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The Department of Neurology at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute provides a wide-range of consultation services, diagnostic testing and treatment for a broad spectrum of neurological conditions, including diseases of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles. The Neurology department at Chettinad is a center of excellence and has a team of highly qualified neurologists & interventional neuro-radiologists

The Department of Neurology offers comprehensive consultation, evaluation and treatment services for adults and children with neurological disorders, through its clinical facilities.

Common Neurological disorders treated include the following:

  • Epilepsy
  • Stroke
  • Movement disorders
  • Memory disorders and dementia
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Neuromuscular diseases
  • Neuro-oncology
  • Sleep disorders
  • Pediatric neurology

Disorders appropriate for referral include all those of the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system and diseases of muscle.

Neurology and Neurosurgery Units have adequatenumber of patient beds and have access to additional Private, Semi-Private beds.

Speciality Clinics

Monday Headache Clinic
Tuesday Epilepsy Clinic
Wednesday Paediatric Neurology Clinic
Thursday Movement Disorders Clinic
Friday Botulinum Toxin/Multiple Sclerosis Clinic
First Saturday and Third Friday Sleep Clinic
  • EEG Electro encephalogram
  • Evoked Potentials (BAEP, VEP, SSEP)
  • Polysomnography
  • Multi Sleep Latency Test
  • Electro Neuro Myography
  • Autonomic Dysfunction Tests
  • Non-invasive vascular testing
  • Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging
  • Cerebral angiography
  • Nerve conduction study

Specialized procedures performed include the following

Neurointerventional Procedures

Our Neurointerventional team uses high-resolution imaging technology, including ultrasound (sounds waves), CT scans (a series of X-ray images), magnetic resonance angiography (a powerful magnetic field and radio waves), and angiograms (an X-ray test) to diagnose complex neurovascular disorders.Our interventional neuroradiologists work hand-in-hand with the neurologists and neurosurgeons on staff to determine the best treatment strategy for you. These specialists use highly developed and innovative techniques, including endovascular procedures (inside the blood vessels), surgery with microscopes. Procedures include:

We treat a wide range of conditions including:

  • Stroke which is the third leading cause of death in the country. In our hospital we regularly perform endovascular thrombectomy and thrombolysis. Thrombectomy is performed to remove blood clots in the brain through small tubes

  • Carotid stenosis treatment through minimally invasive surgery or the use of micro-balloons and stents threaded up to the brain through an artery in the groin to remove fatty deposits in the carotid and restore normal blood flow

  • Surgical clipping of complex (ruptured and unruptured) brain aneurysms, redirecting blood flow away from the aneurysm site to prevent rupture

  • Treatment of abnormal connections between the arteries in the brain using liquid agents to block blood flow (such as Onyx or n-BCA)

  • Vascular malformations of the brain and spine, Vessel occlusion

  • Carotid artery disease, Temporary and permanent vascular occlusion

  • Tumor embolization of the head and neck

  • Embolization for bleeding

The Neurology Residency Training Program commenced in the year 2013 and offers 1 seat. Clinical exposure is outstanding, teaching is a top priority, research and collaborative opportunities are abundant, and our faculty are friendly and approachable. Our training programs are diverse and are designed to provide the necessary acumen for all aspects of a career in neurology, including proficiency in the neurological exam, localization of disease, the neurological formulation, exposure to clinical and basic science research, evidence-based practice, team building, and leadership. By this foundation, we hope to inspire our neurologists towards a successful career of their choosing, whether as clinician, scientist, and/or educator, and encourage them to practice by the ideals of our program inspiring future generations to come.

Through our commitment to research, we continue to gain insight and understanding into the normal and abnormal functions of the human nervous system and how to care for related disorders. We are then able to share the knowledge gained and results of this research with our colleagues at the University, across the nation, and around the world. The benefits of our research are better health care and treatment options for patients and their families.

  • A Study of Prognostic factors in Autoimmune Diseases in Tertiary care hospital
  • Neuropsychological correlates with behavior manifestation of stroke patients – A cross sectional study
  • A Study of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh (LFCN) and to estimate its diagnostic efficacy in detecting MeralgiaParesthetica.
  • An Analysis of Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Migrainous individuals attending a tertiary care hospital.
  • The study of Visual Evoked Potentials in Diabetic patients without retinopathy attending a tertiary care hospital.
  • The role of H-reflex in Proximal lesions of Lower Limb
  • The study of Electroencephalographic changes in patients diagnosed with dementia attending a tertiary care hospital.
  • The study of Electroencephalographic changes in patients diagnosed with dementia attending a tertiary care hospital.
  • A Study of Retinal Vascular changes in persons with Cerebral Small Vessel Disease
  • Study on Acute Encephalopathy with Special Focus on Sepsis associated Encephalopathy
  • A study to analyse EEG changes in patients with Intracranial space occupying lesions
  • Analysis of EEG changes on Migrainous individuals
  • EEG findings in patients with transient Loss of consciousness
  • An analysis of clinical profile of carpel tunnel syndrome
  • The prevalence of entrapment neuropathy in patients attending a tertiary care hospital
  • An analysis of Vestibular evoked myogenic potential in patients with BPPV
  • Usefulness of median nerve Somatosensory evoked potential in the diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy
  • A retrospective analysis of EEG findings in patients with febrile seizures
  • Comparative electrophysiological study in pre and post Carpal Tunnel Syndrome release
  • Evaluation of occurrence of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome in patients with peripheral neuropathy
  • K.Subramaniyan, R L SunjayPradhep, GomathiAssociated With Entrapment Neuropathy In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital In Chennai Indian Journal Of Applied Research – Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2018

  • R L SunjayPradhep, K.Subramniyan , AfroseAnalysis Of Electroencephalographic Changes In Migrainous Individuals Attending Tertiary Care Hospital In Chennai .International Journal Of Scientific Research – Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018 |

  • ThangavelMuthusamy, DevaprasadMarkandeyan, Mariappan LIGAND-BASED PHARMACOPHORE MODELING STUDIES OF TNFALPHA- CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITORS. Indian Journal of Applied Research Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2019

  • DevaprasadMarkandeyan, ThangavelMuthusamy, Amruthavarshini Srinivasan
    Virtual screening of phytochemicals with anti- alzheimer glycogen synthase kinase – 3 beta activity. International Journal of Scientific Research -Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2019

Department of Neurology

About the Department

The Department of Neurology at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute provides a wide-range of consultation services, diagnostic testing and treatment for a broad spectrum of neurological conditions, including diseases of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles. The Neurology department at Chettinad is a center of excellence and has a team of highly qualified neurologists & interventional neuro-radiologists

Patient Care

The Department of Neurology offers comprehensive consultation, evaluation and treatment services for adults and children with neurological disorders, through its clinical facilities.

Common Neurological disorders treated include the following:

  • Epilepsy
  • Stroke
  • Movement disorders
  • Memory disorders and dementia
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Neuromuscular diseases
  • Neuro-oncology
  • Sleep disorders
  • Pediatric neurology

Disorders appropriate for referral include all those of the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system and diseases of muscle.

Neurology and Neurosurgery Units have adequatenumber of patient beds and have access to additional Private, Semi-Private beds.

Speciality Clinics

Monday Headache Clinic
Tuesday Epilepsy Clinic
Wednesday Paediatric Neurology Clinic
Thursday Movement Disorders Clinic
Friday Botulinum Toxin/Multiple Sclerosis Clinic
First Saturday and Third Friday Sleep Clinic

Services and Facilities

  • EEG Electro encephalogram
  • Evoked Potentials (BAEP, VEP, SSEP)
  • Polysomnography
  • Multi Sleep Latency Test
  • Electro Neuro Myography
  • Autonomic Dysfunction Tests
  • Non-invasive vascular testing
  • Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging
  • Cerebral angiography
  • Nerve conduction study

Specialized Procedures

Specialized procedures performed include the following

Neurointerventional Procedures

Our Neurointerventional team uses high-resolution imaging technology, including ultrasound (sounds waves), CT scans (a series of X-ray images), magnetic resonance angiography (a powerful magnetic field and radio waves), and angiograms (an X-ray test) to diagnose complex neurovascular disorders.Our interventional neuroradiologists work hand-in-hand with the neurologists and neurosurgeons on staff to determine the best treatment strategy for you. These specialists use highly developed and innovative techniques, including endovascular procedures (inside the blood vessels), surgery with microscopes. Procedures include:

We treat a wide range of conditions including:

  • Stroke which is the third leading cause of death in the country. In our hospital we regularly perform endovascular thrombectomy and thrombolysis. Thrombectomy is performed to remove blood clots in the brain through small tubes

  • Carotid stenosis treatment through minimally invasive surgery or the use of micro-balloons and stents threaded up to the brain through an artery in the groin to remove fatty deposits in the carotid and restore normal blood flow

  • Surgical clipping of complex (ruptured and unruptured) brain aneurysms, redirecting blood flow away from the aneurysm site to prevent rupture

  • Treatment of abnormal connections between the arteries in the brain using liquid agents to block blood flow (such as Onyx or n-BCA)

  • Vascular malformations of the brain and spine, Vessel occlusion

  • Carotid artery disease, Temporary and permanent vascular occlusion

  • Tumor embolization of the head and neck

  • Embolization for bleeding


The Neurology Residency Training Program commenced in the year 2013 and offers 1 seat. Clinical exposure is outstanding, teaching is a top priority, research and collaborative opportunities are abundant, and our faculty are friendly and approachable. Our training programs are diverse and are designed to provide the necessary acumen for all aspects of a career in neurology, including proficiency in the neurological exam, localization of disease, the neurological formulation, exposure to clinical and basic science research, evidence-based practice, team building, and leadership. By this foundation, we hope to inspire our neurologists towards a successful career of their choosing, whether as clinician, scientist, and/or educator, and encourage them to practice by the ideals of our program inspiring future generations to come.


Through our commitment to research, we continue to gain insight and understanding into the normal and abnormal functions of the human nervous system and how to care for related disorders. We are then able to share the knowledge gained and results of this research with our colleagues at the University, across the nation, and around the world. The benefits of our research are better health care and treatment options for patients and their families.

Ongoing research projects

  • A Study of Prognostic factors in Autoimmune Diseases in Tertiary care hospital
  • Neuropsychological correlates with behavior manifestation of stroke patients – A cross sectional study
  • A Study of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh (LFCN) and to estimate its diagnostic efficacy in detecting MeralgiaParesthetica.
  • An Analysis of Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Migrainous individuals attending a tertiary care hospital.
  • The study of Visual Evoked Potentials in Diabetic patients without retinopathy attending a tertiary care hospital.
  • The role of H-reflex in Proximal lesions of Lower Limb
  • The study of Electroencephalographic changes in patients diagnosed with dementia attending a tertiary care hospital.
  • The study of Electroencephalographic changes in patients diagnosed with dementia attending a tertiary care hospital.
  • A Study of Retinal Vascular changes in persons with Cerebral Small Vessel Disease
  • Study on Acute Encephalopathy with Special Focus on Sepsis associated Encephalopathy
  • A study to analyse EEG changes in patients with Intracranial space occupying lesions
  • Analysis of EEG changes on Migrainous individuals
  • EEG findings in patients with transient Loss of consciousness
  • An analysis of clinical profile of carpel tunnel syndrome
  • The prevalence of entrapment neuropathy in patients attending a tertiary care hospital
  • An analysis of Vestibular evoked myogenic potential in patients with BPPV
  • Usefulness of median nerve Somatosensory evoked potential in the diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy
  • A retrospective analysis of EEG findings in patients with febrile seizures
  • Comparative electrophysiological study in pre and post Carpal Tunnel Syndrome release
  • Evaluation of occurrence of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome in patients with peripheral neuropathy

Research Publications

  • K.Subramaniyan, R L SunjayPradhep, GomathiAssociated With Entrapment Neuropathy In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital In Chennai Indian Journal Of Applied Research – Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2018

  • R L SunjayPradhep, K.Subramniyan , AfroseAnalysis Of Electroencephalographic Changes In Migrainous Individuals Attending Tertiary Care Hospital In Chennai .International Journal Of Scientific Research – Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018 |

  • ThangavelMuthusamy, DevaprasadMarkandeyan, Mariappan LIGAND-BASED PHARMACOPHORE MODELING STUDIES OF TNFALPHA- CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITORS. Indian Journal of Applied Research Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2019

  • DevaprasadMarkandeyan, ThangavelMuthusamy, Amruthavarshini Srinivasan
    Virtual screening of phytochemicals with anti- alzheimer glycogen synthase kinase – 3 beta activity. International Journal of Scientific Research -Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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