CARE has extensive facilities for student and faculty use, unique to each discipline. We offer well-equipped classrooms, labs and spaces that make the CARE a vibrant place to study and grow.


Good infrastructure with the variety of exercise therapy device like quadriceps table with backrest chair exercise, Wall ladder, tilting table, suspension therapy apparatus, wobble board, re-education board, rowing machine, Manual apparatus, multipurpose exercise equipment, bolster, standing frame and mobility aidsare utilized for the practical demonstration.

Gait training lab was well established with enormous space with the training practical demonstration in the parallel bar facilities, wheelchair and other mobility aid training like crutches, gutters, walker and frames, stairs, curbs and ramps are utilized for the students.

With the presence of latest electrotherapy equipment’s like shockwave therapy, Laser diadynamic current, Interferential therapy and TENS students are exposed to practical learning.

We have very good indoor stadium and outdoor track and game courts with the enormous equipment’s like Pedo- cycle exercise equipment, digitalized treadmill, cycle ergometer, elliptical, trampoline, wobble board and varying gym equipment’s which can be utilized for the training demonstration. The students also learn more detailed in evaluation and diagnostic of on-field sports injuries and their exercise intervention and first aid management through the rehabilitation team.

Separate Physical medicine and rehabilitation unit with well- developed and advanced treatment modalities to handle the pain modulation and well- being of out-patients. Students will be trained in the physical medicine and rehabilitation department with the clinical education, clinical observation and training throughout their period of course.

Skilled and experienced experts of rehabilitation team in the varying departments like out-patient physiotherapy department, sports medicine, cardiothoracic unit, orthopedic unit, neurology unit, pediatric unit, OBG unit, ICU management team in the 1200 bedded unit of Chettinad hospital and research institute, CARE. The students will be benefited with the exposurein this rehabilitation unit during the course as well as the internship period.