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TheDepartment of Biochemistry was established in the year 2005 and aims to impart knowledgein Clinical Biochemistry, which is relevant to the field of medicine. TheDepartment comprisesof proficient and competentfaculty who act as supporting pillars of the institution, providing medical education, diagnostic services, while simultaneously engaging in research.Central clinical Biochemistry laboratory hasthe state-of-the-artequipment to provide accurate and timely results to patients.Department comprises of well-equipped research laboratory for doing extensive research activities.

Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List

The Team of professionals at Chettinad are well qualified, experienced and dedicated. The department is headed by Prof. Dr Sumathy.S who has 16years of experience in diagnostic and teaching services. The faculty and technical staff are young and energeticand this complements the department strength. All the faculty are highly qualified (MD/M.Sc. /Ph.D.), having graduated from premier institutes. They are also well trainedand constantly thrive to update their knowledge and to establish their benchmark in the field of academics, diagnosis and research.

The Department conducts regular lecture classes and practical sessions for both undergraduate and post graduate students. We take pride in stating that, apart from traditional teaching methodologies, we also employ efficient and innovative teaching learning aidswhich helps the students to develop curiosity, critical thinking, tools of enquiry and creative brain storming at the center of competency based medical curriculum.

Innovative teaching patterns followed include flash cards, quiz, role play, problem-based learning, medical theme-based movies, group discussions, seminar/symposium, assignments, and self-directed learning.We also follow a high impact mentoring program and Mentoring is a proven approach to drive rich learning and it is a continual development for both mentees and mentors.Our thoughtful planning and sustained commitment to the student through the mentoring process helps in improving the academic performance of students.

Undergraduate programs handled include MBBS,BDS,BPT,B.Sc. Nursing and allied health science programs. Post graduate programs offered include MD Biochemistry, Ph.D. program, MDS and M.Sc.Human nutrition.

The faculty of the department of Biochemistry have been actively participating in various research activities since the commencement of the institution they alsogenerate interest among the students and support their research endeavors like ICMR funded projects.Our research program covers wide range of topics with emphasis on molecular biology, diabetes, cancer biology, cardiovascular diseases. We have been conducting workshops every year in molecular biology techniquesfor research scholars to increase their skills in molecular biology. Our department faculties have published papers in various national and international journals coming under Scopus and web of science.

Central Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory Services at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute has been designed in a futuristic fashion with state of art equipment which include Clinical Chemistry, Immunoassay, D10-HPLC and Blood gas analyzer.

The Laboratory is accredited by NABL as per the ISO 15189:2012 since the year 2009 onwards and the journey continues.All are our department faculty members have undergone training in quality management system and internal audit in medical labs as per ISO 15189-2012.

The department is registered with Biorad for performing External Quality assessment for Clinical Chemistry, Immuno Chemistry, Cardiac markersand Urine Chemistrywith CMC Vellore for performing HbA1C assay

A team of efficient, motivated, knowledgeable doctors, supervisorial and technical staff are involved in the operational of the sophisticated devices and who are constantly involved in upholding quality assurance reports in accordance with predetermined Turnaround Time

Central Clinical Biochemistry Lab at Chettinad Hospital and Research actively provides diagnostic and advisory services to the public and to the medical fraternity

The Clinical chemistry equipment Siemens Dimension RxL is an integrated equipment that has provisions to perform routine clinical chemistry investigations, iron studies, enzyme studies, urine and fluid chemistry. In addition, the instrument has Integrated Multi sensor Technology which provides simultaneous assay of Electrolytes along with routine chemistry investigations with an inbuilt Heterogenous module for Drug analysis.

The Immunochemistry equipment is the Beckman Coulter DxI 600 and Access2 are used to perform the Thyroid Panel, Reproductive Panel, Cardiac markers, cancer markers, Anemia profile, Bone metabolic profile and inflammatory profiles like Ferritin and Interleukin 6.

The D10 Biorad equipment is employed to assay HbA1C for monitoring of Diabetes Mellitus using the Gold standard High Performance liquid Chromatographic technique. ThisInstrument also estimates the levels ofabnormal haemoglobins which is used for diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies.

The clinicallaboratory alsoperforms special investigations like estimation of Hormones,Anemia profile, Cardiac markers,Tumor markers and inflammatory markers. We also perform drug assayswhich play an important role in organ transplantations and newborn screening for diseases like Thalassemia.

Being part of a socially responsible educational organization,our department conducts frequent outreach activities to engage a large audience and to impart knowledge and shareexpertise on a particular topic with regard to Biochemistry and nutrition, to the general public.As part of the program,our team visits primary schools and give lectures through flash cards to create awareness nutritional supplements in the diet among school children. We have also brought health care at the doorstep by conducting medical camps to screen forDiabetes Mellitus.

Photos from Badhri collection


S.No Date Theme No. of Participants Details of outstanding participants Funding if any
1 10/12/2021 Essay competition in commemoration of world human rights day “All Human – All Equal” 33 First Prize- Saitharani, M Sc Human nutrition,
Second Prize: S.Dhamini,
M Sc Integrated AHS and Third Prize- E.Ruth, B Sc AHS
2 8/7/2020 Webinar-Metabolic adaptations in starvation and fed state 251 CARE
3 1/7/2020 Webinar- Molecular techniques in Diagnosis 251 CARE
4 22/6/2020 Webinar -Liver profile 251 CARE
5 18/6/2020 Webinar -Electron transport chain 251 CARE
6 24/02/2020 CME on The secret Three letter of genetics 251 CARE
7 31/10/2019 Workshop on “Molecular biology techniques by moving academy of Medicine and Biomedicine” 251 CARE
8 18/10/2019 CME on Standard Precautions and Safe Laboratory Practices 251 CARE
9 19/9/2019 CME on Reactive oxygen species and the antioxidant defense 251 CARE
10 9/8/2019 CME on Point of care testing 50 CARE
11 27th 28th June 2019 Hands on training on molecular techniques in diagnosis and research 20 CARE
12 7th March 2019 Thyrovizion – Thyroid updates 215 CARE
13 5th April 2019 CME on Haemoglobinopathies 65 CARE
14 March 17th and 18th 2017 Hands on training on molecular techniques in diagnosis and research 20 CARE
Feb 2nd and 3rd 2017 Hands on training on molecular techniques in diagnosis and research 30 CARE
15 Jan 22nd 2016 Hands on training on molecular techniques in diagnosis and research 18 CARE
5th march 2016 Virtuoso 2016- Biochemistry quiz competition for 1styr MBBS students (intercollegiate competition) 540 1st Prize: 15000/- Indira Gandhi medical college & research institute, Pondicherry
2nd Prize: 10,000/- Thanjavur medical college
3rd Prize:7000/- Mysore medical college
16 25th Feb to
28th Feb 2015
Workshop on “Internal Audit & Quality Management System” as per ISO 15189:2012” in association with Foundation for Quality India, Bangalore
Module 1: Refresher course
Module 2: Certificate Course
At Chettinad hospital & research institute, Chennai.
17 Nov 3rd 2014 Biochemistry Intercollegiate Lecture contest for post graduate medical students (MD biochemistry & M.Sc Medical biochemistry) 31 CARE
S.No Name of the Investigators Title Funding Agency (if any) Period Fund allotted
1 Principal Investigator:
Dr L Karpagavel

Mr SK Murugavel

A study of inflammatory markers C-reactive protein, ferritin and Interleukin-6 in risk stratification of COVID-19 patients —- 2020-21 NIL
2 Principal Investigator:
Dr Sumathy.S

Dr Santhini Gopalakrishnan.S,
Dr Anuradha Shankar

Study to find out the correlation between liver profile and cardiac biomarkers among SARS Covid 19 patients —- 2020-21 NIL
3 Principal Investigator:
Dr Anuradha

Dr Sumathy

Non fasting lipid profile for routine testing in the clinical laboratories —- 2020-21 NIL
4 Ms Priyanka

Guide: DrSanthini Gopalakrishnan.S

A study to find out the correlation between urine microalbumin and serum Uric acid levels among Type-2 Diabetic patients with nephropathy. ICMR 2020-21 Alloted
5 Ms Snaha.M

Guide: Dr Sumathy.S

A study to evaluate the correlation between serum Ferritin levels and HbA1C% in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. ICMR 2020-21 Alloted
6 Ms.Uniqca jitracs

Guide : Dr.P Ansar Khalifullah

Correlation of serum sodium levels with natriuretic peptide in patients with coronary artery disease. 2019-20 NIL
7 Mr.Aravindh Karthik II MBBS,

Guide :Mr.Venkat siddarth

Thyroid autoimmune response in Pregnant woman with Gestational diabetes mellitus. 2019-20 NIL
8 Ms.Priyadarshini

Guide : Dr.Karpagavel

A study of oral exfoliative cytology in Hypothyroid patients 2019-20 NIL
9 Ms.Aksharaa sri

Guide : Mr.Venkat siddarth

A study on association of hyperuricemia and dyslipidemia in Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients 2019-20 NIL
10 Ms.Blessy James

Guide : Dr Santhini

A study to evaluate the correlation between HbA1C and OGTT levels in Gestational Diabetes mellitus 2019-20 NIL
11 Dr.R.Hemalathaa
MD Biochemistry Post Graduate

Guide : Dr.Sumathy

Correlation Between Maternal Blood Glucose And Fetal Insulin Level 2018-21 NIL
12 Dr.K.K.Sornatharika
MD Biochemistry Post Graduate

Guide :Dr.Karpagavel

A study to compare the thyroid function test values in fasting and postprandial state in overt and subclinical hypothyroidism 2018-21 NIL
13 Mr. Vinod Kumar
Full Time Ph.D Scholar

Guide: Dr.E.Malligai

Evaluating the spectrum of BRCA1&2, CHECK2 gene mutations in Breast cancer in south Indian Woman CARE Nov – 2014
Till date
S.No Name of the Investigators Title Funding Agency(if any) Period
1 Mani raj

Guide:Dr Karpagavel

A study of serum ferritin in dengue patients 2019-20
2 Arun .D,

Guide :Dr Ansar Khalifullah

Serum magnesium levels in Type 2 diabetes mellitus 2019-20
3 Ms Rajalakshmi
M.Sc Human nutrition,

Guide: Mr .S.K Murugavel

Space diet-menu planning, formulation and packaging 2019-20
4 Ms Mahalakshmi
M.Sc Human nutrition,

Guide: Dr L Karpagavel

An in vitro study to assess the antidiabetic effect of Magnifera Indica 2019-20
5 Ms Revathy
M.Sc Human nutrition,

Guide: Dr Anuradha.S

In vitro evaluation of the antidiabetic activity of alpinia galanga and alpinia calcarata 2019-20
6 Mr.Karthik I MBBS 18-19 batch,

Guide: Dr.Sumathy

Correlation between uric acid levels and coronary artery disease. ICMR STS 2018-19
7 Ms. Dhanvarshini I MBBS18-19 batch,

Guide: Dr.Santhini

A study to evaluate the correlation between fibrinogen and HbA1c among diabetic foot ulcer patients. ICMR STS 2018-19
8 Banani dutta
M.Sc Human Nutrition

Guide : Dr.santhini

Evalution of serum Magnesium level among Pregnant Women attending CHRI. NIL 2017 -2018
9 K.Gayathri
M.Sc Human Nutrition

Guide :Mr.Murugavel

Evaluation of anti diabetic effect of Nanoemulsion formulation of mixed fruit juice NIL 2017 -2018
10 Ms. Shahanaz Khatun
M.Sc Human Nutrition

Guide : Dr.santhini

Evalution of serum Zinc and Copper level in Hypothyroidism. NIL 2017 -2018
11 Ms.Somdyuti Roy
M.Sc Human Nutrition

Guide : Mr.Venkat siddarth

A study of the prevalence of serum vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency among elderly population. NIL 2017 -2018
12 Ms.Sushama Das
M.Sc Human Nutrition

Guide :Mr. Murugavel

Evaluation of anti diabetic effect of tri-Herbal Nanoemulsion formulation of mixed fruit juice NIL 2017 -2018
13 Dr. Santhini Gopalakrishnan,

Guide :Dr.Malligai

Pilot study to find out the association between Homocysteine , calcium and Pre eclampsia among south indian population NIL Jan 2016
14 Dr.E.Malligai ,

Mr K Murugavel,

Mr. Manikandan

“Human heart type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP)- A novel biochemical marker in the early diagnosis of Acute coronary syndrome ” NIL Jan 2016
15 Dr. Kousalya V Nathan
Ph.D Part time- External

Guide : Dr.Malligai

Measuring the effect of Calorie Restriction with Optimum Nutrition (CRON) in obesity on Glycation, Inflammation and oxidation NIL 2017
16 Mr. Venkat Siddarth CH
Ph.D Part time – Internal

Guide: Dr.Malligai

Studies on the effect of indole-3-carbinol in regulating HIF-1 alpha expression and apoptosis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells NIL 2018
17 Dr. Divya sri
MD Biochemistry

Guide: Dr.Malligai

A hospital based cross sectional study to evaluate Iron stores in obese subjects NIL 2016
18 Dr . Shenbhaga lalitha
MD Biochemistry

Guide: Dr.Malligai

A hospital based cross sectional study to evaluate among healthy and diabetic male population the levels of serum osteocalcin NIL 2016
19 Mr . Dinesh
M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry

Guide: Dr.Malligai

Plasma fibrinogen in Obese patients with metabolic syndrome and its relationship with ischemic heart disease NIL April 2016
20 Ms.N. Janani M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry

Guide: Dr.Malligai

A Hospital based cross sectional study to find out Insulin secretion pattern among healthy individuals who differ in their BMI NIL Dec 2016
21 Dr . karunya neelima MD Biochemistry

Guide Dr.Malligai

A hospital based cross sectional study to detect the association between vitamin D levels and serum insulin NIL 2015
22 Ms.Suganya
M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry 12-15

Guide: Dr. E. Malligai

Association of Hypothyroidism & subclinical hypothyroidism in metabolic syndrome among south Indian urban women population NIL Nov 2015
23 Ms.Shanmugapriya
M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry

Guide: Dr. E. Malligai

A study of Gamma Glutamyl transferase activity in Metabolic syndrome Patients NIL 2015
24 Dr Santhini Gopalakrishnan.S
M.D Biochemistry

Guide: Dr. E. Malliga

Study to find out the association between serum total testosterone levels and Coronary artery disease NIL
25 MS. Parvathi

Guide: Mr..Murugavel

Periodontal disease and Rheumatoid arthritis a case study ICMR May 2014
26 Ms. Shabana Bee
M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry

Guide: Dr.E.Malligai

Pilot study to diagnose Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Chronic Kidney disease not undergoing Dialysis using FT3 level & FT4/FT3 index NIL Jan 2014
27 Dr Malini
M.D Biochemistry

Guide: Dr. E. Malliga

Role of glycated albumin and glycated hemoglobin in prediction of coronary artery disease using regression model in south Indian population. NIL 2014

Department of Biochemistry

About the Department

TheDepartment of Biochemistry was established in the year 2005 and aims to impart knowledgein Clinical Biochemistry, which is relevant to the field of medicine. TheDepartment comprisesof proficient and competentfaculty who act as supporting pillars of the institution, providing medical education, diagnostic services, while simultaneously engaging in research.Central clinical Biochemistry laboratory hasthe state-of-the-artequipment to provide accurate and timely results to patients.Department comprises of well-equipped research laboratory for doing extensive research activities.

The Team

Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List

The Team of professionals at Chettinad are well qualified, experienced and dedicated. The department is headed by Prof. Dr Sumathy.S who has 16years of experience in diagnostic and teaching services. The faculty and technical staff are young and energeticand this complements the department strength. All the faculty are highly qualified (MD/M.Sc. /Ph.D.), having graduated from premier institutes. They are also well trainedand constantly thrive to update their knowledge and to establish their benchmark in the field of academics, diagnosis and research.

Teaching Activities

The Department conducts regular lecture classes and practical sessions for both undergraduate and post graduate students. We take pride in stating that, apart from traditional teaching methodologies, we also employ efficient and innovative teaching learning aidswhich helps the students to develop curiosity, critical thinking, tools of enquiry and creative brain storming at the center of competency based medical curriculum.

Innovative teaching patterns followed include flash cards, quiz, role play, problem-based learning, medical theme-based movies, group discussions, seminar/symposium, assignments, and self-directed learning.We also follow a high impact mentoring program and Mentoring is a proven approach to drive rich learning and it is a continual development for both mentees and mentors.Our thoughtful planning and sustained commitment to the student through the mentoring process helps in improving the academic performance of students.

Undergraduate programs handled include MBBS,BDS,BPT,B.Sc. Nursing and allied health science programs. Post graduate programs offered include MD Biochemistry, Ph.D. program, MDS and M.Sc.Human nutrition.


The faculty of the department of Biochemistry have been actively participating in various research activities since the commencement of the institution they alsogenerate interest among the students and support their research endeavors like ICMR funded projects.Our research program covers wide range of topics with emphasis on molecular biology, diabetes, cancer biology, cardiovascular diseases. We have been conducting workshops every year in molecular biology techniquesfor research scholars to increase their skills in molecular biology. Our department faculties have published papers in various national and international journals coming under Scopus and web of science.

Diagnostic services

Central Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory Services at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute has been designed in a futuristic fashion with state of art equipment which include Clinical Chemistry, Immunoassay, D10-HPLC and Blood gas analyzer.

The Laboratory is accredited by NABL as per the ISO 15189:2012 since the year 2009 onwards and the journey continues.All are our department faculty members have undergone training in quality management system and internal audit in medical labs as per ISO 15189-2012.

The department is registered with Biorad for performing External Quality assessment for Clinical Chemistry, Immuno Chemistry, Cardiac markersand Urine Chemistrywith CMC Vellore for performing HbA1C assay

A team of efficient, motivated, knowledgeable doctors, supervisorial and technical staff are involved in the operational of the sophisticated devices and who are constantly involved in upholding quality assurance reports in accordance with predetermined Turnaround Time

Central Clinical Biochemistry Lab at Chettinad Hospital and Research actively provides diagnostic and advisory services to the public and to the medical fraternity

Clinical Chemistry

The Clinical chemistry equipment Siemens Dimension RxL is an integrated equipment that has provisions to perform routine clinical chemistry investigations, iron studies, enzyme studies, urine and fluid chemistry. In addition, the instrument has Integrated Multi sensor Technology which provides simultaneous assay of Electrolytes along with routine chemistry investigations with an inbuilt Heterogenous module for Drug analysis.


The Immunochemistry equipment is the Beckman Coulter DxI 600 and Access2 are used to perform the Thyroid Panel, Reproductive Panel, Cardiac markers, cancer markers, Anemia profile, Bone metabolic profile and inflammatory profiles like Ferritin and Interleukin 6.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography

The D10 Biorad equipment is employed to assay HbA1C for monitoring of Diabetes Mellitus using the Gold standard High Performance liquid Chromatographic technique. ThisInstrument also estimates the levels ofabnormal haemoglobins which is used for diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies.

Special Investigations

The clinicallaboratory alsoperforms special investigations like estimation of Hormones,Anemia profile, Cardiac markers,Tumor markers and inflammatory markers. We also perform drug assayswhich play an important role in organ transplantations and newborn screening for diseases like Thalassemia.

Outreach activities
Webinars / Seminars / Conferences/ CME/ Workshops

S.No Date Theme No. of Participants Details of outstanding participants Funding if any
1 10/12/2021 Essay competition in commemoration of world human rights day “All Human – All Equal” 33 First Prize- Saitharani, M Sc Human nutrition,
Second Prize: S.Dhamini,
M Sc Integrated AHS and Third Prize- E.Ruth, B Sc AHS
2 8/7/2020 Webinar-Metabolic adaptations in starvation and fed state 251 CARE
3 1/7/2020 Webinar- Molecular techniques in Diagnosis 251 CARE
4 22/6/2020 Webinar -Liver profile 251 CARE
5 18/6/2020 Webinar -Electron transport chain 251 CARE
6 24/02/2020 CME on The secret Three letter of genetics 251 CARE
7 31/10/2019 Workshop on “Molecular biology techniques by moving academy of Medicine and Biomedicine” 251 CARE
8 18/10/2019 CME on Standard Precautions and Safe Laboratory Practices 251 CARE
9 19/9/2019 CME on Reactive oxygen species and the antioxidant defense 251 CARE
10 9/8/2019 CME on Point of care testing 50 CARE
11 27th 28th June 2019 Hands on training on molecular techniques in diagnosis and research 20 CARE
12 7th March 2019 Thyrovizion – Thyroid updates 215 CARE
13 5th April 2019 CME on Haemoglobinopathies 65 CARE
14 March 17th and 18th 2017 Hands on training on molecular techniques in diagnosis and research 20 CARE
Feb 2nd and 3rd 2017 Hands on training on molecular techniques in diagnosis and research 30 CARE
15 Jan 22nd 2016 Hands on training on molecular techniques in diagnosis and research 18 CARE
5th march 2016 Virtuoso 2016- Biochemistry quiz competition for 1styr MBBS students (intercollegiate competition) 540 1st Prize: 15000/- Indira Gandhi medical college & research institute, Pondicherry
2nd Prize: 10,000/- Thanjavur medical college
3rd Prize:7000/- Mysore medical college
16 25th Feb to
28th Feb 2015
Workshop on “Internal Audit & Quality Management System” as per ISO 15189:2012” in association with Foundation for Quality India, Bangalore
Module 1: Refresher course
Module 2: Certificate Course
At Chettinad hospital & research institute, Chennai.
17 Nov 3rd 2014 Biochemistry Intercollegiate Lecture contest for post graduate medical students (MD biochemistry & M.Sc Medical biochemistry) 31 CARE

Ongoing Research Project

S.No Name of the Investigators Title Funding Agency (if any) Period Fund allotted
1 Principal Investigator:
Dr L Karpagavel

Mr SK Murugavel

A study of inflammatory markers C-reactive protein, ferritin and Interleukin-6 in risk stratification of COVID-19 patients —- 2020-21 NIL
2 Principal Investigator:
Dr Sumathy.S

Dr Santhini Gopalakrishnan.S,
Dr Anuradha Shankar

Study to find out the correlation between liver profile and cardiac biomarkers among SARS Covid 19 patients —- 2020-21 NIL
3 Principal Investigator:
Dr Anuradha

Dr Sumathy

Non fasting lipid profile for routine testing in the clinical laboratories —- 2020-21 NIL
4 Ms Priyanka

Guide: DrSanthini Gopalakrishnan.S

A study to find out the correlation between urine microalbumin and serum Uric acid levels among Type-2 Diabetic patients with nephropathy. ICMR 2020-21 Alloted
5 Ms Snaha.M

Guide: Dr Sumathy.S

A study to evaluate the correlation between serum Ferritin levels and HbA1C% in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. ICMR 2020-21 Alloted
6 Ms.Uniqca jitracs

Guide : Dr.P Ansar Khalifullah

Correlation of serum sodium levels with natriuretic peptide in patients with coronary artery disease. 2019-20 NIL
7 Mr.Aravindh Karthik II MBBS,

Guide :Mr.Venkat siddarth

Thyroid autoimmune response in Pregnant woman with Gestational diabetes mellitus. 2019-20 NIL
8 Ms.Priyadarshini

Guide : Dr.Karpagavel

A study of oral exfoliative cytology in Hypothyroid patients 2019-20 NIL
9 Ms.Aksharaa sri

Guide : Mr.Venkat siddarth

A study on association of hyperuricemia and dyslipidemia in Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients 2019-20 NIL
10 Ms.Blessy James

Guide : Dr Santhini

A study to evaluate the correlation between HbA1C and OGTT levels in Gestational Diabetes mellitus 2019-20 NIL
11 Dr.R.Hemalathaa
MD Biochemistry Post Graduate

Guide : Dr.Sumathy

Correlation Between Maternal Blood Glucose And Fetal Insulin Level 2018-21 NIL
12 Dr.K.K.Sornatharika
MD Biochemistry Post Graduate

Guide :Dr.Karpagavel

A study to compare the thyroid function test values in fasting and postprandial state in overt and subclinical hypothyroidism 2018-21 NIL
13 Mr. Vinod Kumar
Full Time Ph.D Scholar

Guide: Dr.E.Malligai

Evaluating the spectrum of BRCA1&2, CHECK2 gene mutations in Breast cancer in south Indian Woman CARE Nov – 2014
Till date

Completed Research Projects

S.No Name of the Investigators Title Funding Agency(if any) Period
1 Mani raj

Guide:Dr Karpagavel

A study of serum ferritin in dengue patients 2019-20
2 Arun .D,

Guide :Dr Ansar Khalifullah

Serum magnesium levels in Type 2 diabetes mellitus 2019-20
3 Ms Rajalakshmi
M.Sc Human nutrition,

Guide: Mr .S.K Murugavel

Space diet-menu planning, formulation and packaging 2019-20
4 Ms Mahalakshmi
M.Sc Human nutrition,

Guide: Dr L Karpagavel

An in vitro study to assess the antidiabetic effect of Magnifera Indica 2019-20
5 Ms Revathy
M.Sc Human nutrition,

Guide: Dr Anuradha.S

In vitro evaluation of the antidiabetic activity of alpinia galanga and alpinia calcarata 2019-20
6 Mr.Karthik I MBBS 18-19 batch,

Guide: Dr.Sumathy

Correlation between uric acid levels and coronary artery disease. ICMR STS 2018-19
7 Ms. Dhanvarshini I MBBS18-19 batch,

Guide: Dr.Santhini

A study to evaluate the correlation between fibrinogen and HbA1c among diabetic foot ulcer patients. ICMR STS 2018-19
8 Banani dutta
M.Sc Human Nutrition

Guide : Dr.santhini

Evalution of serum Magnesium level among Pregnant Women attending CHRI. NIL 2017 -2018
9 K.Gayathri
M.Sc Human Nutrition

Guide :Mr.Murugavel

Evaluation of anti diabetic effect of Nanoemulsion formulation of mixed fruit juice NIL 2017 -2018
10 Ms. Shahanaz Khatun
M.Sc Human Nutrition

Guide : Dr.santhini

Evalution of serum Zinc and Copper level in Hypothyroidism. NIL 2017 -2018
11 Ms.Somdyuti Roy
M.Sc Human Nutrition

Guide : Mr.Venkat siddarth

A study of the prevalence of serum vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency among elderly population. NIL 2017 -2018
12 Ms.Sushama Das
M.Sc Human Nutrition

Guide :Mr. Murugavel

Evaluation of anti diabetic effect of tri-Herbal Nanoemulsion formulation of mixed fruit juice NIL 2017 -2018
13 Dr. Santhini Gopalakrishnan,

Guide :Dr.Malligai

Pilot study to find out the association between Homocysteine , calcium and Pre eclampsia among south indian population NIL Jan 2016
14 Dr.E.Malligai ,

Mr K Murugavel,

Mr. Manikandan

“Human heart type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP)- A novel biochemical marker in the early diagnosis of Acute coronary syndrome ” NIL Jan 2016
15 Dr. Kousalya V Nathan
Ph.D Part time- External

Guide : Dr.Malligai

Measuring the effect of Calorie Restriction with Optimum Nutrition (CRON) in obesity on Glycation, Inflammation and oxidation NIL 2017
16 Mr. Venkat Siddarth CH
Ph.D Part time – Internal

Guide: Dr.Malligai

Studies on the effect of indole-3-carbinol in regulating HIF-1 alpha expression and apoptosis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells NIL 2018
17 Dr. Divya sri
MD Biochemistry

Guide: Dr.Malligai

A hospital based cross sectional study to evaluate Iron stores in obese subjects NIL 2016
18 Dr . Shenbhaga lalitha
MD Biochemistry

Guide: Dr.Malligai

A hospital based cross sectional study to evaluate among healthy and diabetic male population the levels of serum osteocalcin NIL 2016
19 Mr . Dinesh
M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry

Guide: Dr.Malligai

Plasma fibrinogen in Obese patients with metabolic syndrome and its relationship with ischemic heart disease NIL April 2016
20 Ms.N. Janani M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry

Guide: Dr.Malligai

A Hospital based cross sectional study to find out Insulin secretion pattern among healthy individuals who differ in their BMI NIL Dec 2016
21 Dr . karunya neelima MD Biochemistry

Guide Dr.Malligai

A hospital based cross sectional study to detect the association between vitamin D levels and serum insulin NIL 2015
22 Ms.Suganya
M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry 12-15

Guide: Dr. E. Malligai

Association of Hypothyroidism & subclinical hypothyroidism in metabolic syndrome among south Indian urban women population NIL Nov 2015
23 Ms.Shanmugapriya
M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry

Guide: Dr. E. Malligai

A study of Gamma Glutamyl transferase activity in Metabolic syndrome Patients NIL 2015
24 Dr Santhini Gopalakrishnan.S
M.D Biochemistry

Guide: Dr. E. Malliga

Study to find out the association between serum total testosterone levels and Coronary artery disease NIL
25 MS. Parvathi

Guide: Mr..Murugavel

Periodontal disease and Rheumatoid arthritis a case study ICMR May 2014
26 Ms. Shabana Bee
M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry

Guide: Dr.E.Malligai

Pilot study to diagnose Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Chronic Kidney disease not undergoing Dialysis using FT3 level & FT4/FT3 index NIL Jan 2014
27 Dr Malini
M.D Biochemistry

Guide: Dr. E. Malliga

Role of glycated albumin and glycated hemoglobin in prediction of coronary artery disease using regression model in south Indian population. NIL 2014

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