The idea of launching an internship program started with a small group of faculty of CARE university. The faculty while interacting with the students, found that the students struggle to get internship training after they finish graduation. This was the spark for the initiation of an internship training program in the year 2020.
Initially, Dr. Kumar Ebenezer who is the team leader of the Intern Care program along with core team members who are faculty from Allied Health Sciences, College of Nursing, School of Law, School of Architecture, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and School of Physiotherapy initiated the program.
Forming a corporate team is a mammoth task, but with the efficient planning of co-founders, the functioning becomes smoother. The mutual co-operation and coordination helped the program move forward. These co-founders worked multifacetedly, to address content development, business models, management aspects, technical support, and corporate relations. The motto of success according to them is to dream an idea, aspire to develop and achieve your dream. (Dream- Aspire- Achieve). Complete involvement of body, mind, and soul to achieve your dream is the pathway to success.
The team handled everything from hiring new teams to organizing internship programs. The present team members take Intern Care forward.