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Examination Section

Examination Reforms:

The Controller of Examinations is responsible for various processes associated with preparations and conduct of examinations.
Examination Procedures:
The reforms implemented in the area of examination procedures are listed below:
1. Since 2015, IA marks and the attendance particulars of students are received online from the constituent colleges.
2. From 2019, Hall Tickets issued to the students contain the Registration Number given by NAD following UGCdirectives.
3. Soft copy of the question papers are received from question papersetters.
4. Students are required to submit soft copies of dissertations / thesis forevaluation.
5. Certificate for percentage of Plagiarism is made mandatory for submission of Dissertation /thesis.
6. For the students of Allied HealthSciences,
 The credits scored in Swayamareaccepted.
 Supplementary examinations for final year students areintroduced.
7. MCQs are introduced for the students of MBBS from 2018.
8. Revaluation and issuing of photocopies facilities were introduced in2020.
9. Additional security features are included in Degree Certificates and mark statements from 2019.

Processes Integrating IT:
Several steps have been taken for integrating examination processes with IT.
1. All the exam halls are installed with the latest CCTV cameras and high speed internet connections.
2. The functioning of mobile phones is blocked by deactivating them in examination areas usingjammers.
3. The Examination Management Software is upgraded with additional features to manage examination relatedprocesses.
4. IA marks, seating arrangements for examinations and results of University Examinations are informed to the students throughinternet.

Continuous Internal Assessment System:

CIA is included in all the programs by the university. The norms prescribed by the respective statutory councils are followed for CIA for MBBS, Nursing and Pharmacy programs. For other programs, the weightage for internal assessment is recommended by the respectiveBOS.

Competency Based Assessment (CBA):

In our university, CBA is built in the assessment process in all the programs. Faculty focus on integration of the required knowledge in the subject, skills and attitudes during teaching and assessment is done in the context of competencies such as communication, team work, professionalism and proceduralskills.
Question Papers contain MCQs, SAQs and LAQs to assess the competencies acquired by the examinees. Similarly, practical examinations are conducted to assess the knowledge and attainment of competencies.
Work Place Based Assessment (WPBA):

In our university WPBA is employed to assess communication skills, ethics and professionalism during internal and external examinations. Logbooks, direct observation for procedural skills, case based discussions, patient satisfaction survey are parts of our WPBA.
Medical students attending community medicine postings in rural and urban places, get their clinical work delivery assessed at the camp site.
Self Assessment:

In our university, course teachers allow students to evaluate their own assignments and subsequently verified by the teachers.

All faculty members are sensitized about OSCE/OSPE concepts in faculty development programs and they make use of the techniques in internal and external assessments. Thus our students are exposed to OSPE/OSCE based evaluations.


Certificates of students graduating from our university are received for verification from job providers both nationally and internationally. E-Sanad is an initiative of the Ministry of external affairs for online attestation and apostille of documents. The primary requirement for the attestation/apostille through e-Sanad is the availability of the document in digital depository. As we have already entered a Service level agreement with National Academic Depository this online submission/verification of documents with an ultimate object to extend contact less, cashless, faceless and paperless document attestation service for apostille and normal attestation to applicants is easily available for our students from this academic year.

Online Digital Evaluation
In – house software was developed to facilitate online correction of answer scripts so that errors are minimized and documentation is easy. This is at present being followed for MBBS/MD/MS/DM/MCh. This was very useful to facilitate remote proctored evaluation of answer scripts during lockdown when travel restrictions were imposed.

Online Portal for Answerscript Evaluation

In – house software was developed to facilitate online evaluation of answerscripts so that errors are minimized and documentation is easy. This was followed for MBBS/MD/MS/DM/MCh during the last academic year. This has been introduced for other programmes like BSc/MSc nursing, BPT, BPharm, Law, B Arch, AHS for revaluation this academic year.

Online portal for thesis evaluation

This software was developed in –house for the evaluation of MD/MS/DM/MCh dissertations. Previously the hardcopies were sent across to the various examiners all over the country by post. Now with the development of this software the soft copies of the dissertations are sent to the examiners just by one click of the button. The evaluation reports also reach promptly and there is no hassle. This is ecofriendly as well.

Online Portal for practical mark entry

This portal has been developed for external and internal examiners to enter the practical marks immediately online on the day of examination itself so that the marks are captured directly thereby reducing errors of manual entry.


A digital India initiative wherein all the degree certificates are uploaded onto the Digilocker portal so that students can access their certificates anywhere anytime. CARE went live on Digilocker from June 2 , 2022

The office of Controller of Examinations takes utmost care in all examinations related processes to ensure accuracy and accountability. In case students are aggrieved with the outcome of their assessment, the University extends all possible avenues for the students to seek redressal in examination related matters. In order to instill confidence in the minds of the stakeholders and demonstrate transparency in the examination process, the University has introduced the additional facilities of providing photocopy and revaluation of the answer from the year 2020.

The students are permitted to represent their examination related grievances at various stages of the examination process viz. during the examination, immediately after the examinations and also after publication of results.

1. During the examinations:

While writing the examinations, the students have reported to the Chief Superintendent that the questions asked in a particular course were found to be erroneous or the entire question paper was not in conformity to the syllabus. In such cases, suitable remedial measures like correcting the question(s) after consulting the concerned course teacher or by halting the examination for a short while, students were provided a fresh question paper.

2. Immediately after the examinations:

In case the students found that their question paper contained a few questions which were not within the scope of the syllabus, then they can represent their grievance to their respective Dean or Principal along with the recommendation of their concerned course teacher. If representations are received by the office of COE prior to the evaluation of theory paper, then the question paper shall be shown to a concerned subject expert and the veracity of the representation is ascertained. On finding the representation to be genuine, the evaluators are instructed accordingly to award full marks to those questions. If the representation is received after the commencement of evaluation or completion of evaluation, then the matter is considered by the Result Passing Board and necessary remedial measures are taken.

This difficulty will be overcome from the forthcoming examinations by scrutinizing the question papers thoroughly before the examinations so that that the questions are within the scope of the syllabus.

3.After the publication of results:

If the students are aggrieved that the outcome of the evaluation is much against their expectations then they have the redressal mechanisms of applying for the photocopy, retotaling or revaluation of their answer scripts.. While retotaling of marks in answer scripts is in vogue since inception of this University, providing photocopy and revaluation of answer scripts are introduced from April 2020 onwards.


Retotaling of answer scripts is allowed only to courses, which are subjected to single evaluation (all UG programs) both for regular and repeat examinations.. Once the results are published, if the students are not satisfied with the marks awarded to them then they can apply for revaluation in the prescribe form and by remitting the prescribed fees. On receipt of the application, a faculty not below the designation of Associate Professor from other discipline is appointed by the office of COE to scrutinize the marks awarded in the answer scripts. Thereafter the outcome of the Retotaling is informed to the candidate individually through letters and through the respective Dean / Principal within seven working days from the last date of submitting the application Retotaling.

5.Providing photocopy of answer script:

Photocopy of the answer script is provided to courses, which are subjected to single evaluation irrespective of whether the candidate has passed or failed in the examination. The students can apply for photocopy directly to the office of COE in the prescribed form and by paying prescribed fees within 7 days from the date of publication of results. On receipt of the application, the students will be provided with the photocopy of their answer scripts through their respective Dean / Principal of the constituent college the next working day.

6.Revaluation of answer scripts

Revaluation of answer papers (theory) shall be allowed only if it is subjected to single valuation. Any student irrespective of the marks secured in any theory paper can apply for revaluation for a maximum three papers, which he/she appeared in the current exam session. Procuring photocopy of answer script is prerequisite for the revaluation application. The student has to apply for revaluation of answer scripts within 10 days from the date of publication of results in the prescribed format and by paying prescribed fees directly to the office of COE. Revaluation shall be done by an independent external examiner and results shall be communicated to the students within 15 days from the last date of submission of revaluation application. The examination section follows approved norms for the revaluation process

7.Rescheduling the theory / practical examination:
During heavy rains or natural calamities, the theory and practical examinations are rescheduled to a later date to mitigate the trouble of commuting and attending the exam in a disturbed state of mind, which may affect the outcome. There have been many occasions on which both theory and practical examinations have been rescheduled towards addressing the grievances of students relating to the conduct of examinations.

8. Providing the degree certificate / duplicate certificates:
Some students having paid the fees might not be able to attend the convocation in person to receive their degrees due to genuine reasons and such students are allowed to receive the degree certificate personally or through an authorized person at a later date. This process helps students who have gone abroad or to other cities for higher education or for employment purposes.

Similarly facilities are extended to obtain duplicate degree certificate and mark / grade statements to those students who have lost their documents apply for duplicate document enclosing the non-traceable certificate from the police department and self-affidavit by the student after paying the prescribed fee. The duplicate documents issued by the Examination Section include Degree Certificates, Statement of Marks and Consolidated Statement of Marks.

Examination Reforms

Examination Reforms:

The Controller of Examinations is responsible for various processes associated with preparations and conduct of examinations.
Examination Procedures:
The reforms implemented in the area of examination procedures are listed below:
1. Since 2015, IA marks and the attendance particulars of students are received online from the constituent colleges.
2. From 2019, Hall Tickets issued to the students contain the Registration Number given by NAD following UGCdirectives.
3. Soft copy of the question papers are received from question papersetters.
4. Students are required to submit soft copies of dissertations / thesis forevaluation.
5. Certificate for percentage of Plagiarism is made mandatory for submission of Dissertation /thesis.
6. For the students of Allied HealthSciences,
 The credits scored in Swayamareaccepted.
 Supplementary examinations for final year students areintroduced.
7. MCQs are introduced for the students of MBBS from 2018.
8. Revaluation and issuing of photocopies facilities were introduced in2020.
9. Additional security features are included in Degree Certificates and mark statements from 2019.

Processes Integrating IT:
Several steps have been taken for integrating examination processes with IT.
1. All the exam halls are installed with the latest CCTV cameras and high speed internet connections.
2. The functioning of mobile phones is blocked by deactivating them in examination areas usingjammers.
3. The Examination Management Software is upgraded with additional features to manage examination relatedprocesses.
4. IA marks, seating arrangements for examinations and results of University Examinations are informed to the students throughinternet.

Continuous Internal Assessment System:

CIA is included in all the programs by the university. The norms prescribed by the respective statutory councils are followed for CIA for MBBS, Nursing and Pharmacy programs. For other programs, the weightage for internal assessment is recommended by the respectiveBOS.

Competency Based Assessment (CBA):

In our university, CBA is built in the assessment process in all the programs. Faculty focus on integration of the required knowledge in the subject, skills and attitudes during teaching and assessment is done in the context of competencies such as communication, team work, professionalism and proceduralskills.
Question Papers contain MCQs, SAQs and LAQs to assess the competencies acquired by the examinees. Similarly, practical examinations are conducted to assess the knowledge and attainment of competencies.
Work Place Based Assessment (WPBA):

In our university WPBA is employed to assess communication skills, ethics and professionalism during internal and external examinations. Logbooks, direct observation for procedural skills, case based discussions, patient satisfaction survey are parts of our WPBA.
Medical students attending community medicine postings in rural and urban places, get their clinical work delivery assessed at the camp site.
Self Assessment:

In our university, course teachers allow students to evaluate their own assignments and subsequently verified by the teachers.

All faculty members are sensitized about OSCE/OSPE concepts in faculty development programs and they make use of the techniques in internal and external assessments. Thus our students are exposed to OSPE/OSCE based evaluations.


Certificates of students graduating from our university are received for verification from job providers both nationally and internationally. E-Sanad is an initiative of the Ministry of external affairs for online attestation and apostille of documents. The primary requirement for the attestation/apostille through e-Sanad is the availability of the document in digital depository. As we have already entered a Service level agreement with National Academic Depository this online submission/verification of documents with an ultimate object to extend contact less, cashless, faceless and paperless document attestation service for apostille and normal attestation to applicants is easily available for our students from this academic year.

Online Digital Evaluation
In – house software was developed to facilitate online correction of answer scripts so that errors are minimized and documentation is easy. This is at present being followed for MBBS/MD/MS/DM/MCh. This was very useful to facilitate remote proctored evaluation of answer scripts during lockdown when travel restrictions were imposed.

Online Portal for Answerscript Evaluation

In – house software was developed to facilitate online evaluation of answerscripts so that errors are minimized and documentation is easy. This was followed for MBBS/MD/MS/DM/MCh during the last academic year. This has been introduced for other programmes like BSc/MSc nursing, BPT, BPharm, Law, B Arch, AHS for revaluation this academic year.

Online portal for thesis evaluation

This software was developed in –house for the evaluation of MD/MS/DM/MCh dissertations. Previously the hardcopies were sent across to the various examiners all over the country by post. Now with the development of this software the soft copies of the dissertations are sent to the examiners just by one click of the button. The evaluation reports also reach promptly and there is no hassle. This is ecofriendly as well.

Online Portal for practical mark entry

This portal has been developed for external and internal examiners to enter the practical marks immediately online on the day of examination itself so that the marks are captured directly thereby reducing errors of manual entry.


A digital India initiative wherein all the degree certificates are uploaded onto the Digilocker portal so that students can access their certificates anywhere anytime. CARE went live on Digilocker from June 2 , 2022

Examination and re-evaluation procedure

The office of Controller of Examinations takes utmost care in all examinations related processes to ensure accuracy and accountability. In case students are aggrieved with the outcome of their assessment, the University extends all possible avenues for the students to seek redressal in examination related matters. In order to instill confidence in the minds of the stakeholders and demonstrate transparency in the examination process, the University has introduced the additional facilities of providing photocopy and revaluation of the answer from the year 2020.

The students are permitted to represent their examination related grievances at various stages of the examination process viz. during the examination, immediately after the examinations and also after publication of results.

1. During the examinations:

While writing the examinations, the students have reported to the Chief Superintendent that the questions asked in a particular course were found to be erroneous or the entire question paper was not in conformity to the syllabus. In such cases, suitable remedial measures like correcting the question(s) after consulting the concerned course teacher or by halting the examination for a short while, students were provided a fresh question paper.

2. Immediately after the examinations:

In case the students found that their question paper contained a few questions which were not within the scope of the syllabus, then they can represent their grievance to their respective Dean or Principal along with the recommendation of their concerned course teacher. If representations are received by the office of COE prior to the evaluation of theory paper, then the question paper shall be shown to a concerned subject expert and the veracity of the representation is ascertained. On finding the representation to be genuine, the evaluators are instructed accordingly to award full marks to those questions. If the representation is received after the commencement of evaluation or completion of evaluation, then the matter is considered by the Result Passing Board and necessary remedial measures are taken.

This difficulty will be overcome from the forthcoming examinations by scrutinizing the question papers thoroughly before the examinations so that that the questions are within the scope of the syllabus.

3.After the publication of results:

If the students are aggrieved that the outcome of the evaluation is much against their expectations then they have the redressal mechanisms of applying for the photocopy, retotaling or revaluation of their answer scripts.. While retotaling of marks in answer scripts is in vogue since inception of this University, providing photocopy and revaluation of answer scripts are introduced from April 2020 onwards.


Retotaling of answer scripts is allowed only to courses, which are subjected to single evaluation (all UG programs) both for regular and repeat examinations.. Once the results are published, if the students are not satisfied with the marks awarded to them then they can apply for revaluation in the prescribe form and by remitting the prescribed fees. On receipt of the application, a faculty not below the designation of Associate Professor from other discipline is appointed by the office of COE to scrutinize the marks awarded in the answer scripts. Thereafter the outcome of the Retotaling is informed to the candidate individually through letters and through the respective Dean / Principal within seven working days from the last date of submitting the application Retotaling.

5.Providing photocopy of answer script:

Photocopy of the answer script is provided to courses, which are subjected to single evaluation irrespective of whether the candidate has passed or failed in the examination. The students can apply for photocopy directly to the office of COE in the prescribed form and by paying prescribed fees within 7 days from the date of publication of results. On receipt of the application, the students will be provided with the photocopy of their answer scripts through their respective Dean / Principal of the constituent college the next working day.

6.Revaluation of answer scripts

Revaluation of answer papers (theory) shall be allowed only if it is subjected to single valuation. Any student irrespective of the marks secured in any theory paper can apply for revaluation for a maximum three papers, which he/she appeared in the current exam session. Procuring photocopy of answer script is prerequisite for the revaluation application. The student has to apply for revaluation of answer scripts within 10 days from the date of publication of results in the prescribed format and by paying prescribed fees directly to the office of COE. Revaluation shall be done by an independent external examiner and results shall be communicated to the students within 15 days from the last date of submission of revaluation application. The examination section follows approved norms for the revaluation process

7.Rescheduling the theory / practical examination:
During heavy rains or natural calamities, the theory and practical examinations are rescheduled to a later date to mitigate the trouble of commuting and attending the exam in a disturbed state of mind, which may affect the outcome. There have been many occasions on which both theory and practical examinations have been rescheduled towards addressing the grievances of students relating to the conduct of examinations.

8. Providing the degree certificate / duplicate certificates:
Some students having paid the fees might not be able to attend the convocation in person to receive their degrees due to genuine reasons and such students are allowed to receive the degree certificate personally or through an authorized person at a later date. This process helps students who have gone abroad or to other cities for higher education or for employment purposes.

Similarly facilities are extended to obtain duplicate degree certificate and mark / grade statements to those students who have lost their documents apply for duplicate document enclosing the non-traceable certificate from the police department and self-affidavit by the student after paying the prescribed fee. The duplicate documents issued by the Examination Section include Degree Certificates, Statement of Marks and Consolidated Statement of Marks.

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