The Department of Community Medicine at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute has gradually grown in its academic strength and activities, since its inception in 2005. In addition to providing undergraduate and postgraduate training, the department actively participates in community health programs such as immunization drives, geriatric care, screening for non-communicable diseases, family planning services, maternal and child care and health education at both rural and urban areas. Special clinics and Mobile health camps are also provided in the rural areas where healthcare is inaccessible. The department works hand in hand with government organizations in the implementation of national programs.
The Department observes notable health days and health events such as World Geriatric Day, World Health Day, World Breast Feeding week, Global hand washing day, World Diabetic day. Many community-based programs are organized, with the active participation of the students.
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The faculty team of community medicine consists of qualified, eminent and well experienced physicians who are continuously involved in various academic activities, community health care delivery and research projects.
The department actively conducts immunization drives, geriatric care, screening for non-communicable diseases, family planning services, maternal and child care and health education at both rural and urban areas. Special clinics for under 5 Children, geriatric population, antenatal mothers, Tuberculosis Patients, and NCD patients. Mobile health camps are also provided in the rural areas where healthcare is inaccessible. Our department also works hand in hand with other organizations such as Chennai corporation and the Infectious Disease Hospital located in Tondairpet where our CRRIs, and Postgraduate receive training.
Our department also takes pride in celebrating notable health days involving all students and from other departments as well. Every year health events such as World Geriatric Day, World Health Day, World Breast Feeding week, Global hand washing day, World Diabetic day etc are being celebrated involving students and community. Periodically, our Department also conducts workshops on basics in research methodology to students and postgraduates of other departments.
The medical undergraduate (MBBS) students are trained in the field of public health with interactive lecture classes and visits to the rural and urban health centers where they actively participate in family survey, field visits and special visits to PHCs, sub-centers and ICDS centers.
CRRIs are posted in the rural and urban health centers where they are trained the aspects of public healthand learn to identify the various factors related to health status like socioeconomic status, cultural and environmental factors. They are also involved in various outreach activities like family surveys, medical camps, health education programs, etc.
Postgraduates (MD Community medicine) are continuously engaged in various academic activities (seminars, journal clubs, case presentations, pedagogies and group discussions), community healthcare delivery and research projects.The department also works hand-in-hand with other organizations like the Chennai corporation and the Infectious Disease Hospital, Tondairpet, where CRRIs and postgraduates receive additional training. Apart from this, they are also trained in teaching skills as well as research especially hands on experience on field research.
Periodically, thedepartment also conducts workshops on basics in research methodology to students and postgraduates of other departments
The department also handles other academic programs such as BSc AHS, MSc AHS, MSc Human nutrition and MSc Occupational health and industrial safety.
Faculty and postgraduates are actively involved in research activities in the hospital as well as in the community (both urban and rural) with an average of 10-15 on-going projects monthly. The department also has a high research output with an average of 15-20 publications per year in PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO and Web of Science indexed journals.
Community based research such as field research, outbreak investigations, occupational based researches and assessment surveys are carried out at the peripheral health center and at the community. Studies focused on specific groups- children, adolescent and geriatrics are being carried out at field level.
CMEs, Guest lectures and workshops are organized by the department from time to time. Basic Research methodology workshop is being conducted every academic year for all first year PGs of CHRI since 2015. Awareness programs and workshops are organized as a part of commemoration of various health days in both RHTC and UHTC as well as in the hospital.
Thrust areas for research include Non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, vector-borne diseases, MCH, Immunization, Mental health, Occupational health, Geriatric health, National health programs evaluation, Health planning and management, Outbreak investigation, Bioethics.
Milk purity analysis, milk fat analysis and TDS analysis is being done in the department laboratory. All basic laboratory investigations are being done at the RHTC along with spirometry, X-ray and slit lamp examination. Specialized equipment available in department include Ph analyzer, automatic milk analyzer, Nephlometer, Calorimeter, Muffle with furnace, BOD incubator, Electric sterilizer, Autoclave, Hydrometer, Fortin Barometer, Berkefed filter, Fat extraction apparatus
Community organizing involves the process of building a grassroots movement involving communities. The community engagement primarily deals with the practice of moving communities toward change, from either a stalled or similarly suspended position.It enables the health care services to be delivered in an equitable, acceptable and better organized manner bringing more people into the umbrella of better health care. It helps in building social capital-ties, network and support which can be used in providing and sustaining the health care services.
The Chettinad Urban Health Centre located in Karapakkam and Rural Health Training centre located in Poonjeri within 25kms from Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute cover a population of 1,63,111 & 39,545 residents respectively. General health camps are being conducted regularly to provide medical relief and referral services to all these residents along with the available specialist doctors, a medical officer and a dentist accompanies to the camp site and the CRRIs, Post graduates, and the Medico-social worker of Community medicine department attend the camp to oversee the activity. During the medical camp all the patients given free consult with our institution Doctors and free treatment. Important Health days are celebrated in our centres by imparting Health education through posters and AV aids to the community members. Health education was given main priority in celebrating the health days, and during certain health days, nearby high-risk targeted areas have been identified, and the campaigns are conducted to the targeted people in preventing the diseases. For Control and prevention of diseases, training of community members in various skills like handwashing, breast self-examination etc were demonstrated and conducted in field practice areas.
School health camps are conducted on Thursdays and they aid in assessing the health status of school children by screening them for diseases. Base line treatment for all students is also provided. School washrooms and toilets are inspected for proper hygiene. Proper waste disposal awareness given in all the schools. By collecting and analysing the data from schools, Health education sessions are organised in those schools, on the topics of personal hygiene and risk factors for diseases. School health camps are conducted mainly in the perspective of reducing the burden of many preventable diseases.
The undergraduate and postgraduate students are sensitizedto this outreach activity which exposes them to the cultural beliefs and practices of the community. By participating in community engagement, the students develop an awareness about their responsibilities toward the community that they are so closely a part of. This helps enhance their communication skills, organizing, handling and making use of the resources at hand and it is an important tool in capacity building. They become sensitive to the needs to needs of the community and learn to do their part in helping their community.
Department of Community Medicine trains undergraduate and postgraduate medical students in Rural Health Training Centre of Chettinad Hospital& Research Institute (CHRI). Rural health training center is located at a distance of 25 km from CHRI. It caters to 12 villages with population of 39545 and 9769 households. The center is equipped with infrastructure facilities including minor operation theatre, laboratory services, imaging services and pharmacy round the clock. Necessary health manpower such as specialists, medical officers, intern and paramedical staff are available at the center.
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a. Teaching and training
Poonjeri is a training center for undergraduates- MBBS, Nursing, dental students and post graduates. Undergraduates are taught via field activities- ICDS visit, primary health center and sub center visit. Implementation of national health program services such as immunization and cold chain management, Anganwadi center and maternal child health services. The students are trained at specified duration in various semesters of their undergraduate period as per curriculum. Postgraduates are trained for planning and execution of research studies, operational research, outbreak investigations and community need assessment.
Family health survey is being carried out by undergraduate and postgraduate students in our field practice area covering 12 villages. Door to door visit is carried out to assess health status of family members, socioeconomic status assessment, dietary assessment and referral for those who require. Disease burden assessment and subsequent resource allocation is one of the outcomes of family health survey. Interns are trained in field activities- health promotion and assessment of nutritional deficiencies, surveillance of diseases including dengue.
b. Health care delivery and Screening of diseases
Outpatient and inpatient services are provided by specialists in the field of obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics, pulmonology, dermatology, psychiatry, ENT and ophthalmology. Day care surgeries, deliveries, ambulance services, referral services and review of patients are also being done regularly. DOTS therapy for tuberculosis patients, immunization services as per national immunization schedule and anti-rabies vaccine clinic are other features of our center. Screeningfor diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, malnutrition, anemia and assessment of disease morbidity of elderly and adolescentare carried out at the health center School health services are provided in collaboration Department of School Education, Government of Tamilnadu through which more than ten schools under the district.
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X-Ray and speciality clinics | |
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Mobile medical camp | |
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The Chettinad Urban Health Training Centre, a venture established in the year 2005 as a part of Comprehensive Health care to the community, is located at Karapakkam, 15 kms away from the parent medical college, CHRI.
It was a two-floor building with high-end infrastructure, located in the prime city area, surrounded by various IT companies, Educational Institutions and Residential population. The Centre covers a total of five field practice areas of Thoraipakkam, Shollinganallur, Injambakkam, Semmenchery and Karapakkam. It covers a population of 1,61,311 over a 10 km radius. Through the UHTC, general medical as well as specialist care is provided to the public.
The centerorganizes various Health Camps, to encourage the health seeking behavior of the community. Our Out-of-the-Box and innovative Health Education sessions help the people to understand and increase their awareness onhealth-related knowledge. In School health, weekly our doctors visit schools to screen the children and treat or refer them. Health education in terms of Hygiene, awareness on the transmission and prevention of various diseases is given to them.
Aside from the community health, the undergraduate medical students are exposed to the various health issues of the communities, social determinants of health, treatment seeking behaviors, etc. During internship, the UHTC offers the interns opportunities to hone their clinical and other skills. The center also plays an important role in the shaping up of postgraduate students, especially of the Community Medicine Department. They also serve as platforms for implementing the various national health programs, thus contributing to the national health goals.
In addition, the UHTC opens the door for a wide range of community-based research, contributing to public health policy and programs. Collaborative multidisciplinary research has always been our main focus area, as we tread through uncharted territories of the medical research, by joining hands with several NGOs and other institutions.
Our curative services include that of General OPD, Specialty consultation, Laboratory,
Day Care and Referral Services. Our Preventive Services comprises of Field visits, Health education sessions, Health day celebrations and collaboration with the Chennai Corporation.
We also conduct Training for the Health workers, students in various aspects of preventive and social medicine, and also in Research.
Envisioning the future of our establishment in terms of services offered:
- Extending school health services to private schools
- Providing health services to migrant population in and around OMR.
- Tie up with two more existing NGOs to provide better health care to the community.
- Incorporating Swachh Bharath Abhiyan.
- Health education campaign on Lifestyle and BCC to all the colleges in OMR.
- To conduct more research activities in the untapped populations of coastal area.
UHTC, Karapakkam. |
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Handwashing Training Exercise, School health program, Sholinganallur. |
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An Awareness Campaign through a Skit on Vector-Borne Diseases, Semmenchery. |
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A multi-specialty health camp conducted at our Centre, Karapakkam. |
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Ongoing Projects in the Department – 2019 to 2022
- Assessment of service delivery by frontline health worker: A time motion study
- Prevalence of Latent Tuberculosis infection among stone artists with silicosis in Mahabalipuram of Tamil Nadu
- Perception of educational environment and its impact on academic performance of medical school students: A cross sectional study
- Digital technology in control and management of diabetes mellitus: TECARE trial
- Vaccine hesitancy and COVID-19 appropriate behaviour: A mixed methods study in a rural area of Tamil Nadu.
- Factors influencing the outcome of COVID-19 patients admitted in Intensive Care Unit
- Metabolic syndrome risk prediction in the school going children. A Systematic Review.
- Impact of food safety training on the food handling practices of major foodservice establishments in Chennai during SARS-CoV2 second phase.
- Impact of SMS measures during Covid-19 pandemic in the diagnosis and control of Tuberculosis.
- Identifying the gaps in usage of Nikshay app by the health functionaries under NTEP.
- Prevalence and pattern of superficial fungal infection in a tertiary care hospital, in Kelambakkam
- Impact of COVID 19 pandemic on quality of life among general population of rural area of Chengalpattu district, Tamilnadu
- HPV Vaccination Coverage and its Barriers in Females without sexual debut – A Cross Sectional study among the Urban population of Chengalpattu District
- Role of male partner in MCH care in rural and urban area of Chengalpattu District- A Comparative Study
- Prevalence of disability and its association with sociodemographic factors among elderly in a rural setting of Chengalpattu – A cross sectional study
- Continuum of care for maternal, newborn and Child health in mothers of rural area, Chengalpattu district: A Community based cross sectional study
- Quality of Life of SARS-CoV-2 Infected (COVID-19) patients with Pre-existing comorbidities, discharged after recovery from a speciality Hospital in Chengalpattu District: A Cross-Sectional Study.
- A descriptive study on prevalence of antenatal depression among pregnant women in a primary care setting of Chengalpattu district
- Cross sectional study on out-of-pocket expenditure and preference of centre for immunization among under five children in rural area of Chengalpattu district, Tamil Nadu
- Participatory Surveillance, Cluster investigations, Enhanced surveillance PACE Model for surveillance of COVID-19 in Schools.
- Prevalence of Silico-Tuberculosis Among Stone Sculptors of Mahabalipuram of Tamil Nadu.
- Understanding COVID-19 pandemic through data and forecasting the future pandemic waves in India
- Effect of Vitamin D supplementation on glycaemic control among Type 2 Diabetic patients attending a tertiary care hospital: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Evaluation of Pedagogic skills among Postgraduate medical students using Component skills approach
- Quality of life, Functional activity limitation and perceived stigma among people with leprosy-related disability in Chengalpattu district: A Cross sectional study.
- Self-medication and polypharmacy practices among elderly population in rural areas of Chengalpattu district: A Cross sectional study
- Challenges in handling biomedical waste in a tertiary care hospital in Chengalpattu district: A mixed method study
- Taskforce study for evaluation of community-level acceptability,scalability and linkage within the health system of ICMR pre-validated Labike/technologies for screening and diagnosis in rural & urban population-An Implementation research
- Identifying gaps and formulating strategies to strengthen the digital technologies that support tuberculosis services under NTEP
Completed Research Projects
- A Study of Immunization Coverage of Children Between 12 And 24 Months Of Age In India.
- Binge eating and sitting behavior as a risk cluster in obesity among software employees in Chennai.
- Changes in the Physical Activity and Lifestyle during Covid-19 Pandemic among IT Employees in Urban Areas of Chennai, Tamilnadu.
- Compliance of infection prevention and control measures among health care workers during COVID19 in a tertiary care hospital of Chengalpattu district.
- Prevalence of systemic hypertension and its determinants among children in rural field practicing area of tertiary care hospital, Tamilnadu.
- Prevalence of obesity and assessment of its risk factors among children in urban area of Chengalpattu district, Tamilnadu.
- Prevalence of non-prescription medication practices among rural population in Kancheepuram district a cross-sectional study.
- A cross sectional study on prevalence of tobacco usage and associated socio-demographic factors among adults in rural field practicing area of a medical college, Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu
- Skipping of breakfast meal: A risk correlate of Obesity?
- Pictorial Warning of Tobacco smoking: A study among college students of New Delhi
- Rabies cases: seasonal forecasting in Delhi. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.
- Perception Regarding Hazards of Plastics Usage and Effectiveness of Plastic Ban in Rural Tamil Nadu
- Knowledge and attitude of medical students towards bioethics- a cross sectional study from a Medical College in Northern Tamil Nadu
- Competencies of Indian Medical Graduates in delivering Effective Tuberculosis care: A mixed methodology approach
- Tobacco Harm Reduction approach in Clinical practice: A Qualitative study among Multi-specialty healthcare professionals in Chennai
- Quantification of Urinary Cotinine levels among Interstate Migrant Construction Workers in Chennai: A Community Based Pilot Study
- Musculoskeletal pain among work from home population during the COVID-19 pandemic-A cross sectional study
- The effect of COVID-19 lockdown on the double trouble : smoking and alcohol consumption.
- A study on consumers awareness on food labels. Do people read before they eat ?
- Assessment of infection prevention and control practices among medical students of a medical college in Chengalpattu district,Tamil Nadu.
- A cross sectional study on acceptance, convenience and experience of telemedicine usage among IT professionals during COVID-19 in Tamil Nadu.
- Prevalence of insomnia in adults and its correlation with medical co-morbidities in Chengalpattu district-A cross sectional study.
- Health seeking behavior during COVID-19 pandemic among general population in urban areas of Chengalpattu district-Across sectional study.
- Impact of COVID-19 on childhood Immunisation and nutritional well-being among children under 2 years in Kelambakkam, Chengalpattu district.
- COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and its determinants among adult population of Chengalpattu district: A mixed method study.
- Evaluation of drug prescribing pattern using WHO prescribing indicators in a rural health centre, Tamil Nadu.
- Knowledge and Attitude towards Telemedicine among doctors in Chengalpattu district-A cross sectional study
- COVID-19 anxiety among undergraduate students of medical college in Chengalpattu district- a cross sectional study
- Quality of life among healthcare professionals during COVID-19 pandemic in a tertiary care hospital of Chengalpattu district
- Public Health Surveillance: Current and Future prospects
- A Study on Prevalence and Factors Associated with Depression among Elderly Residing in Tenements under Resettlement Scheme, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu.
- Nutritional Anemia in a Rural Community in Tamil Nadu.
- Is Adequate Sleep Becoming Outlandish Among Healthcare Professionals?
- Incidence of metabolic syndrome in patients with graves’ disease under control: A observational study
- COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women: strategies for enhanced coverage
- Seasonal Variation and Time Trend Analysis of Dog Bite Cases Attending the Anti-Rabies Clinic in Delhi using ARIMA Model Forecasting
- Satisfaction with life among MBBS students and resident doctors of a tertiary hospital in South Delhi
- COVID-19 Vaccination For Children: Acceptance By The Mothers Of Children Aged 2-12 Years In Tamil Nadu
- Epidemiological And Clinical Characteristics Of Patients With Diphtheria Attending Infectious Disease Hospital Of Delhi
- Perception Of The Educational Environment And Its Impact On Academic Performance Of Medical School Students: A Cross-Sectional Study
- A Comparative Study On Perception About Biomedical Waste Management Among The Undergraduate And Postgraduate Students In A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital In South Delhi
- Perception About The Role Of Biostatistics In Medical Curriculum: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Medical Students
- Perception And Practice On Cord Stem Cell Banking Among Gravid Women Visiting Tertiary Care Hospital In South Delhi
- Prevalence Of Pre-Perimetric Primary Open Angle Glaucoma In hypertensives Of North India
- Socio demograpic profile of teenage pregnancies among rural population of kanchepuram district
- Prevalence and risk factors associated with tobacco use among migrant construction workers:A community based cross sectional study
- Alcohol consumption among immigrant construction workers and its correlates
- Needle stick injuries among nurses in a teritary care hospital
- Adherence of patients towards drugs or injections prescribed in a private medical institutions
- Poisoning and its pattern among patients in a tertiary care centre in kancheepuram district,Tamil Nadu
- Attitude of general population towards transgender in urban,Tamil Nadu.
- Effect of educational intervention on the knowledge of rabies among medical students of Chennai.
- Perception,Attitude and practice towards medical research among medical students of Chennai.
- Perception,Attitude towards Bioethics among undergraduate medical students of a teaching hospital
- Knowledge and awareness towards dengue infection and its prevention : Across sectional study from rural area of Tamil Nadu .
- Evaluation of Janani Shishu suraksha karyakran : A reality
- A Time motion study in outpatient department of rural health and training centre , Tamil nadu
- Vitamin D status among critical children below five years in a tertiary care hospital
- A clinic epidemiological profile of diabetic and hypertensive patients in the suburban of Chennai
- Assessment of quality of life among plantation worker using WHOQOL-B
- Prevelance of ocular morbidities among school children in a rural area of south India
- Health status of workers in a hair processing factory,Chennai,Tamil Nadu:A cross sectional study
- A study on perception of health insurance among rural population , kancheepuram district,Tamil Nadu.
- Awareness and perception of health insurance among urban population of kancheepuram district,Tamil Nadu.
- Prevalence of hypertension and its associated riskfactors among rural adults in kancheepuram district,Tamil Nadu.
- A study RTA among patients admitted in tertiary care hospital,puducherry.
- Assesment of gender inequality in rural area of Kanchipuram district of Tamilnadu
- Self – medication practice among rural population of kanchepuram district
- Obesity prevalence and risk factors among children in urban and rural population, kanchepuram district Tamilnadu
- Cross sectional study on prevalence and risk factors of depression among adults in a resettlement area of kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu.
- Internet addiction disorder among school going adolescents in rural area of Kancheepuram district : A cross sectional study
- Double burden of malnutrition among women residing in tenements under resettlement scheme,kancheepuram,Tamil Nadu.
- Quality of life in post-menopausal women: A community based cross-sectional study
- Prevalence of medication non-adherence among diabetic patients in rural area of Tamilnadu: A cross sectional study
- Prevalence of behavioural risk factors for non-communicable disease among young adults in rural area of Kancheepuram district
- A cross sectional study to determine the effects of sleep deprivation on cognition and quality of life of health care providers working nightshifts on rotation in a tertiary care hospital
- A cross sectional study on positive mental health and its associated factors among late adolescents in rural field practicing area of a medical college, Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu
- A study of prevalence among asthma associated knowledge among children in a rural field practise area of Kancheepuram district
- A study on feeding practise among rural mothers of children aged less than 2 years in Kancheepuram district
- A study on prevalence of good menstrual hygiene practises among adolescent girls in rural area of Kancheepuram district
- Prevalence of gestational diabetes and related risk factors among rural pregnant women in Kancheepuram district
- Study on social and psycological status among infertile couples attending tertiary care hospital
- A cross sectional study on musculoskeletal problems among software engineers in a private firm in chennai
- Promoting healthy eating and physical activity in preventing IHD-A comprehensive model
- Health status of workers in hair processing factory in chennai, Tamilnadu- A cross sectional study
- Perception of current medical practitioner about under graduate in training in implication for future undergraduate curriculum
- Hand washing behaviour among urban slum children
- Awareness of NCD among hospitalized patient in a private teaching hospital
- Impact of health education intervention on breast cancer and breast self examination, rural women in kancheepuram district
- Musculoskeletal morbidity among migrant construction workers-community based cross sectional study
- Public health respective of suicides in a rural area of Kancheepuram
- Respiratory morbidity among sculptors in Poonjeri village -A retrospective cohort study,community based in Kancheepuram
- Screening of developmental delay among children attending rural health center,kancheepuram district of Tamil nadu.
- Ischemic heart disease -challenges in management and way forward.
- A community based cross sectional study on domestic violence among married women dwelling in urban slum -Tamil nadu.
- Pattern and factors influencing the occurrence of road traffic injuries – a hospital based study.
- Prevalence of common CAD risk factors among fisher man population.
- Public health respective of suicide in a rural area of kancheepuram district -Tamil nadu.
- Assessment of road safety knowledge and practice among under graduates in a medical college in a Kancheepuram district – Tamil Nadu.
- Medical status of medical PG Aspirants in Chennai.
- Prevalence of domestic violence among pregnant women -A hospital based cross sectional study.
- Breast carcinoma and level of prevention – A case study completed.
- Knowledge,attitude and practice regarding Carbonated drinks among college students.
- A study of prevalence and socio demographic factors associated with anaemia among pregnant women of rural population in Kancheepuram district.
- Morbidity pattern among geriatric population by the family members on the basis of socio-economic status.
- Assessment of health care behaviors among antenatal mothers and participation of their spouses in urban slum-community based cross sectional study.
- Health educational intervention is an effective tool to control the nutritional anaemia among adolescent girls in an urban slum area of Tamil nadu
- A study on research methodology among postgraduate students knowledge,attitude and barriers
- Knowledge of Swine Flu, attitude and practice of management of swine flu infection among health professionals in a tertiary care hospital
- Computed aided diagnosis of Hashimotos Thyroiditis using ultrasound images.
- A prevalence study on double burden of malnutrition and its associated risk factors among under 5 children in rural area of tamil nadu.
- Prevalence of anemia and associated risk factors among adolescents in coastal regions of Chengalpattu district-a cross sectional study.
- A cross sectional study on factors influencing immunization coverage among children of migrant population in suburban areas of Kancheepuram district.
- Nutritional status, determinants of durg resistance, and perceived stigma among multi-drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis patients of Kanchipuram district, tamil nadu.
- Prevalence of respiratory morbidity among street sweepers in greater Chennai corporation- a cross sectional study.
- A single blinded randomized comparative study on therapeutic efficacy of bilastine 20mg vs levocetrizine 5mg in the treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria & factors affecting treatment outcome.
- An open labelled rct comparison between efficacy of intradermal tranexamic acid vs triple combination of kligman for the treatment of melasma.
- Implementation and outcome evaluation of telemedicine for rural health care.
- Community Based study to assess the culturally appropriate lifestyle modification and educational intervention through existing health services to improve self care among Type 2 diabetics.
- Correlation between physical fitness, physical activity and academic achievement in school going children.
- Effectiveness of lifestyle improvement interventions among symptoms before and after menopause in woman
- Vitamin C injections in sepsis
- Smart mobile phone usage and its undesirable effect on psycological and behavioural changes in High school going children
- A case control study on perinatal outcomes of hypertension in pregnancy
- Emotional and social effect on brothers/sisters of children with epilepsy and how they cope with it
- Functional abilities and quality of life among the adult patients with hearing loss and their perspective towards use of hearing aid.
- Estimation of prevalence low back pain among health care workers
- Assessment of the burden of ill effects of Tobacco abuse and oral precancer in rural areas of Kanchipuram district
- Study to estimate the prevalence of Non-communicable disease study in rural areas around a tertiary care hospital in tamil nadu
- Knowledge, Attitude and Perception of women on gender preference and female foeticide
- Assessment of risk factors for obesity among women matching with their lifestyle
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of medical students towards excessive internet use
- Description and analysis of purchase patterns for ready-to-eat foods between working and non-working women
- Knowledge,perception and psycolosocial preparedness for menarche among the adolescent girls
- Evaluating effectiveness of community treatment programmes for children aged 6 months to 5 years from with severe acute malnutrition
- Assessment of quality of life in diabetes patients with kidney problems
- Assessment of quality of life in Fibromyalgia patients
- Assessment of quality of life in Rheumatoid arthritis
- Assessment of relationship between Workplace Environment And Metabolic Syndrome
- Direct supervision of iron folic acid tablets intake once a week in pregnant women in rural population in Kanchipuram district
- Influence of socio-economic status on alcohol related problems
- Community Based Approach fssor Combating Anemia among Adolescent girls in rural areas of Kanchipuram district
- Effectiveness of nutrition education program on dietary eating patterns of adolescent girls
- Analysis of dietary pattern among school going children with age group(6-15 years)
- Cross sectional study to evaluate the genetic and socio-economic risk factors for gestational diabetes
- Study of effects of urbanization on stress and quality of life
- The Prevalence study of specific Micronutrient deficiencies in school going children aged between 6-16 years in 10 cities of India
CLICK HERE: Extramural Funded Projects
CLICK HERE: Intramural Funded Projects
List of Publications (2015-2022)
- Sucharitha ST, Aravind M, Pradeep R, Balaji SM, Krishnan HM, Subramanian J. Tobacco Harm Reduction Approach in clinical practice, A qualitative study among multi-speciality healthcare professionals in in an Indian metropolitan city. Natl J Community medicine 2022; 13(3):151-157.
- Sengupta J, Das H, Chellaiyan VGD, Sasithra S, Britto J. An observational study of incidence of metabolic syndrome among patients with controlled Grave’s disease. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 15 (2022) 101010
- Singh A, Mishra CM, Chellaiyan VG, Verma JK, Sasithra, Singh N. Prevalence of Depression among Geriatric Population in Old Age Homes of South Delhi. Natl J Community Med 2022;13(3):186-189
- Raja Danasekaran. Controlling antimicrobial resistance: A daunting task ahead. J Community Health Manag 2022;9(1):1-2.
- Raja D, Sasithra S. COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and its Determinants among Adult Population of Chengalpattu District: A Mixed-method Study. Special Issue – COVID-19 & Other Communicable Disease. 2022;68-74.
- Raja TK, Kumar MB, Sasithra S, Divyaparvathy J. COVID-19 and Adolescents of Chengalpattu District: A Cross-sectional Study. Special Issue – COVID-19 & Other Communicable Disease. 2022;56-61.
- Raja TK, Kumar MB, Divyaparvathy J, Sasithra S. Cross-sectional Study on Omicron- Knowledge and Practice among COVID Recovered Adults in Chengalpattu District.Journal of Communicable disease. 2022; Vol 54; Pg 54-59.
- Chellaiyan VG, Jennifer britto J, Alfred J. Impact of Digital Health Education among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Natl J Community Med 2022;13(3):171-174.
- Mechenro J, Kumar B M, John K, Balakrishnan D. Nutritional anemia in a rural community in Tamil Nadu. Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy Practice. 2022;2(1):15.
- Jasmine M, Suganthi S, Chellaiyan VG. Vaccine Hesitancy: An Old Phenomenon Still Alive in the COVID Vaccine Era. Special Issue – COVID-19 & Other Communicable Disease. 2022;215-221.
- Chellaiyan VG, Alfred J, Jasmine M, Nigilesh Sundar M. COVID-19 Vaccination for Children: Acceptance by the Mothers of Children Aged 2-12 Years in Tamil Nadu. Special Issue – COVID-19 & Other Communicable Disease. 2022;62-67.
- Nirupama AY, John JB, Chellaiyan DV. Polycysticovary syndrome: Current perspectives and recent advances. Curr MedIssues 2022;20:89-94
- John JB, Kandasamy V, Shankar P, Devanbu VGC. A case of short, medium and very-long-chain fatty acid oxidation disorder in a term infant. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2022;9:627-9.
- Aravind Manoharan, Madhusudan M, Nirupama AY, Nithya K. Knowledge and attitude of medical students towards bioethics- A cross sectional study from a medical college in northern Tamil Nadu. Indian J Comm Health. 2021;33(3):534-538
- Sree T. Sucharitha, Balaji Sivaram Mahendran, Chakrapani Chatla, Aravind Manoharan, Pradeep R. Coping Methods among Medicos during COVID-19 Pandemic in India -A Cross-Sectional Study among Medical Undergraduates in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Chennai. 2021;8(19):1341- 1346
- Sree T. Sucharitha, Aravind Manoharan, Suganya E, Balaji SM. Competencies of Indian Medical Graduates in Delivering Effective Tuberculosis Care: A Mixed Methodology Approach. Ann Community Health 2021;9(3):12-16
- Sree T. Sucharitha, Arunadevi K, Suganya E, Aravind Manoharan, V Dhanuraja. Perception, Readiness and Preferred Training Methods on Bioethics as EmergingMedical Professionals-An Explorative study from Tamil Nadu. National Journal of Research in Community Medicine.2021;10(2):45-50.
- Mohan Kumar BK, Thiruvalluvan GT, Arjunan MK. Effectiveness on knowledge about computer vision syndrome among medical coding trainee in medical coding training institute in urban Chennai, Tamil Nadu- A cross sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care 2021; 10:228-31.
- Nirupama A Y Chellaiyan, D V., Ravi Varman.G. Are rotational night shifts taking its toll on health -care professionals? A pilot study. Curr Med Issues 2021;19:19-23
- Chellaiyan, Vinoth. Role of social media on information shared about covid -2019 pandemic: a perception of medical students.2021,7(13);8-12.
- Lokesh Kumar SS, Raja D, Sharath U. Organ Donation-Awareness, Perspective and Practices among Adults-A Cross Sectional Study in Rural Tamil Nadu. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2021; 33(55B): 29-34.
- Raja D, Sasithra S. Assessment of the Antibiotics and Other Drug Prescribing Patterns in a Primary Health Care Setting. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 2021;53(4):70-75.
- Raja D. Hearing Loss: A Problem amenable for Treatment & Prevention. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2021; 10(3): 121-22.
- Danasekaran R. Immunization among Healthcare Workers in India: A Need or a Want. J Comp Health. 2021;9(1):50-51.
- Kumar BM, Raja TK, Liaquathali F, Maruthupandian J, Raja PV. A Study on Prevalence and Factors Associated with Depression among Elderly Residing in Tenements Under Resettlement Scheme, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu. J Midlife Health. 2021 Apr-Jun;12(2):137-143.
- Sengupta J, Das H, Chellaiyan VGD, Sasithra S, Britto J. Incidence of metabolic syndrome in patients with graves’ disease under control: A observational study. Int Medical J.2021; 28(8): 5429-5436
- Bharti, Kumar A, Singh A, Chellaiyan VGD, Singh N, Dixit S. Knowledge and attitude on biostatistics in medical curriculum among medical students. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:5954-6
- Chellaiyan VG, Sasithra Health Surveillance in India: Current and Future Prospects. J Clin Diag Res. 2021;15(11): IE01-IE04
- Britto J, Chellaiyan VG, Kandaswamy V. COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women: strategies for enhanced coverage.Ind J Comm Health.2021;
- Taneja N, Chellaiyan VG, Gupta S, Gupta R, Nirupama AY. Seasonal Variation and Time Trend Analysis of Dog Bite Cases Attending the Anti Rabies Clinic in Delhi using ARIMA Model Forecasting. J Clin Diag Res.2021;15(8): LC21-LC24
- Singh A, Singh N, Dixit S, Kaur S, Chellaiyan VG, Alfred J. Satisfaction with life among MBBS students and resident doctors of a tertiary hospital in South Delhi. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:5843-6
- B S, J D, D V. Role of social media on information shared about covid-19 pandemic: a perception of medical students. International Journal of Scien tific Research. 2021;:1-3.
- Chellaiyan VG, Kamble BD, Raja TK, et al. A study of determinants of obesity – is skipping breakfast meal a risk factor? J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(25):1883-1888,
- J M, Chellaiyan V. Prevalence and Pattern of Musculoskeletal Problem among Software Engineers in a Private Firm, Chennai- A Cross Sectional Study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2021;.
- Kandasamy. M, S. Suganthi, Attitude of general population towards transgender in urban Tamilnadu , Global Journal for Research Analysis. 2021;10(3):12-14.
- Y Vishnu Vardhan, Sowmiya KR, Rekha P. Participatory method of teaching bioethics in medical education: A Quasi- experimental study. AOCH 2021.
- Mohan Kumar BK, Thiruvalluvan GT, Arjunan MK. Effectiveness on knowledge about computer vision syndrome among medical coding trainee in medical coding training institute in urban Chennai, Tamil Nadu – A cross- sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care. 2021 Jan;10(1):228-231.
- Kumar AVV, Y Vishnu Vardhan. Breast self- examination and breast cancer awareness among women in a low socioeconomic area of Chennai, India. J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(21):1588-1592.
- Y Vishnu Vardhan, Rao SD, Kumar SPJ, Narendranath R. Patient satisfaction and waiting times in the primary health centres of South Chennai. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021; 8:1386-90.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Hanitha Rajasekar,Neha Taneja. Health Coverage Across the Globe: A Contemporary Scenario. IJPHRD (Inernet). 2020feb.29 [cited 2021aug.11];11(2):65-9
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna L Ali, Awareness and Practices Regarding Hospital Waste and Its Segregation Labelling and record Keeping at Different Level of Health care Delivery Systems in West Bengal ,India. International Journal of Scientific Research,2020;9(11):1-4
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan,.Telemedicine: A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare in the wake of COVID-2019 in India . Journal of clinical and diagnostic Research. 2020;Vol-14(12):LA01-LA03
- Kumar, Pulak & Sarkar, Tarun & Adhikary, Chellaiyan, Vinoth & Chowdhuri, Shubho .A study on Hygienic Practices and Nutritional status among Adolescent students attending Secondary School in Berhampore. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 2020;11(9);107-112.
- Sujata Gupta, Neha Taneja Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. Personality Traits as Predictor of Emotional Intelligence among Medical students. Journal of Education and health promotion.2020;15(7);884-887.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan A study on preference on Teaching methods and sickness absenteeism among undergraduate medical college. Journal of Education and health promotion.2020;10(15);8-12.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. Psychological Resilience of Covid-19 Frontline Warriors: Need of The Hour . Current Medical issues. 2020;14(11): 118-120.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. Social Stigma among Tuberculosis Patients Attending DOTS Centers in Delhi. Journal of family medicine and primary care. 2020,14(7);678-9.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan A study on knowledge and practice of Ergonomics among the Software Engineers in a private firm, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Journal of family medicine and primary care.2020;4(7):275-8.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Hanitha R, Pradan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana-Ayushman Bharat.Indian Journal of Community Health.2020;32. 337-340.
- Neha Taneja, Sujatha Gupta, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna Liaquathali, Mrinmoy Adhikary. New born care practices in urban resettlement colony of Delhi. Indian Journal of Public Health Research& development.2020;11(4):518-523
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna Liaquathali. Infant and Young feeding practices in India:Current situation. Journal of Family and Community Medicine. J Fam Community Med 2020;27:1-7.
- Sree T. Sucharitha, Aravind Manoharan, Velusamy Dhanuraja, Arunadevi Kasi, Suganya Ezhilarasan . Digital mental health apps for self-management of depression: a scoping exploration on awareness, attitude, and user experience among professional course students. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2020;7:3594-9.
- Y Vishnu Vardhan, Rao DS. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and its Components among the Urban Population of Saraswathi Nagar, Nellore. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2020 May 18;11(5):530-5.
- Y Vishnu Vardhan, Rao DS. Preference for male child among married adults in rural and urban field practice areas of Narayana Medical College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2020; 7:546-9.
- Jyothi R, Mathangi D, Chellaiyan V. Is Mallampati scoring and PPNC an easier and better predictor for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)? Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2020;23(20).
- Kumar MB, Raja TK, Jasmine M, Liaquathali F, Raja VP, Manju NV. Double burden of malnutrition among women residing in tenements in a resettlement area, Kancheepuram district. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020 Mar 26;9(3):1578-1582.
- Danasekaran R, Rajasekar VD. Disinfection of environment in health-care settings: In COVID era. Indian J Community Fam Med 2020; 6:175-6.
- Rajasekar VD, Danasekaran R. Psychological Impact among Healthcare workers during COVID-19 Pandemic. J Comprehensive Health 2020; 8(2): 69-70.
- Raja Danasekaran, Buvnesh kumar M, Raja TK, Nirupama AY, Sharath U. Perception Regarding Hazards of Plastics Usage and Effectiveness of Plastic Ban in Rural Tamil Nadu. Natl J Community Med 2020;11(6):254-257.
- S Suganthi, M S, S J. A clinico-epidemiological profile of diabetic and hypertensive patients in the suburbs of Chennai. MedPulse International Journal of Community Medicine. 2019;9(2):47-51.
- Azarudeen MJ, Kumar MB, Logaraj M, Ramraj B. A study on impact of training programme on knowledge of maternal health care among ASHA workers in a tribal population of Tamil Nadu. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6:1147-51.
- Suganthi S, Mallika SV. Adherence of patients towards drugs and injections prescribed in a private medical institution in Chennai. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6:1071-3.
- Jeeva S, RamananVA, Sowmiya KR, Balasubramaniam P, Vidya, Chandralekha. The Prognostic Factors for Locally Advancedcervical Cancer Patients Treated by Cisplatin Based Concurrent Chemoradiotherpy-A Retrospective Study.Asian J. Med.Res. 2019;8(1):MC05-MC09
- Raja TK, Buvneshkumar M, Raja D, Muthukumar T. Self care management in diabetes mellitus: a pitfall in treatment?. Int J Sci Rep 2019;5(6):159.
- Murali R, Ravi varman G, Vinoth Gnana Chelliaiyan. Classification of elderly population based on quality -of- life scores. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research.2019;46(5):81-84
- Chellaiyan VG, Rizwan SA. Health Research Methodology Workshop: Evaluation with Kirkpatrick Model. National Medical Journal of India .2019;32:100-102.
- Munish N, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Ravi Varman G. Pattern & factors influencing the occurrence of road traffic injuries- A hospital based cross-sectional study. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 2019;46(5):88-90.
- Chellaiyan V G,Nirupama AY,Taneja N .Telemedicine: New technology and new promises. Indian Community Health.2019;31(5):344-346.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Ravi Varman G. An approach the amount of road traffic injuries by pattern. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 2019;46(5):97-99.
- Murali R, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. Morbidity pattern of elderly population based on self-reported complaints in a rural area of Tamil Nadu. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 2019;31(4):344-346
- Sujata Gupta, Neha Taneja, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna Liaqathali. Health status among late adolescent age group girls in a urban slum of Delhi. Indian Comm Health.2019;31(2):185-192.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Ravivarman G. A study on road traffic injuries influenced by vehicular risk factors. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research. 2019;46(5):91-93.
- Maruthappapandian j, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Ali FL, Avinash D. Healthy workplace with ergonomics among software engineers-a review. Int J Community Med PublicHealth 2019; 6:4605-10.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Nirupama AY, Taneja N. Telemedicine in India: Where do we stand. J Family Med Prim Care 2019; 8:1872-6.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Ravivarman G. Frequencies measure on road traffic injuries by an environmental risk factor. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research.2019;46(5):94-96
- Aravind Manoharan, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Jasmine M., Fasna Liaquathali. Impact of educational intervention on the tuberculosis knowledge among the medical students, Chennai. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019; 6:5317-20.
- Aravind Manoharan, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, M. Madhusudan. Effect of educational intervention on the knowledge of rabies among medical school students of Chennai. J Edu Health Promot 2019; 8:208.
- Aravind Manoharan, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, M. Madhusudan. Effect of educational intervention on the knowledge of rabies among medical school students of Chennai. J Edu Health Promot 2019; 8:208.
- Danasekaran R, Raja TK, Buvnesh Kumar M mHealth: A Newer Perspective in Healthcare through Mobile Technology. J Comprehensive Health 2019; 7(2):67-68.
- Danasekaran R, Govindasamy R. Better psychosocial work environment: For well-being of the worker and the organization. Indian J Occup Environ Med 2019; 23:57-8.
- Danasekaran R, Ranganathan K. Prevalence of overweight and obesity among rural adolescent school students in Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6: 173-6.
- Suruliraman. S.M, Suganthi S. Vitamin d status among critical children below five years in a tertiary care hospital. Medpulse International Journal of Community Medicine.2019;9(3):52-55
- Suganthi S., Pragadeesh Raja V. Poisoning and its pattern among patients in tertiary care center in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. Journal of education and health promotion .2019
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R. Study of morbidity profile and quality of life among elderly population .Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Munish N., Chellaiyan V.G., Ravivarman G. The occurance of road traffic injuries influenced by human risk factors .journal of international pharmaceutical Research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R., Ravivarman G. A Novel approach on disease morbidity in a rural area. Journal International pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R., Classification of substance abuse in elderly population .Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Mohan P.,Murali R., Ravivarman G. Case study on diabetis mellitus morbidity pattern of elderly population . Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali. R.,Morbidity pattern of elderly population based on osteoarthritis . .Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R.Distribution of socio demographic variables Among study participants for the morbidity pattern . Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R.Case study on diabetes mellitus morbidity pattern of elderly population . Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R.Chellaiyan V.G. Morbidity pattern of elderly population based on self reported complaints in rural area in tamil nadu. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Munish N., Chellaiyan V.G., Ravivarman G. Frequencies measure on road traffic injuries by an environmental risk factor . Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R., Ravivarman G . Study of morbidity pattern in rural area. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R., Ravivarman G .Chellaiyan V.G. Classification of elderly population based on quality of life scores ., Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Namasivaya Navin R.B. Rajasekaran S. A study of Audiological profile in hypothyroid patients. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Mohan P.A., Murali R. An approach on elderly population quality life based on sources of income. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R., Ravivarman G. Classification of elderly population based on hypertension. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Munish N.,Chellaiyan V.G.,Ravivarman. A study on road traffic injuries influenced by vehicular risk factors. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Munish N.,Chellaiyan V.G.,Ravivarman. An approach of measuring the amount of road traffic injuries by pattern. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Munish N.,Chellaiyan V.G.,Ravivarman.Pattern and factors influencing the occurrence of road traffic injuries – A Hospital based cross-sectional study. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Sudharsan B, Ravivarman G. Measuring quality of life among elderly: Association of several metrics. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Surya B, Ravivarman G. A community based cross-sectional study in the prevalence of reproductive tract infections among rural women in Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Uppili Venkat Ragavan M, Murali R. Prevalence and risk factors of osteoarthritis of knee joint among adult population in rural area of Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Surya B, Ravivarman G. A study of infections among rural women: Association of socio demographic factors with dyspareunia and abdominal pain, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Uppili Venkat Ragavan M, Murali R. Measurement of prevalence of osteoarthritis of knee joint in urban, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Srinivas K.S.N, Murali R. A hospital based cross sectional study: Distribution of study of ladies according to usage of family planning methods and previous history of hypertension, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Christopher C, Murali R. To estimate the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among adolescents in Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Shivasakthimani R, Ravivarman G. A hospital based cross sectional study: Distribution of compliance for completion of ARV 4 dose among study participants. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Mallika S.V, Murali R. An evaluation of epidemiological factors relating to overweight, obesity in urban Chennai. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Srinivas K.S.N, Murali R. A hospital based cross sectional study: Influence of demographic factors for pregnant women in Chennai. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Srinivas K.S.N, Murali R. Risk factors associated with PIH: Adjusted odds ratios by multiple logistic regression analysis. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Lingeswaran W, Murali R. A study on risk factors of anaemia among pregnant women. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Lingeswaran W, Murali R. An approach of nutritional deficiency disorder among pregnant women. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Mallika S.V., Murali R. Impact of external and internal factors of overweight and obesity in urban. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Srinivas K.S.N, Murali R. A hospital based cross sectional study: Clinico-epidemiological factors for pregnancy induced hypertension among antenatal mothers. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Mallika S.V., Murali R. A study on the pattern of body image perception among adolescents in urban Chennai. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Loganathan S, Murali R. the determinants of selfcare practices by using DSME to facilitate the patients in Kancheepuram district. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Sudharsan B, Ravivarman G. Prevalence of urinary incontinence and its impacts on quality of life among elderly in Kanchipuram district. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Shivasakthimani R, Ravivarman G. A study on anti-rabies vaccine among dog bite victims in Chennai region. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Mohan P.A, Murali R. An efficient approach of the morbidity pattern of elderly population based on BMI. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Chellaiyan V.G., Suliankatchi R.A. Health research methodology workshop:Evaluation with the krikpatrick model. National medical journal of india.2019.
- Buvneshkumar M, John KR, Logaraj M. A study on prevalence of depression and associated risk factors among elderly in a rural block of Tamil Nadu. Indian J Public Health. 2018 Apr-Jun;62(2):89-94.
- Tarun Kumar Sarkar, Pulak Kumar Jana, Jasmine M, Timiresh Kumar Das, Mrinmoy Adhikary, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Harsh Aggarwal, Neha Taneja. A cross sectional study on adequacy of blood transfusion and transfusion related infections in thalassemic patients attending a medical college hospital, West Bengal Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Aug;5(8):3596-359
- Chellaiyan VG, Raut DK, Khokhar A. Integrated counseling and HIV testing centers of Delhi: An evaluation. J Family Med Prim Care. 2018;7(4):791-795.
- Chellaiyan VG, Adhikary M, Das TK, Taneja N, Daral S. Factors influencing gender preference for child among married women attending ante-natal clinic in a tertiary care hospital in Delhi: a cross sectional study. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:1666-70.
- Chellaiyan V, Fasna L, Mallika S. Food safety awareness and food handling practices among rural population of Tamil Nadu. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 2018;5(4):1441.
- Chellaiyan V, Adhikary M, Das T, Taneja N, Daral S. A study on compliance of antenatal care among the mothers attending immunisation clinic of Murshidabad Medical College and Hospital, West Bengal. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 2018;5(4):1666.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Christina S. C. Christopher, Shailaja Daral. Availing entitlements under Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram in Tamil Nadu: a reality. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Mar;5(3):1127-1132
- Vimal Kishor Bhagat, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Gokul Kumar, Archana Bhatnagar, Mrinmoy Adhikary. Anti retroviral therapy adherence and its determinants among patients attending ART centre, Bhopal. International Journal of community medicine and public health.
- Madhusudan M, Aravind M, ArunGopi, Ajanya V, Vinaya Pradeep, Fabeena Mangaladan et al. Prevalence and factors associated with depression among the students ofmedical college in Kerala. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. 2018 Dec;9(12):59-64.
- Shivasakthimani R, Vinoth GCD, Ravivarman G, Murali R. Compliance of antirabies vaccine among dog bite victims in an urban slum of Chennai:a cross sectional study. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:1487-91
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna liaquath ali, Jasmine maruthappapandia. Association between Sedentary Behaviour and Depression, Stress and Anxiety among Medical School Students in Chennai, India. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2018, Nov, Vol-12(11): LC06-LC096 6
- Rajeshkannan S, Parthiban P, Murali Mohan Reddy G. Alcohol consumption among immigrant construction workers and its correlates, a need for action. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:3903-8.
- Muthukumar T, Singh Z, Vishnu Prasad R, Samuel AK, Raja TK. An epidemiological study of road traffic accidents among patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018; 5:3362-7.
- Rajeshkannan S, Parthiban P. Prevalence and perceptions about tobacco use among migrant construction workers: A community-based cross-sectional survey. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2018;7(11):928-933.
- Mechenro, J., Venugopal, G., Buvnesh Kumar, M. et al. Vitamin D status in Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, India. BMC Public Health 18, 1345 (2018).
- Karnaboopathy R, Venkatesan D, Manikandan M, Muthukumar T, Raja D, and Jegadeesh Ramasamy D. Forecasting Dengue Incidence in Tamil Nadu, India: An Time series Analysis.J Comprehensive Health.2018; 6(2):62-66.
- Kr, Sowmiya. (2018). Food Handling In Plastic Containers: Knowledge Attitude And Practices Among Doctors.
- Kr, Sowmiya. (2018). Awareness On Health Effects Of RO Water Usage Amongst Medical Students.10.26727/NJRCM.2018.7.3ii.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Deepak K Raut, Anita Khokhar. Integrated Counselling and HIV Testing Centres (ICTC) of Delhi: An Evaluation. J Family Med Prim Care. 2018 Jul-Aug; 7(4): 791-795
- Kumar, T. M & Raja, T. K. (2018). The unwanted second line: Unmet needs of contraception. Journal of Comprehensive Health, 6(1), 54.
- Raja TK, Muthukumar T, Anisha MP. A cross sectional study on prevalence of hypertension and its associated risk factors among rural adults in Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018; 5:249-53
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Aravind Manoharan, Murali Ramachandran. Knowledge and awareness towards dengue infection and its prevention: a cross sectional study from rural area of Tamil Nadu, India. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Feb;4(2):494-499.
- Muthukumar T, Raja TK. Black dog: the future pandemic?IntJ Sci Rep2017;3(12):326.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna Liaquath Ali, Murali Ramachandran. Physical Activity in Building Stronger Community Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Dec,Vol-11(12).875-879.
- Neha Taneja, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Shailaja Daral, Mrinmoy Adhikary, Timiresh Kumar Das. Home based Care as an Approach to Improve the Efficiency of treatment for MDR TB: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic research. 2017 Aug, Vol-11(8)
- Murugavel J, Chellaiyan VG, Krishnamoorthy D. Attitude toward learning of community medicine: A cross-sectional study among medical school students. J Family Med Prim Care 2017; 6:83-7
- Sarkar T, Adhikary M, Vinoth Chellaiyan, Jana P, Rai A, Biswas I. An observational study on career aspiration among students of a medical college in Kolkata. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2017;6(4):1.
- Jana PK, Sarkar TK, Chellaiyan DVG, Adhikary M, Jha SN. Rabies menace and control – Knowledge, awareness, and practices among patients in a tertiary care hospital in West Bengal. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2017;6:
- Sailatha R, Famida AM, Chellaiyan VGD, Vijayalakshmi K, Sathiya S, Renuka S. Mifepristone: an alternate to dinoprostone in induction of labour. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017; 6:1880-4
- Adhikary M, Chellaiyan VG, Chowdhury R, Daral S, Taneja N, Das TK. Association of risk factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus and fasting blood glucose levels among residents of rural area of Delhi: a cross sectional study. Int J Community Med Public Health 2017; 4:1005-10.
- Ravish H. S, Aravind M, Ashwath Narayana D. H, Yannick P, Phaneendra M. S. Safety of intradermal rabies vaccine as pre-exposure prophylaxis among veterinary students. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2017;4(2):396.
- Prasad S.,Masood J.,Srivastava A.K.,Mishra .Elevated blood pressure and its associated risk factors among adolescents of north india city A-cross-sectional study .Indian journal of community medicine .2017.
- T K Raja, Anisha Mohan P, Upilli Venkat Ragavan M, G Murali Mohan Reddy, R Murali Consumption in rural health center of tertiary care teaching hospital, Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. Internatinal MedicalJournal January 2016; 3(1): 69-72
- Parthiban P, RajeshKannan S, Murali R, (2016), A study on knowledge and perception of primary wound care of dog bite in the rural community – Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu, International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology, 18(1):149-151.
- Mittal A, Vedapriya DR, Thirumal P, Murali S. A cross-sectional study to determine knowledge, attitude and practice of sanitation in rural areas of Tamil Nadu, India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2016; 3:1910-4.
- Reddy M, Panakkal A, S. L, Venkatappaiah J. Perception of current medical practitioners about undergraduate community medicine training, implications for future undergraduate curriculum: a cross sectional study. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2016;4(1):160.
- Suruliraman S M, Anjan S, Kulkarni A G, Suma K. Health status of plantation workers: A cross sectional study April 2016; 3(4): 365-369.
- Reddy G.M.M.,Nisha B.,Prabhushankar T.,Vishwambhar V. Musculoskeletal morbidity among construction workers: A cross sectional community -based study Indian journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2016
- Swarnapriya K., Kavitha D.,Mohan Reddy G.M. Knowledge,attitude and practices regarding HPV vaccination among medical and para medical students,India a cross sectional study Asian pacific journal of cancer prevention 2016
- Murali.R, Anisha Mohan. P How to read a Clinical Journal – An insight. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal. 2015;4(4).
- Suruliraman SM, Suma K, Anjan S. Assessment of quality of life among plantation workers using WHOQOL December 2015; 2(12): 829-831.
Awards by the Faculty | |||
1 | Dr. Raja. D | 37th Dr. S Radha krishnan memorial national teacher award | 2021 |
2 | Dr. Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. D | Best researcher award | 2021 |
3 | Dr. Raja. D | 36th Dr. S Radha krishnan memorial national teacher award | 2020 |
4 | Dr. Sowmiya. K. R | Certificate of Excellence- 1st prize in e-Poster – Participatory methods of teaching Bioethics in medical education: A Quasi expirimental study – BIOETHICON 2019 | 2019 |
5 | Dr. Vedhapriya. D. R | Certificate of appreciation for Co-chairing: Survailance of vaccine preventable disease | 2019 |
6 | Dr. Aravind. M | Innovative outreach activity | 2019 |
7 | Dr. Buvnesh Kumar | NODAL PERSON – Indian Association Of Preventive & Social Medicine | 2019 |
8 | Dr. Buvnesh Kumar. M | RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT – Health emergencies programme | 2019 |
9 | Dr. Buvnesh Kumar | NODAL PERSON – IAPSM | 2019 |
World health day 2019 | |||
10 | Dr. Raja. T. K | Innovative outreach activity | 2018 |
11 | Dr. Suruliraman. M | Best Community care provider – Lions club International | 2018 |
12 | Dr. Murali | Organizing chair person – Indian Association Of Preventive & Social Medicine | 2017 |
13 | Dr. Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. D | NODAL PERSON – IAPSM | 2017 |
World health day 2017 | |||
14 | Dr. Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. D | NODAL PERSON – Indian Association Of Preventive & Social Medicine | 2017 |
15 | Dr. Murali | Eminent medical personality award | 2016 |
16 | Dr. Loganathan | Appreciation award-World alliance for breast feeding action | 2016 |
17 | Dr. Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. D | NODAL PERSON – IAPSM | 2016 |
World health day 2017 | |||
18 | Dr. Ravivarman | Innovative outreach activity | 2015 |
Awards by the Students | ||||
S.NO | Name of the student | Date of participation | Name of the workshop/conference/cme | Award received |
1 | Dr. Mallika sadhu | 21.04.217 | MeDe vision 2017 | Consolation prize for paper presentation |
2 | Dr. Kaveri | 26.09.2017 | GSICON 2017 | 3rd prize for paper presentation |
3 | Dr. Sarath. U | 2019 | World health day CME by Tagore medical college | 1st prize in e-poster presentation |
4 | Dr. Sarath. U | 2020 | CHET PATHCON | 2nd prize in oral presentation |
5 | Dr. Hanitha | 26.07.2019 to 27.07.2019 | AHDR | 1st prize in e-poster presentation |
6 | Dr. Hanitha | 25.02.2021 to 26.02.2021 | Anemia summit by Chettinad hospital and research institute | 1st prize in oral presentation |
7 | Dr. Divyaparvathy. J | 06.07.2021 | World zoonoses day by Tagore medical college | 1st prize in e-poster presentation |
9 | Dr. Manjula. | 01.08.2021 to 15.08.2021 | COVID 19 awareness week | 1st prize in e-poster presentation |
8 | Dr. Aarthy. A | 23.09.2021 to 26.09.2021 | IPHACON 2021 | Best oral presentation |

A case of Ichthyosis vulgaris, diagnosed in RHTC Poonjeri and referred to Department of Deratology, CHRI for further evaluation and management.

CLICK HERE: Best Practices
CLICK HERE: Highlights of the Department
Department of Community Medicine |
The Department of Community Medicine at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute has gradually grown in its academic strength and activities, since its inception in 2005. In addition to providing undergraduate and postgraduate training, the department actively participates in community health programs such as immunization drives, geriatric care, screening for non-communicable diseases, family planning services, maternal and child care and health education at both rural and urban areas. Special clinics and Mobile health camps are also provided in the rural areas where healthcare is inaccessible. The department works hand in hand with government organizations in the implementation of national programs.
The Department observes notable health days and health events such as World Geriatric Day, World Health Day, World Breast Feeding week, Global hand washing day, World Diabetic day. Many community-based programs are organized, with the active participation of the students.
Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List

The faculty team of community medicine consists of qualified, eminent and well experienced physicians who are continuously involved in various academic activities, community health care delivery and research projects.
The department actively conducts immunization drives, geriatric care, screening for non-communicable diseases, family planning services, maternal and child care and health education at both rural and urban areas. Special clinics for under 5 Children, geriatric population, antenatal mothers, Tuberculosis Patients, and NCD patients. Mobile health camps are also provided in the rural areas where healthcare is inaccessible. Our department also works hand in hand with other organizations such as Chennai corporation and the Infectious Disease Hospital located in Tondairpet where our CRRIs, and Postgraduate receive training.
Our department also takes pride in celebrating notable health days involving all students and from other departments as well. Every year health events such as World Geriatric Day, World Health Day, World Breast Feeding week, Global hand washing day, World Diabetic day etc are being celebrated involving students and community. Periodically, our Department also conducts workshops on basics in research methodology to students and postgraduates of other departments.
The medical undergraduate (MBBS) students are trained in the field of public health with interactive lecture classes and visits to the rural and urban health centers where they actively participate in family survey, field visits and special visits to PHCs, sub-centers and ICDS centers.
CRRIs are posted in the rural and urban health centers where they are trained the aspects of public healthand learn to identify the various factors related to health status like socioeconomic status, cultural and environmental factors. They are also involved in various outreach activities like family surveys, medical camps, health education programs, etc.
Postgraduates (MD Community medicine) are continuously engaged in various academic activities (seminars, journal clubs, case presentations, pedagogies and group discussions), community healthcare delivery and research projects.The department also works hand-in-hand with other organizations like the Chennai corporation and the Infectious Disease Hospital, Tondairpet, where CRRIs and postgraduates receive additional training. Apart from this, they are also trained in teaching skills as well as research especially hands on experience on field research.
Periodically, thedepartment also conducts workshops on basics in research methodology to students and postgraduates of other departments
The department also handles other academic programs such as BSc AHS, MSc AHS, MSc Human nutrition and MSc Occupational health and industrial safety.
Faculty and postgraduates are actively involved in research activities in the hospital as well as in the community (both urban and rural) with an average of 10-15 on-going projects monthly. The department also has a high research output with an average of 15-20 publications per year in PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO and Web of Science indexed journals.
Community based research such as field research, outbreak investigations, occupational based researches and assessment surveys are carried out at the peripheral health center and at the community. Studies focused on specific groups- children, adolescent and geriatrics are being carried out at field level.
CMEs, Guest lectures and workshops are organized by the department from time to time. Basic Research methodology workshop is being conducted every academic year for all first year PGs of CHRI since 2015. Awareness programs and workshops are organized as a part of commemoration of various health days in both RHTC and UHTC as well as in the hospital.
Thrust areas for research include Non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, vector-borne diseases, MCH, Immunization, Mental health, Occupational health, Geriatric health, National health programs evaluation, Health planning and management, Outbreak investigation, Bioethics.
Milk purity analysis, milk fat analysis and TDS analysis is being done in the department laboratory. All basic laboratory investigations are being done at the RHTC along with spirometry, X-ray and slit lamp examination. Specialized equipment available in department include Ph analyzer, automatic milk analyzer, Nephlometer, Calorimeter, Muffle with furnace, BOD incubator, Electric sterilizer, Autoclave, Hydrometer, Fortin Barometer, Berkefed filter, Fat extraction apparatus
Community organizing involves the process of building a grassroots movement involving communities. The community engagement primarily deals with the practice of moving communities toward change, from either a stalled or similarly suspended position.It enables the health care services to be delivered in an equitable, acceptable and better organized manner bringing more people into the umbrella of better health care. It helps in building social capital-ties, network and support which can be used in providing and sustaining the health care services.
The Chettinad Urban Health Centre located in Karapakkam and Rural Health Training centre located in Poonjeri within 25kms from Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute cover a population of 1,63,111 & 39,545 residents respectively. General health camps are being conducted regularly to provide medical relief and referral services to all these residents along with the available specialist doctors, a medical officer and a dentist accompanies to the camp site and the CRRIs, Post graduates, and the Medico-social worker of Community medicine department attend the camp to oversee the activity. During the medical camp all the patients given free consult with our institution Doctors and free treatment. Important Health days are celebrated in our centres by imparting Health education through posters and AV aids to the community members. Health education was given main priority in celebrating the health days, and during certain health days, nearby high-risk targeted areas have been identified, and the campaigns are conducted to the targeted people in preventing the diseases. For Control and prevention of diseases, training of community members in various skills like handwashing, breast self-examination etc were demonstrated and conducted in field practice areas.
School health camps are conducted on Thursdays and they aid in assessing the health status of school children by screening them for diseases. Base line treatment for all students is also provided. School washrooms and toilets are inspected for proper hygiene. Proper waste disposal awareness given in all the schools. By collecting and analysing the data from schools, Health education sessions are organised in those schools, on the topics of personal hygiene and risk factors for diseases. School health camps are conducted mainly in the perspective of reducing the burden of many preventable diseases.
The undergraduate and postgraduate students are sensitizedto this outreach activity which exposes them to the cultural beliefs and practices of the community. By participating in community engagement, the students develop an awareness about their responsibilities toward the community that they are so closely a part of. This helps enhance their communication skills, organizing, handling and making use of the resources at hand and it is an important tool in capacity building. They become sensitive to the needs to needs of the community and learn to do their part in helping their community.
Department of Community Medicine trains undergraduate and postgraduate medical students in Rural Health Training Centre of Chettinad Hospital& Research Institute (CHRI). Rural health training center is located at a distance of 25 km from CHRI. It caters to 12 villages with population of 39545 and 9769 households. The center is equipped with infrastructure facilities including minor operation theatre, laboratory services, imaging services and pharmacy round the clock. Necessary health manpower such as specialists, medical officers, intern and paramedical staff are available at the center.
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a. Teaching and training
Poonjeri is a training center for undergraduates- MBBS, Nursing, dental students and post graduates. Undergraduates are taught via field activities- ICDS visit, primary health center and sub center visit. Implementation of national health program services such as immunization and cold chain management, Anganwadi center and maternal child health services. The students are trained at specified duration in various semesters of their undergraduate period as per curriculum. Postgraduates are trained for planning and execution of research studies, operational research, outbreak investigations and community need assessment.
Family health survey is being carried out by undergraduate and postgraduate students in our field practice area covering 12 villages. Door to door visit is carried out to assess health status of family members, socioeconomic status assessment, dietary assessment and referral for those who require. Disease burden assessment and subsequent resource allocation is one of the outcomes of family health survey. Interns are trained in field activities- health promotion and assessment of nutritional deficiencies, surveillance of diseases including dengue.
b. Health care delivery and Screening of diseases
Outpatient and inpatient services are provided by specialists in the field of obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics, pulmonology, dermatology, psychiatry, ENT and ophthalmology. Day care surgeries, deliveries, ambulance services, referral services and review of patients are also being done regularly. DOTS therapy for tuberculosis patients, immunization services as per national immunization schedule and anti-rabies vaccine clinic are other features of our center. Screeningfor diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, malnutrition, anemia and assessment of disease morbidity of elderly and adolescentare carried out at the health center School health services are provided in collaboration Department of School Education, Government of Tamilnadu through which more than ten schools under the district.
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X-Ray and speciality clinics | |
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Emergency | |
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School health camps | |
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Mobile medical camp | |
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The Chettinad Urban Health Training Centre, a venture established in the year 2005 as a part of Comprehensive Health care to the community, is located at Karapakkam, 15 kms away from the parent medical college, CHRI.
It was a two-floor building with high-end infrastructure, located in the prime city area, surrounded by various IT companies, Educational Institutions and Residential population. The Centre covers a total of five field practice areas of Thoraipakkam, Shollinganallur, Injambakkam, Semmenchery and Karapakkam. It covers a population of 1,61,311 over a 10 km radius. Through the UHTC, general medical as well as specialist care is provided to the public.
The centerorganizes various Health Camps, to encourage the health seeking behavior of the community. Our Out-of-the-Box and innovative Health Education sessions help the people to understand and increase their awareness onhealth-related knowledge. In School health, weekly our doctors visit schools to screen the children and treat or refer them. Health education in terms of Hygiene, awareness on the transmission and prevention of various diseases is given to them.
Aside from the community health, the undergraduate medical students are exposed to the various health issues of the communities, social determinants of health, treatment seeking behaviors, etc. During internship, the UHTC offers the interns opportunities to hone their clinical and other skills. The center also plays an important role in the shaping up of postgraduate students, especially of the Community Medicine Department. They also serve as platforms for implementing the various national health programs, thus contributing to the national health goals.
In addition, the UHTC opens the door for a wide range of community-based research, contributing to public health policy and programs. Collaborative multidisciplinary research has always been our main focus area, as we tread through uncharted territories of the medical research, by joining hands with several NGOs and other institutions.
Our curative services include that of General OPD, Specialty consultation, Laboratory,
Day Care and Referral Services. Our Preventive Services comprises of Field visits, Health education sessions, Health day celebrations and collaboration with the Chennai Corporation.
We also conduct Training for the Health workers, students in various aspects of preventive and social medicine, and also in Research.
Envisioning the future of our establishment in terms of services offered:
- Extending school health services to private schools
- Providing health services to migrant population in and around OMR.
- Tie up with two more existing NGOs to provide better health care to the community.
- Incorporating Swachh Bharath Abhiyan.
- Health education campaign on Lifestyle and BCC to all the colleges in OMR.
- To conduct more research activities in the untapped populations of coastal area.
UHTC, Karapakkam. |
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Handwashing Training Exercise, School health program, Sholinganallur. |
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An Awareness Campaign through a Skit on Vector-Borne Diseases, Semmenchery. |
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A multi-specialty health camp conducted at our Centre, Karapakkam. |
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Ongoing Projects in the Department – 2019 to 2022
- Assessment of service delivery by frontline health worker: A time motion study
- Prevalence of Latent Tuberculosis infection among stone artists with silicosis in Mahabalipuram of Tamil Nadu
- Perception of educational environment and its impact on academic performance of medical school students: A cross sectional study
- Digital technology in control and management of diabetes mellitus: TECARE trial
- Vaccine hesitancy and COVID-19 appropriate behaviour: A mixed methods study in a rural area of Tamil Nadu.
- Factors influencing the outcome of COVID-19 patients admitted in Intensive Care Unit
- Metabolic syndrome risk prediction in the school going children. A Systematic Review.
- Impact of food safety training on the food handling practices of major foodservice establishments in Chennai during SARS-CoV2 second phase.
- Impact of SMS measures during Covid-19 pandemic in the diagnosis and control of Tuberculosis.
- Identifying the gaps in usage of Nikshay app by the health functionaries under NTEP.
- Prevalence and pattern of superficial fungal infection in a tertiary care hospital, in Kelambakkam
- Impact of COVID 19 pandemic on quality of life among general population of rural area of Chengalpattu district, Tamilnadu
- HPV Vaccination Coverage and its Barriers in Females without sexual debut – A Cross Sectional study among the Urban population of Chengalpattu District
- Role of male partner in MCH care in rural and urban area of Chengalpattu District- A Comparative Study
- Prevalence of disability and its association with sociodemographic factors among elderly in a rural setting of Chengalpattu – A cross sectional study
- Continuum of care for maternal, newborn and Child health in mothers of rural area, Chengalpattu district: A Community based cross sectional study
- Quality of Life of SARS-CoV-2 Infected (COVID-19) patients with Pre-existing comorbidities, discharged after recovery from a speciality Hospital in Chengalpattu District: A Cross-Sectional Study.
- A descriptive study on prevalence of antenatal depression among pregnant women in a primary care setting of Chengalpattu district
- Cross sectional study on out-of-pocket expenditure and preference of centre for immunization among under five children in rural area of Chengalpattu district, Tamil Nadu
- Participatory Surveillance, Cluster investigations, Enhanced surveillance PACE Model for surveillance of COVID-19 in Schools.
- Prevalence of Silico-Tuberculosis Among Stone Sculptors of Mahabalipuram of Tamil Nadu.
- Understanding COVID-19 pandemic through data and forecasting the future pandemic waves in India
- Effect of Vitamin D supplementation on glycaemic control among Type 2 Diabetic patients attending a tertiary care hospital: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Evaluation of Pedagogic skills among Postgraduate medical students using Component skills approach
- Quality of life, Functional activity limitation and perceived stigma among people with leprosy-related disability in Chengalpattu district: A Cross sectional study.
- Self-medication and polypharmacy practices among elderly population in rural areas of Chengalpattu district: A Cross sectional study
- Challenges in handling biomedical waste in a tertiary care hospital in Chengalpattu district: A mixed method study
- Taskforce study for evaluation of community-level acceptability,scalability and linkage within the health system of ICMR pre-validated Labike/technologies for screening and diagnosis in rural & urban population-An Implementation research
- Identifying gaps and formulating strategies to strengthen the digital technologies that support tuberculosis services under NTEP
CLICK HERE: Extramural Funded Projects
CLICK HERE: Intramural Funded Projects
List of Publications (2015-2022)
- Sucharitha ST, Aravind M, Pradeep R, Balaji SM, Krishnan HM, Subramanian J. Tobacco Harm Reduction Approach in clinical practice, A qualitative study among multi-speciality healthcare professionals in in an Indian metropolitan city. Natl J Community medicine 2022; 13(3):151-157.
- Sengupta J, Das H, Chellaiyan VGD, Sasithra S, Britto J. An observational study of incidence of metabolic syndrome among patients with controlled Grave’s disease. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 15 (2022) 101010
- Singh A, Mishra CM, Chellaiyan VG, Verma JK, Sasithra, Singh N. Prevalence of Depression among Geriatric Population in Old Age Homes of South Delhi. Natl J Community Med 2022;13(3):186-189
- Raja Danasekaran. Controlling antimicrobial resistance: A daunting task ahead. J Community Health Manag 2022;9(1):1-2.
- Raja D, Sasithra S. COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and its Determinants among Adult Population of Chengalpattu District: A Mixed-method Study. Special Issue – COVID-19 & Other Communicable Disease. 2022;68-74.
- Raja TK, Kumar MB, Sasithra S, Divyaparvathy J. COVID-19 and Adolescents of Chengalpattu District: A Cross-sectional Study. Special Issue – COVID-19 & Other Communicable Disease. 2022;56-61.
- Raja TK, Kumar MB, Divyaparvathy J, Sasithra S. Cross-sectional Study on Omicron- Knowledge and Practice among COVID Recovered Adults in Chengalpattu District.Journal of Communicable disease. 2022; Vol 54; Pg 54-59.
- Chellaiyan VG, Jennifer britto J, Alfred J. Impact of Digital Health Education among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Natl J Community Med 2022;13(3):171-174.
- Mechenro J, Kumar B M, John K, Balakrishnan D. Nutritional anemia in a rural community in Tamil Nadu. Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy Practice. 2022;2(1):15.
- Jasmine M, Suganthi S, Chellaiyan VG. Vaccine Hesitancy: An Old Phenomenon Still Alive in the COVID Vaccine Era. Special Issue – COVID-19 & Other Communicable Disease. 2022;215-221.
- Chellaiyan VG, Alfred J, Jasmine M, Nigilesh Sundar M. COVID-19 Vaccination for Children: Acceptance by the Mothers of Children Aged 2-12 Years in Tamil Nadu. Special Issue – COVID-19 & Other Communicable Disease. 2022;62-67.
- Nirupama AY, John JB, Chellaiyan DV. Polycysticovary syndrome: Current perspectives and recent advances. Curr MedIssues 2022;20:89-94
- John JB, Kandasamy V, Shankar P, Devanbu VGC. A case of short, medium and very-long-chain fatty acid oxidation disorder in a term infant. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2022;9:627-9.
- Aravind Manoharan, Madhusudan M, Nirupama AY, Nithya K. Knowledge and attitude of medical students towards bioethics- A cross sectional study from a medical college in northern Tamil Nadu. Indian J Comm Health. 2021;33(3):534-538
- Sree T. Sucharitha, Balaji Sivaram Mahendran, Chakrapani Chatla, Aravind Manoharan, Pradeep R. Coping Methods among Medicos during COVID-19 Pandemic in India -A Cross-Sectional Study among Medical Undergraduates in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Chennai. 2021;8(19):1341- 1346
- Sree T. Sucharitha, Aravind Manoharan, Suganya E, Balaji SM. Competencies of Indian Medical Graduates in Delivering Effective Tuberculosis Care: A Mixed Methodology Approach. Ann Community Health 2021;9(3):12-16
- Sree T. Sucharitha, Arunadevi K, Suganya E, Aravind Manoharan, V Dhanuraja. Perception, Readiness and Preferred Training Methods on Bioethics as EmergingMedical Professionals-An Explorative study from Tamil Nadu. National Journal of Research in Community Medicine.2021;10(2):45-50.
- Mohan Kumar BK, Thiruvalluvan GT, Arjunan MK. Effectiveness on knowledge about computer vision syndrome among medical coding trainee in medical coding training institute in urban Chennai, Tamil Nadu- A cross sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care 2021; 10:228-31.
- Nirupama A Y Chellaiyan, D V., Ravi Varman.G. Are rotational night shifts taking its toll on health -care professionals? A pilot study. Curr Med Issues 2021;19:19-23
- Chellaiyan, Vinoth. Role of social media on information shared about covid -2019 pandemic: a perception of medical students.2021,7(13);8-12.
- Lokesh Kumar SS, Raja D, Sharath U. Organ Donation-Awareness, Perspective and Practices among Adults-A Cross Sectional Study in Rural Tamil Nadu. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2021; 33(55B): 29-34.
- Raja D, Sasithra S. Assessment of the Antibiotics and Other Drug Prescribing Patterns in a Primary Health Care Setting. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 2021;53(4):70-75.
- Raja D. Hearing Loss: A Problem amenable for Treatment & Prevention. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2021; 10(3): 121-22.
- Danasekaran R. Immunization among Healthcare Workers in India: A Need or a Want. J Comp Health. 2021;9(1):50-51.
- Kumar BM, Raja TK, Liaquathali F, Maruthupandian J, Raja PV. A Study on Prevalence and Factors Associated with Depression among Elderly Residing in Tenements Under Resettlement Scheme, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu. J Midlife Health. 2021 Apr-Jun;12(2):137-143.
- Sengupta J, Das H, Chellaiyan VGD, Sasithra S, Britto J. Incidence of metabolic syndrome in patients with graves’ disease under control: A observational study. Int Medical J.2021; 28(8): 5429-5436
- Bharti, Kumar A, Singh A, Chellaiyan VGD, Singh N, Dixit S. Knowledge and attitude on biostatistics in medical curriculum among medical students. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:5954-6
- Chellaiyan VG, Sasithra Health Surveillance in India: Current and Future Prospects. J Clin Diag Res. 2021;15(11): IE01-IE04
- Britto J, Chellaiyan VG, Kandaswamy V. COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women: strategies for enhanced coverage.Ind J Comm Health.2021;
- Taneja N, Chellaiyan VG, Gupta S, Gupta R, Nirupama AY. Seasonal Variation and Time Trend Analysis of Dog Bite Cases Attending the Anti Rabies Clinic in Delhi using ARIMA Model Forecasting. J Clin Diag Res.2021;15(8): LC21-LC24
- Singh A, Singh N, Dixit S, Kaur S, Chellaiyan VG, Alfred J. Satisfaction with life among MBBS students and resident doctors of a tertiary hospital in South Delhi. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:5843-6
- B S, J D, D V. Role of social media on information shared about covid-19 pandemic: a perception of medical students. International Journal of Scien tific Research. 2021;:1-3.
- Chellaiyan VG, Kamble BD, Raja TK, et al. A study of determinants of obesity – is skipping breakfast meal a risk factor? J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(25):1883-1888,
- J M, Chellaiyan V. Prevalence and Pattern of Musculoskeletal Problem among Software Engineers in a Private Firm, Chennai- A Cross Sectional Study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2021;.
- Kandasamy. M, S. Suganthi, Attitude of general population towards transgender in urban Tamilnadu , Global Journal for Research Analysis. 2021;10(3):12-14.
- Y Vishnu Vardhan, Sowmiya KR, Rekha P. Participatory method of teaching bioethics in medical education: A Quasi- experimental study. AOCH 2021.
- Mohan Kumar BK, Thiruvalluvan GT, Arjunan MK. Effectiveness on knowledge about computer vision syndrome among medical coding trainee in medical coding training institute in urban Chennai, Tamil Nadu – A cross- sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care. 2021 Jan;10(1):228-231.
- Kumar AVV, Y Vishnu Vardhan. Breast self- examination and breast cancer awareness among women in a low socioeconomic area of Chennai, India. J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(21):1588-1592.
- Y Vishnu Vardhan, Rao SD, Kumar SPJ, Narendranath R. Patient satisfaction and waiting times in the primary health centres of South Chennai. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021; 8:1386-90.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Hanitha Rajasekar,Neha Taneja. Health Coverage Across the Globe: A Contemporary Scenario. IJPHRD (Inernet). 2020feb.29 [cited 2021aug.11];11(2):65-9
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna L Ali, Awareness and Practices Regarding Hospital Waste and Its Segregation Labelling and record Keeping at Different Level of Health care Delivery Systems in West Bengal ,India. International Journal of Scientific Research,2020;9(11):1-4
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan,.Telemedicine: A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare in the wake of COVID-2019 in India . Journal of clinical and diagnostic Research. 2020;Vol-14(12):LA01-LA03
- Kumar, Pulak & Sarkar, Tarun & Adhikary, Chellaiyan, Vinoth & Chowdhuri, Shubho .A study on Hygienic Practices and Nutritional status among Adolescent students attending Secondary School in Berhampore. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 2020;11(9);107-112.
- Sujata Gupta, Neha Taneja Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. Personality Traits as Predictor of Emotional Intelligence among Medical students. Journal of Education and health promotion.2020;15(7);884-887.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan A study on preference on Teaching methods and sickness absenteeism among undergraduate medical college. Journal of Education and health promotion.2020;10(15);8-12.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. Psychological Resilience of Covid-19 Frontline Warriors: Need of The Hour . Current Medical issues. 2020;14(11): 118-120.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. Social Stigma among Tuberculosis Patients Attending DOTS Centers in Delhi. Journal of family medicine and primary care. 2020,14(7);678-9.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan A study on knowledge and practice of Ergonomics among the Software Engineers in a private firm, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Journal of family medicine and primary care.2020;4(7):275-8.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Hanitha R, Pradan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana-Ayushman Bharat.Indian Journal of Community Health.2020;32. 337-340.
- Neha Taneja, Sujatha Gupta, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna Liaquathali, Mrinmoy Adhikary. New born care practices in urban resettlement colony of Delhi. Indian Journal of Public Health Research& development.2020;11(4):518-523
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna Liaquathali. Infant and Young feeding practices in India:Current situation. Journal of Family and Community Medicine. J Fam Community Med 2020;27:1-7.
- Sree T. Sucharitha, Aravind Manoharan, Velusamy Dhanuraja, Arunadevi Kasi, Suganya Ezhilarasan . Digital mental health apps for self-management of depression: a scoping exploration on awareness, attitude, and user experience among professional course students. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2020;7:3594-9.
- Y Vishnu Vardhan, Rao DS. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and its Components among the Urban Population of Saraswathi Nagar, Nellore. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2020 May 18;11(5):530-5.
- Y Vishnu Vardhan, Rao DS. Preference for male child among married adults in rural and urban field practice areas of Narayana Medical College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2020; 7:546-9.
- Jyothi R, Mathangi D, Chellaiyan V. Is Mallampati scoring and PPNC an easier and better predictor for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)? Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2020;23(20).
- Kumar MB, Raja TK, Jasmine M, Liaquathali F, Raja VP, Manju NV. Double burden of malnutrition among women residing in tenements in a resettlement area, Kancheepuram district. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020 Mar 26;9(3):1578-1582.
- Danasekaran R, Rajasekar VD. Disinfection of environment in health-care settings: In COVID era. Indian J Community Fam Med 2020; 6:175-6.
- Rajasekar VD, Danasekaran R. Psychological Impact among Healthcare workers during COVID-19 Pandemic. J Comprehensive Health 2020; 8(2): 69-70.
- Raja Danasekaran, Buvnesh kumar M, Raja TK, Nirupama AY, Sharath U. Perception Regarding Hazards of Plastics Usage and Effectiveness of Plastic Ban in Rural Tamil Nadu. Natl J Community Med 2020;11(6):254-257.
- S Suganthi, M S, S J. A clinico-epidemiological profile of diabetic and hypertensive patients in the suburbs of Chennai. MedPulse International Journal of Community Medicine. 2019;9(2):47-51.
- Azarudeen MJ, Kumar MB, Logaraj M, Ramraj B. A study on impact of training programme on knowledge of maternal health care among ASHA workers in a tribal population of Tamil Nadu. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6:1147-51.
- Suganthi S, Mallika SV. Adherence of patients towards drugs and injections prescribed in a private medical institution in Chennai. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6:1071-3.
- Jeeva S, RamananVA, Sowmiya KR, Balasubramaniam P, Vidya, Chandralekha. The Prognostic Factors for Locally Advancedcervical Cancer Patients Treated by Cisplatin Based Concurrent Chemoradiotherpy-A Retrospective Study.Asian J. Med.Res. 2019;8(1):MC05-MC09
- Raja TK, Buvneshkumar M, Raja D, Muthukumar T. Self care management in diabetes mellitus: a pitfall in treatment?. Int J Sci Rep 2019;5(6):159.
- Murali R, Ravi varman G, Vinoth Gnana Chelliaiyan. Classification of elderly population based on quality -of- life scores. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research.2019;46(5):81-84
- Chellaiyan VG, Rizwan SA. Health Research Methodology Workshop: Evaluation with Kirkpatrick Model. National Medical Journal of India .2019;32:100-102.
- Munish N, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Ravi Varman G. Pattern & factors influencing the occurrence of road traffic injuries- A hospital based cross-sectional study. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 2019;46(5):88-90.
- Chellaiyan V G,Nirupama AY,Taneja N .Telemedicine: New technology and new promises. Indian Community Health.2019;31(5):344-346.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Ravi Varman G. An approach the amount of road traffic injuries by pattern. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 2019;46(5):97-99.
- Murali R, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. Morbidity pattern of elderly population based on self-reported complaints in a rural area of Tamil Nadu. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 2019;31(4):344-346
- Sujata Gupta, Neha Taneja, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna Liaqathali. Health status among late adolescent age group girls in a urban slum of Delhi. Indian Comm Health.2019;31(2):185-192.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Ravivarman G. A study on road traffic injuries influenced by vehicular risk factors. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research. 2019;46(5):91-93.
- Maruthappapandian j, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Ali FL, Avinash D. Healthy workplace with ergonomics among software engineers-a review. Int J Community Med PublicHealth 2019; 6:4605-10.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Nirupama AY, Taneja N. Telemedicine in India: Where do we stand. J Family Med Prim Care 2019; 8:1872-6.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Ravivarman G. Frequencies measure on road traffic injuries by an environmental risk factor. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research.2019;46(5):94-96
- Aravind Manoharan, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Jasmine M., Fasna Liaquathali. Impact of educational intervention on the tuberculosis knowledge among the medical students, Chennai. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019; 6:5317-20.
- Aravind Manoharan, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, M. Madhusudan. Effect of educational intervention on the knowledge of rabies among medical school students of Chennai. J Edu Health Promot 2019; 8:208.
- Aravind Manoharan, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, M. Madhusudan. Effect of educational intervention on the knowledge of rabies among medical school students of Chennai. J Edu Health Promot 2019; 8:208.
- Danasekaran R, Raja TK, Buvnesh Kumar M mHealth: A Newer Perspective in Healthcare through Mobile Technology. J Comprehensive Health 2019; 7(2):67-68.
- Danasekaran R, Govindasamy R. Better psychosocial work environment: For well-being of the worker and the organization. Indian J Occup Environ Med 2019; 23:57-8.
- Danasekaran R, Ranganathan K. Prevalence of overweight and obesity among rural adolescent school students in Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6: 173-6.
- Suruliraman. S.M, Suganthi S. Vitamin d status among critical children below five years in a tertiary care hospital. Medpulse International Journal of Community Medicine.2019;9(3):52-55
- Suganthi S., Pragadeesh Raja V. Poisoning and its pattern among patients in tertiary care center in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. Journal of education and health promotion .2019
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R. Study of morbidity profile and quality of life among elderly population .Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Munish N., Chellaiyan V.G., Ravivarman G. The occurance of road traffic injuries influenced by human risk factors .journal of international pharmaceutical Research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R., Ravivarman G. A Novel approach on disease morbidity in a rural area. Journal International pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R., Classification of substance abuse in elderly population .Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Mohan P.,Murali R., Ravivarman G. Case study on diabetis mellitus morbidity pattern of elderly population . Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali. R.,Morbidity pattern of elderly population based on osteoarthritis . .Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R.Distribution of socio demographic variables Among study participants for the morbidity pattern . Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R.Case study on diabetes mellitus morbidity pattern of elderly population . Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R.Chellaiyan V.G. Morbidity pattern of elderly population based on self reported complaints in rural area in tamil nadu. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Munish N., Chellaiyan V.G., Ravivarman G. Frequencies measure on road traffic injuries by an environmental risk factor . Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R., Ravivarman G . Study of morbidity pattern in rural area. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R., Ravivarman G .Chellaiyan V.G. Classification of elderly population based on quality of life scores ., Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Namasivaya Navin R.B. Rajasekaran S. A study of Audiological profile in hypothyroid patients. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Mohan P.A., Murali R. An approach on elderly population quality life based on sources of income. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Anisha Mohan P.,Murali R., Ravivarman G. Classification of elderly population based on hypertension. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Munish N.,Chellaiyan V.G.,Ravivarman. A study on road traffic injuries influenced by vehicular risk factors. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Munish N.,Chellaiyan V.G.,Ravivarman. An approach of measuring the amount of road traffic injuries by pattern. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Munish N.,Chellaiyan V.G.,Ravivarman.Pattern and factors influencing the occurrence of road traffic injuries – A Hospital based cross-sectional study. Journal of international pharmaceutical research .2019.
- Sudharsan B, Ravivarman G. Measuring quality of life among elderly: Association of several metrics. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Surya B, Ravivarman G. A community based cross-sectional study in the prevalence of reproductive tract infections among rural women in Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Uppili Venkat Ragavan M, Murali R. Prevalence and risk factors of osteoarthritis of knee joint among adult population in rural area of Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Surya B, Ravivarman G. A study of infections among rural women: Association of socio demographic factors with dyspareunia and abdominal pain, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Uppili Venkat Ragavan M, Murali R. Measurement of prevalence of osteoarthritis of knee joint in urban, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Srinivas K.S.N, Murali R. A hospital based cross sectional study: Distribution of study of ladies according to usage of family planning methods and previous history of hypertension, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Christopher C, Murali R. To estimate the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among adolescents in Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Shivasakthimani R, Ravivarman G. A hospital based cross sectional study: Distribution of compliance for completion of ARV 4 dose among study participants. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Mallika S.V, Murali R. An evaluation of epidemiological factors relating to overweight, obesity in urban Chennai. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Srinivas K.S.N, Murali R. A hospital based cross sectional study: Influence of demographic factors for pregnant women in Chennai. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Srinivas K.S.N, Murali R. Risk factors associated with PIH: Adjusted odds ratios by multiple logistic regression analysis. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Lingeswaran W, Murali R. A study on risk factors of anaemia among pregnant women. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Lingeswaran W, Murali R. An approach of nutritional deficiency disorder among pregnant women. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Mallika S.V., Murali R. Impact of external and internal factors of overweight and obesity in urban. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Srinivas K.S.N, Murali R. A hospital based cross sectional study: Clinico-epidemiological factors for pregnancy induced hypertension among antenatal mothers. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Mallika S.V., Murali R. A study on the pattern of body image perception among adolescents in urban Chennai. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Loganathan S, Murali R. the determinants of selfcare practices by using DSME to facilitate the patients in Kancheepuram district. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Sudharsan B, Ravivarman G. Prevalence of urinary incontinence and its impacts on quality of life among elderly in Kanchipuram district. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Shivasakthimani R, Ravivarman G. A study on anti-rabies vaccine among dog bite victims in Chennai region. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Mohan P.A, Murali R. An efficient approach of the morbidity pattern of elderly population based on BMI. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2019
- Chellaiyan V.G., Suliankatchi R.A. Health research methodology workshop:Evaluation with the krikpatrick model. National medical journal of india.2019.
- Buvneshkumar M, John KR, Logaraj M. A study on prevalence of depression and associated risk factors among elderly in a rural block of Tamil Nadu. Indian J Public Health. 2018 Apr-Jun;62(2):89-94.
- Tarun Kumar Sarkar, Pulak Kumar Jana, Jasmine M, Timiresh Kumar Das, Mrinmoy Adhikary, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Harsh Aggarwal, Neha Taneja. A cross sectional study on adequacy of blood transfusion and transfusion related infections in thalassemic patients attending a medical college hospital, West Bengal Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Aug;5(8):3596-359
- Chellaiyan VG, Raut DK, Khokhar A. Integrated counseling and HIV testing centers of Delhi: An evaluation. J Family Med Prim Care. 2018;7(4):791-795.
- Chellaiyan VG, Adhikary M, Das TK, Taneja N, Daral S. Factors influencing gender preference for child among married women attending ante-natal clinic in a tertiary care hospital in Delhi: a cross sectional study. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:1666-70.
- Chellaiyan V, Fasna L, Mallika S. Food safety awareness and food handling practices among rural population of Tamil Nadu. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 2018;5(4):1441.
- Chellaiyan V, Adhikary M, Das T, Taneja N, Daral S. A study on compliance of antenatal care among the mothers attending immunisation clinic of Murshidabad Medical College and Hospital, West Bengal. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 2018;5(4):1666.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Christina S. C. Christopher, Shailaja Daral. Availing entitlements under Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram in Tamil Nadu: a reality. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Mar;5(3):1127-1132
- Vimal Kishor Bhagat, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Gokul Kumar, Archana Bhatnagar, Mrinmoy Adhikary. Anti retroviral therapy adherence and its determinants among patients attending ART centre, Bhopal. International Journal of community medicine and public health.
- Madhusudan M, Aravind M, ArunGopi, Ajanya V, Vinaya Pradeep, Fabeena Mangaladan et al. Prevalence and factors associated with depression among the students ofmedical college in Kerala. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. 2018 Dec;9(12):59-64.
- Shivasakthimani R, Vinoth GCD, Ravivarman G, Murali R. Compliance of antirabies vaccine among dog bite victims in an urban slum of Chennai:a cross sectional study. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:1487-91
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna liaquath ali, Jasmine maruthappapandia. Association between Sedentary Behaviour and Depression, Stress and Anxiety among Medical School Students in Chennai, India. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2018, Nov, Vol-12(11): LC06-LC096 6
- Rajeshkannan S, Parthiban P, Murali Mohan Reddy G. Alcohol consumption among immigrant construction workers and its correlates, a need for action. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:3903-8.
- Muthukumar T, Singh Z, Vishnu Prasad R, Samuel AK, Raja TK. An epidemiological study of road traffic accidents among patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018; 5:3362-7.
- Rajeshkannan S, Parthiban P. Prevalence and perceptions about tobacco use among migrant construction workers: A community-based cross-sectional survey. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2018;7(11):928-933.
- Mechenro, J., Venugopal, G., Buvnesh Kumar, M. et al. Vitamin D status in Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, India. BMC Public Health 18, 1345 (2018).
- Karnaboopathy R, Venkatesan D, Manikandan M, Muthukumar T, Raja D, and Jegadeesh Ramasamy D. Forecasting Dengue Incidence in Tamil Nadu, India: An Time series Analysis.J Comprehensive Health.2018; 6(2):62-66.
- Kr, Sowmiya. (2018). Food Handling In Plastic Containers: Knowledge Attitude And Practices Among Doctors.
- Kr, Sowmiya. (2018). Awareness On Health Effects Of RO Water Usage Amongst Medical Students.10.26727/NJRCM.2018.7.3ii.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Deepak K Raut, Anita Khokhar. Integrated Counselling and HIV Testing Centres (ICTC) of Delhi: An Evaluation. J Family Med Prim Care. 2018 Jul-Aug; 7(4): 791-795
- Kumar, T. M & Raja, T. K. (2018). The unwanted second line: Unmet needs of contraception. Journal of Comprehensive Health, 6(1), 54.
- Raja TK, Muthukumar T, Anisha MP. A cross sectional study on prevalence of hypertension and its associated risk factors among rural adults in Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018; 5:249-53
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Aravind Manoharan, Murali Ramachandran. Knowledge and awareness towards dengue infection and its prevention: a cross sectional study from rural area of Tamil Nadu, India. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Feb;4(2):494-499.
- Muthukumar T, Raja TK. Black dog: the future pandemic?IntJ Sci Rep2017;3(12):326.
- Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Fasna Liaquath Ali, Murali Ramachandran. Physical Activity in Building Stronger Community Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Dec,Vol-11(12).875-879.
- Neha Taneja, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan, Shailaja Daral, Mrinmoy Adhikary, Timiresh Kumar Das. Home based Care as an Approach to Improve the Efficiency of treatment for MDR TB: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic research. 2017 Aug, Vol-11(8)
- Murugavel J, Chellaiyan VG, Krishnamoorthy D. Attitude toward learning of community medicine: A cross-sectional study among medical school students. J Family Med Prim Care 2017; 6:83-7
- Sarkar T, Adhikary M, Vinoth Chellaiyan, Jana P, Rai A, Biswas I. An observational study on career aspiration among students of a medical college in Kolkata. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2017;6(4):1.
- Jana PK, Sarkar TK, Chellaiyan DVG, Adhikary M, Jha SN. Rabies menace and control – Knowledge, awareness, and practices among patients in a tertiary care hospital in West Bengal. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2017;6:
- Sailatha R, Famida AM, Chellaiyan VGD, Vijayalakshmi K, Sathiya S, Renuka S. Mifepristone: an alternate to dinoprostone in induction of labour. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017; 6:1880-4
- Adhikary M, Chellaiyan VG, Chowdhury R, Daral S, Taneja N, Das TK. Association of risk factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus and fasting blood glucose levels among residents of rural area of Delhi: a cross sectional study. Int J Community Med Public Health 2017; 4:1005-10.
- Ravish H. S, Aravind M, Ashwath Narayana D. H, Yannick P, Phaneendra M. S. Safety of intradermal rabies vaccine as pre-exposure prophylaxis among veterinary students. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2017;4(2):396.
- Prasad S.,Masood J.,Srivastava A.K.,Mishra .Elevated blood pressure and its associated risk factors among adolescents of north india city A-cross-sectional study .Indian journal of community medicine .2017.
- T K Raja, Anisha Mohan P, Upilli Venkat Ragavan M, G Murali Mohan Reddy, R Murali Consumption in rural health center of tertiary care teaching hospital, Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. Internatinal MedicalJournal January 2016; 3(1): 69-72
- Parthiban P, RajeshKannan S, Murali R, (2016), A study on knowledge and perception of primary wound care of dog bite in the rural community – Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu, International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology, 18(1):149-151.
- Mittal A, Vedapriya DR, Thirumal P, Murali S. A cross-sectional study to determine knowledge, attitude and practice of sanitation in rural areas of Tamil Nadu, India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2016; 3:1910-4.
- Reddy M, Panakkal A, S. L, Venkatappaiah J. Perception of current medical practitioners about undergraduate community medicine training, implications for future undergraduate curriculum: a cross sectional study. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2016;4(1):160.
- Suruliraman S M, Anjan S, Kulkarni A G, Suma K. Health status of plantation workers: A cross sectional study April 2016; 3(4): 365-369.
- Reddy G.M.M.,Nisha B.,Prabhushankar T.,Vishwambhar V. Musculoskeletal morbidity among construction workers: A cross sectional community -based study Indian journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2016
- Swarnapriya K., Kavitha D.,Mohan Reddy G.M. Knowledge,attitude and practices regarding HPV vaccination among medical and para medical students,India a cross sectional study Asian pacific journal of cancer prevention 2016
- Murali.R, Anisha Mohan. P How to read a Clinical Journal – An insight. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal. 2015;4(4).
- Suruliraman SM, Suma K, Anjan S. Assessment of quality of life among plantation workers using WHOQOL December 2015; 2(12): 829-831.
Awards by the Faculty | |||
1 | Dr. Raja. D | 37th Dr. S Radha krishnan memorial national teacher award | 2021 |
2 | Dr. Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. D | Best researcher award | 2021 |
3 | Dr. Raja. D | 36th Dr. S Radha krishnan memorial national teacher award | 2020 |
4 | Dr. Sowmiya. K. R | Certificate of Excellence- 1st prize in e-Poster – Participatory methods of teaching Bioethics in medical education: A Quasi expirimental study – BIOETHICON 2019 | 2019 |
5 | Dr. Vedhapriya. D. R | Certificate of appreciation for Co-chairing: Survailance of vaccine preventable disease | 2019 |
6 | Dr. Aravind. M | Innovative outreach activity | 2019 |
7 | Dr. Buvnesh Kumar | NODAL PERSON – Indian Association Of Preventive & Social Medicine | 2019 |
8 | Dr. Buvnesh Kumar. M | RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT – Health emergencies programme | 2019 |
9 | Dr. Buvnesh Kumar | NODAL PERSON – IAPSM | 2019 |
World health day 2019 | |||
10 | Dr. Raja. T. K | Innovative outreach activity | 2018 |
11 | Dr. Suruliraman. M | Best Community care provider – Lions club International | 2018 |
12 | Dr. Murali | Organizing chair person – Indian Association Of Preventive & Social Medicine | 2017 |
13 | Dr. Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. D | NODAL PERSON – IAPSM | 2017 |
World health day 2017 | |||
14 | Dr. Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. D | NODAL PERSON – Indian Association Of Preventive & Social Medicine | 2017 |
15 | Dr. Murali | Eminent medical personality award | 2016 |
16 | Dr. Loganathan | Appreciation award-World alliance for breast feeding action | 2016 |
17 | Dr. Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan. D | NODAL PERSON – IAPSM | 2016 |
World health day 2017 | |||
18 | Dr. Ravivarman | Innovative outreach activity | 2015 |
Awards by the Students | ||||
S.NO | Name of the student | Date of participation | Name of the workshop/conference/cme | Award received |
1 | Dr. Mallika sadhu | 21.04.217 | MeDe vision 2017 | Consolation prize for paper presentation |
2 | Dr. Kaveri | 26.09.2017 | GSICON 2017 | 3rd prize for paper presentation |
3 | Dr. Sarath. U | 2019 | World health day CME by Tagore medical college | 1st prize in e-poster presentation |
4 | Dr. Sarath. U | 2020 | CHET PATHCON | 2nd prize in oral presentation |
5 | Dr. Hanitha | 26.07.2019 to 27.07.2019 | AHDR | 1st prize in e-poster presentation |
6 | Dr. Hanitha | 25.02.2021 to 26.02.2021 | Anemia summit by Chettinad hospital and research institute | 1st prize in oral presentation |
7 | Dr. Divyaparvathy. J | 06.07.2021 | World zoonoses day by Tagore medical college | 1st prize in e-poster presentation |
9 | Dr. Manjula. | 01.08.2021 to 15.08.2021 | COVID 19 awareness week | 1st prize in e-poster presentation |
8 | Dr. Aarthy. A | 23.09.2021 to 26.09.2021 | IPHACON 2021 | Best oral presentation |

A case of Ichthyosis vulgaris, diagnosed in RHTC Poonjeri and referred to Department of Deratology, CHRI for further evaluation and management.

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