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The Department of Microbiology was established in 2005 and caters not only to the diagnostic need of clinicians, but is also actively involved in teaching, researchand hospital infection control activities. The Lab was established in 2005 and has made immense progress since then.The Clinical Microbiology lab is a component of the Central Clinical Laboratory and is NABL accredited for Microbiology, Serology and Molecular Testing. Laboratory Accreditation provides official recognition of our competence and provides a ready means for customers to find reliable testing services as per their requirements.

Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List

The Department of Microbiology, CHRI is a community of well qualified and enthusiasticfaculty, technical support staff, research scholars and postgraduate students. The faculty are qualified Clinical Microbiologists with adequate experience, necessary expertise and skills required for the interpretation of test results and accordingly aid the clinicians in clinching the diagnosis of infectious diseases.


Keeping in line with the statutory requirements, the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory has separate service laboratories for Bacteriology, Serology, Molecular Virology, Parasitology, Mycology, Tuberculosis (Mycobacteriology) and Immunology. In addition, separate areas have been earmarked for media preparation and autoclaving and for decontamination of all clinical samples and used media (Photo).

Microbiology Division is fitted withsophisticated equipment such as the Vitek 2 compact for automated microbial identification and antibiotic sensitivity testing by MIC method. Vitek2 enables to identify a large range of microorganisms and the system can process 30 cards at a time. All steps are automated, right from sample feeding, reading to recording and interpretation of results. BD Bactec 9050 is a trusted automated blood culture system which can accommodate blood samples with barcode and continuous monitoring facilitiesto detect growth at the earliest is also present.

Top quality Biosafety cabinets Class II Type B2 have been installed in Bacteriology, Mycobacteriology and the Molecular testing Labs to ensure personnel safety while processing bacteriology samples.

Serology and Immunology are equipped with a Bio-Rad PR4100 Absorbance microplate reader, which is an 8- channel absorbance microplate reader with accurate, reproducible and fast measurements using windows-based software technology.

The department also boasts of a walk in cooler to enable the storage of the diagnostic kits and antibiotic discs in a common storage facility.

A dedicated and isolated area is available for decontamination of all clinical samples and used media prior to discarding.

This newly established section and the pride of the Microbiology Department is equipped with an ultra-modern Rotor Gene Q, a Real Time PCR machine, which can process 72 samples in one run. Two fully automated nucleic Acid Extractors (Qiacube and Alta) are used for the purification and extraction process. Within a short span of time, molecular testing division has processed thousands of samples for COVID 19 by Real Time PCR and by doing so, has lent a supportive hand to the government and its initiatives of testing more people for SARS-CoV 2, so as to aid in the control of the disease.

The teaching learning process at the department of Microbiology is an enriching and enjoyable experience for the students. All the teaching faculty are well qualified, experienced and student friendly and we also have a robust mentorship program in place.

Our teaching programmes for undergraduates and postgraduates help a pipeline of skilled health care professionals to grow. Our teaching modalities provide extensive knowledge in the formative years of medical schooling.

The various undergraduate courses handled include MBBS, BSc Nursing, BSc AHS, Post basic BSc Nursing, BPT. The postgraduate programs offered include MD Microbiology and PhD in Microbiology. Other PG courses handled include Clinical MD courses, MSc Human Nutrition, MDS, MSc MLT students posted in rotation for training in Microbiological methods

Teaching training MoU is in place for students of Chettinad Dental College and Asian Metropolitan University. Special training is also given to international students from other Asian countries to help them with technical skills

Teaching is scheduled and executed for students belonging to different streams through didactic lectures, small group discussions, module teaching, tutorials, Integrated teaching, practical classes and seminar presentations.

Many on-line teaching methods are also made use of for teaching, evaluation & assignment submission. The post graduate teaching is mainly directed towards self-directed learning are they encouraged to refer many books and to present theory seminars on important topics, with the aid of a facilitator. Journal clubs are also regularly conducted. They are also encouraged to participate and present papers on interesting cases and other research topics in national & international conferences.

Effective mentorship programme is available for students. Student support is extended by the faculty – intensive mentorship for poor performers and high performers are encouraged to participate in prize exams, quiz competitions, etc.

A state-of-the-art museum is available to the students with models, specimens & picturesque demonstration of important microbiological & immunological concepts.

We aim in the promotion and co-ordination of basic, applied,and clinical research. The Department of Microbiology encourages research activities among the faculty and students. UG students are motivated to participate in ICMR STS projects. Collaborative research work is also carried out along with the clinical departments and department of Biotechnology. We are also part of several multicentric research studies. Most of the faculty are eligible PhD guides who guide JRF with their research. At present research activities are being carried out in thrust areas like SARS CoV2, Respiratory Tract pathogens, HPV, Arboviruses, multidrug resistant pathogens, etc. A well-equipped research lab is available to students for explore their research skills. PhD program is also offered by the department to interested students on both full time & part time basis

Diagnostic Services are offered in the various sections of Microbiology to both outpatients and inpatients and include the following investigations offered under different sections:

  • Microbiology (Bacteriology, Mycobacteriology)- Gram Stain, Culture and Sensitivity, AFB stain, AFB Culture by conventional and Micro MGIT
  • Mycology – Microscopy (KOH Mount, Gram Stain), Fungal Culture
  • Parasitology – Stool Routine examination for ova and cyst
  • Immunology and Serology including Viral Serology – ASO, CRP, RF, RPR, Widal, Viral markers such as HIV, Hepatitis B, C, Dengue Serology
  • Virology (Molecular Virology) – H1NI, HIV, COVID-19 detection by RT PCR
  • Molecular Testing – drug resistant gene study

Outreach activity – Department of Microbiology (18.12.21)

Department of Microbiology, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, in collaboration with Simple Trust, organized an outreach activity on 18.12.21 for the Irular tribal kids residing in Irular Kudiyiruppu at Nandivaram, Guduvancherry, Kancheepuram District. Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam, Dr Alice Peace, Dr John Maria Louis and DDrSathyakamala of the Department of Microbiology participated in the program. These underprivileged small kids were educated on the importance of personal hygiene and the correct procedure of hand washing was demonstrated to them. The children were asked to perform the handwashing. Information on the Covid 19 pandemic and the preventive measures for the same was also taught to the students. Personal hygiene kits were distributed to the kids.

CHRI strongly believes that community outreach programs such as education on health and hygiene, basic screening of the health of the community, management of clinical cases and simultaneously provision of facilities to access the hospital servicesplay a vital role in improving and extending the reach of health care. The Microbiology department participates actively in many community engagement activities by organizing many awareness and screening camps.

Hand hygiene Awareness camps are conductedto create awareness among the school going children about the importance of hand hygiene and the correct handwashing procedure to be followed. Students were educated with the aid of shortfilms, powerpoint presentations and handouts illustrating the various steps of handwash.


S.No Name of the Investigators Title Funding Agency(if any) Amount Duration
1 Mrs Alice Peace R

Guide: Dr Shameem Banu A. S

Characterisation of Staphylococcus aureus based on its virulence determinants and antibiotic resistance profile 2013-2018
2 Dr Vasanthi

Guide: Dr Shameem Banu A.S

Isolation and Molecular characterisation of organisms producing Biofilms 2009 Aug
3 Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Guide: Dr Shameem Banu A.S

2009 Aug
4 Dr S.Jayanthi

Guide: Dr M.Jeya

Phenotypic and Genotypic characterisation of Non fermenters from various clinical samples- CARE 10,000 2009 Feb
5 Mr G. Kumaran

Guide: Dr Shameem Banu A.S

A study on superficial fungal infections in tertiary care hospital
6 Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Guide: Dr Shameem Banu Professor

Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae CARE
10,000 2012-2013
7 Dr. Nirupa S
Associate Professor
Detection of ciprofloxacin resistance plasmids in Gram negative bacilli 2014-2015


S.No Name of the Investigators Title Funding Agency(if any) Amount Duration
1 Dr. Ashok Viswanath,

Guide: Dr. Priyadarshini S

Clinico bacteriological profile of urinary tract infection in patients with preexisting urinary tract diseases in a tertiary care hospital. 2017-2020
2 Dr Elayarani A
MD Microbiology
Phenotypic and Genotypic characterization of Erythromycin resistant Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococci from Acute tonsillo pharyngitis in a tertiary care hospital. 2016 – 2019
3 Dr Saranya A
MD Microbiology
Evaluation of second generation Anti CCP antibodies with RA Factor isotype in the diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. 2016 – 2019
4 Dr Jaison Jayakaran
MD Microbiology
Phenotypic and Genotypic characterization of Multidrug resistant isolates from patients with catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) in a tertiary care hospital. 2016 – 2019
5 Dr Anitha.R
MD Microbiology
Prevalence of Dengue and Leptospira co infection among patients presenting to tertiary care hospital with acute febrile illness- a cross sectional study. 2015-2018
6 Deepthi Mayi Das MSc Biotechnology A study on biofilm inhibitory activities of various plant derived antioxidant compounds among Staphylococcus epidermidis isolated from clinical samples 15,000 2017-2018
7 Mr Gopal

Dr. S.Nirupa

Co-guide :
Dr. Shifa Meharaj

Analysis of microbiological profile and antibiotic sensitivity pattern of uropathogens isolated from intensive care unit patients 2014-2015
8 Mr. Naveen Kumar

Guide :
Dr. S.Jayanthi

Co-guide :
Dr. Kumaran. G

A comparative study of fluorescence microscopy with Ziehl – Neelson staining and culture for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis 2014-15
9 Ms. Jenifer

Guide : DR. Preethi .V

Co-Guide :
Alice Peace

Lancefield grouping and macrolide resistance of hemolytic Streptococci isolated from clinical isolates 2013-2014
10 Dr. Abirami
MD Microbiology
Study on catheter related blood stream infections in a tertiary care hospital 2014-15
11 Dr.Purushothaman G
MD Microbiology
Evaluation of TNF∞ , IL 6 , CRP, hs CRP as markers of sepsis in a tertiary care hospital 2014-15
12 Dr.Dinesh Raj R
MD Microbiology
Speciation & antifungal susceptibility pattern of Candida isolates from clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital 2015-2016
13 Ms J.C.Abisha MSc Medical Microbiology Comparative study of peripheral blood smear, rapid antigen detection, ELISA and PCR methods for the diagnosis of malaria in a tertiary care centre. 2015-2016
14 Mr Ajish C
MSc Medical Microbiology
Comparative study on the seroprevalence of CMV antibodies among doctors and voluntary blood donors in a tertiary care hospital 2015-2016
15 Chuing Lundup
MSc Medical Microbiology
Screening for scrub typhus in patients presenting with PUO in a tertiary care centre 2015-2016
16 D.Danis Vijay MSc Medical Microbiology A study on epidemiological correlation of microbes from different water sources in and around Kelambakkam 2015-2016
17 V. Gayathri
MSc Medical Microbiology
A study on the etiology of acute exacerbation of COPD and correlation with procalcitonin and CRP levels 2015-2016
18 Poonguzhali S MSc Medical Microbiology Evaluation of the efficacy of in use disinfectants against drug resistant bacterial pathogens isolated from a tertiary care hospital 2014-2015
19 Dr. Nirupa S
Associate Professor
Detection of ciprofloxacin resistance plasmids in Gram negative bacilli 2014-2015
20 Ms Madhurima Mukherjee
M.Sc Medical Microbiology
A study on Macrolide Lincosamide Streptogramin B resistant Staphylococcal species in clinical sample in a tertiary care center 2014-2015
21 Ms Vidya Ravi
M.Sc Medical Microbiology
A Study on Bacterial and Fungal sinusitis and antimicrobial sensitivity testing in a tertiary care hospital in Kelambakkam. 2014-2015
22 Ms Carolyn
MSc Medical Microbiology
A study on the virulence factors in Ciprofloxacin resistant uropathogenic Gram negative bacilli 2013-14
23 Mr.Tenzin Desel
M.Sc. Medical Microbiology
Study on various Hepatitis B Viral markers in patients and health care workers in a tertiary care hospital 2014-2015
24 Mr Arul Arasan

Guide : Mrs Alice

Detection of high and low level Mupirocin Resistance among clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus 2013-14
25 Mr.Anuroop S.
M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology
Study on bla KPC gene detection in clinical isolates of Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae isolates from clinical samples 2013-14
26 Dr.Shifa Meharaj
MD Microbiology
Speciation & characterization of Tribe Proteae in a tertiary care hospital 2013-14
27 Ms.G.Gowthami
M.Sc Medical Microbiology
Speciation & characterization of Enterococci from clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital 2012-13
28 Dr.S.Kandasamy
MD Microbiology
Bacteriological analysis of clinical samples from intensive care unit with special reference to multidrug resistant bugs in a tertiary care hospital 2012-13
29 Dr.R.Janani
MD Microbiology
Speciation and characterization of Klebsiella isolates from a tertiary care hospital. 2013
30 Ms Gayathri

Guide : Dr M.Jeya

Candida speciation from salivary samples in diabetic and healthy individuals 2012-2013
31 Dr.Priyadarshini Shanmugam Associate Professor

Guide : Dr Jeya

Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae 2012-13
32 Ms. Raji (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Study on superficial fungal infections 2012-13
33 Mr.Venkatesh (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology)
34 Ms.J.Pothini (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Comparative study of detection of Antinuclear antibody (ANA) by Immunofluorescence and ELISA method 2012
35 Mr.Dinesh (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Prevalence of Gram negative bacilli in blood samples and study of antimicrobial susceptibility pattern 2012
36 Ms.Renu (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Study on Plasmid mediated resistance in Acinetobacter species 2012
37 Mr.Prabhu (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Study on bacteriology of Surgical site infections 2012
38 Ms.Suja (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Bacteriological study of External ocular infections 2012
39 Ms.Shanthi (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Profile of Infections in patients undergoing hemodialysis 2011
40 Ms Sivaranjani MBBS Prevalence of Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae in a tertiary care hospital 2011
41 Mr Vysak PR M.Sc. Medical Microbiology Characterisation of MRSA isolates from clinical samples. 2011
42 Ms Jomy Jose M.Sc. Medical Microbiology Prevalence and susceptibility pattern of CoNS from clinical samples. 2011
43 Ms S Linda Susan M.Sc. Medical Microbiology Bacteriology of Diabetic foot ulcers 2011
44 Mr Ranjith M.Sc. Medical Microbiology PG Speciation and characterization of Candida isolates from clinical samples. 2011
45 Mr Vijay M.Sc. Medical Microbiology PG Speciation and characterization of pseudomonas 2011
46 Mr Karthik M.Sc. Medical Microbiology Study of biofilm producing organisms associated with invasive devices
S.No Title of the Project Completed Ongoing Initiated Student Project Extramural Funding amount
1 Molecular characterization of genital HPV

Dr. Nirupa S,

Guide: Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Yes Yes NIL
2 Evaluation of Molecular diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of common arboviral infections in India.

Dr. Preethi. V,

Guide: Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Yes Yes NIL
3 Genotypic study on drug resistant pathogens and its associated risk factors causing infections in a tertiary care hospital.

Dr.S.H.Shifa Meharaj,

Guide: Dr Jayanthi S

Yes Yes NIL
4 Clinical Significance of Molecular, Cultural and Non Cultural methods in Detection of Pathogens causing respiratory tract Infection.

Mr. Danis Vijay ,

Guide: Dr Jayanthi S

Yes Yes CARE (50,000/year)
5 Early diagnosis of Group A Streptococcus serotypes causing Rheumatic fever and Rheumatic heart disease: Proteomic analysis, Echocardiography and functional polymorphism.

Ms. Sujhithria,

Guide: Dr Jayanthi S

Yes Yes CARE (50,000/year)
6 Study of choloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparam and primaquine resistance in Plasmodium vivax causing human malaria using molecular techniques.

Ms. Abhisha JC,

Dr. Vasanthi R

Yes Yes CARE (50,000/year)
7 Multiplex PCR for the diagnosis of Leptospirosis, Typhoid and Malaria.

Dr Shifa Meharaj ,

Guide: Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam

8 Evaluation of coastal pollution and its impact on human health – a prospective cohort study.

Dr.Priyadarshini Shanmugam (Co-Investigator)

National Centre for Coastal Research (sanctioned)

Yes 10000000/- (1 crore)
9 LAMP Assay in comparison with LPA for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis.

Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam & Dr V.Preethi

10 Microbiological profile and resistance pattern of bacterial isolates from respiratory secretions of ventilated patients in the ICU – A retrospective study.

Dr Preethi & Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam

11 Prevalence of bacterial pathogens and their antibiotic susceptibilityprofile in consumable freshwater and marine fish – A comparative study Yes NIL
12 Comparative Analysis of Microbial Concentration in Central Clinical Laboratory and microbial carriage among ward Assistants and other healthcare workers accessing the laboratory.

Mr. Snehasis & Dr. Jaison J

13 A Study on the variations in antibiotic susceptibility patterns of common clinical bacterial isolates upon chronic exposure to sub inhibitory concentration of Chlorhexidine.

Dr. Alice Peace,

Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam,

Dr. Arunkumar

Project title and PI Collaborating Organization Funding organization Amount of funding Status
1. Evaluation of coastal pollution and its impact on human health – a prospective cohort study.

Dr.Priyadarshini Shanmugam (Co-Investigator)

National institute of ocean technology (sanctioned)

National institute of ocean technology

Wockhardt India pvt limited


Wockhardt India pvt limited

10000000/-(1 crore) Ongoing
2. Clinical trial – Aspire India study – Invitro study “susceptibility testing employing WCK 771 / WCK 2349 disks to assess the susceptibility of recent Gram Positive isolates

PI – Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Co PI – Dr. Alice Peace R

3. A Surveillance study on the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of bacteria isolates collected from patients at various Indian tertiary care hospitals. ASPIRE INDIA STUDY.

Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam / Dr Alice Peace Selvabai

PI – Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Co PI – Dr. Alice Peace R

Wockhardt India pvt limited Wockhardt India pvt limited Rs 4,00,000 ongoing

Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international)

S.No Name of the Program Source of funding Number of Delegates Date(s)
1 Guest lecture – Dengue-Epidemiology and Current Scenario,
The guest speaker was Wing Commander Sunita D Patil, Head of Department,
Department of Laboratory science 7 Air Force Hospital, Kanpur, UP
CARE 150 17.12.2021
3 Webinar on Stem Cell Transplantation and infection prevention

Dr Muthalagu Ramanathan, Associate Professor,
Hemato Oncology, UCMass Medical Centre, MA

CARE 98 29.07.2020
4 Webinar on Diagnosis and prevention of COVID-19 an overview”

Dr Hemalatha Varadhan, Professor & HOD, New South Wales Health Pathology, John Hunter Hospital

CARE 150 14.07.2020
5 Webinar on “Whats not taught”

Dr. Shrikala Baliga, Professor of Microbiology Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Research & Education, Mangalore

CARE 150 07.07.2020
6 Webinar on “Emerging viral infections”

Dr. J.Jayalakshmi MD, Professor, Department of Microbiology, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore.

CARE 150 30.06.2020
7 Webinar on “Quality control and Biosafety in the Molecular testing lab with special reference to SARS-CoV2”

Dr. J.Jayalakshmi MD, Professor, Department of Microbiology, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore.

CARE 50 06.06.2020
8 Webinar on “SARS CoV2- Understanding the genetic organisation & design of molecular testing tools”

“SARS CoV2- Understanding the genetic organisation & design of molecular testing tools”.

The speaker was Dr. Naveen Kumar V. PhD, Founder & Managing Director , ImmuGenix Biosciences Pvt Ltd, Chennai

CARE 50 05.06.2020
9 Week long event on Safety

National Safety week

Day 1: Safe Injection Practices

Day 2: Road Safety

Day 3: Fire Safety Awareness

Day 4: Lecture on Stress Management

Day 6: Needle stick Injuries

CARE 150 28.02.2020





10 CME on Autoimmunity & Rheumatological diseases .

Dr. V. Krishnamurthy MD,DM,FRCP, Consultant in Fortis Malar hospital and CEO of Chennai Meenakshi Multispeciality Hospital

CARE 150 29.02.2020
11 CME on Clinical Governance.

Dr. J.Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas, Senior Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery in Centre for Advances Brain and Spine Surgery, Tamilnadu Government Multi Super Speciality Hospital at Omanthoorar

CARE 150 03.01.2020
12 CME on Elimination of HIV/ AIDS by 2030

Dr Chandrasekaran, Medical Manager, SAATHII

CARE 150 04.12.2019
13 Impact of feedback and Evaluation in medical Education

Dr. Rama Narayanan MD, FACP, Canton medical Education Residency Program, USA

CARE 150 04.11.2019
14 Biomedical waste management as per the statutory guidelines 2016

Dr. AVM Balaji, Faculty of Microbiology, Govt. Stanley Medical college

CARE 150 03.09.2019
15 Carbapenems : Mechanisms of resistance,

Diagnosis and Clinical Impact

Dr.. Anusha Rohit MD
Head of clinical microbiology
Madras medical mission

CARE 150 16.08.2019
16 CHETVIROCON 2019 CARE 250 05.07.2019
17 Gut Microbiome CARE 150 21.06.2019
18 Prosthetic Joint infections

Dr. Hemalatha

CARE 150 04.01.2019
19 CME on Perinatal infections –an update

Dr. Renuka Sekar, Clinical Lead, OBG, Royal Brisbane Womens Hospital, Australia

CARE 55 08.11.2018
20 CME Intraocular infections

Dr G. Suganeswari, DNB, DO
Consultant Vitreo retinal surgeon, Sankara Nethralaya

CARE 60 20.04.2018
21 CME Acute Kidney injury and Chronic renal failure

Dr V.Vivek, MRCP
Consultant Nephrologist, Apollo Hospitals

CARE 75 19.01.2018
22 Workshop on ICTC pre and post test counseling

Resource person:

Dr Santhosh Clement MSW,PhD, National Trainer, NBTC & NACO

CARE 15 20.11.2017 to 22.11.2017
23 CME – Recent advances and the role of BMT in the management of AML

Dr R.Muthulagu, MD, Professor and Director, Bone marrow transplant unit, UC MAS, USA

CARE 70 08.09.2017
24 CME – Viral infections in pregnancy

Dr Venkat S, MD FRCPath

Clinical Head, Wye Valley , NHS, UK

CARE 65 25.08.2017
25 CME – Biomedical Waste Management – Guidelines 2016

Dr Rosy Vennila MD, Prof and HOD, Govt Stanley Medical College and State Nodal Officer for Infection Control

CARE 80 21.04.2017
26 CME – Breast Cancer –

Dr Lakshmi Balasubramaniam MD/MS- Texas Oncology, USA

CARE 150 17.03.2017
27 CME program on the importance of reporting MIC values while testing the bacterial isolates- Biomerieux Biomerieux 100 6.11.2015
28 Update on Hospital Infection Control CARE 250 31.10.2015
29 Update on HIV

– Dr Sathish Kumar Angappan MD , Asst Director, SAATHI

Nil 100 24.02.2015
30 One day state level conference “Current Updates in Clinical Microbiology” CARE 240 16.03.2013
31 CME “Global Handwashing Day” Nil 300 15.10.2012
32 Workshop on Molecular Techniques Nil 20 October 2011
33 5 days CME program on Hospital Infection Control CARE 200 23.08.2010 to 27.08.2010
34 One day State Level Symposium on the “Application of Molecular Techniques in clinical diagnosis and research” CARE 300 19.12.2009
S.No Best Practices of Department of Microbiology -2
1 Title of the Practice Teaching school children correct hand washing techniques – (Outreach )
2 The context and the setting In India, numerous children suffer from diarrhea and other communicable diseases every year. Most of these infections can be prevented by proper hand washing with soap and water. We are all aware that behavior change begins early and so the school going children need to be trained on the importance of hand hygiene and the correct techniques at this young impressionable age. This will enable them to grow into healthy and responsible citizens in the future.
3 Objectives. To train the school children on the correct handwashing technique.

To educate them on the indications for hand washing

4 The Practice To visit the schools near Kelambakkam and to train children by either demonstration or powerpoint lectures or both.
5 Obstacles faced Compliance of the school children – it may be initially difficult to make the children to adopt the correct handwashing techniques.
6 Impact of the practice More school children will become aware of the correct handwashing technique. These children will also follow the correct procedure at home and at school. They may be emulated by their other friends and siblings etc. This will pave the way for a new generation of adults with better awareness on Hand hygiene. This is also in compliance to the Swach Bharath campaign
7 Resources required Microbiology faculty as resource person for demonstration.

Liquid soap, Handouts on Handwashing techniques

Department of Microbiology

About the Department

The Department of Microbiology was established in 2005 and caters not only to the diagnostic need of clinicians, but is also actively involved in teaching, researchand hospital infection control activities. The Lab was established in 2005 and has made immense progress since then.The Clinical Microbiology lab is a component of the Central Clinical Laboratory and is NABL accredited for Microbiology, Serology and Molecular Testing. Laboratory Accreditation provides official recognition of our competence and provides a ready means for customers to find reliable testing services as per their requirements.

The Team

Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List

The Department of Microbiology, CHRI is a community of well qualified and enthusiasticfaculty, technical support staff, research scholars and postgraduate students. The faculty are qualified Clinical Microbiologists with adequate experience, necessary expertise and skills required for the interpretation of test results and accordingly aid the clinicians in clinching the diagnosis of infectious diseases.



Keeping in line with the statutory requirements, the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory has separate service laboratories for Bacteriology, Serology, Molecular Virology, Parasitology, Mycology, Tuberculosis (Mycobacteriology) and Immunology. In addition, separate areas have been earmarked for media preparation and autoclaving and for decontamination of all clinical samples and used media (Photo).

Microbiology Division is fitted withsophisticated equipment such as the Vitek 2 compact for automated microbial identification and antibiotic sensitivity testing by MIC method. Vitek2 enables to identify a large range of microorganisms and the system can process 30 cards at a time. All steps are automated, right from sample feeding, reading to recording and interpretation of results. BD Bactec 9050 is a trusted automated blood culture system which can accommodate blood samples with barcode and continuous monitoring facilitiesto detect growth at the earliest is also present.

Top quality Biosafety cabinets Class II Type B2 have been installed in Bacteriology, Mycobacteriology and the Molecular testing Labs to ensure personnel safety while processing bacteriology samples.

Serology and Immunology are equipped with a Bio-Rad PR4100 Absorbance microplate reader, which is an 8- channel absorbance microplate reader with accurate, reproducible and fast measurements using windows-based software technology.

The department also boasts of a walk in cooler to enable the storage of the diagnostic kits and antibiotic discs in a common storage facility.

A dedicated and isolated area is available for decontamination of all clinical samples and used media prior to discarding.

Molecular Testing Lab

This newly established section and the pride of the Microbiology Department is equipped with an ultra-modern Rotor Gene Q, a Real Time PCR machine, which can process 72 samples in one run. Two fully automated nucleic Acid Extractors (Qiacube and Alta) are used for the purification and extraction process. Within a short span of time, molecular testing division has processed thousands of samples for COVID 19 by Real Time PCR and by doing so, has lent a supportive hand to the government and its initiatives of testing more people for SARS-CoV 2, so as to aid in the control of the disease.


The teaching learning process at the department of Microbiology is an enriching and enjoyable experience for the students. All the teaching faculty are well qualified, experienced and student friendly and we also have a robust mentorship program in place.

Our teaching programmes for undergraduates and postgraduates help a pipeline of skilled health care professionals to grow. Our teaching modalities provide extensive knowledge in the formative years of medical schooling.

The various undergraduate courses handled include MBBS, BSc Nursing, BSc AHS, Post basic BSc Nursing, BPT. The postgraduate programs offered include MD Microbiology and PhD in Microbiology. Other PG courses handled include Clinical MD courses, MSc Human Nutrition, MDS, MSc MLT students posted in rotation for training in Microbiological methods

Teaching training MoU is in place for students of Chettinad Dental College and Asian Metropolitan University. Special training is also given to international students from other Asian countries to help them with technical skills

Teaching is scheduled and executed for students belonging to different streams through didactic lectures, small group discussions, module teaching, tutorials, Integrated teaching, practical classes and seminar presentations.

Many on-line teaching methods are also made use of for teaching, evaluation & assignment submission. The post graduate teaching is mainly directed towards self-directed learning are they encouraged to refer many books and to present theory seminars on important topics, with the aid of a facilitator. Journal clubs are also regularly conducted. They are also encouraged to participate and present papers on interesting cases and other research topics in national & international conferences.

Effective mentorship programme is available for students. Student support is extended by the faculty – intensive mentorship for poor performers and high performers are encouraged to participate in prize exams, quiz competitions, etc.

A state-of-the-art museum is available to the students with models, specimens & picturesque demonstration of important microbiological & immunological concepts.


We aim in the promotion and co-ordination of basic, applied,and clinical research. The Department of Microbiology encourages research activities among the faculty and students. UG students are motivated to participate in ICMR STS projects. Collaborative research work is also carried out along with the clinical departments and department of Biotechnology. We are also part of several multicentric research studies. Most of the faculty are eligible PhD guides who guide JRF with their research. At present research activities are being carried out in thrust areas like SARS CoV2, Respiratory Tract pathogens, HPV, Arboviruses, multidrug resistant pathogens, etc. A well-equipped research lab is available to students for explore their research skills. PhD program is also offered by the department to interested students on both full time & part time basis

Services offered

Diagnostic Services are offered in the various sections of Microbiology to both outpatients and inpatients and include the following investigations offered under different sections:

  • Microbiology (Bacteriology, Mycobacteriology)- Gram Stain, Culture and Sensitivity, AFB stain, AFB Culture by conventional and Micro MGIT
  • Mycology – Microscopy (KOH Mount, Gram Stain), Fungal Culture
  • Parasitology – Stool Routine examination for ova and cyst
  • Immunology and Serology including Viral Serology – ASO, CRP, RF, RPR, Widal, Viral markers such as HIV, Hepatitis B, C, Dengue Serology
  • Virology (Molecular Virology) – H1NI, HIV, COVID-19 detection by RT PCR
  • Molecular Testing – drug resistant gene study

Outreach Activities

Outreach activity – Department of Microbiology (18.12.21)

Department of Microbiology, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, in collaboration with Simple Trust, organized an outreach activity on 18.12.21 for the Irular tribal kids residing in Irular Kudiyiruppu at Nandivaram, Guduvancherry, Kancheepuram District. Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam, Dr Alice Peace, Dr John Maria Louis and DDrSathyakamala of the Department of Microbiology participated in the program. These underprivileged small kids were educated on the importance of personal hygiene and the correct procedure of hand washing was demonstrated to them. The children were asked to perform the handwashing. Information on the Covid 19 pandemic and the preventive measures for the same was also taught to the students. Personal hygiene kits were distributed to the kids.

CHRI strongly believes that community outreach programs such as education on health and hygiene, basic screening of the health of the community, management of clinical cases and simultaneously provision of facilities to access the hospital servicesplay a vital role in improving and extending the reach of health care. The Microbiology department participates actively in many community engagement activities by organizing many awareness and screening camps.

Hand hygiene Awareness camps are conductedto create awareness among the school going children about the importance of hand hygiene and the correct handwashing procedure to be followed. Students were educated with the aid of shortfilms, powerpoint presentations and handouts illustrating the various steps of handwash.

Completed projects


S.No Name of the Investigators Title Funding Agency(if any) Amount Duration
1 Mrs Alice Peace R

Guide: Dr Shameem Banu A. S

Characterisation of Staphylococcus aureus based on its virulence determinants and antibiotic resistance profile 2013-2018
2 Dr Vasanthi

Guide: Dr Shameem Banu A.S

Isolation and Molecular characterisation of organisms producing Biofilms 2009 Aug
3 Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Guide: Dr Shameem Banu A.S

2009 Aug
4 Dr S.Jayanthi

Guide: Dr M.Jeya

Phenotypic and Genotypic characterisation of Non fermenters from various clinical samples- CARE 10,000 2009 Feb
5 Mr G. Kumaran

Guide: Dr Shameem Banu A.S

A study on superficial fungal infections in tertiary care hospital
6 Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Guide: Dr Shameem Banu Professor

Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae CARE
10,000 2012-2013
7 Dr. Nirupa S
Associate Professor
Detection of ciprofloxacin resistance plasmids in Gram negative bacilli 2014-2015


S.No Name of the Investigators Title Funding Agency(if any) Amount Duration
1 Dr. Ashok Viswanath,

Guide: Dr. Priyadarshini S

Clinico bacteriological profile of urinary tract infection in patients with preexisting urinary tract diseases in a tertiary care hospital. 2017-2020
2 Dr Elayarani A
MD Microbiology
Phenotypic and Genotypic characterization of Erythromycin resistant Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococci from Acute tonsillo pharyngitis in a tertiary care hospital. 2016 – 2019
3 Dr Saranya A
MD Microbiology
Evaluation of second generation Anti CCP antibodies with RA Factor isotype in the diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. 2016 – 2019
4 Dr Jaison Jayakaran
MD Microbiology
Phenotypic and Genotypic characterization of Multidrug resistant isolates from patients with catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) in a tertiary care hospital. 2016 – 2019
5 Dr Anitha.R
MD Microbiology
Prevalence of Dengue and Leptospira co infection among patients presenting to tertiary care hospital with acute febrile illness- a cross sectional study. 2015-2018
6 Deepthi Mayi Das MSc Biotechnology A study on biofilm inhibitory activities of various plant derived antioxidant compounds among Staphylococcus epidermidis isolated from clinical samples 15,000 2017-2018
7 Mr Gopal

Dr. S.Nirupa

Co-guide :
Dr. Shifa Meharaj

Analysis of microbiological profile and antibiotic sensitivity pattern of uropathogens isolated from intensive care unit patients 2014-2015
8 Mr. Naveen Kumar

Guide :
Dr. S.Jayanthi

Co-guide :
Dr. Kumaran. G

A comparative study of fluorescence microscopy with Ziehl – Neelson staining and culture for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis 2014-15
9 Ms. Jenifer

Guide : DR. Preethi .V

Co-Guide :
Alice Peace

Lancefield grouping and macrolide resistance of hemolytic Streptococci isolated from clinical isolates 2013-2014
10 Dr. Abirami
MD Microbiology
Study on catheter related blood stream infections in a tertiary care hospital 2014-15
11 Dr.Purushothaman G
MD Microbiology
Evaluation of TNF∞ , IL 6 , CRP, hs CRP as markers of sepsis in a tertiary care hospital 2014-15
12 Dr.Dinesh Raj R
MD Microbiology
Speciation & antifungal susceptibility pattern of Candida isolates from clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital 2015-2016
13 Ms J.C.Abisha MSc Medical Microbiology Comparative study of peripheral blood smear, rapid antigen detection, ELISA and PCR methods for the diagnosis of malaria in a tertiary care centre. 2015-2016
14 Mr Ajish C
MSc Medical Microbiology
Comparative study on the seroprevalence of CMV antibodies among doctors and voluntary blood donors in a tertiary care hospital 2015-2016
15 Chuing Lundup
MSc Medical Microbiology
Screening for scrub typhus in patients presenting with PUO in a tertiary care centre 2015-2016
16 D.Danis Vijay MSc Medical Microbiology A study on epidemiological correlation of microbes from different water sources in and around Kelambakkam 2015-2016
17 V. Gayathri
MSc Medical Microbiology
A study on the etiology of acute exacerbation of COPD and correlation with procalcitonin and CRP levels 2015-2016
18 Poonguzhali S MSc Medical Microbiology Evaluation of the efficacy of in use disinfectants against drug resistant bacterial pathogens isolated from a tertiary care hospital 2014-2015
19 Dr. Nirupa S
Associate Professor
Detection of ciprofloxacin resistance plasmids in Gram negative bacilli 2014-2015
20 Ms Madhurima Mukherjee
M.Sc Medical Microbiology
A study on Macrolide Lincosamide Streptogramin B resistant Staphylococcal species in clinical sample in a tertiary care center 2014-2015
21 Ms Vidya Ravi
M.Sc Medical Microbiology
A Study on Bacterial and Fungal sinusitis and antimicrobial sensitivity testing in a tertiary care hospital in Kelambakkam. 2014-2015
22 Ms Carolyn
MSc Medical Microbiology
A study on the virulence factors in Ciprofloxacin resistant uropathogenic Gram negative bacilli 2013-14
23 Mr.Tenzin Desel
M.Sc. Medical Microbiology
Study on various Hepatitis B Viral markers in patients and health care workers in a tertiary care hospital 2014-2015
24 Mr Arul Arasan

Guide : Mrs Alice

Detection of high and low level Mupirocin Resistance among clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus 2013-14
25 Mr.Anuroop S.
M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology
Study on bla KPC gene detection in clinical isolates of Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae isolates from clinical samples 2013-14
26 Dr.Shifa Meharaj
MD Microbiology
Speciation & characterization of Tribe Proteae in a tertiary care hospital 2013-14
27 Ms.G.Gowthami
M.Sc Medical Microbiology
Speciation & characterization of Enterococci from clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital 2012-13
28 Dr.S.Kandasamy
MD Microbiology
Bacteriological analysis of clinical samples from intensive care unit with special reference to multidrug resistant bugs in a tertiary care hospital 2012-13
29 Dr.R.Janani
MD Microbiology
Speciation and characterization of Klebsiella isolates from a tertiary care hospital. 2013
30 Ms Gayathri

Guide : Dr M.Jeya

Candida speciation from salivary samples in diabetic and healthy individuals 2012-2013
31 Dr.Priyadarshini Shanmugam Associate Professor

Guide : Dr Jeya

Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae 2012-13
32 Ms. Raji (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Study on superficial fungal infections 2012-13
33 Mr.Venkatesh (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology)
34 Ms.J.Pothini (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Comparative study of detection of Antinuclear antibody (ANA) by Immunofluorescence and ELISA method 2012
35 Mr.Dinesh (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Prevalence of Gram negative bacilli in blood samples and study of antimicrobial susceptibility pattern 2012
36 Ms.Renu (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Study on Plasmid mediated resistance in Acinetobacter species 2012
37 Mr.Prabhu (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Study on bacteriology of Surgical site infections 2012
38 Ms.Suja (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Bacteriological study of External ocular infections 2012
39 Ms.Shanthi (M.Sc. Medical Microbiology) Profile of Infections in patients undergoing hemodialysis 2011
40 Ms Sivaranjani MBBS Prevalence of Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae in a tertiary care hospital 2011
41 Mr Vysak PR M.Sc. Medical Microbiology Characterisation of MRSA isolates from clinical samples. 2011
42 Ms Jomy Jose M.Sc. Medical Microbiology Prevalence and susceptibility pattern of CoNS from clinical samples. 2011
43 Ms S Linda Susan M.Sc. Medical Microbiology Bacteriology of Diabetic foot ulcers 2011
44 Mr Ranjith M.Sc. Medical Microbiology PG Speciation and characterization of Candida isolates from clinical samples. 2011
45 Mr Vijay M.Sc. Medical Microbiology PG Speciation and characterization of pseudomonas 2011
46 Mr Karthik M.Sc. Medical Microbiology Study of biofilm producing organisms associated with invasive devices

Ongoing Research Projects

S.No Title of the Project Completed Ongoing Initiated Student Project Extramural Funding amount
1 Molecular characterization of genital HPV

Dr. Nirupa S,

Guide: Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Yes Yes NIL
2 Evaluation of Molecular diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of common arboviral infections in India.

Dr. Preethi. V,

Guide: Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Yes Yes NIL
3 Genotypic study on drug resistant pathogens and its associated risk factors causing infections in a tertiary care hospital.

Dr.S.H.Shifa Meharaj,

Guide: Dr Jayanthi S

Yes Yes NIL
4 Clinical Significance of Molecular, Cultural and Non Cultural methods in Detection of Pathogens causing respiratory tract Infection.

Mr. Danis Vijay ,

Guide: Dr Jayanthi S

Yes Yes CARE (50,000/year)
5 Early diagnosis of Group A Streptococcus serotypes causing Rheumatic fever and Rheumatic heart disease: Proteomic analysis, Echocardiography and functional polymorphism.

Ms. Sujhithria,

Guide: Dr Jayanthi S

Yes Yes CARE (50,000/year)
6 Study of choloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparam and primaquine resistance in Plasmodium vivax causing human malaria using molecular techniques.

Ms. Abhisha JC,

Dr. Vasanthi R

Yes Yes CARE (50,000/year)
7 Multiplex PCR for the diagnosis of Leptospirosis, Typhoid and Malaria.

Dr Shifa Meharaj ,

Guide: Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam

8 Evaluation of coastal pollution and its impact on human health – a prospective cohort study.

Dr.Priyadarshini Shanmugam (Co-Investigator)

National Centre for Coastal Research (sanctioned)

Yes 10000000/- (1 crore)
9 LAMP Assay in comparison with LPA for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis.

Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam & Dr V.Preethi

10 Microbiological profile and resistance pattern of bacterial isolates from respiratory secretions of ventilated patients in the ICU – A retrospective study.

Dr Preethi & Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam

11 Prevalence of bacterial pathogens and their antibiotic susceptibilityprofile in consumable freshwater and marine fish – A comparative study Yes NIL
12 Comparative Analysis of Microbial Concentration in Central Clinical Laboratory and microbial carriage among ward Assistants and other healthcare workers accessing the laboratory.

Mr. Snehasis & Dr. Jaison J

13 A Study on the variations in antibiotic susceptibility patterns of common clinical bacterial isolates upon chronic exposure to sub inhibitory concentration of Chlorhexidine.

Dr. Alice Peace,

Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam,

Dr. Arunkumar

Project title and PI Collaborating Organization Funding organization Amount of funding Status
1. Evaluation of coastal pollution and its impact on human health – a prospective cohort study.

Dr.Priyadarshini Shanmugam (Co-Investigator)

National institute of ocean technology (sanctioned)

National institute of ocean technology

Wockhardt India pvt limited


Wockhardt India pvt limited

10000000/-(1 crore) Ongoing
2. Clinical trial – Aspire India study – Invitro study “susceptibility testing employing WCK 771 / WCK 2349 disks to assess the susceptibility of recent Gram Positive isolates

PI – Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Co PI – Dr. Alice Peace R

3. A Surveillance study on the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of bacteria isolates collected from patients at various Indian tertiary care hospitals. ASPIRE INDIA STUDY.

Dr Priyadarshini Shanmugam / Dr Alice Peace Selvabai

PI – Dr. Priyadarshini Shanmugam

Co PI – Dr. Alice Peace R

Wockhardt India pvt limited Wockhardt India pvt limited Rs 4,00,000 ongoing

Conferences & CME
Best Practices

S.No Best Practices of Department of Microbiology -2
1 Title of the Practice Teaching school children correct hand washing techniques – (Outreach )
2 The context and the setting In India, numerous children suffer from diarrhea and other communicable diseases every year. Most of these infections can be prevented by proper hand washing with soap and water. We are all aware that behavior change begins early and so the school going children need to be trained on the importance of hand hygiene and the correct techniques at this young impressionable age. This will enable them to grow into healthy and responsible citizens in the future.
3 Objectives. To train the school children on the correct handwashing technique.

To educate them on the indications for hand washing

4 The Practice To visit the schools near Kelambakkam and to train children by either demonstration or powerpoint lectures or both.
5 Obstacles faced Compliance of the school children – it may be initially difficult to make the children to adopt the correct handwashing techniques.
6 Impact of the practice More school children will become aware of the correct handwashing technique. These children will also follow the correct procedure at home and at school. They may be emulated by their other friends and siblings etc. This will pave the way for a new generation of adults with better awareness on Hand hygiene. This is also in compliance to the Swach Bharath campaign
7 Resources required Microbiology faculty as resource person for demonstration.

Liquid soap, Handouts on Handwashing techniques

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