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Forensic Medicine
Forensic Medicine

Forensic medicine is a branch of medicine which deals with application of medical knowledge to aid in the administration of justice. It is a subject of high relevance, linking law and medicine. Undergraduate medical students are trained on the medico legal aspects such as application of medical knowledge to ascertain the cause of death under unnatural circumstances

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The Team of forensic medicine experts headed is by Dr C Manohar they have a rich experience in their field. They provide resourceful training to the undergraduate medical students.

The broad goal of teaching forensic medicine to undergraduates is to produce doctors who are well informed about their medico legal responsibilities during the practice of medicine

In addition to teaching Forensic Medicine, Ethics and Toxicology to the undergraduates of II MBBS in their III, IV and V semesters, the department helps in training Casualty Medical Officers in performing medico-legal work.

MBBS students are educated and trained in this subject thoroughly with the help of didactic lectures, seminars and visual learning aids (Photographs, charts, videos, etc). Arrangements are made for the students to visit postmortem centers in the government medical college for observing postmortem cases and thus ensure consummate learning.

The students will acquire knowledge of law in relation to medical practice, medical negligence, respect for codes of medical ethics and consumer protection act.

The student is enabled to make subtle observations and infer conclusions by logical deductions to set enquiries on the right track in criminal matters and associated medico-legal problems,

The interest in research is also kindled in the medical student

The faculty are dynamically involved in research and the thrust areas for research in forensic medicine include thanatology, violent death, vitality, traffic medicine, analytical toxicology, hemogenetics and stain analysis).

  • Museum
    The department has a well-established state of the art museum categorically where the various specimens are categorically displayed. We have specimens of bones & skeletons, weapons, poisons(Toxicology Specimens), Forensic photographs, X-rays, wet Specimens, preserved foetuses.
  • Mock Court
    Simulation of the court setting is done to train the students in the procedure of court trial and deposing evidence in a medicolegal case in a court of law.
  • Mortuary
    State of the art mortuary with all facilities and modern equipment necessary for demonstration of live autopsy.
  1. S. K. Nawaz Ahmed, M. Sreenivasan. Study of Cephalic Index among the Tamil population. Medico-Legal Update, Volume l9, No. 2, July-December 20l9.
  2. M. Sreenivasan, S. K. Nawaz Ahmed. Estimation of Stature from Ulnar length in living adult Females of Tamil population. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Volume 13, No. 3, July – September 2019.
  3. M. Sreenivasan, S. K. Nawaz Ahmed. A Model for Stature prediction from percutaneous Ulnar length in adult Males of Tamil population. Medico-Legal Update, Volume l9, No.2, July-December 20l9.
  4. M. Sreenivasan, S. K. Nawaz Ahmed. Osteometric gender determination from head diameters in Adult Femur. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Volume 13, No. 3, July – September 2019.
  5. S. K. Nawaz Ahmed, M. Sreenivasan. Determination of Sex using various parameters of Hyoid bone. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Volume 13, No. 4, October – December 2019.
S.No Name of the Investigators Title
1 Dr. S.K. Nawaz Ahmed and Dr. M. Sreenivasan. Estimation of Stature from percutaneous Tibial length in Tamil population.

Department of Forensic Medicine

About the Department

Forensic medicine is a branch of medicine which deals with application of medical knowledge to aid in the administration of justice. It is a subject of high relevance, linking law and medicine. Undergraduate medical students are trained on the medico legal aspects such as application of medical knowledge to ascertain the cause of death under unnatural circumstances

The Team

Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List

The Team of forensic medicine experts headed is by Dr C Manohar they have a rich experience in their field. They provide resourceful training to the undergraduate medical students.


The broad goal of teaching forensic medicine to undergraduates is to produce doctors who are well informed about their medico legal responsibilities during the practice of medicine

In addition to teaching Forensic Medicine, Ethics and Toxicology to the undergraduates of II MBBS in their III, IV and V semesters, the department helps in training Casualty Medical Officers in performing medico-legal work.

MBBS students are educated and trained in this subject thoroughly with the help of didactic lectures, seminars and visual learning aids (Photographs, charts, videos, etc). Arrangements are made for the students to visit postmortem centers in the government medical college for observing postmortem cases and thus ensure consummate learning.

The students will acquire knowledge of law in relation to medical practice, medical negligence, respect for codes of medical ethics and consumer protection act.

The student is enabled to make subtle observations and infer conclusions by logical deductions to set enquiries on the right track in criminal matters and associated medico-legal problems,

The interest in research is also kindled in the medical student


The faculty are dynamically involved in research and the thrust areas for research in forensic medicine include thanatology, violent death, vitality, traffic medicine, analytical toxicology, hemogenetics and stain analysis).


  • Museum
    The department has a well-established state of the art museum categorically where the various specimens are categorically displayed. We have specimens of bones & skeletons, weapons, poisons(Toxicology Specimens), Forensic photographs, X-rays, wet Specimens, preserved foetuses.
  • Mock Court
    Simulation of the court setting is done to train the students in the procedure of court trial and deposing evidence in a medicolegal case in a court of law.
  • Mortuary
    State of the art mortuary with all facilities and modern equipment necessary for demonstration of live autopsy.

Research Publications

  1. S. K. Nawaz Ahmed, M. Sreenivasan. Study of Cephalic Index among the Tamil population. Medico-Legal Update, Volume l9, No. 2, July-December 20l9.
  2. M. Sreenivasan, S. K. Nawaz Ahmed. Estimation of Stature from Ulnar length in living adult Females of Tamil population. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Volume 13, No. 3, July – September 2019.
  3. M. Sreenivasan, S. K. Nawaz Ahmed. A Model for Stature prediction from percutaneous Ulnar length in adult Males of Tamil population. Medico-Legal Update, Volume l9, No.2, July-December 20l9.
  4. M. Sreenivasan, S. K. Nawaz Ahmed. Osteometric gender determination from head diameters in Adult Femur. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Volume 13, No. 3, July – September 2019.
  5. S. K. Nawaz Ahmed, M. Sreenivasan. Determination of Sex using various parameters of Hyoid bone. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Volume 13, No. 4, October – December 2019.

Research Projects

S.No Name of the Investigators Title
1 Dr. S.K. Nawaz Ahmed and Dr. M. Sreenivasan. Estimation of Stature from percutaneous Tibial length in Tamil population.

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