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FAHS - Events
Efficient Research Publishing: Strategies, Tricks, and Tips for SuccessThe meeting held on 6th September 2024, chaired by Dr. Bhavik Sawhney, Senior Editor (Life Sciences) at CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group was attended by the Vice-Chancellor, Dean of Academics, Registrar, research scholars, and clinicians. The primary aim of the meeting was to discuss and develop strategies for enhancing the publication of research in high-impact journals. Dr. Bhavik provided valuable insights into the publication process, emphasizing the importance of improving the quality and visibility of the research output from the institution. The discussion revolved around ways to align research work with global standards and improve the institution’s research output. The meeting also highlighted the benefits of this initiative for researchers, clinicians, and faculty. The program included an interactive session and discussions focused on "Efficient Research Publishing: Strategies, Tricks, and Tips for Success." These sessions aim to equip participants with practical knowledge and skills to navigate the publication process more effectively. The attendees acknowledged the importance of such initiatives in enhancing the institution’s research profile and agreed that it would significantly benefit the academic community. Sep 06, 2024 |
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Guest Lecture: Socio-Communicative Sensitivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder using Frequency-Tagging EEGA Guest Lecture was organized by Dr. C. N. Ram Gopal, Professor of Counseling Psychology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, on "Socio-Communicative Sensitivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder using Frequency-Tagging EEG." The talk was given by Dr. Sofie Vettori, Post-Doctoral Fellow at Institut des Sciences Cognitives "Marc Jeannerod," Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (French National Centre for Scientific Research) Lyon, France, on 10th October 2022 at 2:30 PM. She discussed FPVS-EEG (Fast periodic visual stimulation – electroencephalography) as a sensitive marker to quantify atypicality in face processing. She highlighted her research findings to explain the use of EEG to understand face identity, expression perception, general visual responses, eye gaze, and face categorization responses among children with autism spectrum disorder. The presentation enlightened the innovative research ideas on frequency tagging, EEG, and eye tracking for person with autism spectrum disorder. About 30 participants took part in this guest lecture, including students, research scholars, and faculties from the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences - CARE, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Institute of Child Health, Chennai, and also clinical and rehabilitation trainees. Speaker: Dr. Sofie Vettori, Post-Doctoral Fellow at Institut des Sciences Cognitives "Marc Jeannerod," Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (French National Centre for Scientific Research) Lyon, France Oct 10, 2022 |
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International Day of Yoga8th International day of yoga 2022 has celebrated at Chettinad Academy of Research & Education at Kelambakkam on 21.06.2022. Prof. Dr. Shantha Ravisankar, Vice-Chancellor of CARE inaugurated the Yoga for Humanity program on the occasion of International day of yoga. Dr. Yuva Dayalan, Founder & Director of Yuvaa Yoga was the special guest on this yoga program and trained all the students & staff members. Dr. Kirubalan Dy. Director, Department of Physical Education & Dr. Sanjay Andrew Department of Physiology organized and coordinated the yoga program. Jun 21, 2022 |
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World Red Cross DayMay 09, 2022 - May 09, 2022 |
Biomedical Applications of NanotechnologyMay 07, 2022 - May 07, 2022 |
Two Days Workshop on ‘FIRST AID - A BASIC LIFE-SAVING SKILLS’A two-day hands on workshop on ‘First aid - A basic life-saving skills’ was organized by Chettinad School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (CSPS) in collaboration with Chettinad College of Nursing (CCN), Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) on 18th and 19th March 2022. The first day of the workshop was initiated by a welcome note by Prof. Dr. Hepsibah Sharmil, Principal, Chettinad College of Nursing followed by Dr.K.Lakshmi, Dean i/c, Chettinad School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. First Session was delivered by Mr. Venkatesan A, HOD of Medical Surgical Nursing, CCN on the basic first aid aspects such as CPR, first aid for chocking, types of wounds and bleeding and first aid box. Second Session was delivered by Ms. Grace Pal, Nursing Tutor, CCN on first aid for burns, snake bites, poisoning, drowning, fainting and unconsciousness. Mr. Arunraj M, Resuscitation and Simulation Educator, CCN gave a detailed lecture on the basic life saving skills for adults, children and infants. On day two of the workshop, all the students were divided into three batches for the hands-on demonstration in the ‘Skills Lab’ located in the second floor. All the students were given hands-on experience on dressing the wound, applying different types of bandages, splinting the injured body part, heimlich maneuvre for chocking, providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and transferring the victim by using mannequines. An active and enthusiatic participation was observed among students and they have gained confidence to meet the emergency situations. About 57 first year B.Pharmacy students participated in this workshop and are highly benefitted. The event was organised and coordinated by Dr.S.Brito Raj, Associate Professor of Chettinad School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CARE. Mar 18, 2022 |
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National Youth Day 2022Feb 10, 2022 - Feb 10, 2022 |
National Seminar On Research EthicsA National Seminar on Research Ethics was organized by the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE on 29.11.2021. Theguest speaker was Dr Viswajanani J. Sattigeri, Scientist-H and Head, CSIR-Traditional Knowledge Digital Library Unit, New Delhi. The coordinator was Dr Shoba Narayan, Research Coordinator, CARE. Dr Viswajanani discussed the aspects of the philosophy of research, integrity in research and various types of scientific misconduct. While describing the possible avenues of miscondint on research publications, Dr Viswajanani quoted examples of how ethical policies of various organizations such as CSIR and Universities globally have evolved. The speaker also gave real-life examples of various scientific misconducts and the result in terms of publication retraction, suspension of researcher etc. A detailed recommendation for the institution on various steps starting from specific guidelines to nomithe nation of ethics officer, taking declarations from the researchers to follow institutional ethical norms, creating awareness through seminars, training, various pro-active steps, implementation of e-notebooks and mentoring of students and faculties was suggested. She answered various queries raised by the participants. The entire lecture is hosted in the institute youtube the future reference and learning (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlhR_oW4Tbg&t=11s). A total of 322 participants attended the seminar. Nov 29, 2021 - Nov 29, 2021 |
Clean India Campaign-2021The Department of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India envisages the country Clean with the theme ‘Clean India’ for October 2021. The NSS, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education commemorated by conducting a Door to Door waste collection campaign at Thaiyur village, Chengalpet District on 28.10.21.A total of 20 NSS volunteers and students, faculty CARE participated in this event. Mrs Yaga Jeyanthi, NSS, Programme Officer, CARE along with Dr Koyeli Girigoswami, Associate Professor, FAHS, CHRI and NSS and UBA coordinator organised the event. Plastic and non-degradable wastes from houses were collected in a cloth bag and discarded in a panchayat dustbin. Oct 28, 2021 |
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SMART NANO MATERIALSOct 16, 2021 - Oct 16, 2021 |
Conference On Smart Nanomaterials 2021The Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE organized a One-day National Virtual Conference on ‘Smart Nanomaterials 2021’ on 16.10.2021.The event started with the welcome address by Dr S. WeslenVedakumari, the Convenor of the conference delivered. Dr Balasubramanian, Vice-Chancellor, CARE delivered the inaugural address and elaborated about the use of nanomaterials in the field of medicine. The speakers were Dr P. Senthil Kumar, Head - Centre of Excellence in Water Research, Professor - Department of Chemical Engineering, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering and Dr VigneshMuthuvijayan, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Bhupat and Jyoti Mehta School of Biosciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. The topics discussed the use of Nanoscale zzero-valentiron impregnated with cashew nutshell in waste water treatment, 3-dimensional scaffold as a matrix for stimulating the attachment and proliferation of osteogenesis and angiogenesis. . The conference served as a unique platform for scientists, researchers, and students across the country to explore, collaborate and discuss abe current and future trends of smart nanotechnology. A total of 265 participants (190 online + 75 offline) attended the conference. The conference served as an opportunity for young minds to acquire knowledge about nanomaterials that are used in water treatment and bone tissue engineering. Oct 16, 2021 |
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Anti-Untouchability WeekThe Anti-Untouchability week celebration was organized by the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE from 4.10.21 to8.10.2021 in association with Chettinad College of Nursing, Chettinad School of Architecture, Chettinad School of Law, Chettinad School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chettinad School of Physiotherapy. The organizing team members were Dr CN Ramgopal, Dr S. Weslen Vedakumari, Mrs S. Vigneswari from FAHS, CARE and various competitions were conducted. An essay competition was conducted on the topic “Untouchability in Modern India” in English and “தற்கால இந்தியாவில் தீண்டாமையின் நிலை” in Tamil. Speech competition was conducted on the topic “Ambedkar’s Views on Anti-untouchability” in English and “அம்பெத்கார் பார்வையில் தீண்டாமை ஒழிப்பு” in Tamil. Face painting and poster presentation competitions on Anti-untouchability were conducted. A guest lecture was organised with the Guest Speaker Mr K. Mohan, chairman of Gandhi Study Circle addressed the participants. Award and Participation Certificates were distributed to students who won and participated in various events. Oct 04, 2021 |
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Chettinad Volleyball Premier League 2021 (Men & Women)Chettinad Volleyball Premier League 2021 was conducted at our Chettinad health city campus on 29.09.2021. DrNirupa, Department of Microbiology inaugurated the tournament in presence of DrRajesh kanna, Department of Pathology & DrKirubalan, Department of Physical Education.Theevent was a league tournament where there were divided into 2 pools with three teams in each and the top two teams from each pool went on to the semifinals. Semifinals men's section was held between MBBS A vs BDS, NURSING vs AHS and the Semifinals women section was held between MBBS A vs AHS B, B.Pharm/B.PT vs AHS A. The finals were held on 1st October between MBBS A vs Nursing, where the Nursing team emerged as the winners in the men section and the Women section between MBBS A vs AHS, where the MBBS team emerged as winners NaniaNanda Kumar from the Nursing team was announced to be the best player of the finals & Khalid Ahamed from the MBBS team was announced to be the best player of the tournament for the men section.Gayathri from the MBBS team was announced to be the best player of the tournament for the women section.DrEbenezer, Principal, FAHS, Dr John Antony Prabhakaran, Dept of Surgery, Dr Rajeshkanna, Department of Pathology, Dr Premkumar, Department of Dermatology graced the event with their presence and distributed the awards and medals to the winners. Sep 29, 2021 |
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NSS DAY CELEBRATIONNSS team of CARE celebrated the NSS Day celebration on 24.09.21. The event started with the Inaugural Speech of the Chief Guest, Prof. Dr T Balasubramanian, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education. Dr Koyeli Girigoswami NSS PO, CARE, presented the last year NSS activities and the certificates were issued for the Unit 1 and Unit 2 volunteers by the chief guest. The winners of the slogan writing competition and recipe competition for the Poshan Maah celebration were awarded certificates. 200 NSS volunteers and students, faculties from various constituent colleges of Chettinad Academy of Research and Education-Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute including Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chettinad College of Nursing, Chettinad School of Law, Chettinad School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chettinad School of Physiotherapy and Chettinad school of Architecture attended the event.The program ended with a vote of thanks by Ms YagaJeyanthi, NSS PO, CARE and the National Anthem. Sep 24, 2021 |
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Chettinad Basketball Premier League 2021Chettinad Basketball Premier League 2021 was held at our Basketball court which started on 30th August 2021. Dr John Antony Prabhakaran of the Department of General Surgery Inaugurated the tournament in presence of Dr Rajesh Kanna, Department of Pathology & Dr Kirubalan, Department of Physical Education. It was held between eight teams of various batches. It was a league tournament where the eight teams were divided into 2 pools with four teams in each pool. Matches were held between teams of each pool and the top two teams were selected for the semifinals. The finals match was held on 21.09.21 between MBBS 2nd year team A vs MBBS INTERNS where the CRRIs team won the tournament. Dr Balasubramanian, Vice-Chancellor, CARE graced the event with his presence and distributed the awards and medals to the respective winners. Sep 21, 2021 |
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Students Induction Program – 2021A student induction program was conducted on 16.09.21 for first-year students, to know about institutional policies, processes, practices, culture and values. Dr R. Arumugam, Librarian & Head, CARE, addressed the student gathering. A total of 256 studentsof I year students of Chettinad School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chettinad School of Physiotherapy & Faculty of Allied Health Sciences attended the program. Sep 16, 2021 |
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Observance of Poshan Maah (Nutrition Month)The Ministry of Women and Child Development has announced the celebration of POSHAN MAAH (Nutrition Month)across the country during September 2021. As a part of this activity, the NSS and UBA Chettinad Academy of Research and Education have conducted competitions- recipe competition and slogan competition on 13.09.21 & 14.09.21. The topic for the slogan and recipe competition is‘Nutritious Food for Pregnant women. Prof.YagaJeyanthi, NSS, Programme Officer, CARE organized the event.Students from various constituent colleges of Chettinad Academy of Research and Education-Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute including Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chettinad College of Nursing, Chettinad School of Law, Chettinad School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chettinad School of Physiotherapy and Chettinad School of Architecture participated in the competitions. Totally 10 students participated in the Recipe competition. Students prepared the recipe focusing on nutritious food for pregnant women. Participants presented with the calorie value and it was evaluated based on the criteria like relevancy to the topic, taste, usage of ingredients, creativity in preparation, nutritive value etc.Totally 12 students participated in the slogan competition. Students were given 2-3 min to present their slogan and it was evaluated based on the criteria like relevancy to the topic, originality, creativity etc. The winners of the recipe competition were 1st prize: Loga Priya, B. Pharm, 2nd prize: Ankit, B.Pharm and 3rd prize: Miriyam Sharon, B.Sc(N). The winners of the slogan competition were 1st prize: S. Tharshya Rexy, B.Sc(N), 2nd prize: K. Srivathsan, Ba.Lib(Hons) and 3rd prize: R. Sujitha, B.Sc(N). Sep 13, 2021 |
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Poshan Maah Celebration - (Poshan Vatika-Sapling plantation)The Ministry of Women and Child Development has declared the celebration of POSHAN MAAH (Nutrition Month) across the countryin September 2021. To commemorate this, the NSS and UBA, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education have conducted aplantation drive- POSHAN VATIKA’ at the University Premises on 09.09.2021. Dr Koyeli Girigoswami, Associate Professor, FAHS, CHRI and NSS and UBA coordinator along with Mrs Yaga Jeyanthi, NSS, Programme Officer, CARE, Mr Raghulan, Garden in-charge, his team and other faculties of the colleges organized the event.More than 100 saplings were planted to create a mini forest.Around 100 NSS volunteers and students, faculties from various constituent colleges of Chettinad Academy of Research and Education-Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chettinad College of Nursing, Chettinad School of Law, Chettinad School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chettinad School of Physiotherapy and Chettinad School of Architectureparticipated in this event. Sep 09, 2021 |
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Teachers’ Day celebration at CARETeachers’ Day was Commemorated byChettinadAcademy of Research and Education on 06.09.21 at the SigapiAachi Auditorium of the campus.The faculty from all schools and colleges of CARE along with the students attended the program. The event was presided over by DrBalaSubramaninan, Vice-Chancellor, CARE and Mrs Jeyendra Saraswathi, Registrar, CARE and Dr PitchaiBalashanmugam, Dean,CHRI were present during the occasion. The students from all colleges and schools wished their teachers on ‘my favourite teacher’ event. An interesting quiz competition was conducted for the faculty and fun games were played.This was followed by a talent show that included singing and dancing performance of the faculty. The program ended with a vote of thanks and refreshments. Sep 06, 2021 |
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Guest lecture -Modern Trends in ImmunologyA guest lecture was organized by the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education on 18.08.21 on Modern Trends in Immunology. The speaker was Dr Satish Devadas, Scientist F, Institute of Life Sciences, Autonomous Institute of DBT, Bhubaneswar. The speaker discussed how immunology has worked through the years, starting from the eradication of smallpox. He also spoke at length on the classification of pathogens, cells and kinetics of the immune system, innate immune system, functions of antibodies, immune pathologies including T-cell pathology, immune diseases and how analytical tools such as Flow cytometry can help us understand the pathways.The lecture was a scintillating one, easily understandable to even those not connected to immunology related research areas. The lecture was moderated by Dr Shoba Narayan About 75 research scholars, students, and faculty members participated. Aug 18, 2021 |
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Fit India Freedom Run 2.0As part of the Fit India Movement, an initiative by UGC, CARE organized 'FIT INDIA FREEDOM RUN 2.0' on 14.08.2021 for all the students, staff and faculty members of CARE. The event occurred on the Chettinad Health city campus. Dr G. Kirubalan, Dy. Director – Physical Education, CARE coordinated the event and waved the flag for marathon running.A total of 112 runners participated in the event. Aug 14, 2021 |
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Recruitment of Project Associate under DBT funded Research ProjectAug 13, 2021 - Aug 19, 2021 |
Guest Lecture On Copyright Registration Process In IndiaThe IQAC cell, CARE organized a guest lecture on the title ‘Copyright Registration Process In India’ on 07.08.21. The Organizing Chairperson of the event was Dr Arun Kumar Radhakrishnan, Vice Principal, CHRI and IQAC Coordinator and the organizing secretary of the event was Dr Ahamed Basha Abdul Bari, Professor, Physiology, CHRI. The event was moderated by Dr Shiek Fareeth Ahamed S, Assistant Professor, AHS. The scientific session was delivered by Ms Priya Gautam, Examiner of Copyrights, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), New Delhi, Government of India. It was followed by a discussion session. The participants raised questions and doubts which were addressed by the speaker. The total number of participants was 117. Aug 07, 2021 |
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Campus Interview And In - House Placement- 2021Career counselling and placement cell, CARE conducted campus interviews and in-house placement from 28.07.21 to 18.08.2021. Institutions participated in campus interview were Madras Medical Mission, Mogappair, Chennai, Chettinad Super Specialty Hospital, Kelambakkam. Chettinad Hospital And Research Institute, Kelambakkam, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai And Sugam Hospitals, Tiruvottiyur. a total of 100 final yeyearsSc., nursing students & two post-basic B Sc nursing students attended the campus interview. In all the interviews, a pretest interviews assessment was done.The campus interview team from MMM were Mr Isaiah Johnson, HR Manager, MrsRanjitham, Chief Nursing Officer.Mrsanjitham CNO highlighted the hands-on skill training and work experience in MMM. 85 B Sc(N) students attended the interview and 20 (24%) got selected in the interview.The In-house Placement interview team from CSSH was MrsHannah IsabellahPaulraj, Chief Nursing Superintendent and MrsLalitha, Assistant Nursing Superintendent. Direct interviews of 82 B Sc(N) and 2 Post Basic B Sc(N) students were carried out and 70 (83 %) students got selected in the interview. The In-house Placement interview was conducted by MrsVimala.I, Nursing Superintendent, CHRI. The direct interview was conducted for shortlisted students- 81 B Sc (N) and 1 Post Basic B Sc(N) studentand 72 (88%) students got selected in the interview.The campus interview team from Apollo Hospitals was MsEzilabeth, Deputy Nursing Superintendent, MsAmulya Ajay, Asst. Manager – Talent Acquisition, MsJeevitha, Senior Nursing Educator, MsBlessy, Clinical Instructor. The interview was conducted for 95 B Sc (N) and 2 Post Basic B Sc(N) students and 50 (51%) students got selected in the interview.The online interview was conducted by MsPaniRoselin, Nursing Superintendent, Sugam Hospital, Tiruvottiyur. 18 B Sc(N) students attended the interview and 5 (28 %) students got selected in the interview.The institutional Career cell support was done by CCN Faculties, Dr S HepsibahSharmil, Mrs Manjula. T.R and Mrs.RuksanaBegam.S. Jul 28, 2021 |
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Chettinad Sarvalokaa Forest Education InitiativeIn an initiative to contribute towards a sustainable environment and ecosystem, Chettinad Sarvalokaa Education, international School along with Chettinad Academy of Research & Education conducted a mega sapling plantation initiative on 16.07.2021. The Honorable Chancellor Mrs. Geetha Muthiah planted the first sapling followed by Dr. T. Balasubramanian, Vice-Chancellor, The students of CHRI, staff & faculty of Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Students, Parents and Staff of Chettinad Sarvalokaa Education international School actively participated in the tree sapling plantation. Around 2500 saplings of 200 indigenous species of trees were planted on 4.5 acres under this initiative. Jul 16, 2021 |
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Workshop on Research Manuscript Writing for Publication in Quality JournalsFaculty of Allied health Sciences (FAHS), Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) conducted a two-day online workshop on ‘Research Manuscript Writing for Publication in Quality Journals’ on 24.06.21& 25.06.21. The resource persons of the workshop were Dr. R. Murugesan, Research Director, CARE, Dr. Pandian Sokkar, and Dr. Shiek Fareeth Ahmed, FAHS, CARE. Dr. R. Murugesan delivered keynote talks on “Research Manuscript Writing” and “Common Errors in Preparing Research Manuscript”. Dr.Pandian provided hands-on training on the topics ‘Bibliography Tools for Manuscripts’ and ‘Plagiarism Check’. Dr. Shiek provided training on ‘Statistical Methods and Data Presentation’. Scientific writing exercises were assigned to the participants for a better understanding of the topics. All the participants completed the tasks assigned to them. A total of 56 participants from various departments of CHRI attended the workshop, including research scholars and final year PG and UG students. Jun 24, 2021 |
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International Yoga Day -2021The Department of Physical Education, CARE organized a national webinar to commemorate International Yoga Day on 21.06.2021. The theme of the webinar was “Yoga for well-being”. The resource person for the webinar was Prof.Dr. Arunthathy, Professor, Department of Radiology, Saveetha Medical College & Hospital and Yoga Instructor, Isha Foundation. The programmed started with a welcome address by Dr. Pragatheeshwaran, General Surgery Final year student, CARE followed by inauguration ceremony by Prof. Dr. T. Balasubramian, Vice Chancellor, CARE. A total of 150 participants attended the programme. The programme ended with a vote of thanks given by Dr. G. Kirubalan, Deputy Director, Physical Education, CARE. Jun 21, 2021 |
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International Yoga Day -2021The international day of yoga (IDY) for the year 2021 was commemorated by NSS and UBA, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) on 21.06.2021. The Chief Guest of the event was Dr T Balasubramanian, Vice-Chancellor, CARE. The programme started with an invocation song followed by a welcome address delivered by Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami, NSS, PO and UBA coordinator,CARE. The Chief Guest delivered the inaugural address highlighting the importance of Yoga and the origin of yoga practice. The speech was very motivating for all the participants and after the completion of his speech, a video demonstration of different types of breathing exercises was screened. The expert who demonstrated Yoga was Ms. Kamlesh Barwal, Director of SriSri Yoga, Art of Living and she elaborately explained the various types of breathing exercises and their benefits in combating COVID 19. Then the vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Nancy Victoria, NSS, PO, CARE followed by the National anthem to conclude the programme. The participants were the different volunteers of NSS, UBA, students from different constituent colleges of CARE, faculties and staffs.A total of 100 participants attended the event. Jun 21, 2021 |
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Guest Lecture- Transactional AnalysisA Guest Lecture was organized by the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE on Transactional Analysis on 18.06.21. The Program Coordinator is Dr. C. N. Ramgopal, Professor of Counselling Psychology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education. The resource person was Professor S. Kadhiravan, Head, Department of Psychology, Periyar University, Salem. The speaker talked about Transactional Analysis as a mode of communication and foundation to any successful working relationship. He covered topics such as Self-awareness, Ego states, Types of transactions, Script and Game analysis which are important in transaction or information flow. He has also emphasised that Transactional Analysis helps people to find more effective ways to communicate and helps to eliminate unhelpful thoughts, feelings, and actions.About 56 participants attended the guest lecture which included students and faculty from Presidency College and Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (CARE). All the participants actively participated in the guest lecture and asked questions showing keen interest in the topic. Jun 18, 2021 |
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“Effective Tools for Quality Research in Biomedical Sciences” June 14th to July 7th 2021Day 2 of the Faculty Development Program 2021 on Effective Tools for Quality Research in Biomedical Sciences organized by the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE commenced on 15.06.2021. The resource persons were Dr.K.Lakshmi, Professor and Dean i/c, Chettinad School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CARE and Dr. Arunkumar Radhakrishnan,Professor of Pharmacology and Vice Principal, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, CARE.The first talk on “Effective Mentoring for Early-stage investigators” was delivered by Dr Lakshmi. She deliberated in detail the mentor – mentee relationship. She provided in-depth information on the do’s and don’ts of the relationship. A detailed Q&A followed with several participants seeking guidance and advice on the subject matter. The second talk was delivered by Dr Arunkumar on the topic “An introduction to Biomedical Research”. He highlighted the significance of research ethics in the investigations in general and particularly biomedical research. He provided a detailed account on the need to integrate basic science and medical science through project mode investigations. Several case studies and directions on how the two can be coupled to bring about outcomes that are useful for mankind were discussed. Jun 15, 2021 |
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Understanding the term Research and process of researchThe Faculty Development Program 2021 on Effective Tools for Quality Research in Biomedical Sciences was organized by the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE commenced on 14.06.2021. Dr. Shoba Narayan, Dr. Pavitra Gunasekaran and Dr. Kumar Ebenezer were the organising faculties under the guidance of Dr.SripathiKandula, Principal, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE. The resource person was Prof. Dr. Ramachandran Murugesan, Director – Research, CARE.The Program was inaugurated by Prof. T Balasubramanian, Vice-Chancellor,CARE. The first lecture on FDP was‘Understanding the term Research and process of Research’ was delivered by Dr.R Murugesan, Director Research, CARE. Through his presentation, he brought out the definition of Research and how research should be carried out to meet the planned objectives and deliver the desired output and outcome. The program was attended by 60 faculty members from various colleges and departments of CARE, CSSH, and CDCRI. Jun 14, 2021 |
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Workshop on Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies & Randomized Control TrialsA workshop was organized by the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CAREon ‘Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies & Randomized Control Trials’ on 03.06.2021& 04.06.2021. The workshop started with an inaugural speech by Dr. Ram Murugesan, Director Research, CARE. This was a two-day workshop with the first day of the sessions addressed by the Director Research and Dr.Shiek Fareeth Ahmed, Associate Professor, FAHS, CHRI on the fundamental and advanced meta-analysis. The other international resource persons were Alexander Jarde and Judy Wright, University of York, England. They discussed the topics on Advance Meta-Analysis on Randomized Control Trials. On the Second day, Hands-on-training was given to the participants. Around 55 participants from various specialities of Allied Health Sciences and research scholars of our Institute attended the workshop. Jun 03, 2021 |
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ONLINE PANEL DISCUSSION 14.05.2021The Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE organized an online panel discussion on the topic “CHALLENGES OF ONLINE CLASSES & IDIOSYNCRATIC APPROACHES TO OVERCOME THE CHALLENGES”. The event took place on 14.05.2021 from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon. The panelists were Dr. S. HepsibahSharmil, Principal, College of Nursing, Ar. T. Loganathan, Dean, School of Architecture, Dr. C. N. Ram Gopal, Professor, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Dr. Kumar Ebinezar K, Professor, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Dr. Shyamtanu Pal, Associate Professor, School of Law, Dr. Subramanian, Associate Professor, School of Physiotherapy and Dr. A. Meena, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, CHRI. The moderator of the event was Dr. Loganathan K, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences. He initiated the discussion with a brief introduction to the history of the educational system in India and abroad. Followed by the introduction, the reality and the challenges of online classes were pointed out by Dr. Shyamtanu Pal. He said that it might be the beginning of a shift from offline to online mode of teaching and it would take some time to acclimatize with the different scenario and system. He also presented a SWOT analysis of online teaching. Addressing the weakness pointed out by Dr. Shyamtanu Pal, Ar. T. Loganathan suggested a method to get the attention of students in the online classes. Then, S. Hepsibah Sharmil put forward some ideas on the online class etiquette that was pointed out by the moderator initially. She also recommended that the teacher must be an archetype to the students in online class etiquette as he is in others aspects.It was agreed by the psychology professor, Dr. C. N. Ram Gopal. Then, he presented a vivid picture of the manners and morale of students. Aligning with the perspective of psychology professor, Dr. Kumar Ebinezar elucidated that most of the students join in the online classes as a formality. He also expressed that the casual attitude of students toward online classes should be changed for receiving a good response from them. As a continuation, Dr. A. Meena listed out the challenges of online classes such as facilities, conducting practical examinations and lack of awareness on e-gadgets. Agreeing to Dr. A. Meena’s statement, Dr. Subramanian said that most of the teachers don’t have much knowledge on e-learning tools. The programme ended with a conclusion that an orientation programme on “e-learning tools and online class etiquette’ could be organized to create awareness. A vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. SripathiKandula, Principal, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences at the end of the programme. May 14, 2021 |
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Ph.D. Public Viva-Voce ExaminationAn online Ph.D. Public Viva-Voce Examination of Mrs. Madhumala Gopinath was conducted by the Faculty of allied health sciences where the Ph.D. scholar went on to defend her thesis entitled, “Elucidating the role of WWTR1(TAZ) in directing the fate of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells and colon cancer cells”.Mrs. Madhumala Gopinath worked under theguidance ofProf. Dr. Surajit Pathakat Chettinad allied health sciences laboratory. The defense was held on 28.04.2021 via online mode. A total of 90 participants participated during the viva voce. Dr. A. Devi, Associate Professor, Department of Genetic Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai was present as an external examiner for this Ph.D. Public Viva-Voce. The session was followed by an insightful question and answer session where Ms. Madhumala defended with confidence and was able to satisfy the audience with her flawless delivery. Apr 28, 2021 |
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CARE - Vaccination UTSAV LectureNSS, ChettinadAcademy of Research & Educationorganizeda vaccination Utsav lectureon 12.04.2021.The lecture was actively participated by the faculty and students from Chettinad college of nursing. Mrs.Nancy Victoria,Assistant Professor delivered a lecture onCOVID-19 vaccination, immunogenic reaction, types of vaccines,vaccination centers,andindications, contraindications of vaccination,and adverse effects. The speaker alsoinsisted the students educate their parents,friends, and community to get vaccinated.The students raised questions about the difference betweencovaxin and covishield, about vaccination in pregnant women, etc., and the speaker addressed them all. Apr 12, 2021 |
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AHS - Futuristic Research in NanotechnologyThe Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE organized a one-day International Conference on ‘Futuristic Research in Nanotechnology’ on 25.03. 2021. The main aim of the conference was to provide a platform for sharing valuable ideas in the field of Nanotechnology amongscientists, academicians, researchers,and studentsaround the world.A total number of 484 participants registered for the conference among which 24 participants were from countries such as South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey,and Taiwan. Three scientific sessions were held with eminent speakers from renowned international and national institutes. Dr. PS Vijayakumar, Scientist and AcSIR-Assistant Professor from Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Ajitgarh, Punjab delivered a plenary lecture of session 1. His speechwas on designing nanoparticles suitable for the targeted delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs to cancer cells. He also spoke about developing nanoparticles for food preservation and pest control. The second plenary lecture was delivered byDr. Sujoy K Das, Senior Scientist and AcSIR Assistant Professor, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata. His lecture was about the bioinspired and biomimetic synthesis of nanomaterials foranti-biofouling and antibacterial activity. The Keynote address of the conference was given by Dr. Aravind Vijayaraghavan, Reader-Nanomaterials, Department of Materials, National Graphene Institute, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom. He spoke about the use of graphene-based nanomaterials in the field of medicine. His lecture highlighted the salient features of graphene in fabricatingultra-sensitiveimmunoassay biosensors. This was followed by oral and e-poster presentationswere conducted. Presentations were judged and best presentation awards were given. The conference served as an opportunity for young minds to acquire knowledge about nanomaterials and their nanocomposites used in medicine and agriculture. Mar 25, 2021 |
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Medical Education & ResearchMar 19, 2021 |
AHS - Seminar on Critical importance of Research Exposure of the Medical Students for the Development of Best Clinical MindA seminar was organized by the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CARE on 19.03.2021 via the Hybrid platform (Mini Auditorium and zoom platform (online). The speaker of the seminar was Dr. AK Duttaroy, Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway; Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious Food and Nutrition research journal of the Swedish Nutrition Foundation. The moderator of the seminar was Dr.Antara Banerjee, Associate Professor, Department of Medical Biotechnology, CARE. Director of Research, Prof R Murugesan introduced the speaker and interacted with the speaker regarding further development of translational research at CARE in collaboration with the University of Oslo, Norway. The speaker Dr.Duttaroy, an Indian-born American Medical scientist, has various remarkable accomplishments under his belt which includes 255 publications, several books on diverse topics related to nutrition, lifestyle, disease, and human placental researches. He is currently the selection committee member of the Nobel Prize in medicine. The topics discussed were about the importance of research and how this research exposure is necessary for medical students for developing the clinical minds. The participants were the faculties, research scholars, postgraduate and undergraduate students of medicine and allied health sciences. A total of 160 participants attended the seminar. The seminar was followed by a discussion where many of the attendees interacted and discussed. Mar 19, 2021 |
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CARE - International Women’s Day Commemoration (8 March 2021)
Click here to video The event started auspiciously with a prayer. The introductory speech was given by Prof. Dr. Ruckmani, Head, Department of Pharmacology, CHRI who spoke on the history behind the celebration of International Women’s Day and the need for the attitudinal change in both men and women. This was followed by the Inaugural address by our Honorable Vice-Chancellor, Dr. T.Balasubramanian. He reminded us that every religion insists on the importance of women. He also affirmed the fact that behind every man there is a woman and talked about the contributions of Avvaiyar and Mother Teresa. He also lauded the many roles played by a woman from birth. The chief guest appreciated the institute that it has ‘CARE’ in the name. She spoke that it is the responsibility of every person in the society on women empowerment. This was followed by Dr. Merlin, Department of Anesthesiology who spoke on painless delivery. Smt. Geetha Muthiah Labour Analgesia services was then inaugurated by the chief guest. An interesting debate was conducted with two teams of six participants from all the schools and colleges under CARE, who debated on the topic- whether women should change or men should change their attitude to prevent women oppression. Faculty and students from schools of Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Dental College, Allied health sciences, Law, Architecture, Physiotherapy and College of nursing attended the event and actively participated in the discussion on women oppression and crime against them. The chief guest concluded that women have a strong role and ability in convincing men to change for women's empowerment. Dr. Vijayashree, Head, Department of Pathology, CHRI delivered the vote of thanks. The program was ended with National anthem. Mar 08, 2021 |
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International Women’s day 2021 - Sports TournamentAs part of the International Women’s day, 2021 celebration at Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, the Department of Physical Education conducted a Sports tournament exclusively for all women (students & staff) on 08.03.2021. The tournament comprised of various sports events such as Lucky Corner, Tug of War, Pot hitting, and Ball passing relay. This sports tournament involved female students from all the constituent colleges/schools of CARE, to play as a team. Prof. Dr. Rukmani, HOD, Department of Pharmacology inaugurated the women’s day Sports Tournament. About 350 participants, including students and staff members, took part in the events organized. The winner of Tug of War was a team of students of I year M.Sc Psychology and Runners-up were I year M.Sc students of AHS. The winner of Pot hitting event was Gayathri. R, I year M.Sc Psychology. Lucky corner and Ball pass Relay sports winners were Nursing, Physiotherapy, MBBS, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Architecture, and Faculty of Allied health Sciences students. Dr. T. Balasubramian, Vice-Chancellor of Chettinad Academy of Research & Education was the Chief Guest and he distributed the certificates and medals to the winners. The entire campus wore a festive look during this women’s day celebration and the event ended in grand splendor. Mar 08, 2021 |
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Plastic-free environment awareness campaignNSS and Unnat Bharat Abhiyan of CARE organized a plastic-free campaign in the adopted village Kayar. Nearly 100 students and volunteers from FAHS, CCN, and CSP participated in the event. They went door to door of the villagers and collected the plastic bags and distributed cloth bags to them. This is a part of the Swacchata activity. The faculties accompanying them were Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami, FAHS, Ms. Nancy Victoria, CCN, and Mrs. Swathi, CSP. Mar 06, 2021 |
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PRIDE RE-IMAGINING WOMANHOODChettinad Academy of Research and Education in collaboration with AWARE India, organized an awareness campaign on 1st March 2021 for women empowerment to commemorate International women’s day. The event was inaugurated by Vice chancellor of our university Dr. T. Balasubramanian. Women activists from the Aware India Organization addressed the students of CARE, in which they discussed on topics- Gender equality, Child abuse, Mental Health and also promoted the Women safety at Schools, Colleges and Workplaces. This event happened in Lecture Hall 1 in the Academic block of our campus and more than 320 female students and faculty attended.This was followed by a PRIDE RIDE Campaign, which is a bike riding event by women that starts from Chennai and Puducherry to cover all districts of Tamil Nadu. This is being done in a view of achieving the mission statement- ‘Re-imagining Womanhood’, on this International women’s day. Our Vice chancellor, Dr. T. Balasubramanian flagged off the she-riders riding campaign.The she-riders (Woman motorcycle riders club) is all set to 1 Goal will ride for 31 days to cover all the 39 districts spreading awareness about women empowerment. Mar 01, 2021 |
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NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY 2021FUTURE OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION Faculty of allied health sciences, CARE commemorated conducted National Science Day on the theme ‘Future of Science Technology and Innovation’ from 23.02.2021 to 26.02.2021. Guest lectures, workshops, and competitions were the events organized during the science day celebration. The competitions held were scientific quizzes, bio-connections, drawing/painting, elocution, essay writing, and Debate. The inauguration event of the celebration was started with a special address by our Honorable Vice-Chancellor Dr.T. Balasubramanian, CARE, and the chief guest Dr. R. Venkatesan, Scientist-G from National Institute of Ocean Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, India. Dr. R. Venketesan encouraged the students to brief the latest innovation and contribution of the Ministry of Earth Sciences in Science and technology. A total of 250 participants enrolled in competitions and prizes were distributed to the winners. The guest lecture was attended by 480 participants. Feb 23, 2021 |
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International Mother Language DayThe Department of Pharmacology, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute commemorated the International Mother Language Day on 19.02.2021. The event comprised of a Guest lecture and a language translation competition for the students of all the constituent colleges of CARE. The Online Guest lecture was on the topic ‘தாய் மொழியும் தமிழ் மொழியும்’ delivered by Dr.Arasendiran, Retired Professor of Tamil, Madras Christian College. The event was presided by the Vice-Chancellor, CARE and Dean, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute. Around 150 participants attended the program. The lecture was followed by a group competition on a translation of selected English words. There was active participation by the medical, dental, pharmacy, nursing, physiotherapy, architecture, and law college students in the competition. Prizes were distributed to the winners. The students expressed that the program was much useful and the competition was interesting. Feb 19, 2021 |
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Online Workshop on Social Entrepreneurship conducted by MGNCRE, Ministry of EducationOnline Workshop on Social Entrepreneurship conducted by MGNCRE, Ministry of Education, Govt Of India hosted by Social Entrepreneurship, Swacchata and Rural Engagement Cell, CARE, UBA and NSS, CARE. Participants : 250As a part of Social Entrepreneurship Cell of the Higher Education Institution, MGNCRE conducted an online workshop for motivating and promoting Swachhta and Social Entrepreneurship through preparation of ‘Social Enterprise Business Plans’ at Chettinad Academy of Research and Education. In this regard, Social Entrepreneurship, Swacchata and Rural Engagement Cell, CARE, UBA and NSS, CARE has conducted an online workshop for one-hour for the students with knowledge sharing including aspects of encouraging Social Entrepreneurship. The online workshop was in hybrid model with zoom participants as well as live streaming was done. The organizers were Dr. Priyadharshini S, Professor and HOD, Department of Microbiology, CHRI and Coordinator, Social Entrepreneurship, Swacchata and Rural Engagement Cell, CARE and Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami, NSS, PO and UBA Coordinator, CARE. There were 200 students and 50 faculties who attended the workshop. The workshop was very much encouraging for the students to become self-dependent by starting small business. Jan 07, 2021 |
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Plastic-free environment awareness campaignNSS and Unnat Bharat Abhiyan of CARE organized a plastic-free campaign in the adopted village Kayar. Nearly 100 students and volunteers from FAHS, CCN, and CSP participated in the event. They went door to door of the villagers and collected the plastic bags and distributed cloth bags to them. This is a part of the Swacchata activity. The faculties accompanying them were Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami, FAHS, Ms. Nancy Victoria, CCN, and Mrs. Swathi, CSP. Nov 30, -0001 |
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Lactophenol cottonblue staining of fungal specimensSpeaker: Ms. Kurunchi C Divya Nov 30, -0001 |
Polymerase Chain ReactionSpeaker: Ms. Kurunchi C Divya Nov 30, -0001 |
Gram Staining techniqueSpeaker: Ms. Kurunchi C Divya Nov 30, -0001 |
Antibiotic Susceptibility TestingSpeaker: Ms. Kurunchi C Divya Nov 30, -0001 |
Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles (AuNPs) by Bioroute Method – PracticalSpeaker: Dr. S. Weslen Vedakumari Nov 30, -0001 |
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) by Chemical Reduction Method – PracticalSpeaker: Dr. S. Weslen Vedakumari Nov 30, -0001 |
Routes of Drug DeliverySpeaker: Dr. S. Weslen Vedakumari Nov 30, -0001 |
MagnetosomesSpeaker: Dr. S. Weslen Vedakumari Nov 30, -0001 |
Introduction to NanomaterialsSpeaker: Dr. S. Weslen Vedakumari Nov 30, -0001 |
Nano photocatalyst – part 3Speaker: Dr. G. S. Hikku Nov 30, -0001 |
Nano photocatalyst – part 2Speaker: Dr. G. S. Hikku Nov 30, -0001 |
Nano photocatalyst – part 1Speaker: Dr. G. S. Hikku Nov 30, -0001 |
Theories of Intelligence, Psychology of groups, Personality, Motivation Theories, Conflict and Conflict resolutionSpeaker: Dr. G. Pavithara Nov 30, -0001 |
pH and bufferSpeaker: Dr. S. Pandian Nov 30, -0001 |
Concept of pHSpeaker: Dr. S. Pandian Nov 30, -0001 |
Amino acid structures and stereochemistrySpeaker: Dr. S. Pandian Nov 30, -0001 |
Amino acid classificationSpeaker: Dr. S. Pandian Nov 30, -0001 |
Fundamentals of Cell Culture TechnologySpeaker: Dr. Ambigapathi Moorthi Nov 30, -0001 |
Mac Conkey agar preparationSpeaker: Dr. S. Gowtham Kumar Nov 30, -0001 |
Ames mutagenicity assaySpeaker: Dr. S. Gowtham Kumar Nov 30, -0001 |
Antibiotic sensitivity assay by Kirby Bauer methodSpeaker: Dr. S. Gowtham Kumar Nov 30, -0001 |
Methyl red assaySpeaker: Dr. S. Gowtham Kumar Nov 30, -0001 |
Indole assaySpeaker: Dr. S. Gowtham Kumar Nov 30, -0001 |
Regulation of Gene expression in bacteriaSpeaker: Dr. S. Meenakshi Nov 30, -0001 |
Bacterial Transformation – Part-IISpeaker: Dr. S. Meenakshi Nov 30, -0001 |
Bacterial Transformation – Part-ISpeaker: Dr. S. Meenakshi Nov 30, -0001 |
Prokaryotic Transcription – Part-IISpeaker: Dr. S. Meenakshi Nov 30, -0001 |
Prokaryotic Transcription – Part-ISpeaker: Dr. S. Meenakshi Nov 30, -0001 |
Stem cell culture medium preparation part IISpeaker: Dr. Antara Banarjee Nov 30, -0001 |
Stem cell culture medium preparation part ISpeaker: Dr. Antara Banarjee Nov 30, -0001 |
Fetal Bovine serum sterilization techniqueSpeaker: Dr. Antara Banarjee Nov 30, -0001 |
Introduction to Mesenchymal stem cells.Speaker: Dr. Antara Banarjee Nov 30, -0001 |
Stem cells: types, sources and their characteristicsSpeaker: Dr. Antara Banarjee Nov 30, -0001 |
Introduction to nanomedicineSpeaker: Dr. Shoba Narayan Nov 30, -0001 |
Combustion based synthesis of nanoparticles: An insight into green method for nanoparticle synthesisSpeaker: Dr. Shoba Narayan Nov 30, -0001 |
Cross-linked cationic gelatin nanoparticles: Preparation and ApplicationSpeaker: Dr. Shoba Narayan Nov 30, -0001 |
Fluorescent labeled chitosan nanoparticles: Preparation and ApplicationSpeaker: Dr. Shoba Narayan Nov 30, -0001 |
Hybrid Nanoparticles: Preparation and ApplicationSpeaker: Dr. Shoba Narayan Nov 30, -0001 |
Nanoparticle for Diagnostic ImagingSpeaker: Dr. Karunanithi Rajamanickam Nov 30, -0001 |
Multiphoton MicroscopySpeaker: Dr. Karunanithi Rajamanickam Nov 30, -0001 |
Adding Reference While WritingSpeaker: Dr. Karunanithi Rajamanickam Nov 30, -0001 |
Correlation and Regression Analysis Using Microsoft ExcelSpeaker: Dr. Karunanithi Rajamanickam Nov 30, -0001 |
Demonstration on Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Functions and ApplicationsSpeaker: Dr. Karunanithi Rajamanickam Nov 30, -0001 |
GTG Banding TechniquesSpeaker: Dr. V. Ramakrishnan Nov 30, -0001 |
Cell Culture Media PreparationSpeaker: Dr. V. Ramakrishnan Nov 30, -0001 |
Sterilization Process used in Cell CultureSpeaker: Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami Nov 30, -0001 |
Application of TiO2 nanoparticles in reducing Bromophenol blue dyeSpeaker: Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami Nov 30, -0001 |
Types of Biosensors based on TransducersSpeaker: Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami Nov 30, -0001 |
BIOSENSORSpeaker: Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami Nov 30, -0001 |
Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2)nanoparticles using Sol-Gel methodSpeaker: Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami Nov 30, -0001 |
Biomaterials in Drug DeliverySpeaker: Dr. Agnishwar Girigoswami Nov 30, -0001 |
Interactive session part IISpeaker: Prof. Surajit Pathak Nov 30, -0001 |
Interactive session part ISpeaker: Prof. Surajit Pathak Nov 30, -0001 |
RNA isolation techniquesSpeaker: Prof. Surajit Pathak Nov 30, -0001 |
Introduction to Vector BiologySpeaker: Prof. Surajit Pathak Nov 30, -0001 |
RNA basicsSpeaker: Prof. Surajit Pathak Nov 30, -0001 |
Qualitative Analysis of Carbohydrates,Quantitative analysis of ProteinSpeaker: Dr. K. Kumar Ebenezar Nov 30, -0001 |
Introduction to Individual Counselling, Introduction to Group Counselling, Bhatia’s Battery of Performance Tests of Intelligence, Eysenck Personality Inventory Administration, Rorschach Inkblot Test AdministrationSpeaker: Dr. C.N. RamGopal Nov 30, -0001 |
WORLD CANCER DAYParticipants : 39 On the occasion of World Cancer Day, Department of Respiratory Medicine have conducted e-guest lecture on Endobronchial Ultrasound – An overview. Activities during the day included: Sensitization of smokers regarding lung cancer and importance of smoking cessation followed by Guest lecture. Session was moderated by Professor and H.O.D Dr.Meenakshi.N, Department of Respiratory Medicine. e-GUEST lecture was attended by 39 participants. The lecture was very informative and interactive. Feb 04, 2021 |
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