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Obstetrics and Gynecology
Obstetrics and Gynecology

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology was established in 2005 and is one of the most vibrant departments of the hospital having a desirable blend of senior experienced and young energetic faculty. The department provides yeomen service to the women in and around the surrounding villages and towns of Chengalpattu district. The services provided by the department includes regular antenatal care, pre conceptional counseling, high risk pregnancy assessment and management, conduct of deliveries. The entire range of treatment for gynaecological problems, like infertility, STI, Cancer screening and management. It is one of the most popular departments in the hospital providing active services, round the clock.

Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List

The department is headed by Prof.C.R.Anuradha, who has a rich experience in the field of OBG. There is a right mixture of faculty who are young, dynamic and always enthusiastic towards patient care, research and imparting skills and knowledge to both the undergraduate and postgraduate students

The Department aims to provide holistic care to women through all the phases for her life right from a young prepubertal phase through her reproductive phase and beyond her post-menopausal phase. It offers comprehensive obstetric care, family planning services, screening and preventive services for various gynaecologic malignancies. The department functions between 08.30 am and 04.00 pm for outpatient care on all days of the week. Emergency obstetric and gynaecologic care is also provided in the casualty dedicated for the department

This forms a prime focus for the faculty of the dept of OBG, as knowledge about maternal, child and women’s health are mandatory core competencies to be acquired by the Indian medical graduate.

The teaching programs includes regular, structured theory classes, clinical discussions in OP departments and bedside tutorials, vertical and horizontal integrated teaching. In addition, symposiums, seminars, guest lectures and CME are conducted regularly. The clinical training also includes bedside demonstrations, skills lab training, small group discussions and labour ward postings. A continuous formative assessment of the students is done by weekly and end of postings, theory and clinical tests and viva voice. Special focus is given for slow learners in the form of additional clinical and theory classes by the Professors. The graduates are trained for competitive exams for postgraduate courses with tests in the MCQ pattern.

The Faculty are very enthusiastic about research and are involved in several projects. The key areas of focus are COVID 19 and its effects on pregnancy, High Risk obstetrics, cancer screening and preventive strategies, Labour interventions, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Fetal congenital anomalies.

The department functions between 08.30 am and 04.00 pm for outpatient care on all days of the week. Emergency obstetric and gynaecologic care is also provided in the casualty dedicated for the department. Several special clinics have been conceptualized and are being conducted by the department to cater to specific needs of the women.

Special Clinics

  • High risk pregnancy Clinic: Effectively screen and monitor pregnant women with multiple co-morbid conditions.
  • Infertility clinic: Compassionate care for the couple seeking help for infertility.
  • Family welfare clinic: Appropriate counseling and provision of services like MTP, Interval and puerperal sterilization. Temporary methods of spacing.
  • Postpartum clinic: Address the issues faced by women during their postpartum and provide appropriate counseling for family planning and breast feeding.
  • Cancer screening clinic: Health education and screening for breast cancer, uterine and ovarian cancer are done.
  • Menopause clinic: To provide services to women in their peri and postmenopausal stages addressing their various concerns at this juncture of their lives.

The Department provides round the clock (24*7) Labour services, where a state of the art, fully air conditioned and well equipped labour ward is available to appropriate care for women in labour. It is adequately supported by a well-stocked Blood bank, Neonatal ICU and fully equipped operation theatre.

In patient care is given in a structured manner. The department functions as five units, managing both obstetric and gynaecologic patients with adequate obstetrics gynaecologic and postnatal wards. Elective obstetric operations and gynaecologic surgeries are performed in a well-equipped OT complex.

Regular outreach activities are conducted by the department for the benefit of the poor and underprevileged sections of the society. At these camps camps, screening programs are done to identify problems like Anaemia, Diabetes and Hypertension in pregnancy and for cancer of the cervix and Breast. Patients requiring additional care are referred to the institute for further management. Health awareness promotions are done at these camps. Women are encouraged to seek help for problems like STI and Contraceptive choices.

Antenatal Awareness Programme

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology conducted an awareness program for antenatal mothers on 8.12.2021 at Venpusham, RHTC- Poonjeri. The event was organized and conducted by Dr Shery Angel, Associate Professor, Department Of OBG, CHRI. Antenatal mothers participated in the Program. The mothers were taught how to maintain a good nutritional status and how to increase the intake of vitamins and minerals. They were also told how to increase the intake of iron-rich foods, about the daily calorie requirement during pregnancy, normal weight gain during pregnancy and foods to avoid. The importance of taking iron and calcium supplements were emphasized.

Nutrition In Pregnancy And Lactation- Patient Awareness Programme

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology conducted an awareness program on “Nutrition In Pregnancy And Lactation” on 24.12.2021 at the OPD of the Department of Obstetrics And Gynaecology. The awareness program was conducted by Dr Rajasree, Senior Resident, Department Of OBG, CHRI. Antenatal mothers who attended the OBG OPD were the target audience. Heal education was given to the mothers on maintaining a good nutritional status and increasing the intake of vitamins and minerals. Daily calorie requirements during pregnancy, normal weight gain during pregnancy and also foods to be avoided were discussed.

Interesting Cases


  1. Mrs. N 35F, G4P1L1A5 / Prev LSCS / Breech presentation / Recurrent pregnancy loss / bad obstetric history / severe GDM
    on insulin.
  2. Mrs A 30F, G2P1L1 , prev LSCS , emergency LSCS at 37 weeks + 4 days with seizure episode on table after spinal
    anesthesia / Anaphylaxis to anaesthetic agent
  3. Mrs L 29F, G2P1L0 at 38 weeks + 4 days /Harris platelet syndrome
  4. Mrs. P 22F , primi at 21 weeks + 3 days anomalous baby with microcephaly with occipital meningo- myelocele.
  5. Mrs. P 24F , A2 GDM with IUFD ( anomalous baby- Non immune hydrops )
  6. Mrs. M , 28F . G2A1 31 weeks + 4 days , with seizure disorder with H/O open heart surgery ( VSD with PDA )
  7. Mrs. R 29F , Primi at 38weeks + 1 day with face presentation – baby showed features suggestive of Down’s syndrome
  8. Mrs. R 31F, G2P1L1 at 33 weeks + 4 days / Beta Thalassemia trait.
  9. Mrs. R 26F , G2P1L1 prev NVD at 9 weeks 2 days with SLE and retinal vasculitis.
  10. Mrs. K 24F ,primi at 30 weeks 1 day , with MCDA twins with TRAP syndrome.
  11. Mrs. B 30F, primi at 37 weeks 2 days . K/C/O Harris platelet syndrome.
  12. Mrs. D primi at 32 weeks K/C/O Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, with Splenomegaly with hepatic hemangioma
  13. Mrs. A 24F , G2P1L1 K/C/O seizure disorder with post- LSCS ( POD 4), Cerebral Venous Thrombosis managed by throm bectomy.
  14. Mrs. S 20F. G2A1 at 30 weeks + 3 days , severe pre- eclampsia / Oligohydromnios, HELLP syndorme / uterine didelphys
    with absent right kidney.
  15. Mrs. G 29F . P2L2 A3 prev LSCS ST not done , B/L chronic ruptured ectopic.
  16. Mrs . R – primi 35 weeks 5 days , IVF conception , anemia corrected , Overt DM On insulin. B/L lower limb DVT.
  17. Mrs. P 30F, P1 L1 Elective LSCS ( breech ) with Caeserean myomectomy done.
  18. Mrs K 38F . Primi at 15 weeks 1 day , scan showed increased Nuchal fold thickness , severe IUGR, cystic
    hygroma, B/L pleural effusion, pericardial effusion. F/S/O Non Immune fetal hydrops.


  1. Mrs. S – 41F Abortion with secondary infertility – patient presented with Giant fibroid.
  2. Miss.D 10/F Right ovarion cyct with torsion-HPE showed Pedunculated Intra peritoneal Lipoma.
  3. Mrs . D Pre-op diagnosis – ? Right ovarian serous cyst with torsion . Post- op- anterior abdominal wall mass /Abdominal TB
  4. Mrs.S 22F , Primary amenorrhea – hypoplastic uterus with B/L PCOS.
  5. Mrs .K 24F P1L1 prev NVD . left Large Tubo-ovarian mass.
  6. Mrs. P 45F . P2L2 with prev 2 LSCS with uterine fibroid 3Kgs with cholelithiasis.
  7. Mrs. S 38F P2L2/Ovarian Tumour-HPE report showed Endodermal sinus tumour.
  8. Mrs. S 65F , P3L3A1 /PMB-HPE showed Leiomyosarcoma.
  9. Mrs. P 42F . P1L1A1 Mass Abdomen/Right adnexal mass of size 14.5×10.5×12.5cms/HPE- Granulosa Cell Tumor of
    Right ovary.
  10. Mrs. D 55F . P3L3 MRI- , F/S/O prolapsing uterus leiomyoma with degeneration
  11. Mrs. N 23F . P2L2 /Prev LSCS Scar endometriosis.
  12. Ms. S 14F , Dimorphic anemia / Dyserythropoisis.
  13. Mrs . D 37F P2L2 prev 2 NVD with Left complex ovarian cyst / Severe Anemia.
  14. Mrs. A- Complex Left ovarian cyst of size 29x22x14cms with Torsion.

Guest Lecture: Recurrent pregnancy loss

The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, CHRI conducted an online guest lecture on 22.12.2021 on the topic of Recurrent pregnancy loss. The invited Speaker was DR. Geetha Lakshmi, Senior Consultant, Department of OBG, Madras Medical College, Chennai. The moderator of the program was Dr Saloni, of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. The speakers discussed pregnancy loss, causes, evaluation and management of recurrent pregnancy loss. The event was attended by over 110 delegates, undergraduate, postgraduate students and faculty members.

Guest Lecture On Colposcopy

A guest lecture was organised by the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology on 11.12.21 on Colposcopy. The speaker was Dr Jayashree, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Gynaec Oncology, Adayar Cancer Institute(Wia), Chennai. The moderator of the program was Dr Sailatha, Professor, Department Of OBG, Chettinad Hospital And Research Institute. The speaker discussed anatomy, identification of original squamocolumnar junction, new squamocolumnar junction and transition zone. Indications, timing and steps of colposcopy were discussed. Identification of various lesions(Low grade, high grade, Lesions in lesion), Reid’s index, Swede’s score, IFCPC, Colposcopic terminologies of the cervix, charts( ODDI’S and HAMMOND’S) etc were discussed. Faculty members, postgraduates and interns participated in the event. A total of 40 participants attended the guest lecture.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

About the Department

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology was established in 2005 and is one of the most vibrant departments of the hospital having a desirable blend of senior experienced and young energetic faculty. The department provides yeomen service to the women in and around the surrounding villages and towns of Chengalpattu district. The services provided by the department includes regular antenatal care, pre conceptional counseling, high risk pregnancy assessment and management, conduct of deliveries. The entire range of treatment for gynaecological problems, like infertility, STI, Cancer screening and management. It is one of the most popular departments in the hospital providing active services, round the clock.

The Team

Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List

The department is headed by Prof.C.R.Anuradha, who has a rich experience in the field of OBG. There is a right mixture of faculty who are young, dynamic and always enthusiastic towards patient care, research and imparting skills and knowledge to both the undergraduate and postgraduate students

Patient Care

The Department aims to provide holistic care to women through all the phases for her life right from a young prepubertal phase through her reproductive phase and beyond her post-menopausal phase. It offers comprehensive obstetric care, family planning services, screening and preventive services for various gynaecologic malignancies. The department functions between 08.30 am and 04.00 pm for outpatient care on all days of the week. Emergency obstetric and gynaecologic care is also provided in the casualty dedicated for the department


This forms a prime focus for the faculty of the dept of OBG, as knowledge about maternal, child and women’s health are mandatory core competencies to be acquired by the Indian medical graduate.

The teaching programs includes regular, structured theory classes, clinical discussions in OP departments and bedside tutorials, vertical and horizontal integrated teaching. In addition, symposiums, seminars, guest lectures and CME are conducted regularly. The clinical training also includes bedside demonstrations, skills lab training, small group discussions and labour ward postings. A continuous formative assessment of the students is done by weekly and end of postings, theory and clinical tests and viva voice. Special focus is given for slow learners in the form of additional clinical and theory classes by the Professors. The graduates are trained for competitive exams for postgraduate courses with tests in the MCQ pattern.


The Faculty are very enthusiastic about research and are involved in several projects. The key areas of focus are COVID 19 and its effects on pregnancy, High Risk obstetrics, cancer screening and preventive strategies, Labour interventions, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Fetal congenital anomalies.


The department functions between 08.30 am and 04.00 pm for outpatient care on all days of the week. Emergency obstetric and gynaecologic care is also provided in the casualty dedicated for the department. Several special clinics have been conceptualized and are being conducted by the department to cater to specific needs of the women.

Special Clinics

  • High risk pregnancy Clinic: Effectively screen and monitor pregnant women with multiple co-morbid conditions.
  • Infertility clinic: Compassionate care for the couple seeking help for infertility.
  • Family welfare clinic: Appropriate counseling and provision of services like MTP, Interval and puerperal sterilization. Temporary methods of spacing.
  • Postpartum clinic: Address the issues faced by women during their postpartum and provide appropriate counseling for family planning and breast feeding.
  • Cancer screening clinic: Health education and screening for breast cancer, uterine and ovarian cancer are done.
  • Menopause clinic: To provide services to women in their peri and postmenopausal stages addressing their various concerns at this juncture of their lives.

Labour Ward

The Department provides round the clock (24*7) Labour services, where a state of the art, fully air conditioned and well equipped labour ward is available to appropriate care for women in labour. It is adequately supported by a well-stocked Blood bank, Neonatal ICU and fully equipped operation theatre.


In patient care is given in a structured manner. The department functions as five units, managing both obstetric and gynaecologic patients with adequate obstetrics gynaecologic and postnatal wards. Elective obstetric operations and gynaecologic surgeries are performed in a well-equipped OT complex.

Outreach Activities

Regular outreach activities are conducted by the department for the benefit of the poor and underprevileged sections of the society. At these camps camps, screening programs are done to identify problems like Anaemia, Diabetes and Hypertension in pregnancy and for cancer of the cervix and Breast. Patients requiring additional care are referred to the institute for further management. Health awareness promotions are done at these camps. Women are encouraged to seek help for problems like STI and Contraceptive choices.

Antenatal Awareness Programme

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology conducted an awareness program for antenatal mothers on 8.12.2021 at Venpusham, RHTC- Poonjeri. The event was organized and conducted by Dr Shery Angel, Associate Professor, Department Of OBG, CHRI. Antenatal mothers participated in the Program. The mothers were taught how to maintain a good nutritional status and how to increase the intake of vitamins and minerals. They were also told how to increase the intake of iron-rich foods, about the daily calorie requirement during pregnancy, normal weight gain during pregnancy and foods to avoid. The importance of taking iron and calcium supplements were emphasized.

Nutrition In Pregnancy And Lactation- Patient Awareness Programme

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology conducted an awareness program on “Nutrition In Pregnancy And Lactation” on 24.12.2021 at the OPD of the Department of Obstetrics And Gynaecology. The awareness program was conducted by Dr Rajasree, Senior Resident, Department Of OBG, CHRI. Antenatal mothers who attended the OBG OPD were the target audience. Heal education was given to the mothers on maintaining a good nutritional status and increasing the intake of vitamins and minerals. Daily calorie requirements during pregnancy, normal weight gain during pregnancy and also foods to be avoided were discussed.

Interesting Cases

Interesting Cases


  1. Mrs. N 35F, G4P1L1A5 / Prev LSCS / Breech presentation / Recurrent pregnancy loss / bad obstetric history / severe GDM
    on insulin.
  2. Mrs A 30F, G2P1L1 , prev LSCS , emergency LSCS at 37 weeks + 4 days with seizure episode on table after spinal
    anesthesia / Anaphylaxis to anaesthetic agent
  3. Mrs L 29F, G2P1L0 at 38 weeks + 4 days /Harris platelet syndrome
  4. Mrs. P 22F , primi at 21 weeks + 3 days anomalous baby with microcephaly with occipital meningo- myelocele.
  5. Mrs. P 24F , A2 GDM with IUFD ( anomalous baby- Non immune hydrops )
  6. Mrs. M , 28F . G2A1 31 weeks + 4 days , with seizure disorder with H/O open heart surgery ( VSD with PDA )
  7. Mrs. R 29F , Primi at 38weeks + 1 day with face presentation – baby showed features suggestive of Down’s syndrome
  8. Mrs. R 31F, G2P1L1 at 33 weeks + 4 days / Beta Thalassemia trait.
  9. Mrs. R 26F , G2P1L1 prev NVD at 9 weeks 2 days with SLE and retinal vasculitis.
  10. Mrs. K 24F ,primi at 30 weeks 1 day , with MCDA twins with TRAP syndrome.
  11. Mrs. B 30F, primi at 37 weeks 2 days . K/C/O Harris platelet syndrome.
  12. Mrs. D primi at 32 weeks K/C/O Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, with Splenomegaly with hepatic hemangioma
  13. Mrs. A 24F , G2P1L1 K/C/O seizure disorder with post- LSCS ( POD 4), Cerebral Venous Thrombosis managed by throm bectomy.
  14. Mrs. S 20F. G2A1 at 30 weeks + 3 days , severe pre- eclampsia / Oligohydromnios, HELLP syndorme / uterine didelphys
    with absent right kidney.
  15. Mrs. G 29F . P2L2 A3 prev LSCS ST not done , B/L chronic ruptured ectopic.
  16. Mrs . R – primi 35 weeks 5 days , IVF conception , anemia corrected , Overt DM On insulin. B/L lower limb DVT.
  17. Mrs. P 30F, P1 L1 Elective LSCS ( breech ) with Caeserean myomectomy done.
  18. Mrs K 38F . Primi at 15 weeks 1 day , scan showed increased Nuchal fold thickness , severe IUGR, cystic
    hygroma, B/L pleural effusion, pericardial effusion. F/S/O Non Immune fetal hydrops.


  1. Mrs. S – 41F Abortion with secondary infertility – patient presented with Giant fibroid.
  2. Miss.D 10/F Right ovarion cyct with torsion-HPE showed Pedunculated Intra peritoneal Lipoma.
  3. Mrs . D Pre-op diagnosis – ? Right ovarian serous cyst with torsion . Post- op- anterior abdominal wall mass /Abdominal TB
  4. Mrs.S 22F , Primary amenorrhea – hypoplastic uterus with B/L PCOS.
  5. Mrs .K 24F P1L1 prev NVD . left Large Tubo-ovarian mass.
  6. Mrs. P 45F . P2L2 with prev 2 LSCS with uterine fibroid 3Kgs with cholelithiasis.
  7. Mrs. S 38F P2L2/Ovarian Tumour-HPE report showed Endodermal sinus tumour.
  8. Mrs. S 65F , P3L3A1 /PMB-HPE showed Leiomyosarcoma.
  9. Mrs. P 42F . P1L1A1 Mass Abdomen/Right adnexal mass of size 14.5×10.5×12.5cms/HPE- Granulosa Cell Tumor of
    Right ovary.
  10. Mrs. D 55F . P3L3 MRI- , F/S/O prolapsing uterus leiomyoma with degeneration
  11. Mrs. N 23F . P2L2 /Prev LSCS Scar endometriosis.
  12. Ms. S 14F , Dimorphic anemia / Dyserythropoisis.
  13. Mrs . D 37F P2L2 prev 2 NVD with Left complex ovarian cyst / Severe Anemia.
  14. Mrs. A- Complex Left ovarian cyst of size 29x22x14cms with Torsion.

Special Clinics

Guest Lecture: Recurrent pregnancy loss

The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, CHRI conducted an online guest lecture on 22.12.2021 on the topic of Recurrent pregnancy loss. The invited Speaker was DR. Geetha Lakshmi, Senior Consultant, Department of OBG, Madras Medical College, Chennai. The moderator of the program was Dr Saloni, of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. The speakers discussed pregnancy loss, causes, evaluation and management of recurrent pregnancy loss. The event was attended by over 110 delegates, undergraduate, postgraduate students and faculty members.

Guest Lecture On Colposcopy

A guest lecture was organised by the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology on 11.12.21 on Colposcopy. The speaker was Dr Jayashree, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Gynaec Oncology, Adayar Cancer Institute(Wia), Chennai. The moderator of the program was Dr Sailatha, Professor, Department Of OBG, Chettinad Hospital And Research Institute. The speaker discussed anatomy, identification of original squamocolumnar junction, new squamocolumnar junction and transition zone. Indications, timing and steps of colposcopy were discussed. Identification of various lesions(Low grade, high grade, Lesions in lesion), Reid’s index, Swede’s score, IFCPC, Colposcopic terminologies of the cervix, charts( ODDI’S and HAMMOND’S) etc were discussed. Faculty members, postgraduates and interns participated in the event. A total of 40 participants attended the guest lecture.

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