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The Department of Ophthalmology was established in 2005 with a mission to provide quality eye care to all categories of people with state-of-the-art facilities and to provide exceptional training for under graduate and post graduate students in the field of ophthalmology. A huge area of approximately 14000 square feet has been allocated for Outpatient clinic and wards. The Outpatient clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art ophthalmic equipment for both diagnosis and therapy. A dedicated operation theatre houses high end equipment for cataract and other ophthalmic surgeries. The minor operation room is situated adjacent to outpatient clinic.

The commonly treated ophthalmic conditions include conjunctival, corneal diseases,Paediatric ocular disorders, intraocular infections, correction of refractive errors, cataract, eye injuries, removal of foreign bodies,glaucoma,retinal diseases,intraocular inflammations and neuroophthalmic problems.

Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List

The Team of devoted and experienced Ophthalmologists at CHRI provides preventive and curative care for the eyes.

The department provides outpatient services and inpatient services for preventive and curative eye care.

Undergraduate programs handled include MBBS, BSc OT Technology, and Postgraduate program offered includes MS Ophthalmology. Other PG courses handled as a part of clinical rotation postings include MS ENT, MD Pharmacology and MD Physiology

Research focusses on all subspecialties in ophthalmology. Collaborative research with Aditya jyoth eye hospital under Padmashri prof Natarajan is proposed

The routine services offered in the OPD are visual acuity testing, tonometry, syringing, slit lamp examination, Gonioscopy, direct & indirect ophthalmoscopy
The Department provides outpatient services from 08:30 AM to 4:00 PM every day. On holidays outpatient services are available from 8:30 AM to 02:00 PM.

Special clinics offered include the following

Orbit & Oculoplasty clinic Tuesday
Cornea clinic Wednesday
Retina & Uvea clinic Thursday
Paediatric & Neuro-ophthalmology clinic Friday
Glaucoma clinic Saturday

Specialized Equipment in the Outpatient department & Operating Room

Spacious OPD is equipped with following high-end therapeutic and diagnostic equipment:

  • Nd:YAG Laser
  • Perimeter
  • Optical Coherence tomography
  • Fundus flourescien angiography
  • Ocular imaging
  • Ultrasound A & B scan
  • Specular microscopy
  • Argon LASER
Optical Coherence tomography (OCT) Perimetry
B Scan Ultrasound Fundus camera with angiogram
Argon laser

Exclusive OT with high end microscope / phaco/virectomy

Exclusive operation theatre for ophthalmic surgeries and a separate theatre for infected/septic cases are fitted with sophisticated Phacoemulsification machines, Vitrectomy machine and Zeiss Microscopes.

Eye banking: Eye bank is functional in CHRI since 2014. Facilities for inhouse corneal retrieval from outside are existing.

Corneal transplant surgeries are being conducted on a regular basis

Eye bank is provided with a Specular microscopy

Specular microscopy

Inpatient services are provided for those patients requiring admission and Post-Operative care. This is provided by 80 bedded wards comprising of an equal number of beds allotted for both the male and female patients. The wards are well ventilated and equipped with slit lamps.

24×7 Emergency eye care is provided in EMR and zero delay ward.

Regular Camps being organized by the Ophthalmology Department include

  • School Camps: Screening school children for refractive errors
  • Eye Donation awareness Camp
  • Retinopathy screening camp
  • Glaucoma screening camp
  • Eye camp in collaboration with HAND IN HAND: After Refraction free spectacles were distributed for patients.
  • Eye Camp in collaboration with Michelin tyres.

Under the aegis of the National Program for the Control of Blindness, regular DBCS (District Blindness Control Society) health camps are being conducted.

DBCS program was initiated in CHRI in the year 2012 covering all the villages in the district of Kanchipuram. Under the program, weekly camps are conducted in the remote areas of Kanchipuram district. Patients requiring surgical intervention in the form of cataract surgery are transported to the hospital and surgery is performed. Screening programs to identify Diabetic / hypertensive retinopathy, Glaucoma and squint is carried out in the camps.

School health program is also carried out under this program for the benefit of school going children to identify refractive errors, vitamin A deficiency, squint and other ocular pathologies. Approximately 16000 patients have been benefited by the DBCS scheme in CHRI in the last 5 years during these camps.

Hand in hand camps conducted and free spectacles were given to the patients School camps are conducted to screen for refractive errors

Interesting cases& Success stories in Ophthalmology @ CHRI

1. A rare case of benign familial fleck retina
2. A rare case of purtschersretinopathyfollowing head injury
3. A rare presentation of a 6-year-old with traumatic bilateral 6th nerve palsy PRIMARY GAZE(Face to be shielded)
EXTRA OCULAR MOVEMENTS(Face to be shielded)
4. Metastatic panophthalmitis following UTI – E Coli
5. Moxifloxacin induced keratopathy
6. Best dystrophy
7. A rare case of chloroquine induced vortex keratopathy and bulls eye maculopathy
Cornea showing whorl like corneal epithelia deposits below the pupillary region and sparing the limbus
Right eye and Left eye bulls’ eye like lesions in the macula
8. Combined CRAO and AION in patient with congenital dysfibrinogenemia
9. Gronbladstranberg syndrome – Pseudoxanthema Elasticum
Fundus showing Angioid Streaks
10. Central Serous Retinopathy 11. Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
13. Retinal Vasculitis – HIV 14.Idiopathic Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy with posterior uveal Bleeding Syndrome
15. Vogt-koyanagiharada Syndrome 16. Para Foveal Telangiectasia
1.Patient underwent Orbital exenteration along with total Maxillectomy for Adenocarcinoma of maxillary sinus spreading into the orbit.
Figure 1 Mouth Open showing carcinoma extending into the hard palate Figure 2 Proptosis with total Ophthalmoplegia
2. A case of Pleomorphic adenoma of Lacrimal Gland:
Patient underwent Anterior Trans conjunctival Orbitotomy with Excision Biopsy. Complete removal of the tumour was done.
3. Patient had PseudophakicCystoid Macular Edema and underwent Intravitreal Triamcinolone. At 1 month follow up there was total resolution of the edema
4. Patient with Sub Hyaloid Hemorrhage after head injury underwent YAG Hyaloidotomy with total resolution and restoring of vision
S.No Name of the Investigators Title
1 Manoj Vasudevan,

(Maj) G. Premnath.

A Prospective Observational Study to Analyze the Causes and Types of Pre-Senile Cataract in South Indian Patients
2 Manoj Vasudevan,

G Premnath,

R Pandurangan.

A Prospective Observational Study of the Course of Clinical Infective Conjunctivitis & Analysis of the Sequel of its Corneal Involvement.
3 Dr. Siddharam Computer vision syndrome in IT users
4 Dr. Manoj Vasudevan Prospective analysis of sutured sclera fixated intraocular lenses in patients with aphakia – 4-year study
5 Dr.V. Manoj A prospective observational study to analyze the correlation of refractive errors & axial length with the various types of peripheral retinal degenerations and their quadrants of retinal involvement
6 G Premnath Survey of awareness about glaucoma among employees of a medical college and tertiary care hospital in South India
7 Dr. Stephen Hypersensitivity to Injection Drugs in Peribulbar Block – A Clinical Study
8 Dr. Stephen Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (TASS) with Severe Pigment Dispersion.
9 Dr.Shankar,

Dr.Stephen Sudhakar,



Clinical analysis of low vision aids. Journal of evolution of medical & Dental sciences
10 Ayyakutty Muni Raja,


Adnan Matheen,


Pandurangan Ramalingam

Cross-sectional questionnaire study of ocular effects among IT professionals who use computers
11 Agrawal S,

Premnath G.

Study of impact of Diabetes Mellitus on anterior chamber depth as detected by partial coherence interferometry.
12 Dr Siddharam Macular SubhyaloidHaemmorrhage- A Prospective Clinical Study
13 Premnath G,


Pandurangan R,


Survey of Awareness about Glaucoma Among Medical Doctors of A Medical College and Tertiary Care Hospital in South India.
14 Devadas BS,

Venkatesan C,

Shinisha DP

Relation of Systemic Blood Pressure and Its Effect on Intraocular Pressure
15 Premnath G,

Adnan Mohamed M,

Manoj Vasudevan,


Analysis of awareness and knowledge of glaucoma among employees of an Indian medical college and tertiary care hospital
16 GnaneswaranPremnath,

Chokkalingam Shankar

Impact of duration and control of diabetes mellitus on anterior segment parameters in Indian eyes
17 Shankar C ,

Premnath G ,

Balaji A ,

Lakshmi Ananya Aila ,

Sruthi G

Study of impact of diabetes mellitus on corneal central thickness and endothelial parameters in Indian eyes
18 Dr Shankar C,

Dr Stephen Sudhakar K

Albuminuric Status in Patients with Clinical Diabetic Retinopathy in Type II Diabetes Mellitus
19 Dr Shinisha D P

Dr Bravian S Devadas

Ocular manifestations in Dengue

Ongoing research project

By faculty, By UG, By PG, By PhD

S.No Name of the Investigators Title
1 Dr. Stephen Albuminuric status in patients with clinical Diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus
2 Dr. Stephen Ophthalmic manifestations of dengue fever in pediatric population.
3 Dr. Stephen Clinical analysis of optic disc swelling in a tertiary hospital in south India
4 Dr.Siddharam Correlation between axial length and peripapillary retinal nerve fibre layer thickness in myopic eyes
5 Dr.Siddharam Study of macular thickness in diabetic patients with and without retinopathy
6 Dr Premnath Study of awareness on Eye donation among medical and dental students
7 Dr. Sruthi Specular microscopic analysis of corneal endothelium in type-2 Diabetic and non-diabetic patients before and after phacoemulsification
8 Dr Loya Geeta Anusha OCT and VEP analysis in optic nerve disorders
9 Dr Aditi Pandey Serum Magnesium levels in patients with Diabetic Retinopathy
10 Dr Minnulekshmi Assessment of ocular,radiological and neurological changes in papilledema
11 Dr Heena Dharamdasani Assessment of retinal nerve fibre layer and ganglion cell complex changes in various neuro degenerative disorders
12 Dr Vignitha A cross sectional study to assess the association between serum lipid and thyroid profile in primary open angle glaucoma patients visiting tertiary care center
13 Dr VadikariLavankumar Efficacy of 2mg preservative free intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide in treatment of patients with various types of macular edema : non randomized control trial
Mathangi K, Dr. Shweta Ateeshwar, Mathangi DC. 2014. Myopia and Digit Ratio in Medical college students. PLOS one 9(2); e89800; 1-4 International 3.53
Siddharam S. Janti, A. M. Raja, C. Charanya, Adnan Matheen. A 2014. Prospective Study of Traumatic Cataract and its Visual Outcome. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 3(26):7296-7303. National
Siddharam S. Janti, A. M. Raja, Adnan Matheen, C. Charanya, R. Pandurangan.2014. A Cross Sectional Study on Prevalence of Amblyopia in School Going Children. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 3(30):8561-8565. National
K. Stephen Sudhakar, M. Loganathan, R. Pandurangan, C. Charanya. 2014. Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (TASS) with Severe Pigment Dispersion. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 3(46): 11271-11278. National
Manoj Vasudevan, (Maj) G. Premnath. 2014. A Prospective Observational Study to Analyze the Causes and Types of Pre Senile Cataract in South Indian Patients. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 3(53):12308-12315. National
K. Stephen, C. Shankar, V. Velayutham, R. Pandurangan, C. Charanya, R. Adnan. 2014. Clinical Analysis of Fifty Cases of Neovascular Glaucoma. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 3(57):12989-12996. National
Stephen Sudhakar K, Ashok Kulasekar B, Shankar C, Charanya. C, R. Pandurangan.2014. Hypersensitivity to Injection Drugs in Peribulbar Block – A Clinical Study. International journal of health sciences & research ( 4(11): 40-44 International 3.5
A.M.Raja, SiddharamJanti, Charanya C, Adnan Matheen, Pandurangan R.2014. A multivariate analysis of intravitreal injection of Anti-VEGF Bevacizumab in the treatment of retinal and choroidal neovascularization. International journal of health sciences & research ( 4(9): 97-102. International 3.5
Siddharam S. Janti, C Charanya, A M Raja, Adnan Matheen, R Pandurangan.2014. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of contact lens users among medical college students in Tamilnadu. International journal of scientific study.2 (6): 20-23 International SJIF – 2.605. International Impact Factor – 0.776.
AM Raja, SiddharamJanti, C Charanya, Adnan Matheen.2014.Unusual presentation of lipemiaretinalis in pregnancy. International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences 3(3):194-196 International
SiddharamJanti, Adnan Matheen, Charanya. C, Pandurangan. R. 2014. A Rare Case Report: Weill Marchesani Syndrome. Scholars Journal of Medical Case Report 2(8):530-531 National 0.4
A. M. Raja, Siddharam, S. Janti, Adnan Matheen, C. Charanya.2014. Kearns – Sayre Syndrome. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 3(1): 29-31. National
C. Charanya, A. M. Raja, Siddharam, S. Janti, Adnan Matheen.2014. Familial presentation-Best-vitelliform disease. CHRISMED. Journal of Health and Research 1(3):203-205. National
C. Charanya, A M Raja, SiddharamJanti, Adnan Matheen, R Pandurangan.2014. A Rare Case of Domperidone Induced Oculogyric Crisis in Young Female. International Journal of Scientific Study. 2(5):126-128. International SJIF – 2.605. International Impact Factor – 0.776.
Manoj Vasudevan, G Premnath, R Pandurangan. 2014. A Prospective Observational Study of the Course of Clinical Infective Conjunctivitis & Analysis of the Sequel of its Corneal Involvement. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 3(58): 13135-13140. National
Raja AM, Janti S, Chendilnathan C, Matheen A.2014. A prospective nonrandomized clinical study on exudative age related macular degeneration. Int J Med Public Health 4(4):417-421. International
Ayyakutty Muni Raja, SiddharamJanti, Adnan Matheen, CharanyaChendilnathan, Pandurangan Ramalingam. 2015. Cross-sectional questionnaire study of ocular effects among IT professionals who use computers. International Journal of Medicine and Public 5(1):63-66. International
Shankar, K. Stephen Sudhakar, C. Charanya, R. Pandurangan. 2015. Clinical Analysis of Low Vision AIDS. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 4(16): 2806-2812 National
Janti S, Chendilnathan C, Raja AM, Matheen A. 2015. Congenital retinoschisis: A case report. Muller J Med Sci Res 6(2):169-171. National 608
Agrawal S, Premnath G.2015. Study of impact of Diabetes Mellitus on anterior chamber depth as detected by partial coherence interferometry. Jour. Marine Medical Society. 17(1):53-56. National
Charanya C, Swathi A, Janti S, Pandurangan R. Ocular Manifestation in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Presenting to Tertiary Care Hospital in South India: A Prospective Study. Int J Sci Stud 2015;3(8):61-66 International 1.196
Premnath G, Manoj Vasudevan, Pandurangan R, Swathi. Survey of Awareness about Glaucoma Among Medical Doctors of A Medical College and Tertiary Care Hospital in South India. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2016; 5(1): 10 – 12 National
SiddharamJanti, K Stephen Sudhakar ,Charanya, Shankar C,Dr Ananya Aila. Pre MacularSubhyaloidHaemmorrhage- A Prospective Clinical Study. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2016; 5(1): 24 – 27. National
Stephen Sudhakar, Manoj Vasudevan, Vigneshwaran, Ananya A. Bisphosphonate Induced Recurrent Anterior Uveitis. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2016; 5(1): 41 – 42. National
Stephen Sudhakar K, Charanya C, Ananya A. A Rare Case of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Induced Acute Retinal Necrosis. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2016; 5(1): 38 – 40. National
SiddharamJanti, Shankar C, Ananya Aila,Stephen Sudhakar K. Unilateral Ocular Myasthenia Gravis.Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2016; 5(1): 43 – 44 National
Mali K, Vasudevan M, Janti CCS. Clomiphene citrate induced maculopathy. Int J Health Sci Res. 2016; 6(7):406-409. International
Swathi A, Matheen A, Charanya C et al. Prospective study of ocular manifestation of road traffic accidents on east coast road presenting to tertiary care centre in Tamilnadu. Int J Health Sci Res. 2016; 6(8):84-88 International 3.56
Devadas BS, Venkatesan C, Shinisha DP. Relation of Systemic Blood Pressure and Its Effect on Intraocular Pressure. Int J Sci Stud 2017;4(12):79-80 National
F G, Adnan Mohamed M, Manoj Vasudevan, Swathi. Analysis of awareness and knowledge of glaucoma among employees of an Indian medical college and tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, October-December, 2017; 3(4): 405-411 National
Mali Kalpana Ramanna, Ruckmani A, Siddharam S Janti, Madhavi Eerike, R Lakshmipathy Prabu. Burden of therapy in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Int J Pharm Pharm Sci 2017;9(5):210-215. International 0.51
GnaneswaranPremnath, Chokkalingam Shankar. Impact of duration and control of diabetes mellitus on anterior segment parameters in Indian eyes. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research2018 April ;12: NC05-NC07 National
Shankar C ,Premnath G* , Balaji A , Lakshmi Ananya Aila , Sruthi G Study of impact of diabetes mellitus on corneal central thickness and endothelial parameters in Indian eyes Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, April-June 2018;4(2):178-181 National
SiddharamJanti, Ananya Aila ,Kiruthika .S , Stephen Sudhakar Cross sectional survey analysis of eye donation awareness among medical, dental and nursing students in a teaching hospital/tertiary hospital Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, April-June 2018;4(2):221-224 National
Dr.Kiruthika, Dr Siddharam S Janti, Dr.AaliyaAmbereen, Dr.Ramnatabalamurugan.. Comparison of refractive outcome in post cataract surgery patients using four different iol power calculation formulae. International journal of scientific research. Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2019 | PRINT ISSN No 2277 – 8179 International
AaliyaAmbereen, Swathi A, Shankar. C, Stephen Sudhakar, PremnathGnaneswaran. 2019. Correlation of global indices by automated perimetry and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness by optical coherence tomography in south Indian patients with primary open angle glaucoma. International Journal of Scientific Research. Vol-8 (4) International
Sruthi.G, Shankar.C, Stephen Sudhakar March 2019. Albuminuric status in patients with clinical diabetic retinopathy in type2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research. Vol-7(3) National

CME/Guest Lecture conducted by the Department of Ophthalmology

  • CME on eye donation and corneal transplant was conducted on 02.09.2016.
  • Department of Ophthalmology and IMA conducted a CME on FLUID MANAGEMENT was conducted on 9th Feb 2019
  • GUEST LECTURE was conducted on the topic Introduction to Vitreo retinal surgery on 23rdFebruary 2019
    Guest Speaker:Padmasri Prof Dr. S. Natarajan, Chairman, Aditya Jyot Institute of Vision Science & Research, Mumbai.
  • Department of Ophthalmology and ENT conducted a CME on FUNGAL INFECTIONS OF THE ORBIT AND PARANASAL SINUS on Dec 11th, 2019
  • Guest Lecture on Glaucoma for Non-Ophthalmologists on March 2020
  • Prof Dr Stephen Sudhakar delivered Guest lecture on ocular drug delivery system for pharm D students at Vels University on Dec 2018

Online webinars

  • Ectropion and Entropion on 27thJune 2020.
  • Surgical procedures in retinal disorders on 3rdJuly 2020.
  • COVID 19 – NEW NOW – Happy times on 18thJuly 2020.
  • Biomedical instrumentation and LASERS in Ophthalmology – International Symposium on Medical and Radiation physics – 24thJuly 2020.

Department of Ophthalmology

About the Department

The Department of Ophthalmology was established in 2005 with a mission to provide quality eye care to all categories of people with state-of-the-art facilities and to provide exceptional training for under graduate and post graduate students in the field of ophthalmology. A huge area of approximately 14000 square feet has been allocated for Outpatient clinic and wards. The Outpatient clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art ophthalmic equipment for both diagnosis and therapy. A dedicated operation theatre houses high end equipment for cataract and other ophthalmic surgeries. The minor operation room is situated adjacent to outpatient clinic.

The commonly treated ophthalmic conditions include conjunctival, corneal diseases,Paediatric ocular disorders, intraocular infections, correction of refractive errors, cataract, eye injuries, removal of foreign bodies,glaucoma,retinal diseases,intraocular inflammations and neuroophthalmic problems.

The Team

Click Here for : Teaching Faculty List

The Team of devoted and experienced Ophthalmologists at CHRI provides preventive and curative care for the eyes.

Patient Care

The department provides outpatient services and inpatient services for preventive and curative eye care.


Undergraduate programs handled include MBBS, BSc OT Technology, and Postgraduate program offered includes MS Ophthalmology. Other PG courses handled as a part of clinical rotation postings include MS ENT, MD Pharmacology and MD Physiology


Research focusses on all subspecialties in ophthalmology. Collaborative research with Aditya jyoth eye hospital under Padmashri prof Natarajan is proposed

Outpatient Services

The routine services offered in the OPD are visual acuity testing, tonometry, syringing, slit lamp examination, Gonioscopy, direct & indirect ophthalmoscopy
The Department provides outpatient services from 08:30 AM to 4:00 PM every day. On holidays outpatient services are available from 8:30 AM to 02:00 PM.

Special clinics offered include the following

Orbit & Oculoplasty clinic Tuesday
Cornea clinic Wednesday
Retina & Uvea clinic Thursday
Paediatric & Neuro-ophthalmology clinic Friday
Glaucoma clinic Saturday

Specialized Equipment in the Outpatient department & Operating Room

Spacious OPD is equipped with following high-end therapeutic and diagnostic equipment:

  • Nd:YAG Laser
  • Perimeter
  • Optical Coherence tomography
  • Fundus flourescien angiography
  • Ocular imaging
  • Ultrasound A & B scan
  • Specular microscopy
  • Argon LASER
Optical Coherence tomography (OCT) Perimetry
B Scan Ultrasound Fundus camera with angiogram
Argon laser

Exclusive OT with high end microscope / phaco/virectomy

Exclusive operation theatre for ophthalmic surgeries and a separate theatre for infected/septic cases are fitted with sophisticated Phacoemulsification machines, Vitrectomy machine and Zeiss Microscopes.

Eye banking: Eye bank is functional in CHRI since 2014. Facilities for inhouse corneal retrieval from outside are existing.

Corneal transplant surgeries are being conducted on a regular basis

Eye bank is provided with a Specular microscopy

Specular microscopy

Inpatient Services

Inpatient services are provided for those patients requiring admission and Post-Operative care. This is provided by 80 bedded wards comprising of an equal number of beds allotted for both the male and female patients. The wards are well ventilated and equipped with slit lamps.

24×7 Emergency eye care is provided in EMR and zero delay ward.

Regular Camps

Regular Camps being organized by the Ophthalmology Department include

  • School Camps: Screening school children for refractive errors
  • Eye Donation awareness Camp
  • Retinopathy screening camp
  • Glaucoma screening camp
  • Eye camp in collaboration with HAND IN HAND: After Refraction free spectacles were distributed for patients.
  • Eye Camp in collaboration with Michelin tyres.

Participation in National /State Level Programs

Under the aegis of the National Program for the Control of Blindness, regular DBCS (District Blindness Control Society) health camps are being conducted.

DBCS program was initiated in CHRI in the year 2012 covering all the villages in the district of Kanchipuram. Under the program, weekly camps are conducted in the remote areas of Kanchipuram district. Patients requiring surgical intervention in the form of cataract surgery are transported to the hospital and surgery is performed. Screening programs to identify Diabetic / hypertensive retinopathy, Glaucoma and squint is carried out in the camps.

School health program is also carried out under this program for the benefit of school going children to identify refractive errors, vitamin A deficiency, squint and other ocular pathologies. Approximately 16000 patients have been benefited by the DBCS scheme in CHRI in the last 5 years during these camps.

Hand in hand camps conducted and free spectacles were given to the patients School camps are conducted to screen for refractive errors

Interesting cases

Interesting cases& Success stories in Ophthalmology @ CHRI

1. A rare case of benign familial fleck retina
2. A rare case of purtschersretinopathyfollowing head injury
3. A rare presentation of a 6-year-old with traumatic bilateral 6th nerve palsy PRIMARY GAZE(Face to be shielded)
EXTRA OCULAR MOVEMENTS(Face to be shielded)
4. Metastatic panophthalmitis following UTI – E Coli
5. Moxifloxacin induced keratopathy
6. Best dystrophy
7. A rare case of chloroquine induced vortex keratopathy and bulls eye maculopathy
Cornea showing whorl like corneal epithelia deposits below the pupillary region and sparing the limbus
Right eye and Left eye bulls’ eye like lesions in the macula
8. Combined CRAO and AION in patient with congenital dysfibrinogenemia
9. Gronbladstranberg syndrome – Pseudoxanthema Elasticum
Fundus showing Angioid Streaks
10. Central Serous Retinopathy 11. Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
13. Retinal Vasculitis – HIV 14.Idiopathic Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy with posterior uveal Bleeding Syndrome
15. Vogt-koyanagiharada Syndrome 16. Para Foveal Telangiectasia

Success Stories in Complicated Cases
Completed Research Projects

S.No Name of the Investigators Title
1 Manoj Vasudevan,

(Maj) G. Premnath.

A Prospective Observational Study to Analyze the Causes and Types of Pre-Senile Cataract in South Indian Patients
2 Manoj Vasudevan,

G Premnath,

R Pandurangan.

A Prospective Observational Study of the Course of Clinical Infective Conjunctivitis & Analysis of the Sequel of its Corneal Involvement.
3 Dr. Siddharam Computer vision syndrome in IT users
4 Dr. Manoj Vasudevan Prospective analysis of sutured sclera fixated intraocular lenses in patients with aphakia – 4-year study
5 Dr.V. Manoj A prospective observational study to analyze the correlation of refractive errors & axial length with the various types of peripheral retinal degenerations and their quadrants of retinal involvement
6 G Premnath Survey of awareness about glaucoma among employees of a medical college and tertiary care hospital in South India
7 Dr. Stephen Hypersensitivity to Injection Drugs in Peribulbar Block – A Clinical Study
8 Dr. Stephen Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (TASS) with Severe Pigment Dispersion.
9 Dr.Shankar,

Dr.Stephen Sudhakar,



Clinical analysis of low vision aids. Journal of evolution of medical & Dental sciences
10 Ayyakutty Muni Raja,


Adnan Matheen,


Pandurangan Ramalingam

Cross-sectional questionnaire study of ocular effects among IT professionals who use computers
11 Agrawal S,

Premnath G.

Study of impact of Diabetes Mellitus on anterior chamber depth as detected by partial coherence interferometry.
12 Dr Siddharam Macular SubhyaloidHaemmorrhage- A Prospective Clinical Study
13 Premnath G,


Pandurangan R,


Survey of Awareness about Glaucoma Among Medical Doctors of A Medical College and Tertiary Care Hospital in South India.
14 Devadas BS,

Venkatesan C,

Shinisha DP

Relation of Systemic Blood Pressure and Its Effect on Intraocular Pressure
15 Premnath G,

Adnan Mohamed M,

Manoj Vasudevan,


Analysis of awareness and knowledge of glaucoma among employees of an Indian medical college and tertiary care hospital
16 GnaneswaranPremnath,

Chokkalingam Shankar

Impact of duration and control of diabetes mellitus on anterior segment parameters in Indian eyes
17 Shankar C ,

Premnath G ,

Balaji A ,

Lakshmi Ananya Aila ,

Sruthi G

Study of impact of diabetes mellitus on corneal central thickness and endothelial parameters in Indian eyes
18 Dr Shankar C,

Dr Stephen Sudhakar K

Albuminuric Status in Patients with Clinical Diabetic Retinopathy in Type II Diabetes Mellitus
19 Dr Shinisha D P

Dr Bravian S Devadas

Ocular manifestations in Dengue

Ongoing Research Projects

Ongoing research project

By faculty, By UG, By PG, By PhD

S.No Name of the Investigators Title
1 Dr. Stephen Albuminuric status in patients with clinical Diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus
2 Dr. Stephen Ophthalmic manifestations of dengue fever in pediatric population.
3 Dr. Stephen Clinical analysis of optic disc swelling in a tertiary hospital in south India
4 Dr.Siddharam Correlation between axial length and peripapillary retinal nerve fibre layer thickness in myopic eyes
5 Dr.Siddharam Study of macular thickness in diabetic patients with and without retinopathy
6 Dr Premnath Study of awareness on Eye donation among medical and dental students
7 Dr. Sruthi Specular microscopic analysis of corneal endothelium in type-2 Diabetic and non-diabetic patients before and after phacoemulsification
8 Dr Loya Geeta Anusha OCT and VEP analysis in optic nerve disorders
9 Dr Aditi Pandey Serum Magnesium levels in patients with Diabetic Retinopathy
10 Dr Minnulekshmi Assessment of ocular,radiological and neurological changes in papilledema
11 Dr Heena Dharamdasani Assessment of retinal nerve fibre layer and ganglion cell complex changes in various neuro degenerative disorders
12 Dr Vignitha A cross sectional study to assess the association between serum lipid and thyroid profile in primary open angle glaucoma patients visiting tertiary care center
13 Dr VadikariLavankumar Efficacy of 2mg preservative free intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide in treatment of patients with various types of macular edema : non randomized control trial

Complete List of Department Publications

Mathangi K, Dr. Shweta Ateeshwar, Mathangi DC. 2014. Myopia and Digit Ratio in Medical college students. PLOS one 9(2); e89800; 1-4 International 3.53
Siddharam S. Janti, A. M. Raja, C. Charanya, Adnan Matheen. A 2014. Prospective Study of Traumatic Cataract and its Visual Outcome. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 3(26):7296-7303. National
Siddharam S. Janti, A. M. Raja, Adnan Matheen, C. Charanya, R. Pandurangan.2014. A Cross Sectional Study on Prevalence of Amblyopia in School Going Children. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 3(30):8561-8565. National
K. Stephen Sudhakar, M. Loganathan, R. Pandurangan, C. Charanya. 2014. Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (TASS) with Severe Pigment Dispersion. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 3(46): 11271-11278. National
Manoj Vasudevan, (Maj) G. Premnath. 2014. A Prospective Observational Study to Analyze the Causes and Types of Pre Senile Cataract in South Indian Patients. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 3(53):12308-12315. National
K. Stephen, C. Shankar, V. Velayutham, R. Pandurangan, C. Charanya, R. Adnan. 2014. Clinical Analysis of Fifty Cases of Neovascular Glaucoma. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 3(57):12989-12996. National
Stephen Sudhakar K, Ashok Kulasekar B, Shankar C, Charanya. C, R. Pandurangan.2014. Hypersensitivity to Injection Drugs in Peribulbar Block – A Clinical Study. International journal of health sciences & research ( 4(11): 40-44 International 3.5
A.M.Raja, SiddharamJanti, Charanya C, Adnan Matheen, Pandurangan R.2014. A multivariate analysis of intravitreal injection of Anti-VEGF Bevacizumab in the treatment of retinal and choroidal neovascularization. International journal of health sciences & research ( 4(9): 97-102. International 3.5
Siddharam S. Janti, C Charanya, A M Raja, Adnan Matheen, R Pandurangan.2014. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of contact lens users among medical college students in Tamilnadu. International journal of scientific study.2 (6): 20-23 International SJIF – 2.605. International Impact Factor – 0.776.
AM Raja, SiddharamJanti, C Charanya, Adnan Matheen.2014.Unusual presentation of lipemiaretinalis in pregnancy. International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences 3(3):194-196 International
SiddharamJanti, Adnan Matheen, Charanya. C, Pandurangan. R. 2014. A Rare Case Report: Weill Marchesani Syndrome. Scholars Journal of Medical Case Report 2(8):530-531 National 0.4
A. M. Raja, Siddharam, S. Janti, Adnan Matheen, C. Charanya.2014. Kearns – Sayre Syndrome. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 3(1): 29-31. National
C. Charanya, A. M. Raja, Siddharam, S. Janti, Adnan Matheen.2014. Familial presentation-Best-vitelliform disease. CHRISMED. Journal of Health and Research 1(3):203-205. National
C. Charanya, A M Raja, SiddharamJanti, Adnan Matheen, R Pandurangan.2014. A Rare Case of Domperidone Induced Oculogyric Crisis in Young Female. International Journal of Scientific Study. 2(5):126-128. International SJIF – 2.605. International Impact Factor – 0.776.
Manoj Vasudevan, G Premnath, R Pandurangan. 2014. A Prospective Observational Study of the Course of Clinical Infective Conjunctivitis & Analysis of the Sequel of its Corneal Involvement. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 3(58): 13135-13140. National
Raja AM, Janti S, Chendilnathan C, Matheen A.2014. A prospective nonrandomized clinical study on exudative age related macular degeneration. Int J Med Public Health 4(4):417-421. International
Ayyakutty Muni Raja, SiddharamJanti, Adnan Matheen, CharanyaChendilnathan, Pandurangan Ramalingam. 2015. Cross-sectional questionnaire study of ocular effects among IT professionals who use computers. International Journal of Medicine and Public 5(1):63-66. International
Shankar, K. Stephen Sudhakar, C. Charanya, R. Pandurangan. 2015. Clinical Analysis of Low Vision AIDS. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 4(16): 2806-2812 National
Janti S, Chendilnathan C, Raja AM, Matheen A. 2015. Congenital retinoschisis: A case report. Muller J Med Sci Res 6(2):169-171. National 608
Agrawal S, Premnath G.2015. Study of impact of Diabetes Mellitus on anterior chamber depth as detected by partial coherence interferometry. Jour. Marine Medical Society. 17(1):53-56. National
Charanya C, Swathi A, Janti S, Pandurangan R. Ocular Manifestation in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Presenting to Tertiary Care Hospital in South India: A Prospective Study. Int J Sci Stud 2015;3(8):61-66 International 1.196
Premnath G, Manoj Vasudevan, Pandurangan R, Swathi. Survey of Awareness about Glaucoma Among Medical Doctors of A Medical College and Tertiary Care Hospital in South India. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2016; 5(1): 10 – 12 National
SiddharamJanti, K Stephen Sudhakar ,Charanya, Shankar C,Dr Ananya Aila. Pre MacularSubhyaloidHaemmorrhage- A Prospective Clinical Study. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2016; 5(1): 24 – 27. National
Stephen Sudhakar, Manoj Vasudevan, Vigneshwaran, Ananya A. Bisphosphonate Induced Recurrent Anterior Uveitis. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2016; 5(1): 41 – 42. National
Stephen Sudhakar K, Charanya C, Ananya A. A Rare Case of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Induced Acute Retinal Necrosis. Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2016; 5(1): 38 – 40. National
SiddharamJanti, Shankar C, Ananya Aila,Stephen Sudhakar K. Unilateral Ocular Myasthenia Gravis.Chettinad Health City Medical Journal 2016; 5(1): 43 – 44 National
Mali K, Vasudevan M, Janti CCS. Clomiphene citrate induced maculopathy. Int J Health Sci Res. 2016; 6(7):406-409. International
Swathi A, Matheen A, Charanya C et al. Prospective study of ocular manifestation of road traffic accidents on east coast road presenting to tertiary care centre in Tamilnadu. Int J Health Sci Res. 2016; 6(8):84-88 International 3.56
Devadas BS, Venkatesan C, Shinisha DP. Relation of Systemic Blood Pressure and Its Effect on Intraocular Pressure. Int J Sci Stud 2017;4(12):79-80 National
F G, Adnan Mohamed M, Manoj Vasudevan, Swathi. Analysis of awareness and knowledge of glaucoma among employees of an Indian medical college and tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, October-December, 2017; 3(4): 405-411 National
Mali Kalpana Ramanna, Ruckmani A, Siddharam S Janti, Madhavi Eerike, R Lakshmipathy Prabu. Burden of therapy in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Int J Pharm Pharm Sci 2017;9(5):210-215. International 0.51
GnaneswaranPremnath, Chokkalingam Shankar. Impact of duration and control of diabetes mellitus on anterior segment parameters in Indian eyes. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research2018 April ;12: NC05-NC07 National
Shankar C ,Premnath G* , Balaji A , Lakshmi Ananya Aila , Sruthi G Study of impact of diabetes mellitus on corneal central thickness and endothelial parameters in Indian eyes Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, April-June 2018;4(2):178-181 National
SiddharamJanti, Ananya Aila ,Kiruthika .S , Stephen Sudhakar Cross sectional survey analysis of eye donation awareness among medical, dental and nursing students in a teaching hospital/tertiary hospital Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, April-June 2018;4(2):221-224 National
Dr.Kiruthika, Dr Siddharam S Janti, Dr.AaliyaAmbereen, Dr.Ramnatabalamurugan.. Comparison of refractive outcome in post cataract surgery patients using four different iol power calculation formulae. International journal of scientific research. Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2019 | PRINT ISSN No 2277 – 8179 International
AaliyaAmbereen, Swathi A, Shankar. C, Stephen Sudhakar, PremnathGnaneswaran. 2019. Correlation of global indices by automated perimetry and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness by optical coherence tomography in south Indian patients with primary open angle glaucoma. International Journal of Scientific Research. Vol-8 (4) International
Sruthi.G, Shankar.C, Stephen Sudhakar March 2019. Albuminuric status in patients with clinical diabetic retinopathy in type2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research. Vol-7(3) National

CME/Guest Lecture

CME/Guest Lecture conducted by the Department of Ophthalmology

  • CME on eye donation and corneal transplant was conducted on 02.09.2016.
  • Department of Ophthalmology and IMA conducted a CME on FLUID MANAGEMENT was conducted on 9th Feb 2019
  • GUEST LECTURE was conducted on the topic Introduction to Vitreo retinal surgery on 23rdFebruary 2019
    Guest Speaker:Padmasri Prof Dr. S. Natarajan, Chairman, Aditya Jyot Institute of Vision Science & Research, Mumbai.
  • Department of Ophthalmology and ENT conducted a CME on FUNGAL INFECTIONS OF THE ORBIT AND PARANASAL SINUS on Dec 11th, 2019
  • Guest Lecture on Glaucoma for Non-Ophthalmologists on March 2020
  • Prof Dr Stephen Sudhakar delivered Guest lecture on ocular drug delivery system for pharm D students at Vels University on Dec 2018

Online webinars

  • Ectropion and Entropion on 27thJune 2020.
  • Surgical procedures in retinal disorders on 3rdJuly 2020.
  • COVID 19 – NEW NOW – Happy times on 18thJuly 2020.
  • Biomedical instrumentation and LASERS in Ophthalmology – International Symposium on Medical and Radiation physics – 24thJuly 2020.

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