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Innovative Teaching - MBBS

Date: 26/02/21

A debate was organized and the following students participated.Sabarish, Sharan. Sanjay, Shiv santosh and Sai priya. The debate was used to discuss the properties of Long bone vs flat bone which was debated by sabarish and sharan. In the similar manner the properties of smooth vs skeletal muscles was debated by saipriya, shiv santosh and Sanjay. The participants and the audience felt that it was interesting and easy to recall the propertied of debated topics as it was interesting and not time consuming

Date: 19.3.2021
Topic: Femoral triangle-Flipped classroom
Students were asked to read on topic femoral triangle, the previous day. Next day a case was discussed with them. They discussed the anatomical basis of femoral hernia, forming small groups. They asked questions among the small groups . The program was facilitated by Dr.M.S.Arathi. The number of students attended were 42.They gave the feedback as nice method to remember the applied aspects.

Date: 18.3.2022
Topic: Radial nerve palsy-Flipped classroom
Students were asked to read on topic Radial nerve, the previous day. Next day a case study was discussed with them. They discussed the anatomical basis of Radial nerve palsy, forming small groups. They asked questions among the small groups . The program was facilitated by Dr.M.S.Arathi. The number of students attended were 27. They gave the feedback as nice method to remember the applied aspects.

Date: 22.3.2021
Topic: Femoral hernia
Moderator : Dr. S. Manickam, Asst. Prof. of Anatomy. CHRI
Femoral triangle chapter in BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Vol. 2 were given aspre-class work to 39 students of I – MBBS (B2) batch to read at home. The activity was conducted at Histology lab during the anatomy dissection hour between 9.45AM to 10.15 AM.39 students were divided into 5 small groups. A poster containing the case history and clinically oriented questions were pasted on the board. The same was provided to the students for group discussion for 10minutes.Later each group was invited to answer one question. After that, other groups were allowed to provide additional points on that question. This session went for 20 minutes. The faculty acted as a facilitator for this activity. The students were instructed to read the femoral triangle and femoral canal from their text book once again for better understanding of the anatomical information after attending the flip class session. Students understood the need of anatomical knowledge for understanding the clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This flip class session made them to realize that understanding the concepts and their application is more important than mere memorizing of anatomical facts. When they were asked to answer clinically oriented questions, they understood how to correlate the knowledge of basic sciences with a clinical scenario. Overall student response was good and encouraging.

Date: 15.3.2022
Topic: Axillary artery
A Flipped classroom was conducted on 15/03/2022 which 30 students participated. The topic (Axillary artery) was given to them the previous day and everyone came well prepared. One student presented the topic with utmost clarity. The queries the students had was then addressed.

Date: 18.3.2022
Topic: Radial nerve palsy-Flipped classroom
Students were asked to read on topic Radial nerve, the previous day. Next day a case study was discussed with them. They discussed the anatomical basis of Radial nerve palsy, forming small groups. They asked questions among the small groups . The program was facilitated by Dr.M.S.Arathi. The number of students attended were 27. They gave the feedback as nice method to remember the applied aspects.

Role play on Erb’s paralysis and Klumpkey’s paralysis

Date: 26/02/21
Moderator :Dr.RHSRajila
A total of 4 teams participated in the roleplay. 2 teams for each condition, depicted and enacted the mode of injury like parturition injury and fall from a height resulting in the clinical conditions.. Y Akshara mahathi, Abhinaya S, Anisha Shanbag along with another team by aakshithasreechand, Akshaya A and Abhinaya R participated innovatively in Erb’s paralysis enacting the policeman’s tip hand.. Abarna.SV, Abarna.GMR, Anees Fathima as a team along with Bargavi E, Akshaya D ,Ankith Sudhir as another team role played Klumpke’s paralysis interestingly by showing off claw hand.

A role play was performed depicting the clinical condition Erb’s paralysis

Role play on Colle’s fracture and supracondylar fracture of humerus

Date: 05/03/21
Moderator :Dr.RHSRajila
A total of 2 teams participated in the roleplay. The students stuffed their wrists with cotton and also with gloves to make the appearance of dinner fork deformity of the Colle’s fracture. Jayashree K Jambu, Keerthiga S and Kamali participated innovatively in Colle’s fracture. Mohana Subramaniyan, Kishore V and J Logesh enacted Supracondylar fracture of humerus interestingly by falling on the outstretched arm and explaining with Xray pictures.

Role play on Varicose veins and fracture neck of femur

Date: 19/03/21
A total of 4 teams was divided into 2 teams each for enacted the varicose veins and fracture neck of femur. Kirish Vidyut A, Livingson Joshua Paul E, Kalpna MB and Manasa as 1 team and Celestina Elizabeth, Abhisheka, Sai Krishna and Ashwin as another team enacted Fracture neck of femur with Xray pictures and falling down with laterally rotated femur as actions . Kavya R, Jukie M, Monika, Mahi Balaji along with Ashmin I, Ahamed Saabiq and Arjun enacted the varicose veins beautifully. Mani Balaji was pasted with blue clay to show the enlarged veins and physical symptoms, causes and methods of diagnosis was highlighted in the role play . The treatment procedure and its outcomes were also presented.
A role play was performed depicting Varicose veins

Date: 22.3.2022
Topic: 6 Topics
1. A role play was conducted on 22/03/2022 in Demo room for the students. The students were divided into pairs and 6 topics were given to them with 2 days’ time for preparation. They presented the clinical conditions given to them efficiently. Later, their errors were rectified and the reason behind each scenario was discussed at length.

TOPIC : Upper limb – Erb’s Palsy
DATE : 22.03.2022
Brachial plexus innervates the upper limb, injury to the brachial plexus can occur at many instances and the symptoms can manifest in many ways. To understand the signs of symptoms of Erb’s palsy- injury to upper trunk of brachial plexus a role was performed by the students of I MBBS. The signs and symptoms of the injury, causative factors and treatment modalities was exhibited by the students through performing as patient, attender and physician

TOPIC : Upper limb – Shoulder dislocation
DATE : 22.03.2022
A role play on shoulder dislocation was performed by the students of I MBBS 21-22 batch. A clinical scenario of shoulder dislocation was exhibited through role play and various types of shoulder dislocation, diagnosis and treatment methods was performed.

TOPIC : Quiz on General Anatomy
DATE : 23.02.2021
The Department of Anatomy organized a quiz competition for the first year MBBS students of 2020-2021 Batch on 23.02.2021. The topic for the quiz competition was General Anatomy. The students actively participated and an overwhelming response was met. The Quiz competition involved 4 groups. The Quiz was conducted by Dr.RHSRajila, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy. The Quiz tested the knowledge of students. The winners and runners got a good round of applause from the audience. The Quiz competition helped various categories of students to gain knowledge on the topic. The Quiz also motivated the non-participants to take part in future competitions.

Date : 22.3.2021
Topic : lower limb-till gluteal region
Students were told about the topics in lower limb-till gluteal region for the quiz. On the day of quiz, they were given the questions physically. Questions were framed from must to know domain to desirable to know domain. It was attended by 42 students. The highest score was 8 and least was 1.The answers were discussed with them and they gave the feedback as more efforts needed to do well in quiz next time. Dr.M.S.Arathi facilitated the quiz.

Topic :Lower limb
Moderator: Dr. S. Manickam, Asst. Prof. of Anatomy. CHRI

The activity was conducted at Histology lab during the anatomy dissection hour between 10.15 AM to 10.30 AM.A surprise quiz test was given to 39 students of I – MBBS (B2) batch. The quiz comprisedof10questions.Thestudentsweregiven10minutestocompletethetask. At the end the answers were scored andanalyzed.Dr. M.S. Arathi, Associate professor of Anatomy, CHRI prepared the quiz questions and the grading and analysis was done by Dr. S. Manickam. Out of 39 students, only 12 could score 50% and above. The highest score was 6 (scored by 3 students) and the least score was 1 (scored by 4 students). The modal score is 4.Based on the right/wrong answers given by the students, the questions were graded as difficult, intermediate and easy questions. Five questions were difficult and 4 were easy.

TOPIC : Upper limb
DATE : 19.03.2022
Students were informed about the quiz on upper limb. On the day of quiz, they were given the questions physically. Questions were framed from must to know domain to desirable to know domain. It was attended by 27 students. The highest score was 6 and least was 1.The answers were discussed with them and they gave the feedback as more efforts needed to do well in quiz next time. Dr.M.S.Arathi facilitated the quiz.

Date: 01.03.2022
A puzzle was conducted on 1/03/2022 in Lecture hall 3. Students were given a paper with a crossword puzzle. A time frame of around 20 minutes was given for them to solve the puzzle. A total of 155 students participated in it. The puzzle was designed for a total of 20 marks. The students scored between 2-10 with the average mark being 6. The same quest ions were discussed with them post session.

Date: 17.03.2022
Anatomy crossword puzzle was organized for First year undergraduate MBBS students. Clinical anatomy of upper limb was the topic chosen. It was held in LH -3 for 182 students and was conducted as an open book test. The puzzle was framed from their prescribed book and students were competing in finishing first among themselves. This was an effective method in making them revise and understand the basc concepts which were to be applied in clinicals. The interest shown by the students was immense and there friendly banters as well among them.

I prize –Mohammed Syed Ibrahim
II ptize – S. Mohammed Aris
III prize – S.Mohammed ashiq

Date: 24.03.2022
Anatomy crossword puzzle was organized for First year undergraduate MBBS students. The puzzle was created to test the knowledge of students on the topics covered in upper limb anatomy. Students showed lot of zeal to take up the puzzle quiz. Teams were divided among them. 20 teams with 2 per team was formed. Rohit and Mathew came on top finding the answers. The quiz rekindled the interest of the students to explore areas of anatomy that weren’t covered during routine teaching methodology. The puzzle was designed and conducted by G.Vaithianathan, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy


Date: 26/02/21

A debate was organized and the following students participated.Sabarish, Sharan. Sanjay, Shiv santosh and Sai priya. The debate was used to discuss the properties of Long bone vs flat bone which was debated by sabarish and sharan. In the similar manner the properties of smooth vs skeletal muscles was debated by saipriya, shiv santosh and Sanjay. The participants and the audience felt that it was interesting and easy to recall the propertied of debated topics as it was interesting and not time consuming


Date: 19.3.2021
Topic: Femoral triangle-Flipped classroom
Students were asked to read on topic femoral triangle, the previous day. Next day a case was discussed with them. They discussed the anatomical basis of femoral hernia, forming small groups. They asked questions among the small groups . The program was facilitated by Dr.M.S.Arathi. The number of students attended were 42.They gave the feedback as nice method to remember the applied aspects.

Date: 18.3.2022
Topic: Radial nerve palsy-Flipped classroom
Students were asked to read on topic Radial nerve, the previous day. Next day a case study was discussed with them. They discussed the anatomical basis of Radial nerve palsy, forming small groups. They asked questions among the small groups . The program was facilitated by Dr.M.S.Arathi. The number of students attended were 27. They gave the feedback as nice method to remember the applied aspects.


Date: 22.3.2021
Topic: Femoral hernia
Moderator : Dr. S. Manickam, Asst. Prof. of Anatomy. CHRI
Femoral triangle chapter in BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Vol. 2 were given aspre-class work to 39 students of I – MBBS (B2) batch to read at home. The activity was conducted at Histology lab during the anatomy dissection hour between 9.45AM to 10.15 AM.39 students were divided into 5 small groups. A poster containing the case history and clinically oriented questions were pasted on the board. The same was provided to the students for group discussion for 10minutes.Later each group was invited to answer one question. After that, other groups were allowed to provide additional points on that question. This session went for 20 minutes. The faculty acted as a facilitator for this activity. The students were instructed to read the femoral triangle and femoral canal from their text book once again for better understanding of the anatomical information after attending the flip class session. Students understood the need of anatomical knowledge for understanding the clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This flip class session made them to realize that understanding the concepts and their application is more important than mere memorizing of anatomical facts. When they were asked to answer clinically oriented questions, they understood how to correlate the knowledge of basic sciences with a clinical scenario. Overall student response was good and encouraging.


Date: 15.3.2022
Topic: Axillary artery
A Flipped classroom was conducted on 15/03/2022 which 30 students participated. The topic (Axillary artery) was given to them the previous day and everyone came well prepared. One student presented the topic with utmost clarity. The queries the students had was then addressed.


Date: 18.3.2022
Topic: Radial nerve palsy-Flipped classroom
Students were asked to read on topic Radial nerve, the previous day. Next day a case study was discussed with them. They discussed the anatomical basis of Radial nerve palsy, forming small groups. They asked questions among the small groups . The program was facilitated by Dr.M.S.Arathi. The number of students attended were 27. They gave the feedback as nice method to remember the applied aspects.


Role play on Erb’s paralysis and Klumpkey’s paralysis

Date: 26/02/21
Moderator :Dr.RHSRajila
A total of 4 teams participated in the roleplay. 2 teams for each condition, depicted and enacted the mode of injury like parturition injury and fall from a height resulting in the clinical conditions.. Y Akshara mahathi, Abhinaya S, Anisha Shanbag along with another team by aakshithasreechand, Akshaya A and Abhinaya R participated innovatively in Erb’s paralysis enacting the policeman’s tip hand.. Abarna.SV, Abarna.GMR, Anees Fathima as a team along with Bargavi E, Akshaya D ,Ankith Sudhir as another team role played Klumpke’s paralysis interestingly by showing off claw hand.

A role play was performed depicting the clinical condition Erb’s paralysis


Role play on Colle’s fracture and supracondylar fracture of humerus

Date: 05/03/21
Moderator :Dr.RHSRajila
A total of 2 teams participated in the roleplay. The students stuffed their wrists with cotton and also with gloves to make the appearance of dinner fork deformity of the Colle’s fracture. Jayashree K Jambu, Keerthiga S and Kamali participated innovatively in Colle’s fracture. Mohana Subramaniyan, Kishore V and J Logesh enacted Supracondylar fracture of humerus interestingly by falling on the outstretched arm and explaining with Xray pictures.


Role play on Varicose veins and fracture neck of femur

Date: 19/03/21
A total of 4 teams was divided into 2 teams each for enacted the varicose veins and fracture neck of femur. Kirish Vidyut A, Livingson Joshua Paul E, Kalpna MB and Manasa as 1 team and Celestina Elizabeth, Abhisheka, Sai Krishna and Ashwin as another team enacted Fracture neck of femur with Xray pictures and falling down with laterally rotated femur as actions . Kavya R, Jukie M, Monika, Mahi Balaji along with Ashmin I, Ahamed Saabiq and Arjun enacted the varicose veins beautifully. Mani Balaji was pasted with blue clay to show the enlarged veins and physical symptoms, causes and methods of diagnosis was highlighted in the role play . The treatment procedure and its outcomes were also presented.
A role play was performed depicting Varicose veins


Date: 22.3.2022
Topic: 6 Topics
1. A role play was conducted on 22/03/2022 in Demo room for the students. The students were divided into pairs and 6 topics were given to them with 2 days’ time for preparation. They presented the clinical conditions given to them efficiently. Later, their errors were rectified and the reason behind each scenario was discussed at length.

TOPIC : Upper limb – Erb’s Palsy
DATE : 22.03.2022
Brachial plexus innervates the upper limb, injury to the brachial plexus can occur at many instances and the symptoms can manifest in many ways. To understand the signs of symptoms of Erb’s palsy- injury to upper trunk of brachial plexus a role was performed by the students of I MBBS. The signs and symptoms of the injury, causative factors and treatment modalities was exhibited by the students through performing as patient, attender and physician

TOPIC : Upper limb – Shoulder dislocation
DATE : 22.03.2022
A role play on shoulder dislocation was performed by the students of I MBBS 21-22 batch. A clinical scenario of shoulder dislocation was exhibited through role play and various types of shoulder dislocation, diagnosis and treatment methods was performed.


TOPIC : Quiz on General Anatomy
DATE : 23.02.2021
The Department of Anatomy organized a quiz competition for the first year MBBS students of 2020-2021 Batch on 23.02.2021. The topic for the quiz competition was General Anatomy. The students actively participated and an overwhelming response was met. The Quiz competition involved 4 groups. The Quiz was conducted by Dr.RHSRajila, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy. The Quiz tested the knowledge of students. The winners and runners got a good round of applause from the audience. The Quiz competition helped various categories of students to gain knowledge on the topic. The Quiz also motivated the non-participants to take part in future competitions.


TOPIC : Upper limb
DATE : 19.03.2022
Students were informed about the quiz on upper limb. On the day of quiz, they were given the questions physically. Questions were framed from must to know domain to desirable to know domain. It was attended by 27 students. The highest score was 6 and least was 1.The answers were discussed with them and they gave the feedback as more efforts needed to do well in quiz next time. Dr.M.S.Arathi facilitated the quiz.


Date: 01.03.2022
A puzzle was conducted on 1/03/2022 in Lecture hall 3. Students were given a paper with a crossword puzzle. A time frame of around 20 minutes was given for them to solve the puzzle. A total of 155 students participated in it. The puzzle was designed for a total of 20 marks. The students scored between 2-10 with the average mark being 6. The same quest ions were discussed with them post session.


Date: 17.03.2022
Anatomy crossword puzzle was organized for First year undergraduate MBBS students. Clinical anatomy of upper limb was the topic chosen. It was held in LH -3 for 182 students and was conducted as an open book test. The puzzle was framed from their prescribed book and students were competing in finishing first among themselves. This was an effective method in making them revise and understand the basc concepts which were to be applied in clinicals. The interest shown by the students was immense and there friendly banters as well among them.

I prize –Mohammed Syed Ibrahim
II ptize – S. Mohammed Aris
III prize – S.Mohammed ashiq


Date: 24.03.2022
Anatomy crossword puzzle was organized for First year undergraduate MBBS students. The puzzle was created to test the knowledge of students on the topics covered in upper limb anatomy. Students showed lot of zeal to take up the puzzle quiz. Teams were divided among them. 20 teams with 2 per team was formed. Rohit and Mathew came on top finding the answers. The quiz rekindled the interest of the students to explore areas of anatomy that weren’t covered during routine teaching methodology. The puzzle was designed and conducted by G.Vaithianathan, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy

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