The Department of Orthopaedics at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, which was established in 2005, provides expert treatment for all aspects of musculoskeletal ailments through inpatient and day-care surgical care, rehabilitation including physiotherapy, orthotics and prosthetics. We have an experienced team of qualified consultants to deal with a broad range of orthopaedic sub-specialties. With an excellent back-up of radiology, pathology, intensive care and rehabilitation departments.
Department of Orthopaedics draws variety of complex cases particularly all types of Joint replacements and Spinal surgeries (i.e. primary, complex and revisions) in significant numbers.
Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List
The team is headed by Prof. Dr. Nalli R Uvaraj and comprises of faculty members who are highly qualified, experienced, dedicated, and altruistic. The team is divided into 5 units with postgraduates and intern trainees in each unit to work round the clock

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The department of Orthopedics provides outpatient services round the clock on all days including emergencies. On holidays the outpatient services are restricted from 8:30AM to 2:00PM. The dedicated team of doctors attend to all aspects of orthopedics including trauma, joint pathologies, pediatric orthopedics, hand reconstruction and sports medicine.
Inpatient care is facilitated by means of five units providing utmost care to the patients. Patients can choose between general ward, semiprivate room, private rooms, and special suite rooms
Undergraduate Training
Ability to recognized and assess bone injuries, dislocation, poly-trauma and provide primary care prior to appropriate referral.
Knowledge of the medicolegal aspects of trauma.
Ability to recognize and manage common infections of bone and joints in the primary care setting.
Recognize common congenital, metabolic, neoplastic, degeneraative and inflammatory bone diseases and refer appropriately.
Ability to perform simple orthopaedic techniques as applicable to a primary care setting.
Ability to recommend rehabilitative services for common orthopaedic problems for all age groups.
Postgraduate Training
Practicing orthopaedicsethically and in par with the principles of primary health center.
Identify social, economic, environmental, biological and emotional determinants of health in a given case, and take them into account while planning therapeutic, rehabilitative, preventive and primitive measure/strategies.
Diagnose and manage majority of the conditions in the orthopaedicsspecialty on the basis of clinical assessment and appropriately selected and conducted investigations.
Demonstrate skills in the documentation of individual case details as well as morbidity and mortality rate relevant to the assigned situation.
Develop skills as a self directed learned, recognize continuing education needs, select and use appropriate learning resources.
Develop skills in subspecialties such as spine surgery-arthroplasty, arthroscopy and paediatric orthopaedicsurgery.
The faculty and postgraduates of the department are actively involved in various researches. Basic Research, Applied research and interdisciplinary activities are promoted by the department.
Our Orthopedic trauma care covers the spectrum of simple fractures to severe life- threat3ening accidents with multiple broken bones. We have a dedicated team of doctors available round the clock to attend to all aspects of trauma including fractures (bones & joints), fragility fractures from osteoporosis or metabolic bone disease, dislocations, amputations, nonunion and malunion (problems with healing and healing with poor alignment).
Our Spine Surgeons, with years of experience, treat the most complex conditions and assure outstanding results. Spine surgeons are trained

to provide treatments in numerous conditions such as disc herniations, disc degenerations, spinal stenosis, spine fractures, spine slippage, scoliosis, and bone tumours in the spine.
Hand Surgery
We provide comprehensive management of all trauma and disease affecting hand, wrist and upper limb with dynamic and proficient team of trained surgeons.
Our renowned arthroscopy surgeons routinely perform a large number of knee and shoulder arthroscopies; both diagnostic as well as therapeutic which includes complex reconstructions and repairs.
Joint Replacements
Our team of dedicated joint replacement surgeons regularly perform arthroplasties in many normal, complex, complicated and revision situations successfully.
Paediatric Orthopaedics
We provide comprehensive care for complex paediatric orthopaedic hip disorders, deformity correction, developmental disorders, congenital anomalies of the musculoskeletal system and neuromuscular disorders.
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Inpatient care is facilitated with five units providing utmost care to sick patients. In addition to general ward the patients are also provided medical care in special wards with all basic amenities based on the patients’ preference. Severely ill patients are triaged to zero delay ward and are transferred to ICU for prompt treatment.
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The department has provided unique services to the poor and downtrodden at their doorsteps by conducting rural health camps. For minor ailments drugs are provided at the camp site. Patients
with significant disorders will be referred to the hospital for further work up.
In addition to above services specialist consultation is provided to peripheral centers such as our urban health center at Karapakkam and Mandaiveli, government primary health center Kelambakkam and rural health center at Poonjeri.
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Ongoing Research / Projects By Students | ||
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | Functional Outcome of Middle Third Clavicle Fracture Treated with Titanium Elastic Nail System Vs Plate Osteosynthesis-A Comparative Study | Dr Dinesh Kumar |
2 | A Comparative Study Between Singhs Index and Dual Energy X Ray Absorptiometry Bone Mineral Density Measurement for Evaluating Osteoporosis in Elderly Population | Dr Rakesh Kumar |
3 | Functional Outcome of Non-Operative Treatment and Spinal Intervention Procedures in Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease | Dr Vaibhav Hariram Chaurasia |
4 | Functional Outcome of Hand in Closed Metacarpal Fractures Treated by Open Reduction and Internal Fixation by Mini Plates and Screw Vs Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation by K Wire Pinning-A Randomized Controlled Trial | Dr Sathish Babu |
5 | A Prospective Study to Assess the Prevalence of Rotator Cuff Tear in Type 2 Diabetes Patients | Dr Arivoli |
6 | A Comparative Study of Functional Outcome of Intra Articular Injection of Platelet Rich Plasma Vs Hyaluronic Acid in The Treatment of Osteoarthritis of Knee | Dr Aswath CA |
7 | Comparison Of Spinopelvic and Sacropelvic Parameters in Standing and Supine Lateral Radiograph in Low Grade Spondylolisthesis | Dr Mathai Thomas |
8 | Effects Of Preoperative Pregabalin on Post Operative Pain Management in PFN Hip | Dr Daniel Arun |
9 | Assessment Of Efficacy of Proximal Femoral Nail Autorotation 2 (Pfna2) In Unstable Trochanteric Fractures | Dr. Shaival Shah |
10 | Short Segment Posterior Fixation with Level Screws Versus Long Segment Posterior Fixation for Management of Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures: A Prospective Comparative Study | Dr. Ganashree |
11 | Prospective study of functional outcome of expert tibial intramedullary nailing for distal one third fracture of tibia | Dr Adharsh K |
12 | Analytical study outcome of molecular biological marker il-6 in synovial fluid of knee joint before and after intra articular PRP injection in patient with osteoarthritis of right knee – prospective study | Dr Aswin Vijay |
13 | Prospective study of functional outcome and radiological outcome of proximal humerus fracture treated with Philo’s plating | Dr Balamurugan |
14 | Prospective study on clinico-radiological outcome of volar locking compression plate of distal radius fracture in elderly patients | Dr Daniel Jey Janeson j |
15 | Prospective study of functional outcome of tibial shaft fractures treated with intramedullary nailing through supra patellar approach | Dr Dusyant ram R |
16 | Prospective study on functional outcome following arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using peroneus longus tendon graft | Dr Krishnavel T |
17 | Morphometry of adult lumbar pedicle and vertebral body in south Indian population using radiographic and CT data | Dr Nalli U Sanjeev Kumar |
18 | Prospective study to analyses outcome of surgical management of patient treated for lumbar canal stenosis – both instrumentation vs Un instrumented | Dr Raghul VR |
19 | A study on analysis of functional outcome of percutaneous release in trigger finger under ultrasound guidance. A novel technique prospective study | Dr Sowbhik Krishnan M |
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | A Prospective Study to Analyze the Difference Between Radiological and Intraoperative Femoral Head Size Circumference in Patients Undergoing Hip Arthroplasty | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
2 | A Prospective Study to Evaluate Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Undergoing Single Level Selective Nerve Root Block | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
3 | A Prospective Study to Analyze the Variations in Body Temperature of Patients Undergoing Major Orthopedics Surgery | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
4 | Patients Presenting to The OPD In a Tertiary Care an Epidemiological Study to Access Covid 19 Vaccination Demographics Among Orthopedic Hospital | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
5 | A Short Survey Assessment of Outcome of Sacroiliac Block in Patients with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
6 | Evaluating Role of PRP In Treatment of Refractory Tendoachilles Tendinopathy in South Indian Population | Prof Dr Vijayashankar |
7 | A Prospective Comparative Study on The Functional and Radiological Outcome of Un Displaced Scaphoid Fractures Treated by Cast Immobilization with Or Without Platelet Rich Plasma Injection | Dr Prem Kumar |
8 | A Prospective Study of Efficacy of Epidural Steroid Therapy in Lumbar Radicular Pain | Dr Vinoth |
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | Functional Outcome of Hand in Closed Metacarpal Fractures Treated by Open Reduction and Internal Fixation by Mini Plates and Screw Vs Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation by K Wire Pinning-A Randomized Controlled Trial | Prof Dr Selvam |
2 | Assessment Of Efficacy of Proximal Femoral Nail Antirotating 2 (Pfna2) In Unstable Trochanteric Fractures | Prof Dr Selvam |
3 | A Comparative Study Between Singhs Index and Dual Energy X Ray Absorptiometry Bone Mineral Density Measurement for Evaluating Osteoporosis in Elderly Population | Dr Jamal Mohammed |
4 | Effects Of Preoperative Pregabalin on Post Operative Pain Management in PFN Hip | Dr Jamal Mohammed |
5 | Short Segment Posterior Fixation with Level Screws Versus Long Segment Posterior Fixation for Management of Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures: A Prospective Comparative Study | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
6 | Outcome Analysis Following Osteocytes Is of Tibial Plateau Fracture Based on Luo and The Hoekstra Three Column Concept | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
7 | Profile Of Trauma Patients Presenting to The Emergency Department | Prof Dr Vijaya Shankar |
8 | Functional Outcome of Non-Operative Treatment and Spinal Intervention Procedures in Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease | Dr M H Subramaniam |
9 | Functional Outcome of Middle Third Clavicle Fracture Treated with Titanium Elastic Nail System Vs Plate Osteosynthesis-A Comparative Study | Dr Pradeep E |
10 | To Assess the Osteo Induction Potential of Chitosan/Calcium Silicate and Chitosan/Zn Doped Calcium Silicate Scaffolds in Tibial Bone Defect Model in Male Wistar Rats | Dr Pradeep E |
11 | To Assess the Osteo Induction Potential of Wollastonite and Cu Doped Wollastonite Particles in Tibial Bone Defect Model in Male Wistar Rats | Dr Arun Kumar Kv |
12 | Biological Actions of Zinc Doped Nanobioglass Ceramic Particles for Dental and Orthopedic Applications | Dr Arun Kumar Kv |
13 | Bone Marrow Injection in Wound Management | Dr Arun |
14 | An Observational Study of Nerve Conduction Study Findings on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Workers With prolonged/Over Use of Hand in Tertiary Care Hospital | Dr Selvin S |
Completed Research / Projects By Students | ||
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Distal Radius Fracture | Dr Kavin Amutham Muthiya |
2 | Functional Outcome of Fracture Midshaft Clavicle – Conservative Vs Operative Management | Dr Raja Purushotaman |
3 | Functional Outcome of Platelet Rich Plasma in Early Osteoarthritis of Knee | Dr Vetri Kumar MK |
4 | Functional Outcome of Distal Tibia Fracture Treated with Distal Tibial Plate and Screws | Dr Sasidharan MDS |
5 | Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Tibial Plateau Fracture | Dr Arun SR |
6 | Functional Outcome of Distal Femur Fractures Treated with LCP Femur Plate and Screws | Dr Balachander M |
7 | Functional Outcome of Fracture Shaft of Humerus-Nailing Vs Plating | Dr Anush Rao |
8 | Clinical Efficacy of Mc Murray Test and Thessaly Test in Meniscal Injury and Their Comparison With MRI | Dr Korpu Kishore |
9 | A Hospital Based One Year Cross Sectional Study to Know the Prevalence of Regional Osteoporosis in Patient with Hip/Lumbar Vertebral Fractures by DEXA Scan | Dr Diwaker James Fenn |
10 | Functional Outcome of Selective Nerve Root Block | Dr Archit Saxena |
11 | Functional Outcome of Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty for Neck of Femur Fracture in The Elderly | Dr Soma Sundar S |
12 | Assessing The Length of Hamstring Graft of ACL Reconstruction-Preoperatively Using MRI | Dr Sathesh Kumar |
13 | Assessing The Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Bicondylar Fracture Tibia (Schatzker Type 5) | Dr Krishna Chaitanya |
14 | Functional Outcome of Uni/Bi/Tri Malleolar Fractures of The Ankle Joint | Dr Mahesh Parihala |
15 | Functional Outcome of Proximal Humerus Fracture Treated with Philo’s Plating | Dr Prem Regis |
16 | Functional Outcome of Unstable Inter-Trochanteric Femur Fracture in Elderly Patients Treated by Cemented Bipolar Hemi-Arthroplasty Versus Internal Fixation With PFN | Dr Prajin |
17 | A Morphometric Study of The Retroperitoneal Oblique Corridor to The L2-S1 Intervertebral Discs Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Dr Denish |
18 | A Prospective Study of Proximal Fibular Osteotomy in The Patients with Medial Compartment Osteoarthrosis of Knee | Dr Ashwini |
19 | Functional Outcome of Arthroscopic Reconstruction of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Using Semitendinosus-Gracilis Graft | Dr Hemanth Kumar CH |
20 | Functional Outcome of Vertebroplasty in Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures | Dr Rushikesh Umale |
21 | A Randomized Control Study of Functional Outcome of Lateral Epicondylitis Treated with Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection in A Tertiary Care Hospital | Dr Ashwin V Y |
22 | Functional Outcome Following Partial Osteotomy of Retrocalcaneal Tuberosity for Haglund’s Syndrome | Dr Saran Karthik S |
23 | A Randomized Controlled Study of Functional Outcome of Chronic Refractory Plantar Fasciitis Treated with Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection | Dr Ashwanth Narayan B |
24 | A Randomized Control Trial to Assess Hemostatic Efficacy of Tranexamic Acid in Posterior Spinal Stabilization Surgeries | Dr Rahul Gussin |
25 | Comparative Study of USG Guided Versus Unguided Injection of Platelet Rich Plasma in The Treatment of Partial Rotator Cuff Tear | Dr R K Guhan |
26 | Functional Outcome of Lumbar Discectomy by Fenestration Technique in Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Prolapse | Dr Bharath |
27 | Functional Outcome Following Arthroscopic Single Row Repair in Degenerative Rotator Cuff Tear | Dr Ampalaya Manu |
28 | Functional Outcome of Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Spondylolisthesis And Lumbar Disc Disease | Dr Vibishek Raj |
Completed Research/ Project | ||
By Faculty [EXTRAMURAL] | ||
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | Functional Outcome Following Fixation of Fracture of Humerus – Intramedullary Nailing Versus Plate Osteosynthesis: A Comparative Study | Prof Dr.M.Narayana Reddy |
2 | A Hospital Based One Year Cross Sectional Study to Know the Prevalence of Regional Osteoporosis in Patients with Hip/Lumbar Vertebral Fracture by DEXA Scan | Prof Dr.M. Narayana Reddy |
3 | Clinical Accuracy of Mc Murray Test and Thessaly Test in Meniscal Injuries and Their Correlation With MRI | Prof Dr.M. Narayana Reddy |
4 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) In Evaluating Soft Tissue Injuries of Acute Tibial Plateau Fractures | Prof Dr.M. Narayana Reddy |
5 | Functional Outcome Following Fixation of Ankle Fractures (Bi/ Trimalleolar) | Prof Dr.M. Narayana Reddy |
6 | A Prospective Study to Evaluate the Functional Outcome of Proximal Humerus Fractures Using Locking Compression Plate | Prof Dr. Pughazhenthi |
7 | Assessing The Functional Outcome of Cemented Bipolar Hemi Arthroplasty for Fracture Neck of Femur in Elderly by Harris Hip Score | Prof Dr. Chander.S. G |
8 | Functional Outcome of Arthroscopic Reconstruction of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Using Semitendino-Gracilis Graft | Prof Dr. Chander.S. G |
9 | Functional Outcome of Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Spondylolisthesis and Lumbar Disc Disease | Prof Dr. Chander.S. G |
10 | A Prospective Study of Proximal Fibular Osteotomy in Patients with Medial Compartment Osteoarthrosis of Knee | Prof Dr. Venkatachalam K |
11 | Functional Outcome of Unstable Intertrochanteric Femur Fractures in Elderly Patients Treated by Cemented Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty Vs Internal Fixation With PFN | Prof Dr. Venkatachalam K |
12 | Functional Outcome Following Arthroscopic Single Row Repair in Degenerative Rotator Cuff Tear | Prof Dr. Venkatachalam K |
13 | A Randomized Control Study of Functional Outcome of Lateral Epicondylitis Treated with Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection in A Tertiary Care Hospital | Prof Dr. Venkatachalam K |
14 | Comparative Study of USG Guided Vs Unguided Injection of Platelet Rich Plasma in The Treatment of Partial Rotator Cuff Tear | Prof Dr. Jamal Mohammed A |
15 | A Morphometric Study of The Retroperitoneal Oblique Corridor to The L2-S1 Intervertebral Disc Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
16 | Functional Outcome of Vertebroplasty in Patients with Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture: A Prospective Study | Prof Dr. Sathik Babu |
17 | Assessment Of Functional Outcome If Selective Nerve Root Block in Management of Lumbar Radiculopathy | Prof Dr. Sathik Babu |
18 | A Randomized Controlled Study of Functional Outcome of Chronic Refractory Plantar Fasciitis Treated with Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection | Prof Dr. Victor Moirangthem |
19 | Functional Outcome Following Partial Osteotomy of Calcaneal Tuberosity for Haglund’s Syndrome | Prof Dr. Victor Moirangthem |
20 | Functional Outcome of Lumbar Discectomy by Fenestration Technique in Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Prolapse | Dr. Mathiyalagan.M. B |
21 | Assessment Of Hemostatic Efficacy of Tranexamic Acid in Randomized Control Trial on Posterior Spinal Stabilization Surgeries- A Prospective Study | Dr. Mathiyalagan.M. B |
Completed Research/ Project | ||
By Faculty | ||
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | A Randomized Control Study of Functional Outcome of Lateral Epicondylitis Treated with Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection in A Tertiary Care Hospital | Prof Dr Selvam N |
2 | Functional Outcome of Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Spondylolisthesis And Lumbar Disc Disease | Prof Dr Selvam N |
3 | Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Distal Radius Fracture | Prof Dr M Narayana Reddy |
4 | A Hospital Based One Year Cross Sectional Study to Know the Prevalence of Regional Osteoporosis in Patient with Hip/Lumbar Vertebral Fractures by DEXA Scan | Prof Dr M Narayana Reddy |
5 | Assessing The Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Bicondylar Fracture Tibia (Schatzker Type 5) | Prof Dr M Narayana Reddy |
6 | Functional Outcome of Platelet Rich Plasma in Early Osteoarthritis of Knee | Prof Dr K Pugazhenthi |
7 | Assessing The Length of Hamstring Graft of ACL Reconstruction-Preoperatively Using MRI | Prof Dr K Pugazhenthi |
8 | Functional Outcome of Proximal Humerus Fracture Treated with Philo’s Plating | Prof Dr K Pugazhenthi |
9 | Functional Outcome of Fracture Shaft of Humerus-Nailing Vs Plating | Prof Dr K Pugazhenthi |
10 | Functional Outcome of Fracture Midshaft Clavicle – Conservative Vs Operative Management | Prof Dr Chander S G |
11 | Clinical Efficacy of Mc Murray Test and Thessaly Test in Meniscal Injury and Their Comparison With MRI | Prof Dr Chander S G |
12 | Functional Outcome of Uni/Bi/Tri Malleolar Fractures of The Ankle Joint | Prof Dr Chander S G |
13 | Functional Outcome of Unstable Inter-Trochanteric Femur Fracture in Elderly Patients Treated by Cemented Bipolar Hemi-Arthroplasty Versus Internal Fixation With PFN | Prof Dr Venkatachalam |
14 | A Prospective Study of Proximal Fibular Osteotomy in The Patients with Medial Compartment Osteoarthrosis of Knee | Prof Dr Venkatachalam |
15 | Comparative Study of USG Guided Versus Unguided Injection of Platelet Rich Plasma in The Treatment of Partial Rotator Cuff Tear | Prof Dr Jamal Mohammed |
16 | Functional Outcome of Arthroscopic Reconstruction of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Using semi tendinosis-Gracilis Graft | Prof Dr Jamal Mohammed |
17 | A Morphometric Study of The Retroperitoneal Oblique Corridor to The L2-S1 Intervertebral Discs Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
18 | Functional Outcome of Vertebroplasty in Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
19 | Functional Outcome of Lumbar Discectomy by Fenestration Technique in Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Prolapse | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
20 | Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Tibial Plateau Fracture | Prof Dr Victor |
21 | Functional Outcome of Selective Nerve Root Block | Prof Dr Victor |
22 | A Randomized Controlled Study of Functional Outcome of Chronic Refractory Plantar Fasciitis Treated with Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection | Prof Dr Vijay shankar |
23 | A Randomized Control Trial to Assess Hemostatic Efficacy of Tranexamic Acid in Posterior Spinal Stabilization Surgeries | Dr M H Subramaniam |
24 | Functional Outcome Following Partial Osteotomy of Retrocalcaneal Tuberosity for Haglund’s Syndrome | Dr Pradeep E |
25 | Functional Outcome Following Arthroscopic Single Row Repair in Degenerative Rotator Cuff Tear | Dr Arun Kumar K V |
26 | Functional Outcome of Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty for Neck of Femur Fracture in The Elderly | Dr S Saseenthar |
27 | Functional Outcome of Distal Tibia Fracture Treated with Distal Tibial Plate and Screws | Dr S Saseendhar |
28 | Functional Outcome of Distal Femur Fractures Treated with LCP Femur Plate and Screws | Dr Bharani |
WEB OF SCIENCE/ Pubmed UGC-CARE LIST (2015 – 2022) | ||||
S.No. | Topic | Faculty Name | Journal | Year |
1 | Functional Outcome After Intramedullary K Wire Fixation Of Fifth Metacarpal Neck Fractures | K Kanagasarathy, A M Kavinamudhan | Journal Of Evolution Of Medical And Dental Sciences | 2015 |
2 | The Chettinad Experience With Fixed Angle Locking Plate Fixation For Fractures Of Distal Tibia | Chander SG., Kanagasarathy K | Journal Of Evolution Of Medical And Dental Sciences | 2015 |
3 | To Assess The Prevalence Of Osteoporosis Among Elderly People Presenting With Hip Fractures: A Prospective Study | Chander SG., Subramaniam MH., Narayana Reddy | International Journal Of Recent Trends In Science And Technology | 2015 |
4 | Co Existing Upper Lumbar Disc Herniation And Lumbosacral Radioplexus Neuropathy: A Diagnostic Challenge Case Report | Balachander Gopalan | The Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery | 2015 |
5 | Treatment Of Unstable Intertrochanteric Fracture Of Femur With Dynamic Hip Screw Versus Proximal Femoral Nailing: A Comparative Study | SG Chander, Kanagasarathy K | Journal Of Evolution Of Medical And Dental Sciences | 2015 |
6 | The Chettinad Experience With Fixed Angle Locking Plate Fixation For Fractures Of Distal Tibia | Chander SG, Kanagasarathy K, | Journal Of Evolution Of Medical And Dental Sciences | 2015 |
7 | Volar Plating Of Distal Radius Fracture: A Retrospective Analysis | Victor Moirangthem, Bharat Kumar R J, Narayana Reddy M, | Journal Of Evolution Of Medical And Dental Sciences | 2015 |
8 | Early Functional Results Of Unstable Peritrochanteric Fractures Treated With Proximal Femoral Nails In A Peripheral Tertiary Care Centre | Bharat Kumar R J, Victor Moirangthem., Narayana Reddy M., | Journal Of Evolution Of Medical And Dental Sciences | 2015 |
9 | Compressive Ulnar Neuropathy Due To A Ganglion Cyst And Thickened Cubital Tunnel Retinaculum Fifty Uears After Osteomyelitis Variolosa Of The Elbow: A Case Report | Balachander., Narayana Reddy., | The Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery | 2015 |
10 | Arthroscopic Reconstruction Using Hamstring Tendon Autograft Fixed With Endobutton CL And BIORCI – HA Interference Screw | P Saravanan., Dobson Dominic., | Journal Of Evolution Of Medical And Dental Sciences | 2015 |
11 | Role Of Needle Synovial Biopsy In Joint Diseases | Venkataraman M., Sathyadharan P | Journal Of Evolution Of Medical And Dental Sciences | 2015 |
12 | Effectiveness Of Platelet Rich Plasma In Chronic Severe Plantar Fascitis | Sriram Thanigai., Sathik Babu MB., | Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics Surgery | 2015 |
13 | Functional Outcome Of Conservative Treatment Of Isolated Anterior Talofibular Ligament Injury – A Prospective Analysis | Sathik Babu MB., Pradeep E., | Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics Surgery | 2015 |
14 | Pedicle Screw Fixation And Posterolateral Fusion In Lumbar Spondylolisthesis – A Prospective Analysis | Sriram Thanigai., Sathik Babu MB., | Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics Surgery | 2015 |
15 | Reamed Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing For Open Fractures Of Shaft Of Tibia | Sriram Thanigai., Sathik Babu MB., | Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics Surgery | 2015 |
16 | Role Of Proximal Femur Locking Plate Fixation In Certain Unstable Trochanteric Fractures | Jambunageswaran, Senthil L | International Journal Of Research In Orthopaedics | 2015 |
17 | Treatment Of Large Recurrent Bilateral Xanthomatosis Of Achilles Tendon – A Case Report | Senthil L, Jambu N | Journal Of Orthopaedic Case Reports | 2015 |
18 | Anteromedial Plating Of Humerus – An Easier And Effective Approach | Senthil L, Jambu N | Open Journal Of Orthopaedics | 2015 |
19 | Transverse Acetabular Ligament – A Guide To Acetabular Component Anteversion | Senthil Loganathan, Thiagarajan U | IOSR Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences | 2015 |
20 | Indigenous VAC Therapy – Easier And Effective Treatment | Senthil L, Jambu N | IOSR Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences | 2015 |
21 | Tenosynovitis As Primary Manifestation Of Rheumatoid Arthritis | Victor Moiranthem | Chettinad Health City Medical Journal | 2016 |
22 | Transphyseal Fracture Of Distal Humerus Children | Balaji G., Balachandar., | Chettinad Health City Medical Journal | 2016 |
23 | Giant Cell Tumour Of Distal Fibula: 7.5 Years Foloow Up After En Bloc Resection And Reconstruction | Balaji G | Chettinad Health City Medical Journal | 2016 |
24 | PLIF In Spondylolisthesis – Does It Achieve The Goal? | Subramaniam MH., Arun R, Anush Rao., Narayana Reddy., | International Journal Of Recent Trends In Science And Technology | 2016 |
25 | Pelvic Incidence In Asian Population | Subramaniam MH., Arun R., Narayana Reddy M | International Journal Of Recent Trends In Science And Technology | 2016 |
26 | Short Term Functional Outcome Of Titanium Elastic Nailing For Fractures Of Shaft Of Tibia In Children And Adolescents | Venkatachalam K., Pugazhendhi G., Madhukar., | Scholars Academic Journal Of Biosciences | 2016 |
27 | A Prospective Study Of Distal Tibial Fracture Treated By Plate Osteosynthesis Through Posterolateral Approach | Venkatachalam K., Pugazhendhi G., Madhukar., | Scholars Academic Journal Of Biosciences | 2016 |
28 | A Retrospective Study Of Treatment Of Tuberculous Hip In Children | Venkatachalam K., Pugazhendhi G., Madhukar., | Scholars Academic Journal Of Biosciences | 2016 |
29 | A Short Term Prospective Study Of The Functional Outcome In Distal Femoral Fractures Treated By Locking Compression Condylar Plates | Venkatachalam K., Pugazhendhi G., Madhukar., | Scholars Academic Journal Of Biosciences | 2016 |
30 | Functional Outcomes Of Platelet Rich Plasma Injections In Plantar Fascitis | Niranjan Raghavan Muralidharagopalan., Dinesh Loganathan., | International Journal Of Research In Orthopaedics | 2017 |
31 | Functional Outcome Of Acromio Clavicular Dislocation Treated By Hook Plate | Muthugukan Raja., Senthil Loganathan | IOSR Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences | 2017 |
32 | Invasive Zygomatosis In Immunocompetent Trauma Patients | Senthil L | Journal Of Clinical Orthopaedics And Trauma | 2017 |
33 | Invasive Fungal Infection In Immunocompetent Trauma Patients – A Case Series | Senthil Loganathan, Ajay Gowtham | Journal Of Clinical Orthopaedics And Trauma | 2017 |
34 | Evocative Study To Identify The Prevalence Of Regional Osteoporosis In Patients | G. Ganavi., F.F Reena | International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research | 2019 |
35 | An Examination Of Nutritional Status – To Know The Prevalence Of Regional Osteoporosis | M Narayana Reddy, D.J. Fenn | International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research | 2019 |
36 | Functional Outcome Of Ipsilateral Neck With Shaft Of Femur Fractures | Arun Kumar C, Ganesan Ram | Sri Ramakrishna Journal Of Health Sciences | 2019 |
37 | A Case Report Of Chronic Osteomyelitis After Tibia Nailing Treated By Implant Removal With Biodegradable Antibiotic Coated Beads | Arun Kumar KV, Prem Regis | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
38 | Fibroma Of Tendon Sheath In The Distal Metatarsal Region Of Foot Mimicking GCT Of Tendon Sheath | Prashant Madan Mohan, Arun Kumar KV | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
39 | A Rare Case Of Giant Cell Tumour In Proximal Femur | Prashant Madan Mohan, Arun Kumar KV | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
40 | Role Of Vacuum Assisted Closure In Orthopedic Practice: A Hospital Based Study | Predeep E. Venkatachalam K | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
41 | Comparative Study Of PFN A2 Vs Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty In Unstable Senile Intertrochanteric Fractures | Venkataraman., Pradeep E., | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
42 | Role Of Arthroplasty In Unstable Trochanteric Fractures In Elderly Patients | Venkataraman., Pradeep E., | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
43 | Irreducible Lateral Patellar Dislocation Using Towel Clip Technique: A Case Report | Sivaraman Balasubramanian., | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
44 | Suction Drain Tip Culture After Orthopaedic Surgery – Can It Predict A Surgical Site Infection? | Jamal Mohammed.M Sundarrajan T | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
45 | Clinico Radiological Outcome Of Fracture Middle 3rd Clavicle Treated Non Operatively And With Plate Osteosynthesis: A Comparative Study | M Narayana Reddy., Victor Moirangthem | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
46 | Role Of Vacuum Assisted Closure In Orthopedic Practice: A Hospital Based Study | Predeep E. Venkatachalam K | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
47 | Clinical Accuracy Of Mcmurray Test And Thessaly Test In Meniscal Injuries And Their Correlation With MRI | Victor Moirangthem., Narayana Reddy | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
48 | Subclavian Artery Thrombosis Following Plate Osteosynthesis Of Fracture Clavicle: A Case Report With Literature Review | Arun Kumar KV., Victor Moirangthem | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2019 |
49 | Unusual Medial Tibial Plateau Fracture Fixation Using Dual Plating | Senthil L, Thiyagarajan U | International Journal Of Research In Orthopaedics | 2019 |
50 | Can Isolated Tibia Intramedullary Interlocking Nailing In Fracture Distal 1/3rd Both Bone Leg Prevent Fracture Malalignment: Will Concurrent Fibula Fixation Help? | Vignesh Velusamy, Senthil L | International Journal Of Research In Orthopaedics | 2019 |
51 | The Trois Point Relationship Of The Elbow: A Clinical Data, Survey And Analysis | Venkatachalam K, Manu Ampalaya | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2020 |
52 | Proximal Femur Fracture In De-Novo Metastatic Breast Cancer:A Case Report | Krishna Chaitanya., Alagesan S | Journal Of Medical Science And Clinical Research | 2020 |
53 | Outcome Of Total Knee Replacement In Osteoarthritis: A Prospective Study | Venkataraman Manian., Victor Moiranthem., Arun Kumar KV | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2020 |
54 | Comparative Study Of PFN A2 Vs Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty In Unstable Senile Intertrochanteric Fractures | Venkataraman, Pradeep E | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2020 |
55 | A Prospective Study Of The Functional And Surgical Cases Of “Genou Flotant” Which Were Surgically Intervened Upon | Venkatachalam K, Ashwini R | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2020 |
56 | Functional Outcome Following Fixation Of Ankle Fractures (Bi/Trimalleolaar) | Venkatachalam K., Narayana Reddy., Arunkumar C | Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health | 2020 |
57 | Role Of Undenatured Collagen Type II In Management Of Osteoarthritis: A Hospital Based Study | Sathik Babu., Pradeep E., Dinesh Kumar S., | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2020 |
58 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) In Evaluating Soft Tissue Injuries Of Acute Tibial Plateau Fractures | Arun Kumar C., Narayana Reddy., Venkatachalam K | Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health | 2020 |
59 | A Prospective Study To Assess The Functional Outcome Of AO Type 23.B3 Distal Radius Fractures Treated With Volar Locking Plate Osteosynthesis | Pradeep E., Sathik Babu MB., | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2020 |
60 | Outcome Analysis Of Ipsilateral Neck With Shaft Of Femur Fractures Treated By Cephalomedullary Nail | Chandru A Kumar., Ganesan G Ram | Journal Of Orthopaedics And Joint Surgery | 2020 |
61 | Functional And Radiological Outcome Of Ipsilateral Neck With Shaft Of Femur Fracture | Ganesan Ram., Arun Kumar C, | International Journal Of Orthopaedics, Traumatology And Surgical Sciences | 2020 |
62 | Multilevel Segmental Femur Fracture In Young Individuals Treated By A Single Step – All In One Intramedullary Device – A Prospective Study | Senthil Loganathan., Thiagarajan., | Biomedicine 2020 | 2020 |
63 | Fixation Of Closed Transverse Patella Fracture With Cannulated Cancellous Screws And Anterior Tension Band Wiring – A Prospective Study | Senthil Loganathan, Thiagarajan U | International Journal Of Research In Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2020 |
64 | Limited Intramedullary Debridement With Medulloscopyand Irrigation Drainage System For Management Of Chronic Osteomyelitis Of Long Bones | Ganesh A, Anurag Singh | European Journal Of Molecular And Clinical Medicine | 2020 |
65 | Isolated Spinal Intramedullary Neurocysticercosis: Case Report And Review Of Literature | Selvin Vijayan, Christopher Gerber | Indian Spine Journal | 2021 |
66 | Foot Pressure Measurement And Mapping, In A Case Series Assessment For Diagnosing And Treating Orthopaedic Foot Abnormalities | Arun Kumar KV., Arun Kumar, C., Jamal Mohamed A | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2021 |
67 | Intramedullary Proximal Femoral Nailing Forunstableperitrochanteric Fracture: A Prospective Study | Arun Kumar C., Venkatachalam K., | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2021 |
68 | A Study Of The Outcome Of “Ligament Croiseanterieur” (ACL) Reconstruction Using Autologous Hamstring Graft | Arun Kumar C., Venkatachalam K | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2021 |
70 | Methodology To Surgically Approach For Lumbar Canal Stenosis; “When To” And “When Not To” Do Instrumental Fusion – A Prospective Study | Arun Kumar KV., Arun Kumar C., Pradeep E | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2021 |
71 | A Study Of Management Of Non Union Of Tibia By Ilizarov Method | Pradeep E., Arun Kumar KV., | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2021 |
72 | Functional Results Of Superior Anterior Locking Plate In Treatment Of Unstable Distal Clavicle Fractures (Type 2) | Arun Viswanath., Prem Kumark., | International Journal Of Sciences | 2021 |
73 | Polymetatarsia Foot – A Compilationa And Solution To The Mystery – As To When And Whne Not To – Surgically Intervene | Jamal Mohammed., Arun Kumar C | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2021 |
74 | Shall It Be Better, As An Approach For THR, Posteriorly Or Laterally: A Clinic Functional And Gait Analytical Outcome, In A Prospective Study In A South Indian Population | Arun Kumar C., Venkatachalam., | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2021 |
75 | Latarjet Procedure For Recurrent Shoulder Anterior Instability With Less Than 25% Glenoid Bone Loss – Its Functional Outcome – A Prospective Study | Arun Kumar KV., Arun Kumar C., | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2021 |
76 | Non Cemented Bipolar Hemi Arthroplasty, Surgically Intervened For Geriatric Fractures Of Neck Of Femur, That Are Displaced: A Prospective Case Series Study | Arun Kumar C., Arun Kumar KV., Venkatachalam K | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2021 |
77 | The Deleterious Relationship Of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa And Induced Membranes In Infected Nonunion Treatment | Senthil Loganathan, Thiagarajan U | International Journal Of Research In Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2021 |
78 | Assessment Of Functional Outcome Following Mini Open Transosseous Rotator Cuff Repair For Complate Rotator Cuff Tears Of The Shoulder | Hemnath Pandian., Preetinder Paul Singh | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2021 |
79 | Foot Pressure Measurement And Mapping, In A Case Series Assessment For Diagnosing And Treating Orthopaedic Foot Abnormalities | Arun Kumar KV, Arun Kumar C | International Journal Of Scientific Research | 2021 |
80 | Retrospective Study Of Suprascapular Nerve Block With Closed Manipulation And Intra Articular Steroid Injection In Patients With Frozen Shoulder | Prem Kumar K, Arun Viswanathn | International Journal Of Orthopaedics Sciences | 2021 |
81 | Surgical Management Of Aggressive Vertebral Hemangioma | Selvin Prabhakar Vijayan, Christopher Gerber | Indian Spine Journal | 2021 |
82 | Epidural Angiolipoma And Anderrson Lesion: A Rare Co- Occurrence – A Case Report And Literature Review | Selvin Prabhakar Vijayan, Christopher Gerber | Indian Spine Journal | 2021 |
83 | Modified Lift Up Laminoplasty – A Novel Surgical Technique For Long Segment Epi/Intradural Tuberculoma: A Case Series | Selvin Prabhakar Vijayan, Christopher Gerber | Journal Of Korean Society Of Spine Surgery | 2022 |
84 | Polyostotic Spinal Paget’s Disease In An Indian: A Case Report And Literature Review | Selvin Prabhakar Vijayan, Christopher Gerber | Journal Of Korean Society Of Spine Surgery | 2022 |
Sl.No | Name of the Speaker | Topic | No. of People Attended |
2 | Dr. Ravindran | World osteoporosis day | 92 |
3 | Dr. R.H.Govarthan- vasanthi hospital Chennai, 06/11/2015 | Pelvic acetabular fracture | 92 |
4 | Dr. Ramesh babu, Chief Orthopaedic surgeon, SPOT hospital, 18/11/2016 | Musculoskeletal oncology | 78 |
5 | Dr Srinivasan Rajappa, Professor of orthopaedics, SRMC, 18/01/2019 | “Flexor tendon injuries” | 72 |
6 | Dr. Ramesh Babu, Chief Orthopaedic surgeon, SPOT hospital, 28/6/2019 | “Recent advances in bone and joint infections” | 124 |
7 | Dr.Arumugam, HOD, Department of arthroscopy and sports medicine, Sri Ramachandra medical college., 26/7/2019 | “Recent advances in sports medicine.” | 75 |
8 | Dr.Nalli Ramanathan Uvaraj, Professor of orthopedics and spine surgery, MMC. 30/08/2019 | Current concepts in management of cervical myelopathy- A spine update | 95 |
9 | Dr.L.Bharath MBBS., D(Orth), MS (Orth) Mumbai, MRCS (Edin), Sr.Consultant Knee and Hip Joint Replacement Surgeon, Soundarapandian Bone and Joint Hospital & Research Institute, Chennai28/9/2019 | Recent advances in knee arthroplasty and workshop on primary total knee replacement | 63 |
10 | Dr. Prof. Saurabh singh, Professor department of orthopaedics banaras hindu university institute of medical sciences, 23/06/2020 | Biomechanics and backache | 92 |
11 | Dr. prof. gurunath GV, Professor department of orthopaedics Vijayanagar institute of medical sciences, bellary, 06/07/2020 | Basic fracture classification and bone healing | 98 |
12 | Dr. Saseendar S, Arthroscopic & Sports Surgeon Consultant, Apollo Hospital Muscat, Oman, 23/07/2020 | Internal derangement of knee | 91 |
13 | Dr. Prof. Guruduth GV, Prof of Orthopaedics, Vinayagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bellary, 11/08/2020 | Fracture of neck of femur in adults | 65 |
14 | Dr. Prof. Nalli Uvaraj, Prof & Head of Spine Surgery, Madras Medical College, 18/08/2020 | Examination of spine | 85 |
15 | Dr. Prof. Nalli Uvaraj, Prof & Head of Spine Surgery, Madras Medical College, 21/08/2020 | Spinal injuries | 86 |
16 | Dr. Prof. Ramesh Krishna, Prof & head of department of orthopaedics, Bangalore medical college and research institute, 29/08/2020 | Polytrauma | 88 |
1 | 2017-2018 | Surgical management of peripheral nerve palsies in hansens | 23/02/2018 | 65 |
2 | 2018-2019 | Shoulder pain – differential diagnosis and management | 16/11/2018 | 57 |
3 | 2018-2019 | Prosthetic joint infection | 04/01/2019 | 112 |
4 | 2018-2019 | Dr. Srinivasan Rajappa., Prof of Orthopaedics, SRMC, Flexor tendon injuries | 18/01/2019 | 72 |
5 | 2019-2020 | Dr. Ramesh Babu, Chief Orthopaedic Surgeon, SPOT Hospital, Recent advances in bone and joint infections | 28/06/2019 | 124 |
6 | 2019-2020 | Current concept in management of cervical myelopathy – a spine update | 30/08/2019 | 59 |
7 | 2019-2020 | Recent advances in knee arthroplasty and workshop on primary total knee replacement | 28/09/2019 | 63 |
8 | 2019-2020 | Neck pain and cervical disc disease | 14/02/2020 | 69 |
9 | 2020-2021 | Dr. Prof. Saurabh Singh, Prof Dept. of Orthopaedics, Banaras Hindu University Institute of Medical Sciences, Biomechanics and back ache | 23/06/2020 | 92 |
10 | 2019-2020 | Current concept in management of cervical myelopathy – a spine update | 30/08/2019 | 59 |
11 | 2019-2020 | Recent advances in knee arthroplasty and workshop on primary total knee replacement | 28/09/2019 | 63 |
12 | 2019-2020 | Neck pain and cervical disc disease | 14/02/2020 | 69 |
13 | 2020-2021 | Dr. Prof. Saurabh Singh, Prof Dept. of Orthopaedics, Banaras Hindu University Institute of Medical Sciences, Biomechanics and back ache | 23/06/2020 | 92 |
14 | 2021-2022 | DISEASES AROUND THE CALCANEUM | 23/08/2021 | 35 |
15 | 2021-2022 | BASICS OF KNEE AND SHOULDER ARTHROPLASTY | 27/08/2021 | 62 |
16 | 2021-2022 | SPINAL CORD INJURY DAY | 18/09/2021 | 44 |
17 | 2021-2022 | WORKSHOP ON PLASTER APPLICATION TECHNIQUES | 19/10/2021 | 52 |
18 | 2021-2022 | WORLD OSTEOPOROSIS DAY CELEBRATION | 24/10/2021 | 72 |
19 | 2021-2022 | LIVE HANDS ON SAW BONE MODEL WORKSHOP | 08/01/2022 | 89 |
20 | 2021-2022 | ROAD SAFETY AWARENESS CAMP | 07/02/2022 | 83 |
Bipolar hemiarthroplasty of hip | Dr. Arun kumar K.V | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=209_bipolar_hemiarthroplasty_of_hip.mp4 |
Shoulder and knee injuries | Dr. Arun kumar K.V | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=214_shoulder_and_knee_injurie s.mp4 |
Road safety week | Dr. Arun kumar c | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=215_road_safety_week.mp4 |
POP application | Dr. Venkatachalam | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=216_pop_application.mp4 |
Shoulder impingement syndrome | Dr. Venkatachalam | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=217_shoulder_impingement_syndrome.mp4 |
Trigger finger release | Dr. Venkatachalam | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=218_trigger_finger_release.mp4 |
Disc prolapse | Dr.Thirumal | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=219_disc_prolapse.mp4 |
Department of Orthopedics |

The Department of Orthopaedics at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, which was established in 2005, provides expert treatment for all aspects of musculoskeletal ailments through inpatient and day-care surgical care, rehabilitation including physiotherapy, orthotics and prosthetics. We have an experienced team of qualified consultants to deal with a broad range of orthopaedic sub-specialties. With an excellent back-up of radiology, pathology, intensive care and rehabilitation departments.
Department of Orthopaedics draws variety of complex cases particularly all types of Joint replacements and Spinal surgeries (i.e. primary, complex and revisions) in significant numbers.
Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List
The team is headed by Prof. Dr. Nalli R Uvaraj and comprises of faculty members who are highly qualified, experienced, dedicated, and altruistic. The team is divided into 5 units with postgraduates and intern trainees in each unit to work round the clock

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The department of Orthopedics provides outpatient services round the clock on all days including emergencies. On holidays the outpatient services are restricted from 8:30AM to 2:00PM. The dedicated team of doctors attend to all aspects of orthopedics including trauma, joint pathologies, pediatric orthopedics, hand reconstruction and sports medicine.
Inpatient care is facilitated by means of five units providing utmost care to the patients. Patients can choose between general ward, semiprivate room, private rooms, and special suite rooms
Undergraduate Training
Ability to recognized and assess bone injuries, dislocation, poly-trauma and provide primary care prior to appropriate referral.
Knowledge of the medicolegal aspects of trauma.
Ability to recognize and manage common infections of bone and joints in the primary care setting.
Recognize common congenital, metabolic, neoplastic, degeneraative and inflammatory bone diseases and refer appropriately.
Ability to perform simple orthopaedic techniques as applicable to a primary care setting.
Ability to recommend rehabilitative services for common orthopaedic problems for all age groups.
Postgraduate Training
Practicing orthopaedicsethically and in par with the principles of primary health center.
Identify social, economic, environmental, biological and emotional determinants of health in a given case, and take them into account while planning therapeutic, rehabilitative, preventive and primitive measure/strategies.
Diagnose and manage majority of the conditions in the orthopaedicsspecialty on the basis of clinical assessment and appropriately selected and conducted investigations.
Demonstrate skills in the documentation of individual case details as well as morbidity and mortality rate relevant to the assigned situation.
Develop skills as a self directed learned, recognize continuing education needs, select and use appropriate learning resources.
Develop skills in subspecialties such as spine surgery-arthroplasty, arthroscopy and paediatric orthopaedicsurgery.
The faculty and postgraduates of the department are actively involved in various researches. Basic Research, Applied research and interdisciplinary activities are promoted by the department.
Our Orthopedic trauma care covers the spectrum of simple fractures to severe life- threat3ening accidents with multiple broken bones. We have a dedicated team of doctors available round the clock to attend to all aspects of trauma including fractures (bones & joints), fragility fractures from osteoporosis or metabolic bone disease, dislocations, amputations, nonunion and malunion (problems with healing and healing with poor alignment).
Our Spine Surgeons, with years of experience, treat the most complex conditions and assure outstanding results. Spine surgeons are trained

to provide treatments in numerous conditions such as disc herniations, disc degenerations, spinal stenosis, spine fractures, spine slippage, scoliosis, and bone tumours in the spine.
Hand Surgery
We provide comprehensive management of all trauma and disease affecting hand, wrist and upper limb with dynamic and proficient team of trained surgeons.
Our renowned arthroscopy surgeons routinely perform a large number of knee and shoulder arthroscopies; both diagnostic as well as therapeutic which includes complex reconstructions and repairs.
Joint Replacements
Our team of dedicated joint replacement surgeons regularly perform arthroplasties in many normal, complex, complicated and revision situations successfully.
Paediatric Orthopaedics
We provide comprehensive care for complex paediatric orthopaedic hip disorders, deformity correction, developmental disorders, congenital anomalies of the musculoskeletal system and neuromuscular disorders.
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Inpatient care is facilitated with five units providing utmost care to sick patients. In addition to general ward the patients are also provided medical care in special wards with all basic amenities based on the patients’ preference. Severely ill patients are triaged to zero delay ward and are transferred to ICU for prompt treatment.
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The department has provided unique services to the poor and downtrodden at their doorsteps by conducting rural health camps. For minor ailments drugs are provided at the camp site. Patients
with significant disorders will be referred to the hospital for further work up.
In addition to above services specialist consultation is provided to peripheral centers such as our urban health center at Karapakkam and Mandaiveli, government primary health center Kelambakkam and rural health center at Poonjeri.
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Ongoing Research / Projects By Students | ||
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | Functional Outcome of Middle Third Clavicle Fracture Treated with Titanium Elastic Nail System Vs Plate Osteosynthesis-A Comparative Study | Dr Dinesh Kumar |
2 | A Comparative Study Between Singhs Index and Dual Energy X Ray Absorptiometry Bone Mineral Density Measurement for Evaluating Osteoporosis in Elderly Population | Dr Rakesh Kumar |
3 | Functional Outcome of Non-Operative Treatment and Spinal Intervention Procedures in Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease | Dr Vaibhav Hariram Chaurasia |
4 | Functional Outcome of Hand in Closed Metacarpal Fractures Treated by Open Reduction and Internal Fixation by Mini Plates and Screw Vs Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation by K Wire Pinning-A Randomized Controlled Trial | Dr Sathish Babu |
5 | A Prospective Study to Assess the Prevalence of Rotator Cuff Tear in Type 2 Diabetes Patients | Dr Arivoli |
6 | A Comparative Study of Functional Outcome of Intra Articular Injection of Platelet Rich Plasma Vs Hyaluronic Acid in The Treatment of Osteoarthritis of Knee | Dr Aswath CA |
7 | Comparison Of Spinopelvic and Sacropelvic Parameters in Standing and Supine Lateral Radiograph in Low Grade Spondylolisthesis | Dr Mathai Thomas |
8 | Effects Of Preoperative Pregabalin on Post Operative Pain Management in PFN Hip | Dr Daniel Arun |
9 | Assessment Of Efficacy of Proximal Femoral Nail Autorotation 2 (Pfna2) In Unstable Trochanteric Fractures | Dr. Shaival Shah |
10 | Short Segment Posterior Fixation with Level Screws Versus Long Segment Posterior Fixation for Management of Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures: A Prospective Comparative Study | Dr. Ganashree |
11 | Prospective study of functional outcome of expert tibial intramedullary nailing for distal one third fracture of tibia | Dr Adharsh K |
12 | Analytical study outcome of molecular biological marker il-6 in synovial fluid of knee joint before and after intra articular PRP injection in patient with osteoarthritis of right knee – prospective study | Dr Aswin Vijay |
13 | Prospective study of functional outcome and radiological outcome of proximal humerus fracture treated with Philo’s plating | Dr Balamurugan |
14 | Prospective study on clinico-radiological outcome of volar locking compression plate of distal radius fracture in elderly patients | Dr Daniel Jey Janeson j |
15 | Prospective study of functional outcome of tibial shaft fractures treated with intramedullary nailing through supra patellar approach | Dr Dusyant ram R |
16 | Prospective study on functional outcome following arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using peroneus longus tendon graft | Dr Krishnavel T |
17 | Morphometry of adult lumbar pedicle and vertebral body in south Indian population using radiographic and CT data | Dr Nalli U Sanjeev Kumar |
18 | Prospective study to analyses outcome of surgical management of patient treated for lumbar canal stenosis – both instrumentation vs Un instrumented | Dr Raghul VR |
19 | A study on analysis of functional outcome of percutaneous release in trigger finger under ultrasound guidance. A novel technique prospective study | Dr Sowbhik Krishnan M |
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | A Prospective Study to Analyze the Difference Between Radiological and Intraoperative Femoral Head Size Circumference in Patients Undergoing Hip Arthroplasty | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
2 | A Prospective Study to Evaluate Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Undergoing Single Level Selective Nerve Root Block | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
3 | A Prospective Study to Analyze the Variations in Body Temperature of Patients Undergoing Major Orthopedics Surgery | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
4 | Patients Presenting to The OPD In a Tertiary Care an Epidemiological Study to Access Covid 19 Vaccination Demographics Among Orthopedic Hospital | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
5 | A Short Survey Assessment of Outcome of Sacroiliac Block in Patients with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
6 | Evaluating Role of PRP In Treatment of Refractory Tendoachilles Tendinopathy in South Indian Population | Prof Dr Vijayashankar |
7 | A Prospective Comparative Study on The Functional and Radiological Outcome of Un Displaced Scaphoid Fractures Treated by Cast Immobilization with Or Without Platelet Rich Plasma Injection | Dr Prem Kumar |
8 | A Prospective Study of Efficacy of Epidural Steroid Therapy in Lumbar Radicular Pain | Dr Vinoth |
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | Functional Outcome of Hand in Closed Metacarpal Fractures Treated by Open Reduction and Internal Fixation by Mini Plates and Screw Vs Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation by K Wire Pinning-A Randomized Controlled Trial | Prof Dr Selvam |
2 | Assessment Of Efficacy of Proximal Femoral Nail Antirotating 2 (Pfna2) In Unstable Trochanteric Fractures | Prof Dr Selvam |
3 | A Comparative Study Between Singhs Index and Dual Energy X Ray Absorptiometry Bone Mineral Density Measurement for Evaluating Osteoporosis in Elderly Population | Dr Jamal Mohammed |
4 | Effects Of Preoperative Pregabalin on Post Operative Pain Management in PFN Hip | Dr Jamal Mohammed |
5 | Short Segment Posterior Fixation with Level Screws Versus Long Segment Posterior Fixation for Management of Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures: A Prospective Comparative Study | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
6 | Outcome Analysis Following Osteocytes Is of Tibial Plateau Fracture Based on Luo and The Hoekstra Three Column Concept | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
7 | Profile Of Trauma Patients Presenting to The Emergency Department | Prof Dr Vijaya Shankar |
8 | Functional Outcome of Non-Operative Treatment and Spinal Intervention Procedures in Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease | Dr M H Subramaniam |
9 | Functional Outcome of Middle Third Clavicle Fracture Treated with Titanium Elastic Nail System Vs Plate Osteosynthesis-A Comparative Study | Dr Pradeep E |
10 | To Assess the Osteo Induction Potential of Chitosan/Calcium Silicate and Chitosan/Zn Doped Calcium Silicate Scaffolds in Tibial Bone Defect Model in Male Wistar Rats | Dr Pradeep E |
11 | To Assess the Osteo Induction Potential of Wollastonite and Cu Doped Wollastonite Particles in Tibial Bone Defect Model in Male Wistar Rats | Dr Arun Kumar Kv |
12 | Biological Actions of Zinc Doped Nanobioglass Ceramic Particles for Dental and Orthopedic Applications | Dr Arun Kumar Kv |
13 | Bone Marrow Injection in Wound Management | Dr Arun |
14 | An Observational Study of Nerve Conduction Study Findings on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Workers With prolonged/Over Use of Hand in Tertiary Care Hospital | Dr Selvin S |
Completed Research / Projects By Students | ||
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Distal Radius Fracture | Dr Kavin Amutham Muthiya |
2 | Functional Outcome of Fracture Midshaft Clavicle – Conservative Vs Operative Management | Dr Raja Purushotaman |
3 | Functional Outcome of Platelet Rich Plasma in Early Osteoarthritis of Knee | Dr Vetri Kumar MK |
4 | Functional Outcome of Distal Tibia Fracture Treated with Distal Tibial Plate and Screws | Dr Sasidharan MDS |
5 | Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Tibial Plateau Fracture | Dr Arun SR |
6 | Functional Outcome of Distal Femur Fractures Treated with LCP Femur Plate and Screws | Dr Balachander M |
7 | Functional Outcome of Fracture Shaft of Humerus-Nailing Vs Plating | Dr Anush Rao |
8 | Clinical Efficacy of Mc Murray Test and Thessaly Test in Meniscal Injury and Their Comparison With MRI | Dr Korpu Kishore |
9 | A Hospital Based One Year Cross Sectional Study to Know the Prevalence of Regional Osteoporosis in Patient with Hip/Lumbar Vertebral Fractures by DEXA Scan | Dr Diwaker James Fenn |
10 | Functional Outcome of Selective Nerve Root Block | Dr Archit Saxena |
11 | Functional Outcome of Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty for Neck of Femur Fracture in The Elderly | Dr Soma Sundar S |
12 | Assessing The Length of Hamstring Graft of ACL Reconstruction-Preoperatively Using MRI | Dr Sathesh Kumar |
13 | Assessing The Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Bicondylar Fracture Tibia (Schatzker Type 5) | Dr Krishna Chaitanya |
14 | Functional Outcome of Uni/Bi/Tri Malleolar Fractures of The Ankle Joint | Dr Mahesh Parihala |
15 | Functional Outcome of Proximal Humerus Fracture Treated with Philo’s Plating | Dr Prem Regis |
16 | Functional Outcome of Unstable Inter-Trochanteric Femur Fracture in Elderly Patients Treated by Cemented Bipolar Hemi-Arthroplasty Versus Internal Fixation With PFN | Dr Prajin |
17 | A Morphometric Study of The Retroperitoneal Oblique Corridor to The L2-S1 Intervertebral Discs Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Dr Denish |
18 | A Prospective Study of Proximal Fibular Osteotomy in The Patients with Medial Compartment Osteoarthrosis of Knee | Dr Ashwini |
19 | Functional Outcome of Arthroscopic Reconstruction of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Using Semitendinosus-Gracilis Graft | Dr Hemanth Kumar CH |
20 | Functional Outcome of Vertebroplasty in Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures | Dr Rushikesh Umale |
21 | A Randomized Control Study of Functional Outcome of Lateral Epicondylitis Treated with Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection in A Tertiary Care Hospital | Dr Ashwin V Y |
22 | Functional Outcome Following Partial Osteotomy of Retrocalcaneal Tuberosity for Haglund’s Syndrome | Dr Saran Karthik S |
23 | A Randomized Controlled Study of Functional Outcome of Chronic Refractory Plantar Fasciitis Treated with Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection | Dr Ashwanth Narayan B |
24 | A Randomized Control Trial to Assess Hemostatic Efficacy of Tranexamic Acid in Posterior Spinal Stabilization Surgeries | Dr Rahul Gussin |
25 | Comparative Study of USG Guided Versus Unguided Injection of Platelet Rich Plasma in The Treatment of Partial Rotator Cuff Tear | Dr R K Guhan |
26 | Functional Outcome of Lumbar Discectomy by Fenestration Technique in Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Prolapse | Dr Bharath |
27 | Functional Outcome Following Arthroscopic Single Row Repair in Degenerative Rotator Cuff Tear | Dr Ampalaya Manu |
28 | Functional Outcome of Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Spondylolisthesis And Lumbar Disc Disease | Dr Vibishek Raj |
Completed Research/ Project | ||
By Faculty [EXTRAMURAL] | ||
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | Functional Outcome Following Fixation of Fracture of Humerus – Intramedullary Nailing Versus Plate Osteosynthesis: A Comparative Study | Prof Dr.M.Narayana Reddy |
2 | A Hospital Based One Year Cross Sectional Study to Know the Prevalence of Regional Osteoporosis in Patients with Hip/Lumbar Vertebral Fracture by DEXA Scan | Prof Dr.M. Narayana Reddy |
3 | Clinical Accuracy of Mc Murray Test and Thessaly Test in Meniscal Injuries and Their Correlation With MRI | Prof Dr.M. Narayana Reddy |
4 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) In Evaluating Soft Tissue Injuries of Acute Tibial Plateau Fractures | Prof Dr.M. Narayana Reddy |
5 | Functional Outcome Following Fixation of Ankle Fractures (Bi/ Trimalleolar) | Prof Dr.M. Narayana Reddy |
6 | A Prospective Study to Evaluate the Functional Outcome of Proximal Humerus Fractures Using Locking Compression Plate | Prof Dr. Pughazhenthi |
7 | Assessing The Functional Outcome of Cemented Bipolar Hemi Arthroplasty for Fracture Neck of Femur in Elderly by Harris Hip Score | Prof Dr. Chander.S. G |
8 | Functional Outcome of Arthroscopic Reconstruction of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Using Semitendino-Gracilis Graft | Prof Dr. Chander.S. G |
9 | Functional Outcome of Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Spondylolisthesis and Lumbar Disc Disease | Prof Dr. Chander.S. G |
10 | A Prospective Study of Proximal Fibular Osteotomy in Patients with Medial Compartment Osteoarthrosis of Knee | Prof Dr. Venkatachalam K |
11 | Functional Outcome of Unstable Intertrochanteric Femur Fractures in Elderly Patients Treated by Cemented Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty Vs Internal Fixation With PFN | Prof Dr. Venkatachalam K |
12 | Functional Outcome Following Arthroscopic Single Row Repair in Degenerative Rotator Cuff Tear | Prof Dr. Venkatachalam K |
13 | A Randomized Control Study of Functional Outcome of Lateral Epicondylitis Treated with Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection in A Tertiary Care Hospital | Prof Dr. Venkatachalam K |
14 | Comparative Study of USG Guided Vs Unguided Injection of Platelet Rich Plasma in The Treatment of Partial Rotator Cuff Tear | Prof Dr. Jamal Mohammed A |
15 | A Morphometric Study of The Retroperitoneal Oblique Corridor to The L2-S1 Intervertebral Disc Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
16 | Functional Outcome of Vertebroplasty in Patients with Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture: A Prospective Study | Prof Dr. Sathik Babu |
17 | Assessment Of Functional Outcome If Selective Nerve Root Block in Management of Lumbar Radiculopathy | Prof Dr. Sathik Babu |
18 | A Randomized Controlled Study of Functional Outcome of Chronic Refractory Plantar Fasciitis Treated with Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection | Prof Dr. Victor Moirangthem |
19 | Functional Outcome Following Partial Osteotomy of Calcaneal Tuberosity for Haglund’s Syndrome | Prof Dr. Victor Moirangthem |
20 | Functional Outcome of Lumbar Discectomy by Fenestration Technique in Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Prolapse | Dr. Mathiyalagan.M. B |
21 | Assessment Of Hemostatic Efficacy of Tranexamic Acid in Randomized Control Trial on Posterior Spinal Stabilization Surgeries- A Prospective Study | Dr. Mathiyalagan.M. B |
Completed Research/ Project | ||
By Faculty | ||
S. No. | Title of Project | Name of the Investigator |
1 | A Randomized Control Study of Functional Outcome of Lateral Epicondylitis Treated with Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection in A Tertiary Care Hospital | Prof Dr Selvam N |
2 | Functional Outcome of Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Spondylolisthesis And Lumbar Disc Disease | Prof Dr Selvam N |
3 | Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Distal Radius Fracture | Prof Dr M Narayana Reddy |
4 | A Hospital Based One Year Cross Sectional Study to Know the Prevalence of Regional Osteoporosis in Patient with Hip/Lumbar Vertebral Fractures by DEXA Scan | Prof Dr M Narayana Reddy |
5 | Assessing The Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Bicondylar Fracture Tibia (Schatzker Type 5) | Prof Dr M Narayana Reddy |
6 | Functional Outcome of Platelet Rich Plasma in Early Osteoarthritis of Knee | Prof Dr K Pugazhenthi |
7 | Assessing The Length of Hamstring Graft of ACL Reconstruction-Preoperatively Using MRI | Prof Dr K Pugazhenthi |
8 | Functional Outcome of Proximal Humerus Fracture Treated with Philo’s Plating | Prof Dr K Pugazhenthi |
9 | Functional Outcome of Fracture Shaft of Humerus-Nailing Vs Plating | Prof Dr K Pugazhenthi |
10 | Functional Outcome of Fracture Midshaft Clavicle – Conservative Vs Operative Management | Prof Dr Chander S G |
11 | Clinical Efficacy of Mc Murray Test and Thessaly Test in Meniscal Injury and Their Comparison With MRI | Prof Dr Chander S G |
12 | Functional Outcome of Uni/Bi/Tri Malleolar Fractures of The Ankle Joint | Prof Dr Chander S G |
13 | Functional Outcome of Unstable Inter-Trochanteric Femur Fracture in Elderly Patients Treated by Cemented Bipolar Hemi-Arthroplasty Versus Internal Fixation With PFN | Prof Dr Venkatachalam |
14 | A Prospective Study of Proximal Fibular Osteotomy in The Patients with Medial Compartment Osteoarthrosis of Knee | Prof Dr Venkatachalam |
15 | Comparative Study of USG Guided Versus Unguided Injection of Platelet Rich Plasma in The Treatment of Partial Rotator Cuff Tear | Prof Dr Jamal Mohammed |
16 | Functional Outcome of Arthroscopic Reconstruction of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Using semi tendinosis-Gracilis Graft | Prof Dr Jamal Mohammed |
17 | A Morphometric Study of The Retroperitoneal Oblique Corridor to The L2-S1 Intervertebral Discs Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
18 | Functional Outcome of Vertebroplasty in Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
19 | Functional Outcome of Lumbar Discectomy by Fenestration Technique in Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Prolapse | Prof Dr Sathik Babu |
20 | Functional Outcome of Surgically Treated Tibial Plateau Fracture | Prof Dr Victor |
21 | Functional Outcome of Selective Nerve Root Block | Prof Dr Victor |
22 | A Randomized Controlled Study of Functional Outcome of Chronic Refractory Plantar Fasciitis Treated with Platelet Rich Plasma Injection and Corticosteroid Injection | Prof Dr Vijay shankar |
23 | A Randomized Control Trial to Assess Hemostatic Efficacy of Tranexamic Acid in Posterior Spinal Stabilization Surgeries | Dr M H Subramaniam |
24 | Functional Outcome Following Partial Osteotomy of Retrocalcaneal Tuberosity for Haglund’s Syndrome | Dr Pradeep E |
25 | Functional Outcome Following Arthroscopic Single Row Repair in Degenerative Rotator Cuff Tear | Dr Arun Kumar K V |
26 | Functional Outcome of Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty for Neck of Femur Fracture in The Elderly | Dr S Saseenthar |
27 | Functional Outcome of Distal Tibia Fracture Treated with Distal Tibial Plate and Screws | Dr S Saseendhar |
28 | Functional Outcome of Distal Femur Fractures Treated with LCP Femur Plate and Screws | Dr Bharani |
Sl.No | Name of the Speaker | Topic | No. of People Attended |
2 | Dr. Ravindran | World osteoporosis day | 92 |
3 | Dr. R.H.Govarthan- vasanthi hospital Chennai, 06/11/2015 | Pelvic acetabular fracture | 92 |
4 | Dr. Ramesh babu, Chief Orthopaedic surgeon, SPOT hospital, 18/11/2016 | Musculoskeletal oncology | 78 |
5 | Dr Srinivasan Rajappa, Professor of orthopaedics, SRMC, 18/01/2019 | “Flexor tendon injuries” | 72 |
6 | Dr. Ramesh Babu, Chief Orthopaedic surgeon, SPOT hospital, 28/6/2019 | “Recent advances in bone and joint infections” | 124 |
7 | Dr.Arumugam, HOD, Department of arthroscopy and sports medicine, Sri Ramachandra medical college., 26/7/2019 | “Recent advances in sports medicine.” | 75 |
8 | Dr.Nalli Ramanathan Uvaraj, Professor of orthopedics and spine surgery, MMC. 30/08/2019 | Current concepts in management of cervical myelopathy- A spine update | 95 |
9 | Dr.L.Bharath MBBS., D(Orth), MS (Orth) Mumbai, MRCS (Edin), Sr.Consultant Knee and Hip Joint Replacement Surgeon, Soundarapandian Bone and Joint Hospital & Research Institute, Chennai28/9/2019 | Recent advances in knee arthroplasty and workshop on primary total knee replacement | 63 |
10 | Dr. Prof. Saurabh singh, Professor department of orthopaedics banaras hindu university institute of medical sciences, 23/06/2020 | Biomechanics and backache | 92 |
11 | Dr. prof. gurunath GV, Professor department of orthopaedics Vijayanagar institute of medical sciences, bellary, 06/07/2020 | Basic fracture classification and bone healing | 98 |
12 | Dr. Saseendar S, Arthroscopic & Sports Surgeon Consultant, Apollo Hospital Muscat, Oman, 23/07/2020 | Internal derangement of knee | 91 |
13 | Dr. Prof. Guruduth GV, Prof of Orthopaedics, Vinayagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bellary, 11/08/2020 | Fracture of neck of femur in adults | 65 |
14 | Dr. Prof. Nalli Uvaraj, Prof & Head of Spine Surgery, Madras Medical College, 18/08/2020 | Examination of spine | 85 |
15 | Dr. Prof. Nalli Uvaraj, Prof & Head of Spine Surgery, Madras Medical College, 21/08/2020 | Spinal injuries | 86 |
16 | Dr. Prof. Ramesh Krishna, Prof & head of department of orthopaedics, Bangalore medical college and research institute, 29/08/2020 | Polytrauma | 88 |
1 | 2017-2018 | Surgical management of peripheral nerve palsies in hansens | 23/02/2018 | 65 |
2 | 2018-2019 | Shoulder pain – differential diagnosis and management | 16/11/2018 | 57 |
3 | 2018-2019 | Prosthetic joint infection | 04/01/2019 | 112 |
4 | 2018-2019 | Dr. Srinivasan Rajappa., Prof of Orthopaedics, SRMC, Flexor tendon injuries | 18/01/2019 | 72 |
5 | 2019-2020 | Dr. Ramesh Babu, Chief Orthopaedic Surgeon, SPOT Hospital, Recent advances in bone and joint infections | 28/06/2019 | 124 |
6 | 2019-2020 | Current concept in management of cervical myelopathy – a spine update | 30/08/2019 | 59 |
7 | 2019-2020 | Recent advances in knee arthroplasty and workshop on primary total knee replacement | 28/09/2019 | 63 |
8 | 2019-2020 | Neck pain and cervical disc disease | 14/02/2020 | 69 |
9 | 2020-2021 | Dr. Prof. Saurabh Singh, Prof Dept. of Orthopaedics, Banaras Hindu University Institute of Medical Sciences, Biomechanics and back ache | 23/06/2020 | 92 |
10 | 2019-2020 | Current concept in management of cervical myelopathy – a spine update | 30/08/2019 | 59 |
11 | 2019-2020 | Recent advances in knee arthroplasty and workshop on primary total knee replacement | 28/09/2019 | 63 |
12 | 2019-2020 | Neck pain and cervical disc disease | 14/02/2020 | 69 |
13 | 2020-2021 | Dr. Prof. Saurabh Singh, Prof Dept. of Orthopaedics, Banaras Hindu University Institute of Medical Sciences, Biomechanics and back ache | 23/06/2020 | 92 |
14 | 2021-2022 | DISEASES AROUND THE CALCANEUM | 23/08/2021 | 35 |
15 | 2021-2022 | BASICS OF KNEE AND SHOULDER ARTHROPLASTY | 27/08/2021 | 62 |
16 | 2021-2022 | SPINAL CORD INJURY DAY | 18/09/2021 | 44 |
17 | 2021-2022 | WORKSHOP ON PLASTER APPLICATION TECHNIQUES | 19/10/2021 | 52 |
18 | 2021-2022 | WORLD OSTEOPOROSIS DAY CELEBRATION | 24/10/2021 | 72 |
19 | 2021-2022 | LIVE HANDS ON SAW BONE MODEL WORKSHOP | 08/01/2022 | 89 |
20 | 2021-2022 | ROAD SAFETY AWARENESS CAMP | 07/02/2022 | 83 |
Bipolar hemiarthroplasty of hip | Dr. Arun kumar K.V | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=209_bipolar_hemiarthroplasty_of_hip.mp4 |
Shoulder and knee injuries | Dr. Arun kumar K.V | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=214_shoulder_and_knee_injurie s.mp4 |
Road safety week | Dr. Arun kumar c | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=215_road_safety_week.mp4 |
POP application | Dr. Venkatachalam | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=216_pop_application.mp4 |
Shoulder impingement syndrome | Dr. Venkatachalam | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=217_shoulder_impingement_syndrome.mp4 |
Trigger finger release | Dr. Venkatachalam | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=218_trigger_finger_release.mp4 |
Disc prolapse | Dr.Thirumal | http://lms.care.edu.in/econtentplayvideo.php?vfilename=219_disc_prolapse.mp4 |