabanu UdayasankarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2017-18 | Dr.Antara BanerjeeM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2017-18 | Dr.Sripathi KandulaM.Sc., Ph.D | 1982 |
2017-18 | Prof.Dr.Lakshmi.L M.Sc (N) Ph.D | 2016 |
2017-18 | Prof.Dr.Veena M JosephM.Sc (N) Ph.D | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Indumathi S.MBBS, MS | 2005 |
2016-17 | Dr.Hannah Sugirthabai RajilaMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balaji.T.KM.Sc, Ph.D | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sowjanya BandlamudiMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Arathi.M.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Janani.YMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sanjay Andrew RajaratnamMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mathangi.D.CM.Sc., Ph.D | 1998 |
2016-17 | Dr.Prince Johnson SamuelMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shiv Bhushan SharmaMBBS, Ph.D | 2001 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ahamed Basha.AM.Sc, Ph.D | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Remya.K.JMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vidya Karpagam.KMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Latha.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Anithu.CMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Malligai.EMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Uma Maheshwari.KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Bachu.LaxmikanthMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Pitchai Ansar KhalifullahMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Asothai RajuMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Santhini Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijayashree.RMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ramesh RaoMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sushma NayarMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2016-17 | Dr.Subbiah.SPMBBS, MD | 1979 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balamurugan.SMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajesh Kanna.N.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Femela.MMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Aarthi.KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Devi.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Bhuvaneeshwarri.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Chidambharam C.MBBS, MD, DNB | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajeswari ThivyaMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Fathima Nifra.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ruckmani.AMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2016-17 | Dr.Arunkumar.RMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Venu Gopala Rao KondaM.Sc, Ph.D | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Eerike MadhaviMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Chandrashekar.KMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vinayak MetiM.Sc, Ph.D | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Maignana Kumar.RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Saradha.SMBBS, DLO, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Duraivel.MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Anu.MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shameem Banu.A.SMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2016-17 | Dr.Priyadarshini shanmugamMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vasanthi RompicherlaMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jayanthi.SMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Nirupa.SMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Preethi.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shifa Meharaj.S.HMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Manohar.CMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sayed Khader Nawaz AhmedMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sreenivasan.MMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Paramaguru VMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Murali.RMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ravivarman.GMBBS, MD | 1999 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vedapriya.D.RMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Suruliraman.S.MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Murali Mohan Reddy GMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajesh Kannan.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Loganathan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Raja T.K.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Buvnesh Kumar M.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Suganthi.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Aravind MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajasekaran.DMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1985 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sakuntala.S.RMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2016-17 | Dr.Dhandapani.GMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2016-17 | Dr.Somasundaram SMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijaya Ragavan PMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2016-17 | Dr.Lanord Stanley Jawahar MMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2016-17 | Dr.J.VigneshwaranMBBS, DNB | 2003 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mayilananthi.KMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Durga KrishnanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Udayashankar.DMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sankar AMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Nagajothi.MMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Indrani.NMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2016-17 | Dr.Gorgya Sampath KumarMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sarah Subhashini PremrajMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Noorul Ameen.SMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Meenakshi SundaramMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.VithyatharanMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ganesan.SMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Magudeeswaran RMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sugitha D R SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Irania Ravanan S VMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sravan ReddyMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ananthakumar.P.KMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Thuvaragah.PMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Anitha MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ram Charan Reddy DMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Praveen Immanuvel SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balaji RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.JayakanthMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Smit Vinod BhongadeMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Suresh Kumar SMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Uma Devi.LMBBS, MD | 1984 |
2016-17 | Dr.Suresh.PMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jaishree VasudevanMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kathir Subramanian.TMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sujatha SridharanMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2016-17 | Dr.Antony Jenifer.JMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ganavi.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ashvind.LMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Alexander.MMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balakumaran D.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sujitha.PMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Deepti PanditMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajaguru.GMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jayendra SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ramyaa.RMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Archana.KMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Aneesh Mohammed.AMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Revathi.AMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Meenakshi.NMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1998 |
2016-17 | Dr.Subramanian.SMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Aruna ShanmuganathanMBBS, MD, DNB | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Viswambhar.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ragulan.RMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Muthukumaran.LMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.GangaiamaranMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Srinivasan.M.SMBBS, DD, MD | 1985 |
2016-17 | Dr.Elangovan P.MBBS, MD | 1990 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ashok Kumar.NMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Abarna Muthulakshmi M.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kandaswamy MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Selva Sudha MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.ShankariMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Preeti PMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Srinivasan.BMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2016-17 | Dr.M.ShahjahanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sabari Sridhar.O.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kailash.SMBBS, MD, DNB | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shabeeba.ZMBBS, DPM, DNB | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ganesan RMBBS, MS | 1984 |
2016-17 | Dr.Anantharamakrishnan.RMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Karunanithi.RMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.Habeeb Mohammed.SMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sivarajan.NMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.PremalathaMBBS, MS | 1983 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balakrishnan.VMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.V.ChitraMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Loganathan.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Senthil Kumar.KMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sandeep.UMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Natarajan.RMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kishore Babu.E.PMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Dinesh Kumar.TMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Harishwaran P.MBBS, MS | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Imran Thariq AMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mayuresan PMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Abhilash.KMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shajee Ganesh.TMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Namasivayam.TMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Aravind B.MBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Prashaanth M.KMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Benedicta Seeli S.MBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mohamed Zakkariya.A.R.MBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Amrithraj ThiyagarajanMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijaya Raghavan.PMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mathan Sankar.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vikram.GMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Narayana Reddy.MMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.Chander.S.GMBBS, MS | 1997 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mathiyalagan.M.BMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.KMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.Venkataraman.MMBBS, MS | 2001 |
2016-17 | Dr.Victor MoirangthemMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Bharat Kumar.R.JMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sathyadharan.PMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Subramaniam.M.HMBBS, DNB | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.R BharaniMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Saseendar S.MBBS, MS, DNB | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Yogesh Kumar BMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Arun Kumar.K.VMBBS, MS | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajesh Babu.A.K.MBBS, MS | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Dinesh LMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Krishna GMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Prashant Madan MohanMBBS, DNB | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shriram.S.KMBBS, DNB | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Stephen SudhakarMBBS, MS, DNB | 2005 |
2016-17 | Dr.Radhakrishnan MMBBS, MS | 1981 |
2016-17 | Dr.Manoj VasudevanMBBS, MS | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Siddharam.S.JMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shankar.CMBBS, MS | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Premnath.GMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Adnan Mohamed MatheenMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Stephen Jebakumar SMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jothi Ramalingam S BMBBS, MS, DLO | 1985 |
2016-17 | Dr.Thirunavukarasu.PMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Priya.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jagadeesh Marthandam L MBBS, DLO, DNB | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Prabakaran.SMBBS, MS | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Preethi.PMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vasantha N SubbiahMBBS, DGO, MD | 1986 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijayalakshmi.KMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2016-17 | Dr.Amrita Priscilla NaliniMBBS, DGO, MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Famida.A.MMBBS, DGO, MD | 1993 |
2016-17 | Dr.Prabha SwaminathanMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2016-17 | Dr.Swarnapriya.KMBBS, MS, DGO, DNB | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sailatha.RMBBS, MD – OBG | 2001 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sathiya.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kavitha.RMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Raja Kumar Shery AngelMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Renuka.SMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.RijaphinMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Binu.PMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Raghavi MMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Poornima ShankarMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Annie.TMBBS, MS | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jenniferbritto JMBBS, DNB | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Krishnamoorthi.AMBBS,MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Abubacker Sulaiman.FMBBS,MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.K.Srinivasa MudaliMBBS,MD | 1987 |
2016-17 | Dr.Alex Daniel PrabhuMBBS,MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Einstien.AMBBS,MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.N.Arun KumarMBBS,MD | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.ParthasarathyMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.PraveenMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijay Prabhu RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS,MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajamani AnandMBBS,MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.PraveenMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Jeffrey Skaria JosephMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Lailu MathewsMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2016-17 | Dr.Anand.SMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ashok KulasekarMBBS, DA, MD | 1995 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balamurugan.BMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rajamanoharan AMBBS, MD, DA | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Amarnath MoniMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Karthic Babu NMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ramkumar R.PMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Thilaka MuthiahMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2016-17 | Dr.Siva Sailam R.MBBS, MD | 2001 |
2016-17 | Dr.Balaji.MMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.MuthuKumar.MMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Arun Kumar.AMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Selvakumaran PMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mohanarangam TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sivakumar RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijayakumar DMBBS, DNB | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Maria Francis Roch YMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Tamil SelviMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vetriselvan PMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Muthuvenkatesh KMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Pradeep G NayarMBBS, MD, DNB | 1998 |
2016-17 | Dr.V.ChockalingamMBBS, MD, Diploma | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Arumugam CMBBS, MD, DM | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Chokkalingam MMBBS, MD, DNB | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ganesh NMBBS, MD, DM | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ashok G MBBS, MD, DM | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Sanjay Theodare MBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.B.RamathilakamMBBS, MD, DM | 1995 |
2016-17 | Dr.B.MahadevanMBBS, MD, DM | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.S.Babu kumarMBBS, MD, DM | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Srinivasan.K MBBS, MD, Diploma (Neonatology) | 1989 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rathinasamy.MMBBS, MD, D.Ch | 1990 |
2016-17 | Dr.Giridhar.SMBBS, DM | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Mani KumarMBBS, D.Ch, DM, DNB | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Natarajan.VMBBS, DM | 1982 |
2016-17 | Dr.Subramaniyan KMBBS, DM | 2001 |
2016-17 | Dr.Devaprasad M MBBS, DNB, DM | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ramesh V GMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 1988 |
2016-17 | Dr.Karthikeyan K.VMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Soundappan.VMBBS, M.Ch | 1999 |
2016-17 | Dr.Govindharaaju SMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1997 |
2016-17 | Dr.Deepak M MBBS, MD, M.Ch | 1994 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ranganathan PMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Rafiq Anwar.AMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1986 |
2016-17 | Dr.T.SrinivasanMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Murugesan.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2016-17 | Dr.Srinivasan.NM.Sc., Ph.D | 1985 |
2016-17 | Dr.Agnishwar GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ram Gopal.C.NM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,DCP.,PG Dip in IRPM | 1998 |
2016-17 | Dr.Kumar Ebenezar.KM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Surajit PathakM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2016-17 | Dr.Ramakrishnan.VM.Sc M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2009 |
2016-17 | Dr.Koyeli GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2006 |
2016-17 | Dr.Gowtham Kumar.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shoba NarayanM.Sc M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Shiek Fareeth Ahmed.S.S.JM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2016-17 | Dr.Saravanan.RM.Sc M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2010 |
2016-17 | Dr.Karunanithi.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2016-17 | Dr.Moorthi.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Weslen VedakumariM.Sc., Ph.D | 2015 |
2016-17 | Dr.Govindaraju.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2016-17 | Dr.Thamaraichelvan.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2016-17 | Dr.Thangavel MuthusamyM.Sc., Ph.D | 2002 |
2016-17 | Dr.Satish RamalingamM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2016-17 | Dr.Naveen.G.HM.Sc., Ph.D | 2012 |
2016-17 | Dr.Vijayabanu UdayasankarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2016-17 | Dr.Antara BanerjeeM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2016-17 | Prof.Lakshmi.L M.Sc Ph.D | 2016 |
2016-17 | Prof.Veena M JosephM.Sc Ph.D | 2016 |
2016-17 | Dr.Malathi.VM.Sc Ph.D | 2016 |
2015-16 | Dr.Indumathi S MBBS, MS | 2005 |
2015-16 | Dr.Hannah Sugirthabai Rajila MBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balaji.T.K M.Sc, Ph.D | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sowjanya Bandlamudi MBBS, MD | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Arathi.M.S MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Janani.Y MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sanjay Andrew Rajaratnam MBBS, MD | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Mathangi.D.C M.Sc, Ph.D | 1998 |
2015-16 | Dr.Prince Johnson Samuel MBBS, MD | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shiv Bhushan Sharma MBBS, Ph.D | 2001 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ahamed Basha.A M.Sc, Ph.D | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Remya.K.J MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Anithu.C MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vidya Karpagam.K MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Malligai.E MBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Uma Maheshwari.K MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Bachu.Laxmikanth MBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Asothai Raju MBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Pitchai Ansar Khalifullah MBBS, MD | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Santhini Gopalakrishnan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vijayashree.RMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ramesh RaoMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balamurugan.SMBBS, MD | 1977 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sushma NayarMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2015-16 | Dr.Subbiah.SPMBBS, MD | 1979 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rajesh Kanna.N.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Femela.MMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Aarthi.KMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Devi.SMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Bhuvaneeshwarri.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Chidambharam C.MBBS, MD, DNB | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ruckmani.AMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2015-16 | Dr.Arunkumar.RMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Eerike MadhaviMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Chandrashekar.KMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Venu Gopala Rao KondaM.Sc, Ph.D | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vinayak MetiM.Sc, Ph.D | 2016 |
2015-16 | Dr.Maignana Kumar.RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Saradha.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Duraivel.MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shameem Banu.A.SMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2015-16 | Dr.Priyadarshini shanmugamMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vasanthi RompicherlaMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2015-16 | Dr.Jayanthi.SMBBS, MD, Ph.D | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Nirupa.SMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Preethi.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shifa Meharaj.S.HMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Manohar.CMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sayed Khader Nawaz AhmedMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sreenivasan.MMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Murali.RMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ravivarman.GMBBS, MD | 1999 |
2015-16 | Dr.Suruliraman.S.MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rajesh Kannan.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Loganathan.SMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Raja T.K.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2015-16 | Dr.Buvnesh Kumar M.MBBS, MD | 2016 |
2015-16 | Dr.Suganthi.SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Aravind MMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan D.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rajasekaran.DMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1985 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sakuntala.S.RMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2015-16 | Dr.Dhandapani.GMBBS, MD | 1991 |
2015-16 | Dr.J.VigneshwaranMBBS, DNB | 2003 |
2015-16 | Dr.Mayilananthi.KMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Durga KrishnanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Udayashankar.DMBBS, MD | 1982 |
2015-16 | Dr.Nagajothi.MMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Indrani.NMBBS, MD | 1993 |
2015-16 | Dr.Noorul Ameen.SMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Gorgya Sampath KumarMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sarah Subhashini PremrajMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.E.SukanyaMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Thuvaragah.PMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Anitha.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ram Charan Reddy DMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Uma Devi.LMBBS, MD | 1984 |
2015-16 | Dr.Suresh.PMBBS, MD | 2005 |
2015-16 | Dr.Jaishree VasudevanMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kathir Subramanian.TMBBS, MD | 1983 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sujatha SridharanMBBS, MD | 1989 |
2015-16 | Dr.Antony Jenifer.JMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ganavi.RMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ashvind.LMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Alexander.MMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balakumaran D.MBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sujitha.PMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Deepti PanditMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rajaguru.GMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Jayendra SMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Meenakshi.NMBBS, DTCD, MD | 1998 |
2015-16 | Dr.Aruna ShanmuganathanMBBS, MD, DNB | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Subramanian.SMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Viswambhar.VMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ragulan.RMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Srinivasan.M.SMBBS, DD, MD | 1985 |
2015-16 | Dr.Elangovan P.MBBS, MD | 1990 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ashok Kumar.NMBBS, MD | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Abarna Muthulakshmi M.MBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kandaswamy MMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Selva Sudha MMBBS, MD | 2016 |
2015-16 | Dr.ShankariMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Preeti PMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Srinivasan.BMBBS, MD | 1995 |
2015-16 | Dr.M.ShahjahanMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sabari Sridhar.O.TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kailash.SMBBS, MD, DNB | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shabeeba.ZMBBS, DPM, DNB | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ganesan RMBBS, MS | 1984 |
2015-16 | Dr.Anantharamakrishnan.RMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Karunanithi.RMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.PremalathaMBBS, MS | 1983 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balakrishnan.VMBBS, MS | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.V.ChitraMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Loganathan.MMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Habeeb Mohammed.SMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sivarajan.NMBBS, MS | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Senthil Kumar.KMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Natarajan.RMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kishore Babu.E.PMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Dinesh Kumar.TMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Harishwaran P.MBBS, MS | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Imran Thariq AMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Narayana Reddy.MMBBS, MS, D Ortho, DNB | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.Mathiyalagan.M.BMBBS, MS, D.Ortho | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Pugazhendhi.KMBBS, MS, D.Ortho, | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.Venkataraman.MMBBS, MS | 2001 |
2015-16 | Dr.Chander.S.GMBBS, MS | 1997 |
2015-16 | Dr.Victor MoirangthemMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Bharat Kumar.R.JMBBS, MS | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.P.SaravananMBBS, MS | 2003 |
2015-16 | Dr.K.KanagasarathyMBBS, MS | 2003 |
2015-16 | Dr.Barani RMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.SaraswatI VishwanathanMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ranjith kumarMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sathyadharan.PMBBS, MS | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Subramaniam.M.HMBBS, DNB | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Saseendar S.MBBS, MS, DNB | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Stephen SudhakarMBBS, MS, DNB | 2005 |
2015-16 | Dr.Pandurangan RMBBS, MS, DO | 1993 |
2015-16 | Dr.Manoj VasudevanMBBS, MS | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Siddharam.S.JMBBS, MS | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shankar.CMBBS, MS | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.Premnath.GMBBS, MS | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Adnan Mohamed MatheenMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Stephen Jebakumar SMBBS, MS | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Jothi Ramalingam S BMBBS, MS, DLO | 1985 |
2015-16 | Dr.Thirunavukarasu.PMBBS, MS | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Priya.KMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Preethi.PMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vasantha N SubbiahMBBS, DGO, MD | 1986 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vijayalakshmi.KMBBS, MD | 1997 |
2015-16 | Dr.Anoop SreevalsanMBBS, DGO, DNB | 1997 |
2015-16 | Dr.Amrita Priscilla NaliniMBBS, DGO, MD | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Famida.A.MMBBS, DGO, MD | 1993 |
2015-16 | Dr.Prabha SwaminathanMBBS, MD | 1992 |
2015-16 | Dr.Swarnapriya.KMBBS, MS, DGO, DNB | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sailatha.RMBBS, MD – OBG | 2001 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sathiya.SMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kavitha.RMBBS, MS | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Raja Kumar Shery AngelMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Lalitha.SMBBS, MS | 2005 |
2015-16 | Dr.Renuka.SMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.RijaphinMBBS, MS | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Raghavi MMBBS, MS | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Poornima ShankarMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Krishnamoorthi.AMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Abubacker Sulaiman.FMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.K.Srinivasa MudaliMBBS, MD | 1987 |
2015-16 | Dr.Alex Daniel PrabhuMBBS, MD | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Einstien.AMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ashraf Ahmed.BMBBS, MD | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.N.Arun KumarMBBS, MD | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.ParthasarathyMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rajamani AnandMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.PraveenMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vijay Prabhu RMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Jeffrey Skaria JosephMBBS, MD | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Lailu MathewsMBBS, MD | 1994 |
2015-16 | Dr.Anand.SMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ashok KulasekarMBBS, DA, MD | 1995 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balamurugan.BMBBS, MD | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sivashankar.K.R.MBBS, MD | 1983 |
2015-16 | Dr.Amarnath MoniMBBS, MD | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ramkumar R.PMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Thilaka MuthiahMBBS, MD | 2000 |
2015-16 | Dr.Siva Sailam R.MBBS, MD | 2001 |
2015-16 | Dr.Balaji.MMBBS, MD | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.MuthuKumar.MMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Arun Kumar.AMBBS, MD | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Selvakumaran PMBBS, MD | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Mohanarangam TMBBS, MD | 2013 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sivakumar RMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Tamil SelviMBBS, MD | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Pradeep G NayarMBBS, MD, DNB | 1998 |
2015-16 | Dr.V.ChockalingamMBBS, MD, Diploma | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Arumugam CMBBS, MD, DM | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Chokkalingam MMBBS, MD, DNB | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ganesh NMBBS, MD, DM | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.Sanjay Theodare MBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.B.RamathilakamMBBS, MD, DM | 1995 |
2015-16 | Dr.B.MahadevanMBBS, MD, DM | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.S.Babu kumarMBBS, MD, DM | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Srinivasan.K MBBS, MD, Diploma (Neonatology) | 1989 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rathinasamy.MMBBS, MD, D.Ch. | 1990 |
2015-16 | Dr.Giridhar.SMBBS, DM | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Mani KumarMBBS, D.Ch, DM, DNB | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Natarajan.VMBBS, DM | 1982 |
2015-16 | Dr.Subramaniyan KMBBS, DM | 2001 |
2015-16 | Dr.Devaprasad M MBBS, DNB, DM | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ramesh V GMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 1988 |
2015-16 | Dr.Karthikeyan K.VMBBS, M.Ch, DNB | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Soundappan.VMBBS, M.Ch | 1999 |
2015-16 | Dr.Govindharaaju SMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1997 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ranganathan PMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.Rafiq Anwar.AMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 1986 |
2015-16 | Dr.T.SrinivasanMBBS, MS, M.Ch | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Murugesan.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2015-16 | Dr.Srinivasan.NM.Sc., Ph.D | 1985 |
2015-16 | Dr.Agnishwar GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ram Gopal.C.NM.A .,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,DCP.,PG Dip in IRPM | 1998 |
2015-16 | Dr.Kumar Ebenezar.KM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Surajit PathakM.Sc., Ph.D | 2007 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ramakrishnan.VM.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2009 |
2015-16 | Dr.Koyeli GirigoswamiM.Sc., Ph.D | 2006 |
2015-16 | Dr.Gowtham Kumar.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shoba NarayanM.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Shiek Fareeth Ahmed.S.S.JM.Sc., Ph.D | 2011 |
2015-16 | Dr.Saravanan.RM.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D | 2010 |
2015-16 | Dr.Karunanithi.RM.Sc., Ph.D | 2008 |
2015-16 | Dr.Moorthi.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
2015-16 | Dr.Weslen VedakumariM.Sc., Ph.D | 2015 |
2015-16 | Dr.Govindaraju.SM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2015-16 | Dr.Thamaraichelvan.AM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2015-16 | Dr.Thangavel MuthusamyM.Sc., Ph.D | 2002 |
2015-16 | Dr.Satish RamalingamM.Sc., Ph.D | 2004 |
2015-16 | Dr.Naveen.G.HM.Sc., Ph.D | 2012 |
2015-16 | Dr.Ashok PalaniappanM.Sc., Ph.D | 1981 |
2015-16 | Dr.Vijayabanu UdayasankarM.Sc., Ph.D | 2014 |
Number of Ph.D/ DM/ M Ch/ PG Degrees awarded per eligible recognized PG teacher | |||||
Name of the PhD/DM/M.Ch scholar | Name of the Department | Name of the guide | Title of the thesis | Year of registration of the scholar | Year of award of PhD/DM/M.Ch |
Manickam S | Anatomy | Dr. Balaji. T.K. | Effect of naringin(4′,5,7-trihydroxy flavanone 7-rhamnoglucoside) on the expression of pdx-1 and foxm1 transcription factors in beta cells of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats | 2013-14 | 2019-20 |
Ganesan Vivek | Anesthesiology | Dr. Balamurugan B | Comparing The Efficacy Of Isobaric Levobupiv Acaine (0.5%) Versus Hyperbaric Bupivacaine (0.5%) With Fentanyl 25ug For Subarachnoid Block In Patients Undergoing Urological Procedures | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Prathibha Nair P U | Comparison Of The Effects Of Intravenous Dexmedetomidine Versus Dexmedetomidine With Ketamine On Hemodynamic Stability And Block Characteristics Following Spinal Anesthesia | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Smyrna G | Comparison Of Caudal Dexmedetomidine And Dexamethasone With Ropivacaine For Post-Operative Analgesia In Paediatric Circumcision: A Randomized Control Study | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Swaminathan Veerasamy R | Study Of Two Different Doses Of Ketamine As Pre-Emptive Analgesia In Laproscopic Surgeries | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Venkat Siddarth Ch | Biochemistry | Dr. Malligai E | Studies on the effect of indole-3-carbinol in regulating hif-1 alpha expression and apoptosis in mcf-7 breast cancer cells | 2008-09 | 2019-20 |
Anand Manjunath K | Cardiology | Dr. Chockalingam V | Assessment of left ventricular global longitudinal strain in metabolic syndrome | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Raghav J | Serum copeptin level and troponin i in acute myocardial infarction for early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Fasna L | Community Medicine | Dr. Ravivarman G | A Study On Feeding Practices Among Rural Mothers Of Children Aged Less Than Two Years In Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Jasmine M | A Cross – Sectional Study On Musculoskeletal Problems Among Software Engineers In A Private Firm, Chennai | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Kaveri P | A Study On Prevalence Of Good Menstrual Hygiene Practices Among Adolescent Girls In A Rural Area Kancheepuram District | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Manju N V | Study Of Social And Psychological Status Among Infertile Couples Attending Tertiary Care Hospital | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Pragadeesh Raja V | Prevalence Of Gestational Diabetes And Its Related Risk Factors Among Rural Pregnant Women In Kancheepurm District, Tamilnadu | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Prem Kumar M | Dermatology, Venereology And Leprosy | Dr. Srinivasan M S | A Study Of Efficacy Of Dermaroller Vs Dermaroller With Copper Peptides In Acne Scars | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Soundarya S | A Comparative Study Of The Efficacy And Safety Of Topical 3% Tranexamic Acid Gel Vs 35% Glycolic Acid Peel In The Treatment Of Melasma Over Face | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Balamurugan M | General Medicine | Dr. Rajasekaran D | A Comparative Study Of Serum Ferritin, Procalcitonin And Crp As A Prognostic Marker In Sepsis | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Guruboo Balaji R | Study Of Cardiac Dysfunction In Connective Tissue Disorders | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Juhi R | Analysis Of Sleep Pattern In Systemic Diseases At Tertiary Hospital | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Krishna Teja Kandula | Study Of Relationship Between Non Hdl Cholesterol, Lipoprotein (A) Levels And Severity Of Stroke And Short Term Outcomes | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Sooraj Kumar K | Variation Of Hba1c Level In Relation To Red Cell Distribution Width In Diabetes | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Ajay Kumar T | General Surgery | Dr. Balakrishnan V | Study On Postoperative Complications Of Mesh Repair In Ventral Hernia In Obese And Non-Obese Individuals | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Arul Kumaran K | A Study On Topical Use Of Phenytoin Sodium In Grade I And Grade Ii Diabetic Foot Ulcers | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Mohanavelu S | Clinical Research and Experimental Medicine | Dr. Arunkumar R | Bioequivalence study of Acitretin | 2016-17 | 2019-20 |
Aneesha Patnaik | Bioequivalence study of sitagliplin | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Ankita Suman | A comparative clinical and hematological study to assess the efficacy of alitazones and gliptines as third line of add on drug in patients having typeII diabetes melitus | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Bushraa Khanum B | Protocal specified activites in the administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy along with standard of care versus new investigational product for early breast carcinoma patients | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Manjubhargavi E | Bioequivalence study of Erythromycin study | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Nandhini D | Bioequivalence study of Nicorandid | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Pavithra V | Bioequivalence study of mebeverine hydrochloride | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sneha K M | Bioavailability study of lacosamide (FED) | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Suryalakshmi A R | Bioavailability study of erlotinib hydrochloride | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Suvarsha S | Bioavailability study of lacosamide (fasting) | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Swathi I | Bioequivalence study of Triamterene | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Akshaya Subbramani | Counselling Psychology | Dr. Ramgopal C N | Work-life balance, social support and mental health among women undergoing fertility treatments | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Beulah Valarmathi C | Anxiety among higher secondary students on NEET exam. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Deepika V | A study on perceived social isolation and self esteem in relation to psychological well being of hearing impaired individuals | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Durga C | A study on relationship between stress, quality of sleep and anger among NLC employees doing general and shift basis work | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Eldhose K Joy | A study on effect of perceived social support and apiritualwell being on self esteem among institutionalized physically challenged adolescense | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Esha A | Psychosocial predictors of eating patterns among young adults | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Mithila Lakshmi V | Shyness, locus of control and psychological well-being as predictors of internet addiction | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Mithra Devi R | A comparative study among spouses of social drinkers and alcoholic addicts on stress and psychological well-being. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Monisha | Self-concept, assertiveness and emotional intelligence among young dancer and non dancers | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Ranjith Gnanaselvam A | Role of self esteem and peer pressure in influencing alcohol dependence among young adults in rural areas | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sagayaraj K | Development of sexual orientation scale | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Shwetha G Kumar | A study on quality of life of aged people living in old age home and with families | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sujatha S | A comparative study on self-esteem, job satisfaction, burnout, among special educators and regular teachers. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Pragya Pallavi | Medical Bionanotechnology | Dr. Agnishwar Girigoswami | Rhodamine conjugated gold nanoparticles for targeted photodynamic inactivation of cancer cells | 2016-17 | 2019-20 |
Antinate Shilpa S | Study on size-dependent efficacy and toxicity of nanoparticles used in cosmetic products | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Jayavardhini B | Effect of Sericin scaffold functionalized with Human Placenta derived Extracellular Matrix for Wound Dressing Application | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Samant Kumar | Nano Encapsulated probiotics for the EnhancedTherapeutic utility | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sivakami M | Release of Hydrogen sulphide by Nanoformulation for healing gastric ulcer | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Annie Babu | Medical Biotechnology | Dr. Antara Banerjee | Role of bioactive phytomarine Rhodiola-sbf with lf-trachurus compound Against oxidative stress and aging In bacteria |
2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Bankole Opeyemi Oluyomi | Molecular methods for detecting biofilm producing multi drug resistant clinical isolates. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Delan Rongpipi | Preliminary isolation & characterization of magneto tactic bacteria from coastal area of Chennai,tamilnadu | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Gomathy V | A comparative study of anti-inflammatory effect of sulphated chitosan from marine wastes | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Hemalatha S | Development of polymer conjugated coumarin based homocysteine sensing marker | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Janani G | Study of anti-inflammatory property of Rhodiola SBF+LF-T in induced COPD in mice | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Janani Priya V | In-vivo anti-inflammatory activity of enriched proteins from spirulina | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Jasmin Sultana | Levels of Salivary biomarkers biomarkers AKT1 and hsCRP in patients with cardiovascular diseases | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Jeneesha George | Evaluation of anti-skin cancer property of formulated agar from brown seaweed (Laminariadigitate)- female mice-DMBA | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Kamal Raj N | Assessment of metabolomics approach using gold nano particle in stimulated human whole blood | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Nasima Begum Laskar | Levels of system biologically identified biomarkers AKT1 and hsCRP in patients with cardiovascular diseases | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Naziya Gulnaaz A S | Estimation of level of the cardiac biomarker for type II Diabetes patients with and without coronary artery disease. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Susmita Roy | A study on effects of Acetyl-11-Keto-β- boswellicacid against dextran sodium sulphate induced chronic toxicity in mice. | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Vishal Kumar C | Influence of silver nano particle in human whole blood using metabolomics approach | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Keerthana S | Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics | Dr. Ramakrishnan V | Association of MTHFR gene polymorphisms in Preeclampsia and Recurrent abortion- A case/control study | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Malarkodi M | Positive selection site analysis in HIV1 and its accessory proteins | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Vivedharani R | Identification of positive selection sites and its potential immunological relevance in HIV-1 protease | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Amit Dey | Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine | Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami | Formulation and antibacterial activity of cu-nbgc for Bone Tissue Engineering | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Naveen Kumar P G | Formulation and antibacterial activity of cu-nbgc for Bone Tissue Engineering | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Praveen Kumar Rowlo | Role of Wnt Signaling in Trans-differentiation Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Towards Neuronal Lineage |
2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sasikumar V | Construction of modified topographic 3D typhographic scaffold using polymer Zinc Doped Bioglass for In Vitro osteogenesis | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Shibormi Rymbai | Silk Sericin/Gelatin scaffold incorporated with Quercetin for Wound Dressing and Tissue Regeneration | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Eswari S S | Echocardiography & Cardiovascular Imaging Technology | Dr. Durgadevi K | Correlation between myocardial performance(TEI) index using pulse wave doppler with left ventricular function by Simpson’s method in patients with ejection fraction 30% | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Keerthana M P | Prevalence of subclinical left ventricular dysfunction by global longitudinal strain echocardiography in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Poonthendral V | Assessment of left ventricular function using global longitudinal Strain echocardiography in patients with diabetes mellitus | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Sam Deva Irakkam J | Prevalence of thinned out inter atrial septum/ inter atrial septal aneurysm in normal patients | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Yamini B | Evaluation of right ventricular dysfunction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Akhil Sudhan V S | Radiology and Imaging Sciences Technology | Dr. Krishnamoorthi A | Correlation of anterior posterior diameter of abdomen with CT dose index (CTDI) and dose length product (DLP) in abdomen CT scan-A Retrospective study | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Niranjana K | Usefulness of metal artifact reduction technique in patients with metallic objects in computed tomography (CT)- A Prospective study | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Punitha P | Analysis of data obtained from susceptibility weighted imaging and gradient echo sequence in the evaluation of hemorrhage in MRI brain-A Prospective study | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Eswari S | Medical Surgical Nursing (CVTN) | Ms. Pushpakala K J | A study to Assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on pulmonary rehabilitation among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a selected tertiary hospital, Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, India | 2017-18 | 2019-20 |
Nandhini Devi M | A study to assess the effect of structured computer based education programme to develop and enhance knowledge on coronary artery disease among patients with hypertension at selected community area, Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, India | 2017-18 | 2019-20 | ||
Akram Husain R S | Medical Biotechnology | Dr. Shiek Fareeth Ahmed S S J | Molecular analysis of human papillomavirus high risk genotypes and it’s association with selected oncogenes of cervical cancer | 2014-15 | 2019-20 |
Alexandar V | Studies on the association of systems biology-identified biomarkers with cardiovascular risk factors in patients with documented coronary heart disease | 2012-13 | 2019-20 | ||
Gnanakkumaar P | Identification of diagnostic biomarkers for multiple sclerosis: a systems biological approach | 2011-12 | 2019-20 | ||
Joy Sebastian Prakash J | Development of bimodal medical imaging probe using cadmium zinc selenium (cd/znse) quantum dots | 2014-15 | 2019-20 | ||
Manigandan V | Effect of sulfated polysaccharides from cuttlebone of sepia pharaonis on rotenone induced parkinson’s disease in zebrafish | 2014-15 | 2019-20 | ||
Sanjay Kisan Metkar | Studies on denaturing of amyloid aggregates | 2014-15 | 2019-20 | ||
Sandeep Jindal | Medical Gastroenterology | Dr. Pugalendhi T | Assessment of left ventricular function in patients with chronic liver disease using tissue doppler imaging (tdi) and speckle tracking echocardiography (ste) | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Elayarani A | Microbiology | Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam | Phenotypic & Genotypic Characterisation Of Erythromycin Resistant Group A B Haemolytic Streptococci Causing Acute Tonsillopharyngitis In A Tertiary Care Hospital | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Jaison Jayakaran J | Phenotypic And Genotypic Characterisation Of Multidrug Resistant Isolates From Patients With Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (Cauti) In A Tertiary Care Hospital | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Saranya A | Evaluation Of Second Generation Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Antibodies With Rheumatoid Factor Isotype In Diagnosis Of Rheumatoid Arthritis | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Sunjay Pradhep R L | Neurology | Dr. Subramaniyan K | A study of retinal vascular changes in person with cerebral small vessel disease | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Sindhura M | Obstetrics And Gynecology | Dr. Famida A M | Assessment Of Cerebroplacental Ratio By Doppler Ultrasound Between 37-40 Weeks In Uncomplicated Pregnancies And Its Correlation With Outcome In The Newborn | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Sruthi G | Ophthalmology | Dr. Stephen Sudhakar K | Specular Microscopic Analysis Of Corneal Endothelium In Type-2 Diabetic And Non Diabetic Patients Before And After Phacoemulsification | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Archit Saxena | Orthopedics | Dr. Narayana Reddy M | Assessment Of Functional Outcome Of Selective Nerve Root Block In Management Of Lumbar Radiculopathy | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Soma Sundar S | Assessing The Functional Outcome Of Cemented Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty For Fracture Neck Of Femur In The Elderly By Harris Hip Score | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Venkata Kasyapi V | Otorhinolaryngology | Dr. Rajasekaran | Descriptive Study Of Sensorineural Hearing Loss Of Patients At A Tertiary Health Care Centre | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Abhiram I | Paediatrics | Dr. Umadevi L | Study Of The Clinical Profile And Aetiology Of Global Developmental Delay In Children Attending A Tertiary Care Centre | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Dushyanth Subramaniam N | Demographic And Clinical Profile Of Children Presenting To A Tertiary Care Centre With Seizures | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Dinu Varghese | Pharmacology | Dr. Ruckmani A | Urinary Bisphenol A (Bpa) Level And Consumption Of Water / Soft Drinks / Food From Plastic Containers | 2015 – 16 | 2019-20 |
Gayathri V | Anticancer Activity Of Ethanolic Extract Of Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus) Skin | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Lavanya K | Effects Of Non Caloric Artificial Sweeteners (Nas) On Glycaemic Status In Male Swiss Albino Mice | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Neevedha K | Neurological, Haematological And Histological Effects Of Chronic Exposure To Nitrous Oxide In Wistar Albino Rats | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Vivek V | Evaluation Of Ige And Histamine Levels In Patients With And Without Drug Allergy | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Jawahar George G | Physiology | Dr. Sanjay Andrew R | Diurnal Variation Of Pulmonary Ventilatory Function In Healthy South Indian Population | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Prathyusha Mikkilineni | Psychiatry | Dr. Srinivasan B | A Study On The Prevalence Of Early Depression Among Acute Stroke Patients | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Rakesh B | Study Of Insight And Neuropsychological Frontal Lobe Function In Patients With Schizophrenia | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Amritha A | Radio – Diagnosis | Dr. Krishnamoorthi A | Diffusion Tensor Imaging Of The Brain In The Evaluation Of Children With Developmental Delay | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Anusha V | Diagnostic Efficacy Of Ultrasound In Comparison To Computed Tomography In Neck Soft Tissue Lesions | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Divya Y | Mri In The Evaluation Of Fistula In Ano With Surgical Correlation | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Farooque M C | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) Evaluation Of Non-Traumatic Low Back Ache By Adding 3d Fiesta Sequence | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Mithun Joy Karot | Respiratory Medicine | Dr. Meenakshi N | Correlation Of Clinico-Radiological, Cardio-Pulmonary And Microbiological Profile Of Patients With Bronchiectasis In A Tertiary Care Hospital | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Pukazhenthi K | To Study The Prevalance Of Metabolic Syndrome In Copd And Its Association With The Severity Of Copd | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 | ||
Cipai Keerthy Sagar Reddy | Urology | Dr. Deepak M | Comparative study between tamsulosin and alfuzosin in expulsion of distal ureteric stones | 2016 – 17 | 2019-20 |
Consultancy Services @ CARE
- Spectroscopy and imaging
- Natural medicine and therapeutics in animal model, oxidative stress related parameters
- Western blot and real time PCR and RNA sequencing
- MR Imaging (Clinical/Animal sample), Matlab Programming, Medical Image (DICOM) Analysis, Statistical Analysis (Huge Data)
- Cell culture, synthesis, and characterization of nanoparticles-hydrodynamic diameter (DLS) and stability (zeta potential), UV visible spectroscopy, zebrafish embryo studies
- Karyotyping, Genetic Polymorphisms
- Nanoparticle synthesis and characterisation using – DLS, FT IR, UV-Vis Spec, fluorescence spectroscopy (whichever technique applicable), Use of Imaging instrument
- Primary Stem Cell Culture, Cell culture, Western blotting, Immunocytochemistry
- Angiogenesis and cancer microenvironment evaluation on CAM model, Microbial Culture and typing, Anticancer agents testing in rats
- Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Biomarkers Predication
- Marine Pharmacology & Zebrafish toxicity
- Synthesis of Angiogenic Nanocomposites, Chick embryo angiogenic assay, Wound Healing Experiments
- Cognitive Behaviour therapy, Psychological Assessment, Human resource management
- Self-cleaning hydrophilic and hydrophobic coating, Biomaterials, Anti-bacterial activity, Nanofunctionalized hygienic fabrics, Super-capacitors, Photo-catalysis, Nanofertilizer for Hydroponics Agriculture
- Molecular cloning, microbial gene expression studies, protein purification and assessment of anti-microbial properties
Please send your query to : consultancy@care.edu.in
Measures of interdisciplinary research success
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education has in its mandate itself conceived the concept of interdisciplinary research. The organization has practised the principle of collaborations grown organically from the ground as against a top-down approach.
As CARE has various departments ranging from medicine to physiotherapy to allied health sciences, and nursing, the organizational role has been to create opportunities to bring these faculty in these departments together.
Interdisciplinary research involves the collaboration of scholars from different disciplines in the pursuit of a common research goal. The success of interdisciplinary research at CARE is measured in following ways, including:
Publication output: The number and quality of publications resulting from interdisciplinary research projects can be used as a measure of success. This includes publications in interdisciplinary journals and those in traditional disciplinary journals. Total no. of publications more than 100
Funding: The amount of funding secured for interdisciplinary research can also be used as a measure of success. This includes funding from government agencies, private foundations, and industry partners. Grants received in 2020-21 INR 29,22,20,000.
Citation impact: This reflects the influence of the research in the wider academic community. Citation 6274.
Collaboration: Collaboration is promoted by way of incentives. Incentives are provided to researchers who have co-authors drawn from other institutions and coming with expertise that strengthens the quality of publication.
Research Promotion Policy: CARE has a strong research policy which promotes interdisciplinary research in its policy development.
Training and education: Constant training and education to researchers and students of all schools and constituent colleges of CARE.
Measures of interdisciplinary research success amongst science disciplines
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education being a health science university offering courses in Medical, Para Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy allow its researchers to bring together different perspectives and areas of expertise to solve complex problems. Measuring the success of interdisciplinary research can be challenging, as it involves assessing the impact of research across multiple fields.
Publication output: The number and quality of publications resulting from interdisciplinary research projects can be used as a measure of success. This includes publications in interdisciplinary journals and those in traditional disciplinary journals. Total no. of publications more than 100
Funding: The amount of funding secured for interdisciplinary research can also be used as a measure of success. This includes funding from government agencies, private foundations, and industry partners. Grants received in 2020-21 INR 29,22,20,000.
Citation impact: This reflects the influence of the research in the wider academic community. Citation 6274.
Collaboration: Collaboration is promoted by way of incentives. Incentives are provided to researchers who have co-authors drawn from other institutions and coming with expertise that strengthens the quality of publication.
Research Promotion Policy: CARE has a strong research policy which promotes interdisciplinary research in its policy development.
Training and education: Constant training and education to researchers and students of all schools and constituent colleges of CARE.
Specific physical facilities for interdisciplinary research teams
The following physical facilities at Chettinad Academy of Research and Education allow researchers to carry out interdisciplinary research with other departments / institution.
- Central Research Laboratory
- Animal House
- Medicinal Plant Garden
- Museum
- Media Laboratory
- Clinical trial centre
- Data Analysis and Computing facilities
- Meeting Room
- Specialized Equipments
- Animal House Medicinal Plant Garden Museum
- Central Research Laboratory Central Research Facility
- Clinical Trial Center
- e-Resource-Studio
- Research Statistical Databases Health Informatics
Specific physical facilities for interdisciplinary research teams amongst science disciplines
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education being a health science university offering courses in Medical, Para Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy allow its researchers to use the following physical facilities at Chettinad Academy of Research and Education to carry out interdisciplinary research with other departments / institution.
- Central Research Laboratory
- Animal House
- Medicinal Plant Garden
- Museum
- Media Laboratory
- Clinical trial centre
- Data Analysis and Computing facilities
- Meeting Room
- Specialized Equipments
Specific administrative support for interdisciplinary research teams
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) provides specific administrative support that enable researchers to focus on their core research activities.
CARE provides administrative support to interdisciplinary research teams by facilitating communication and collaboration among team members. The institution provides access to online collaboration tools and software that enable team members to share research data, communicate, and collaborate effectively.
Research Grants: CARE provides various research grants to interdisciplinary research teams to support their research activities. The grants cover research-related expenses such as laboratory equipment, travel, and publication costs. CARE also assists interdisciplinary research teams in identifying and applying for external funding opportunities.
Research Facilities: CARE has state-of-the-art research facilities that are equipped with modern equipment and technologies to support interdisciplinary research. These facilities are managed by trained technicians and staff who provide technical support to interdisciplinary research teams.
Research Ethics: CARE has a Research Ethics Committee that ensures that all research activities conducted by interdisciplinary research teams comply with ethical guidelines and standards. The committee provides guidance and support to interdisciplinary research teams in obtaining ethical clearance for their research projects.
Mentorship: CARE provides mentorship to interdisciplinary research teams by assigning experienced faculty members as mentors to guide and support them in their research activities. The mentors provide feedback, advice, and support to interdisciplinary research teams, which helps them to achieve their research goals.
Communication: Interdisciplinary teams may have members with different disciplinary backgrounds, and therefore different ways of communicating. Administrative support can help to facilitate communication among team members and ensure everyone is on the same page.
Data management: Interdisciplinary research teams may collect and analyze data from various sources, which can be difficult to manage. Administrative support can assist in organizing, storing, and analyzing data, ensuring that it is easily accessible to all team members.
Collaboration: Interdisciplinary research often requires collaboration across different disciplines, which can be challenging. Administrative support can facilitate collaboration by creating opportunities for team members to work together and encouraging cross-disciplinary communication.
The institution’s commitment to promoting interdisciplinary research is reflected in its research grants, research facilities, research ethics committee, administrative support, and mentorship programs. These initiatives enable interdisciplinary research teams to focus on their core research activities and achieve their research goals.
Specific administrative support for interdisciplinary research teams amongst science disciplines
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) being a health science university offering courses in Medical, Para Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy provides specific administrative support that enable researchers to focus on their core research activities.
CARE provides administrative support to interdisciplinary research teams by facilitating communication and collaboration among team members. The institution provides access to online collaboration tools and software that enable team members to share research data, communicate, and collaborate effectively.
Research Grants: CARE provides various research grants to interdisciplinary research teams to support their research activities. The grants cover research-related expenses such as laboratory equipment, travel, and publication costs. CARE also assists interdisciplinary research teams in identifying and applying for external funding opportunities.
Research Facilities: CARE has state-of-the-art research facilities that are equipped with modern equipment and technologies to support interdisciplinary research. These facilities are managed by trained technicians and staff who provide technical support to interdisciplinary research teams.
Research Ethics: CARE has a Research Ethics Committee that ensures that all research activities conducted by interdisciplinary research teams comply with ethical guidelines and standards. The committee provides guidance and support to interdisciplinary research teams in obtaining ethical clearance for their research projects.
Mentorship: CARE provides mentorship to interdisciplinary research teams by assigning experienced faculty members as mentors to guide and support them in their research activities. The mentors provide feedback, advice, and support to interdisciplinary research teams, which helps them to achieve their research goals.
Communication: Interdisciplinary teams may have members with different disciplinary backgrounds, and therefore different ways of communicating. Administrative support can help to facilitate communication among team members and ensure everyone is on the same page.
Data management: Interdisciplinary research teams may collect and analyze data from various sources, which can be difficult to manage. Administrative support can assist in organizing, storing, and analyzing data, ensuring that it is easily accessible to all team members.
Collaboration: Interdisciplinary research often requires collaboration across different disciplines, which can be challenging. Administrative support can facilitate collaboration by creating opportunities for team members to work together and encouraging cross-disciplinary communication.
The institution’s commitment to promoting interdisciplinary research is reflected in its research grants, research facilities, research ethics committee, administrative support, and mentorship programs. These initiatives enable interdisciplinary research teams to focus on their core research activities and achieve their research goals.
Centre for Herbal Pharmacology and Environmental Sustainability (CHPES)
The Centre for Herbal Pharmacology and Environmental Sustainability (CHPES) was established in December 2022, and it stands as a beacon of excellence in multidisciplinary research. This cutting-edge research lab is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the field of Applied Sciences. Through its innovative approaches and holistic perspectives, CHPES is driving progress towards a more sustainable and harmonious coexistence of humanity and the environment.
Mission and Vision
CHPES is on a mission to revolutionize the way we approach healthcare, environmental conservation, and sustainable living. Our vision is to create a future where the benefits of nature are harnessed through advanced scientific methodologies, leading to the development of eco-friendly pharmaceuticals, materials, and technologies. Through this, they aim to promote a healthier planet and enhance the well-being of individuals and communities worldwide.
Research Areas
- Herbal Pharmacology
- Nanotechnology
- Materials Science
- Environmental Sciences
- Biotechnology
Scientific Advisors
Dr. R. Sridhar
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Dr. T. Balasubramanian
Former Vice-Chancellor
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Director Head
Professor Dr. R. Arunkumar Radhakrishnan
Vice Principal, HOD (Pharmacology),
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Dr. Ankush Chauhan
Patent Officer
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Research Faculty
Dr. Van-Huy Nguyen
Professor, Nanotechnology,
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Dr. Abinaya Elango
Assistant Professor, Pharmacology,
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Dr. Rajasekaran Subbrayan
Assistant Professor, Cell Therapy and Molecular Biology,
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Visiting Faculty
Dr. Pugazhendhi. A
Associate Professor, Environmental Biotechnology,
Van Lang University, Vietnam
Dr. Kuan Shiong Khoo
Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering and Material Science,
Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Dr. Yasser Vasseghian
Professor, Chemical Engineering,
Soongsil University, South Korea
Dr. Suresh Sagadevan
Associate Professor, Nanotechnology,
University of Malaya, Malaysia
Dr. Suresh Ghoektar
Assistant Professor, Chemistry,
Smt. Devkiba Mohansinhji Chauhan College, India
Dr. Yugal Kishore Mohanta
Assistant Professor, Nanobiotechnology,
University of Science & Technology Meghalaya
Research Associates
Research Assistant,
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
Research Assistant,
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad Academy of Research & Education